Chapter 211 Time and Space Collision
Li Tang was indeed sighing. If it wasn't the first time he faced such an interrogation, he would not have allowed Shui Xiuminzi to commit suicide.

That’s right, Mizuhito Toshiko didn’t want to commit suicide on her own, but was subconsciously driven by the psychological suggestion planted by hypnosis.

Even though Li Tang has extensive research on psychology and hypnosis, he has never faced a hypnosis master like he did tonight.

This encounter greatly boosted Li Tang's research in the field of consciousness technology, allowing him to discover that human memory can really be written and reconstructed.

You can even partition and set different memories just like computer partition storage, and then set some specific psychological hints as indexes for memory reading.

Li Tang could basically conclude that when he hypnotized Shui Xiu Minzi at the beginning, the memories she confessed were definitely a mixture of true and false, and were preset in Shui Xiu Minzi's consciousness by other masters.

Later, after I increased the intensity of hypnosis, I should have broken through a certain partition boundary, or it can also be called a memory block, allowing me to access some real memories.

However, there should be a more tightly protected memory area beneath this layer of memory. This time, I was not experienced enough and was blocked by the other party.

At this time, the police had arrived. After Li Tang asked Captain Xiao to hand over the task to the leading police officer, he led the Super Blue Team to withdraw.

In any case, the effect of the Super Blue Army's public appearance through this exercise has been achieved. There are not only Chinese people on the cruise ship, but also Eastern Japanese and some Western tourists.

Li Tang did not arrange anyone to stop some people from taking photos and posting them on WeChat Moments. He just wanted to show the individual equipment of the Super Blue Army to make the Empire nervous.

In Li Tang's opinion, the Strategic Research Institute can now be changed to the Strategic Terrorism Institute to terrify the enemy so much that they dare not start a war.

After returning to the headquarters, Li Tang did not go to interrogate Shen Danqing immediately.

He still needs time to digest the clash of hypnosis with Mizuhito Toshiko tonight.

Not only did I gain something from the hypnotic interrogation of Shui Xiuminzi, but I actually gained even more when I was hypnotized by Shui Xiuminzi in the first place.

When I just saw Shui Xiuminzi, although I was prepared, I was still affected by her hypnosis.

What is somewhat strange is that Li Tang’s state at that time was not being hypnotized by Shui Xiu Minzi, because Li Tang’s consciousness waves were also attacking outwards.

After the intensity of the consciousness wave of Mizuhide Toshiko was superimposed, a special barrier seemed to be opened.

I didn't have time to think too much at the time, but now that I'm back in my own laboratory at headquarters, everything is slowly becoming clear.

As the only general scientist today, he is at the forefront of science and has explored the field of consciousness technology with Su Yafei.

What he experienced tonight was like his own nightmares and was definitely worth studying over and over again.

First of all, he was able to confirm that everything he saw was not a dream like what he saw in his nightmare.

Instead, it was a very real feeling, which was only "seen" by his consciousness.

So the question is, how did his consciousness "see" some of the scenes he had dreamed of?

According to the knowledge Li Tang currently has about consciousness waves, when his consciousness waves were released, they collided with Shui Xiu Minzi's consciousness waves.

Or it was intensified, so that it gained greater energy, thus penetrating a certain barrier and coming to the dream time and space where the Dragon Warriors were, and "saw" the final battle of the Dragon Warriors that he had recalled in the dream.

Li Tang knew the result. The Tianlong warriors were finally captured and the dragon clan was eventually destroyed.

Li Tang and Su Yafei had initially determined that the dream scenes in nightmares might be the future of the present time and space.

After what his consciousness "saw" tonight, Li Tang came up with a bold idea.

The dreams that I had seen in nightmares for many years were actually the future in another time and space.

Because everything in that world is too similar to the present time and space, one would mistakenly think that it is the future of the present time and space.

In the current space and time, two very similar space and time are theoretically called parallel space and time.

Some people believe that there may be countless parallel time and space, and there will be similar people in each time and space.

There have even been similar stories in movies, where someone kills himself in countless parallel universes so that all the energy is concentrated on him alone, wanting to become the savior of all universes.

When there are two similar people left at the end, one is positive and the other is negative, and the two have a big showdown.

In the movies, justice ultimately triumphs over evil, but from a scientific point of view, whether the positive merges with the negative, or the negative merges with the positive, the final result is the two becoming one.

Based on this assumption, what Li Tang "saw" tonight might be explained.

Consciousness finally broke through the barrier and saw the final battle that took place in that time and space from a God's perspective.

