Chapter 199: Cyber ​​Attack
Zhao Changhai felt numb.

Professor Li started telling himself science fiction stories again. He had just mentioned the aerospace mothership, and in the blink of an eye even the anti-gravity engine and force field shield appeared.

Zhao Changhai had also heard about the sci-fi weapons PPT that a certain company exhibited at the Zhucheng Air Show, and he thought the names of these weapons were quite good.

At the same time, it can also be used as a plan similar to the Star Wars plan that the Empire used to fool the Soviet Union. If the Empire is fooled, a large amount of money can be invested in it.

Maybe we can win without fighting.

I never expected that Professor Li would get involved right away. Isn't he trying to get himself involved instead of others?
This kind of plan cannot be built without trillions of dollars.

An anti-gravity engine alone is probably not as reliable as the eternal 50-year project.

"Forget it, whatever you say is fine. I don't have any money right now. If you have the ability, just build it. I'll raise money to buy it after you build it."

Zhao Changhai finally understood. Since he didn't have to spend money on research and development, he would just buy the finished product once you developed it. You couldn't fool me this way.

Li Tang looked at Zhao Changhai's expression and knew that he didn't believe it, so he didn't say anything more.

"What about the rights to research and develop, build, and so on nuclear energy?"

"You can, but if we build a nuclear power plant to supply your city, it must go through an environmental assessment and related safety audits."

"That's a must, but can the ship's use be inspected by someone you send here?"

Zhao Changhai nodded and said, "Are you sure that the size and output power you just gave can be achieved?"

"Of course! We can produce it first, and you can send someone to inspect and accept it. If it doesn't meet the target, I won't charge you, okay?"

Zhao Changhai then smiled with satisfaction, "Okay, I like your energy!"

In the morning, Li Tang took Zhao Changhai to visit several places. After lunch, he specially arranged Zhao Changhai in the Super Blue Army Command Hall.

Here, one can also watch the rocket launch live in real time. Li Tang even asked if he wanted to sit in a flying car and watch the live scene from the air.

Zhao Changhai declined. It was a secret visit in the first place. If he made it so high-profile, wouldn't everyone know about it?
The Super Blue Army Command Hall is just right, and I can experience the advanced equipment here.

Since the first launch of the Sun Shooting No. 2 rocket, Datang Aerospace has carried out two rocket launches every week.

A space exploration launch costs 6700 million dollars, and a Longguo Aerospace launch costs 3600 million dollars.

Datang Aerospace launches 2000 million satellites at a time, which directly drives down the price of the world's satellite launch market.

Naturally, it also snatched a lot of space exploration orders.

In particular, the small satellite shared launch service program launched by SpaceX two years ago has been hit hard.

Their quote is 200 million Toler for every 100 kilograms sent to sun-synchronous orbit, and an additional 1 Toler for each additional kilogram.


This big discount quickly snapped up all the customers waiting in line at Space Exploration Company.

Otherwise, the Imperial Space Agency would not have come up with such a strong crackdown.

Some European customers actually canceled their orders, but overall they still stood on the side of the Empire.

Generally speaking, some people think they can apply some strategies from the history of the Dragon Kingdom to divide and disintegrate the relationship between Europe and the Empire.

In fact, this is simply impossible to achieve.

After a century of weakness, the people of the old aristocratic land always look upon the Dragon Kingdom with a deep-seated contempt.

At this moment, the number of people watching the scenery at the Dishui Lake has reached a record high of more than 52.

The entire coastal area, from the southernmost breakwater to the southern wall of the Future Science and Technology Research Institute headquarters, was crowded with people.

Because of the two rocket launches every week during this period, the locals of Shangdu have already come to see them, so the flow of people has begun to favor foreign tourists.

In the past, when foreign tourists came to Shangdu, they basically wandered around the city, and the scenic spots on both sides of the Huangpu River had the largest number of visitors.

We have to go up to the special human wall during every festival.

Now, this scene is often staged at the banks of Dishui Lake at the southeastern end of Shangdu. This time the number of people reached 52. This is not the total flow of people, but the number of people here at the same time.

The people of Longguo are still very simple and patriotic. When the empire openly and unreasonably suppressed their country's top scientists and enterprises, countless people still came from all over the country.

They had only one idea, that watching the rocket launch of Datang Aerospace was a way of supporting Li Tang.

Look, no matter how your empire smears and suppresses us, Datang Aerospace's rockets will be launched as usual and make history as usual!
This is the unyielding spirit of the Dragon Kingdom, this is the unyielding will of the Dragon Kingdom!
At this moment, I can't help, but I can stand here and witness history!

