Chapter 223 The Empire's Panic

In fact, Li Tang was not worried that Cai Xiaosong would leak information. The last time Cai Xiaosong leaked information, he just told an official that a certain company was also under his own company.

Ever since all employees started using consciousness helmets and connected to the virtual Red Star world, Li Tang no longer worried about anyone leaking information.

In addition to brainwashing, the repeated confidentiality clauses have invisibly become a memory block in everyone's subconscious mind.

For Li Tang, who now understands the nature of consciousness and memory, this is an unintentional blessing.

"Well, ever since the Super Blues debuted, many people on the Internet have speculated that those equipments were made by us. As for whether they were made by Datang Seiko, it doesn't matter anymore."

Cai Xiaodong breathed a sigh of relief, approached Li Tang and said, "Tang Tang, can you tell me if I can help you with this matter?"

Li Tang turned the pen in his hand and said, "What a coincidence, Daqin Automobile just happened to have a batch of electric vehicles to be delivered to Lu Song's dealers recently.

It has been handed over to Dongfeng Shipping for transportation, and Red Star Security has been hired to provide personal security services for engineers and other employees on board. "

Although Cai Xiaosong is only the helmsman of the public fund Zehua Capital and is not clear about the details of "Dongfeng Shipping", Red Star Security Company has investments from its subsidiary funds.

At the same time, Li Tang also reported some information to the company's senior executives, and Cai Xiaosong still knew some things about Red Star Security.

Red Star Security’s business in Lusong is currently developing well and it has certain local connections.

This is also the reason why he has the confidence to help his partner Lao Zhao find his missing ex-ex-girlfriend.

If someone has a gun, I don’t believe that the missing person can’t be found.

But when Li Tang suddenly mentioned Daqin Automobile's export of cars, Cai Xiaosong was a little confused.

"Tang Tang, how does this matter have anything to do with Daqin Automobile?"

Li Tang glared at Cai Xiaosong and said, "Lüsong has been jumping around so much recently under the instigation of the Empire. The law enforcement ships of the Empire's Coast Guard are now based in Lüsong's port.

Do you think that when the Daqin Automobile's cargo arrives in that area, will they dare to seize the cargo and arrest the people?"

Cai Xiaosong was immediately startled, "Tang Tang, are you going to cause trouble?"

"What do you mean I want to stir up trouble?" Li Tang glanced at Cai Xiaosong with dissatisfaction again, "It's been a few days since Professor Rosen issued the statement?
Did you see that the Empire has rescinded my global arrest warrant?
Have you seen the Imperial Coast Guard increasing the number of law enforcement ships near Luçon, Diego Garcia, and the Panama Canal?
Think less about girls and more about how to strike back at the Empire!"

Cai Xiaosong felt a chill in his heart, knowing that Li Tang was really a little dissatisfied.

He quickly said seriously: “Brother Tang, don’t worry, I have already made business arrangements.

Our own global capital flow system has been put into operation with the help of the Mengying platform, and 80% of the capital flow has been transferred in, and the rest is basically going through CSIP.

In terms of carbon-based chips, it is believed that by the end of the year, they will occupy more than 82% of the global chip market, and lithium-crystalline batteries will completely replace all previous lithium batteries.

By the way, the sodium crystal battery newly launched by Datang Battery has begun to replace the low-end lithium crystal battery market.

Through our partners, I have also attracted a number of old aristocratic chemical companies and some precision processing companies to come here.

It will probably be difficult for the Empire to fill its huge hole by harvesting the old nobles.

Now with [Dream Shadow] sweeping the global Internet, several major technology giants in the empire have completely ceased operations.

Now the Nasdaq has entered a long bear market, and the Dow Jones Industrial Average can hardly hold on any longer.

The products we brought into the Empire through our partners saved the Imperial Tax Bureau 270 billion dollars in tariffs last month alone..."

"Okay, I know you're not lazy. I want you to pay more attention to the Empire's reaction. We are going to fight the Empire alone now, so we must be extra careful."

Cai Xiaosong heaved a sigh of relief and said, "Brother Tang, don't worry. From now on, when I sleep, I will keep one eye on the Empire."

Li Tang said unhappily: "Do you think you are an owl? By the way, don't go abroad casually for the time being. I don't want to see you being captured by the empire as a hostage!"

Cai Xiaosong was slightly stunned and said, "Brother Tang, do the Empire really dare to be so shameless? Do they also restrict us executives?"

Li Tang glanced at him and said, "Are you stupid? Didn't you see the situation in Hong Kong? It's easy to find excuses to accuse someone.

Just wait and see, they will soon take so-called financial restrictive measures against the CEOs and above of our first-tier subsidiaries.

You take the lead in holding a meeting for them and prepare countermeasures in advance. Group executives and above are no longer allowed to go abroad. First-tier subsidiary CEOs must hire Red Star Security when traveling abroad."

Cai Xiaosong nodded and said, "Okay, I'll call a meeting as soon as possible."

After saying that, he was about to leave, but suddenly turned back and said, "Brother Tang, that..."