In particular, we can also "see" the star cluster that represents the two time and space.

It is obvious that the two star clusters are about to collide, or in other words, merge.

At this moment, the two time and space have already established some connection due to the contact of some star cluster tentacles.

Perhaps this is why Li Tang had nightmares since he was a child, dreaming about scenes, people and events in that time and space. Even in this world, there may be other people who have dreamed about things in that time and space, but they may not be as deeply entangled as he is.

Or just think of them as nightmares and never take them seriously.

Assuming that I had not learned hypnosis, I might not have discovered my consciousness waves, and it would have been impossible to enhance my consciousness waves.

Yes, Li Tang had discovered long ago that the more times his consciousness resonated, the greater the energy intensity of his consciousness waves would be.

He has even measured that, assuming the intensity of an ordinary person's consciousness wave is 1, then the intensity of his consciousness wave is at least 1.

This is his latest measurement result. In the earliest measurement, the intensity of his consciousness waves was only 2000 times that of an ordinary person.

He estimated that Shui Xiuminzi's consciousness strength was at least 3000.
Moreover, the consciousness intensity of the Red Star Security and RSS mercenaries who were conducting virtual training in the virtual Red Star world increased from 1 of ordinary people to 100.

Just reaching 100 has greatly improved the strength of these people.

Even for researchers who have undergone consciousness resonance or consciousness transmission learning in the virtual Red Star world, the consciousness intensity has reached over 50.

This is why Li Tang decided to gradually promote the virtual Red Star World among his own circle, and not just to make them more loyal to him through the virtual world.

If not for this, Li Tang felt that even if his consciousness waves collided with Shui Xiuminzi's tonight, it would most likely be difficult to penetrate the dimensional barrier due to insufficient energy.

Yes, Li Tang identified a certain barrier between two time and space as a dimensional barrier.

Tonight's consciousness travels through the past, which is a kind of consciousness crossing dimensions.

Unfortunately, there is no way to observe such phenomena, otherwise we would be able to make great progress in consciousness technology.

Having said that, since he was fortunate enough to "see" another space-time rushing towards his own space-time, and time was the number that flashed in his consciousness.

Li Tang had quickly added tonight's date to that number, exactly the right amount.

2049 10 Month 1 Day.

This day is the day when two time and space collide or merge.

In other words, that dream space-time will invade the present space-time on that day!

Now the question is, what impact will this day have on the current time and space?
Is it the end of the world, or is it nothing going to change?
Or, the changes are not so great that they will affect human survival?

But no matter how you look at it, this is a huge change!
Counting from now, there are only 26 years at most. The collision or fusion of the two time and space, even if it is to build a spaceship, there is nowhere to escape.

Because the invasion of parallel time and space is all-round, the entire time and space will collide or merge. Instead of taking a spaceship to another strange star field and feeling the collision of two time and space.

It would be better to stay in your own home galaxy and wait for that moment to come.

Li Tang's mind was thinking at high speed, trying to find a way to safely survive this catastrophe.

Suddenly, he thought of a phenomenon in astronomy that large galaxies would devour small galaxies.

For example, the Andromeda Galaxy, which is 254 million light-years away from the Milky Way, has swallowed up several small galaxies around it.

It is said that the Andromeda Galaxy is heading towards the Milky Way.

Even our own Milky Way has swallowed up smaller galaxies.

If the collision between dream time and real time is also like this, then which of the two time and space will swallow whom?
The reason why galaxies collide in the universe and large galaxies devour small galaxies is entirely because the core gravity of the large galaxy is greater, so it will completely attract the small galaxy and make it a part of it.

Now that the two time and space are colliding, what is the core force of gravity?
As long as you know this, you will understand how the collision of two time and space will devour and merge.

Li Tang thought for a long time but couldn't get the point.

He shook his head and said, "Zero, prepare me a cup of coffee."

"Okay, wait a moment."

Li Tang stood up and walked to the floor-to-ceiling window. Outside the window was a platform extending more than ten meters outward, with a larger glass curtain wall in the middle of the platform.

Outside the curtain wall is the flying car parking lot.

Only Li Tang knew that the huge protruding parts within the curtain wall were actually movable thick walls of [snow mud].

When the mushroom bomb alarm sounds, it only takes three minutes for these thick walls of [snow mud] to move to the window position and completely block the windows of the entire building tightly.

In an instant, the entire building will become a closed fortress.

Even the mushroom eggs can’t be shaken!

(End of this chapter)

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