Unlike the early summer when [Shooting Sun] No. 2 was first launched, it is now the scorching heat season. The local officials, streets, etc. in Shangdu have taken various measures, but dozens of people still fainted from heat stroke at noon.

Fortunately, there were doctors, nurses and ambulances sent by the Future Technology Research Institute Hospital. Those who could be treated on the spot were treated on the spot, and those with more serious conditions were sent directly to the hospital. The Future Technology Hospital is not outstanding in other aspects, but it is large and has many beds.

Fortunately, at 18: in the afternoon, the sea breeze blew and many tourists immediately felt a long-lost coolness.

At this moment, the countdown sound suddenly came from the loud speakers nearby.

"Ten, nine, eight... three, two, one, fire!"

This is the result of the local cooperation with Datang Aerospace, which has deployed a large number of radios in the surrounding area. On the one hand, it can be used to maintain order, and on the other hand, it can broadcast live from the Datang Aerospace command hall.

All the tourists looked towards the sea at the same time. The launch ship was not surrounded by the white mist as in the past because it was a solid rocket launch and no fuel was needed.

When the flames from the rocket engine spurted out and the huge rocket rose slowly.

The people on the shores of Dishui Lake cheered loudly, and the rocket took off from the ground and soared into the sky.

On the breakwater by the sea, a young man with an oriental face was looking at the rockets excitedly.

"This is the glory of Asia! This is the beginning of Li Sang's counterattack against the empire!"

A girl next to him asked in surprise: "Mr. Yamada, why do you say that? The launch of this rocket was planned by Datang Aerospace a long time ago!"

The young man's name is Yamada Masao. He is from Eastern Japan, but he is an Orientalist at heart. He feels deeply ashamed of the empire's military presence in Eastern Japan.

Yamada Masao said: "No, you didn't look carefully, although the [Shooting Sun] No. 1 was launched from a launch ship, it was a solid rocket.

You all know a little about Longguo's aerospace industry. Their Kuaizhou 31 is also a solid rocket, which is said to be transformed from the Dongfeng series.

This can be launched directly on the road and plays an important role in satellite network replenishment during wartime.

Future wars will be inseparable from satellites. Satellite offensive and defensive battles will be the second battle after the war begins. Which side wins this battle will basically determine the outcome of subsequent wars. "

The girl looked at Yamada Masao with some admiration and said, "You said this is the second battle, then what was the first battle?"

Yamada Masao said: "The first battle is a cyber attack and defense battle, which is the key to the two sides' fight for information control!"

At this time, another man wearing glasses asked, "Mr. Yamada, it's not surprising that Datang Aerospace has solid rockets.

Previously, another private company's Lijian-26 Yao- carrier rocket was also a solid rocket, and it also achieved satellites in one rocket."

Yamada shook his head and said, "The carrying capacity of the Force Arrow 500 to a 1.5-kilometer sun-synchronous orbit is only tons.

The low-Earth orbit payload of [Sun Shooting] No. 90 is 500 tons, and the 15-kilometer sun-synchronous orbit payload is as high as tons!
This is a ten-fold difference!
Haven't you figured it out? This gap is the generation gap. With the same solid rocket, Datang Aerospace has left all its competitors far behind.

The most crucial point is that you all did not pay attention to what was written on their official website that this launch mission is not just to help customers launch satellites, that is just a by-product.

This launch mission is the most important, so I said this is the beginning of Li Sang's counterattack against the Empire!"

The girl asked, "What launch mission is that?"

"Launch an orbital vehicle called the Golden Car!"

"Golden Chariot orbital vehicle? What is this?" the bespectacled man asked in surprise.

Yamada Masao said: "I don't know, but I guess it's one of those things from Dragon Country that is too advanced to be displayed.

Or maybe it's similar to the Empire's X37B."

While several people were talking, the rocket had already rapidly sent the payload into low-Earth orbit. It would first leave the test version of the Golden Chariot in a 160-kilometer low-Earth orbit.

The third-stage rocket will continue to send the remaining customer satellites into sun-synchronous orbit.

When the news that the satellite had successfully entered orbit was broadcast, all the tourists sang "Singing the Motherland" together.

On the coast, there was thunderous singing and the scene was spectacular.

At this moment, someone in the crowd exclaimed.

"Oh my god, look, someone has reported some breaking news from abroad online. The Blue Particle Organization on the Empire side is simply anti-human!"

"Damn, the Blue Particle Organization is really so dark and dirty!"

"Yeah, then how many of our scientists have died inexplicably in the Empire?"

"I have to get my son back quickly. This book cannot be read anymore. It's terrible!"


A cyber attack instantly swept towards the Empire!

(End of this chapter)

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