Chapter 243 Sinking the Aircraft Carrier
Du Yiyan looked at the 12 pilots in front of her and knew in her heart that they might not come back after this battle.

Among the 12 pilots, there are 3 flight instructors sent by Red Star Security.

They insisted that each of them lead a four-plane team to ensure the mission was accomplished.

After all, the other nine People's Army Air Force pilots can all be said to be rookies, even though they have already excelled in the simulated air combat in the virtual Red Star world and can be called aces.

But in reality, these People's Army pilots are rookies who have never even flown a fighter plane.

Although the three flight instructors were not much better than them, at least in China, the headquarters arranged actual machine training and confrontation for them.

Looking at the chief instructor Ding Richang, Du Yiyan said only one sentence:

"Sink the aircraft carrier, go!"

Then he raised his hand and saluted the 12 people.

Ding Richang's face was solemn. He raised his hand to return the greeting and said loudly: "Sink the aircraft carrier and forge our military spirit!"

The remaining 11 pilots shouted at the same time: "Sink the aircraft carrier and forge our military spirit!"

The 12 pilots turned around and ran towards their respective fighter planes.

In just one minute, 12 F16 fighter jets flew out of the factory one after another and turned onto the repaired runway.

Immediately, with the clearance from the tower, two planes took off one after another in a group.

Du Yiyan returned to the command room and looked at the projection screen, showing the formation flying north after completing the mid-air assembly. She whispered to herself, "Come back alive!"

Although she knew in her heart how difficult it was to come back alive from this mission, once the mission goal was achieved.

The morale of the People's Army will be boosted unprecedentedly.

All the resistance fighters against imperial tyranny around the world will be inspired by this result!
Among all the Red Star Security personnel involved in Operation Lu Song, she was the only one who understood the Dean's strategic intentions, which was to either drag the Empire to death here or make the Empire retreat in the face of difficulties.

No matter what the outcome, the chain set by the empire must be broken.

At this time, Ding Richang, who was leading the team in the air, did not have too many thoughts. He just wanted to complete the mission and try to return alive.

Half a year ago, he could never have imagined that he would become a flight instructor of the Lusong People's Army Air Force and fly a fighter plane to attack the Empire's aircraft carriers!

At that time, he was just a college student who graduated from a second-tier university and couldn't find a job.

He originally thought he had found a security job, but he soon discovered that Red Star Security was an overseas security job with high risks and high salaries.

When the choice was presented to him, Ding Richang decided to give it a try.

His family was very short of money. His father had uremia and needed long-term dialysis. The whole family depended on his mother's meager salary. His sister dropped out of school and went out to work so that he could go to college.

Although he wanted to give up going to school, his mother insisted on dissuading him. With just one sentence, he listened to her advice, "Our family needs a little hope. Only if you go to college can there be hope!"

Ding Richang spent his four years in college working, so his grades were just average.

In addition, it was a second-tier university, and at a time when graduates from 985 universities were becoming unemployed, he had not been able to find a reliable job for more than half a year after graduation and could only make a living by doing various odd jobs.

Under the beating of society, I am struggling to find that hope.

Joining Red Star Security and the high salary overseas was the hope he was looking for.

Who would have thought that after many rounds of training, he would be selected into the aviation team. Who would have thought that he had a talent for flying?
After rounds of training, whether it was actual training or simulated confrontation in the Red Star virtual world, Ding Richang stood out and became the number one in the Red Star Air Force.

At the same time, he also became one of the countless Red Star security team members who established their faith.

As a result, he was sent to Lusong and became the chief flight instructor of the People's Air Force.

When he first came into contact with the plan, he was shocked by Du Yiyan's boldness. Later, he found it highly feasible and actively participated in the revision of the details.

Finally, the plan was reviewed and approved by the Super Blues Staff.

Now as he leads his team on the journey to their destination, Ding Richang's mind is filled with simulated scenes from the virtual world played over and over again.

Sinking the aircraft carrier is imperative!


The second day after Operation Thunder, 2:8 a.m. Beijing time.

The third wave of "Freedom's Fury" bombing has just ended.

In view of the inexplicable losses suffered by the Empire in the first wave of bombing, Tiago added another wave of bombing for the purpose of revenge.

The Imperial Navy and Air Force launched a second wave of bombing at 3:00 a.m. that day, which was said to have achieved greater results than the first wave.

At 7:00 in the morning, Tiago commanded the third wave of bombing.

The bombing operation lasted about an hour before it ended, and fighter planes from all over began to return.

East of the Bass Strait, the USS Theodore carrier strike group is sailing southward in a mighty manner.

Following the carrier strike group were ten transport ships carrying more than 11 soldiers and equipment from the 3000th Imperial Marine Expeditionary Unit.

At this moment, these energetic soldiers were cheering at the fighter planes flying low.

These fighters had just participated in the third wave of air strikes in Operation Freedom's Fury.

Some of them are fighter jets from the USS Theodore, and some are F16 fighter jets that flew all the way south from the Canadian base.

After completing the bombing mission from Northern Luson, the fighter planes returned together.