"As for that girl, upload her basic information to Zero. Also notify that partner and tell him to go to Mani Wax and wait. Whether he is still alive or not depends on God's will."

Cai Xiaosong nodded quickly, "Okay. But I just suddenly remembered that Luo Bing is currently in Monihe, Prussia, fighting a patent lawsuit between Daqin Automobile and Bosch..."

Li Tang frowned and said, "I see. You go and get busy first."

After Cai Xiaosong left, he began to think.

As a technology company, the company has registered a large number of patents around the world. In this regard, Luo Bing was invited to serve as the legal director from the beginning to be fully responsible for related matters. However, with too many patent applications, this kind of patent dispute will arise, especially after the Future Technology Research Institute has become world-renowned.

There are dozens of patent lawsuits involving infringements every month. Today, the legal team of the Future Science and Technology Research Institute has grown to 3000 people worldwide, not including additional local lawyers.

Generally speaking, as the highest person in charge of legal affairs, Luo Bing would definitely not personally appear in ordinary lawsuits.

This patent dispute case with Bosch actually made her stay in Munich, Prussia at this time. Obviously, the case is very important.

However, Bosch is a Prussian company and the top ten auto parts manufacturer in the world. It is extremely difficult for it to win a patent dispute lawsuit with its opponent in Prussia.

"Zero, what patent is Luo Bing suing Bosch over?"

Zero said: "Dean, there are a total of 133 patents involved, of which the two most important ones are the electric transmission patent and the electric start patent.

We have made great innovations in these two patents, but some parts still fail to bypass Bosch's patent wall.

So a dispute arose. Because Daqin Automobile is currently selling well all over the world, if it wants to pay patent fees to the other party, it will have to pay at least 2000 Dragon Coins for each car, which now means 4 million Dragon Coins per month.

This does not include the sales in Dragon Country. If we count it, it will be more than 8 million Dragon Coins per month."

After listening to Zero's report, Li Tang couldn't help but stand up and walk to the window.

This future technology city has only risen so recently, and is constrained by its competitors in too many areas.

This kind of technical patent lawsuit has to be fought no matter what.

The amount of money involved is indeed not small, but it is really not a question of money.

Now that the Future Science and Technology Research Institute has established a great reputation in the scientific and technological community, it would be nice if a reconciliation could be achieved.

I am afraid that there is an empire behind this, which is to make Daqin Automobile lose the lawsuit, and then impose a punitive fine, and ultimately achieve the goal of discrediting Future Technology.

From this point of view, it is imperative for Luo Bing to fight on the front line of Pu country.

Li Tang turned around and gave a decisive order: "Zero, issue a mission to Mike and ask him to select the most elite RSS team.

No, at least three, one in the open and two in secret, protecting Luo Bing's team.

In addition, notify Qi Tian of Red Star Security and ask him to send a special mobile team to stand by in the waters of Zhonghai and be ready to go at any time."

Zero said, "Yes, Dean, the order has been issued."



Across the ocean, the corner tower.

Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Michelle Brick has been rather annoyed lately because the opposing ocean-going fleet is now going out to sea more and more frequently.

Each fleet usually has three ships, one 052D, one 054A, and a supply ship. Such small fleets usually dare not get too close to the second island chain.

Because that would completely lose air cover, especially the cover of air electronic warfare capabilities. This small fleet is usually used to go to the Gulf of Asia for anti-piracy escort.

But now it is different. After entering the second half of the year, this small fleet boldly moved forward and carried out large-scale interspersed cruises throughout the Pacific Ocean.

Some even dare to approach directly near Hawaii, which is already the third island chain!
Originally, the Imperial Air Force wanted to teach these small fleets a lesson.

They sent out electronic warfare aircraft to conduct multiple simulated attacks, but not only did they fail to harm the enemy, but their own electronic warfare aircraft were completely suppressed by the enemy's [Predator] unmanned electronic warfare aircraft.

That’s right, the drones that were originally from science fiction movies have now become standard equipment on naval ships there, with powerful electronic warfare and anti-submarine capabilities.

Yes, the opponent's drones are capable of accurate anti-submarine warfare, as proven by the Imperial Navy being forced to pull out nuclear submarines from the sea three times in a row.

During this period, the entire corner tower was shrouded in an inexplicable sense of panic.

Knock, knock, knock. There was a series of rapid knocks on the door.

General Brick's heart skipped a beat. What bad news was this?
"Please come in."

As he finished speaking, a staff officer pushed the door open, walked quickly to his desk and handed him a folder.

He reported: "General, according to the satellite photos we just received, a strike group consisting of three amphibious assault ships and a supply ship has just been dispatched, and they are heading south from Shangdu at high speed!
But here’s the weird part, look at the top photo.”

Brick opened the folder and saw the photo.

His hand shook and the photo fell on the table. His eyes were a little presbyopic, so he reached into the drawer and took out a magnifying glass.

When I put the magnifying glass on the satellite photo, my eyes were suddenly filled with confusion.

(End of this chapter)

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