In the air, they were divided into several levels, and the F18 carrier-based fighters were at the lowest altitude because they would land on the USS Theodore aircraft carrier midway.


The highest level is the E-2C carrier-based early warning aircraft of the USS Theodore.

Rear Admiral John Brown, commander of the USS Theodore Carrier Strike Group, is 43 years old, which is the prime time of his life.

He was very unhappy with Major General Tiago because he failed to obtain the position of frontline commander in this "Freedom's Fury" operation.

Naturally, there were complaints about the loss of four F35 fighter jets and an Aegis destroyer in the first wave of air strikes.

When his strike group approached Northern Luson and participated in the third wave of air strikes, he remained vigilant enough.

It was not until this moment, when the air raid was over and the fighter planes returned one after another and began to land in batches, that Little Brown felt relieved.

Standing on the bridge, Little Brown, with a cigar in his mouth, watched with satisfaction as his planes landed one after another.

On the deck, ground crews constantly gave instructions and guidance, asking the fighter planes to park at the corresponding positions and vacate landing spaces as quickly as possible.

After all, the fighter planes hovering in the air were running low on fuel after a wave of bombing operations.

Although there was some chaos on the deck, the fighter planes still landed smoothly one after another. Some entered the deck parking spaces, and some were being transferred to the hangar via elevators.

The unused air-to-air missiles on the fighter planes were unloaded by the ground crew and piled on the deck, and will be put into storage after inspection.

Standing next to Little Brown and relaxing with him was Colonel Thomas, the commander of the flying wing.

The African-American colonel looked at the deck and said with a frown, "We recovered too many fighters at once, and these guys are a bit flustered.

It seems that I will have to give these guys more training in the future!"

Little Brown blew out a smoke ring and said calmly, "Thomas, you are too strict.

The resistance forces in Northern Luson have no navy or air force, so we don't need to worry about them being able to attack us.

As for the opponent on the other side, you have seen it clearly on the situation map in the war room just now. In order to avoid suspicion, their fighter planes did not make the routine move to Bass Strait today. "

Thomas smiled and said, "General, that's not what you said just now. You asked us to be careful again and again, and even arranged four fighter planes to guard the Bass Strait area."

Little Brown said with a bit of pride, "I'm not like that careless guy Thiago who was ambushed by the first wave of air strikes.

He actually forgot that the Resistance might capture the Typhon system and use the Standard 6 missiles contained in it.

The people in the corner tower had already reminded us that there were veterans from that area in the People's Army.

Fortunately, they only used it for air defense, otherwise if it had hit his "Ronald" directly, he might have been thrown into the sea to feed the fish.

Look at our current position. Even if the resistance army can produce Standard 6, they can't get here.

So we just need to guard against sneak attacks from the Bass Strait."

Thomas was about to nod in agreement when his expression suddenly changed.

He pointed to the ten o'clock direction and said, "General, are those four fighter planes over there F16s? Why are they flying so low?

Are they out of fuel and planning to land on our carrier? Are they equipped with stern hooks?"

Little Brown turned his head and looked over. In the distance, four F16s seemed to be lowering their altitude towards the aircraft carrier. The leading one seemed to be really about to land, and even lowered its landing gear.

"How many F16s just passed by? Did one of their fighters fall behind? even lowered the landing gear. It seems that it may be out of fuel..."

"Shit, they're not our fighters! Damn it, shoot them down immediately!"

After all, Thomas is the commander of the Air Force Wing, so he should have better eyesight.

He clearly saw that the wings of the leading F16 fighter jet with its landing gear lowered were loaded with ammunition.

Our fighter planes had just completed an air strike mission, and all of their ammunition, except for air-to-air combat bombs, had been used up.

The four F16 fighter jets I see are definitely enemies!

It’s just that human eyes sometimes produce illusions.

For example, if you are standing on an aircraft carrier and watching a fighter plane slowly descending, you might think that the speed is very slow, but in fact the fighter plane is very fast.

So when Thomas called out.

The F16 fighter jet that was getting bigger in the field of vision had already approached the sky above the aircraft carrier and was flying quickly and low over it.

Amid the roar of the huge engine, two black spots fell from under its wings.

Immediately afterwards, amid the exclamations of the ground crew on the deck, two huge explosions were heard.

Little Brown, who had felt a sudden chill in his heart when he heard Thomas' shout, dropped the cigar in his hand onto the floor of the bridge in shock.

Then he saw two explosions on the deck.

One of the black spots fell near an F18 fighter jet that had just landed and had no time to move, directly overturning the fighter jet and causing it to explode.

The burning F18 fighter plane slid sideways again and hit a row of F18 fighter planes that had just parked and were refueling. The fire quickly spread along with the leaked fuel.

The air-to-air missiles piled on the deck that had not yet been stored were about to explode.

The location where the other black spot fell was a bit tricky. It actually fell into a descending elevator, and the fighter plane on the elevator was blown up together with it.

Not only was the elevator unusable, but the fire also spread to the hangar below.

All this happened in just a few seconds.

(End of this chapter)

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