Chapter 245: Sinking into the Sea
Before Ding Richang and his wingman approached the transport fleet behind, an alarm sounded from the cabin that the aircraft was being locked by radar.

Apparently, the escort warship was frantically launching a batch of Standard 6 air defense missiles every three seconds, vowing to shoot down all the fighter planes in the sky.

Anyway, at this time, there were only enemy planes flying in the sky.

The four escort fighters in the outer circle did not dare to get too close facing the sky full of anti-aircraft missiles.

The smoke trails of missiles rising into the sky made every Aegis ship look like an octopus released.

This actual combat scene is probably the first time since the birth of the Aegis ship that an air defense missile has been launched with the maximum capability of the ship-borne vertical launch system.

Suddenly, the voice of another Red Star security instructor, Su Cheng, came from the communication channel, "Gui Tou Ding, if you come back alive, help me take care of your sister-in-law..."

The sound stopped suddenly.

Su Cheng is a good friend of Ding Richang who he met after joining Red Star Security. Because Ding Richang has many clever ideas, Su Cheng nicknamed him "Ghost Head Ding".

"Brother Cheng..." Ding Richang felt a pain in his heart.

He couldn't see where Su Cheng's fighter planes were. Su Cheng was responsible for leading the team to attack the early warning aircraft and then attack the transport ship. It seemed that the former task was the easiest to complete.

But in fact, among the three teams, Su Cheng's mission is the most dangerous.

Because once the attack is launched, the fighter planes of the Sucheng squadron will be at high altitude, and with the escort fleet's air defense firepower fully open, their fighter planes will probably be the first to be attacked by the most saturated missiles.

Especially at this time, Ding Richang led his wingman to perform a large-angle maneuver, dropping jamming bombs and climbing at the same time.

His eyes were instantly attracted by a scene: the mighty 100,000-ton aircraft carrier was tilting on the sea and slowly sinking.

"The aircraft carrier is sinking! We sank the aircraft carrier!"

Ding Richang shouted loudly in the communication channel!
This cry seemed to have been suppressed in the hearts of the Long people for half a century, and at this moment it was finally roared out by Ding Richang!
For some reason, Ding Richang's eyes were instantly filled with tears.

In the communication channel, the wingman pilot suddenly shouted: "Take care, Instructor Ding!"

Out of the corner of his eye, Ding Richang suddenly saw an anti-ship missile launched from under the wing of his wingman, followed by two Standard 6 missiles that crashed into it.

Amid the exploding fireworks, Ding Richang did not see the ejection seat fly out.


Ding Richang roared angrily, and the life of the 21-year-old young man came to an end.

With a sudden push down of the nose, the entire F16 dived down at a 90-degree vertical angle.

With the help of the opportunity created by the wingman's self-sacrifice, this super-maneuverable action instantly widened the distance between Ding Richang's fighter and the inescapable range of the Standard 6 air defense missile.

This means that the Standard 6 air defense missiles currently in the air will not have enough power to catch up with Ding Richang's fighter.

Unless a new Standard Missile 6 is launched at him.

This time difference is enough for Ding Richang to lock onto the transport ship and launch anti-ship missiles.

Between the sea and the sky in the north, a string of black dots came into view.

Ten targets were locked simultaneously on the AN/APG-16 fire control radar screen of the F66 fighter jet under Ding Richang's seat.

At this time, according to the performance of the F16 fighter, he could attack four targets at the same time.

But there were only two anti-ship missiles under his wings.

Before he could think about it, the voice of System Zero's command rang out in the communication channel of the tactical helmet.

"Your wingman has two anti-ship missiles in the air. Please take over immediately and guide them to lock onto the target!"

Ding Richang was overjoyed when he heard this, and immediately took action. He saw two missile signals appear on the radar screen, and under his guidance, they flew towards the two locked targets.

At this time, a new radar lock alarm sounded again!
The enemy had apparently launched a new batch of anti-aircraft missiles.

Ding Richang immediately pressed the launch button and fired both anti-ship missiles.

Then, he threw out two GBU-12 laser-guided bombs in the magazine. At this time, his fighter plane was only about ten kilometers away from the transport ships, which was just within the range of the laser-guided bombs.

After dropping the bomb, Ding Richang heard the radar warning sound in the cabin becoming more and more urgent. It was obvious that the fighter plane was already in the no-escape zone of Standard 6.

In a few seconds at most, the fighter plane will be hit by a missile.

Ding Richang directly pressed the ejection button!

Before setting off, Du Yiyan told everyone that once they were locked by a missile, they must immediately choose to eject and parachute and fall into the sea as quickly as possible.

That way they have a chance of being rescued.

Although this sounds incredible, Du Yiyan said it very seriously and everyone listened to her.

But in the fierce sea and air battle, no one could remember this life-saving incident.

At this time, Ding Richang was just following standard operating procedures and performing the ejection action.

After being ejected, he felt a little regretful.

Do I have to be a prisoner of the empire?

At this moment he made up his mind that if he fell into the sea and was really captured by the empire, he would commit suicide with his service pistol.

At this moment, he suddenly remembered what Du Yiyan had said.

"Only by falling into the sea as quickly as possible can we have a chance to be rescued? What does that mean? Is there a submarine of ours under the sea?"

While he was thinking, two Standard 6 missiles hit the out-of-control fighter at the same time, and the explosion occurred not far below him.

The debris almost hit Ding Richang who was beginning to fall.

Fortunately, he passed through the explosion zone safely, and when he fell to a certain height, he opened his parachute.

Only at this time did he have the opportunity to look at the sea in the distance.

There, he saw three whirlpools, four sinking transport ships, and many people floating on the sea!
There were also three transport ships emitting thick smoke, apparently damaged.

It was obvious that the comrades' missiles were also launched.

It is estimated that three transport ships may have been hit by missiles that were too accurate, and sank quickly. In any case, the mission was basically completed, and this Imperial Marine Expeditionary Force suffered nearly half of its casualties.

Ding Richang turned his head and continued looking, hoping to see his comrades' parachute flowers.

But the sky was empty, with only him floating in the air.

He could see helicopters from the escort warships providing rescue services over on the aircraft carrier side, and no one paid any attention to him, the parachuting enemy.

When he fell into the sea with a splash, the parachute immediately detached and drifted away, and the life jacket automatically inflated, making the whole person float.

The detached life raft not far away was automatically inflating, and Ding Richang was preparing to swim over.

Unexpectedly, there was a pulling force suddenly under the feet, and the whole person quickly sank into the sea.

15 meters underwater, before Ding Richang could react, he was dragged into a space by a robotic arm and the hatch was immediately closed.

Immediately afterwards, the seawater in the space was quickly drained, and Ding Richang was finally able to breathe deeply.

He looked at everything in front of him in amazement. Although he couldn't see outside at this moment, he could feel that the machine he was in was diving rapidly.

"Sure enough, there is a small submarine! No, this should be considered a submersible, right?"

The space is not large, roughly the size of a truck cab.

As expected, their own technology is amazing. In such a sea and air battle, there is such a submarine lurking under the sea, which can rescue their pilots who fall into the water at any time.

Thinking that he had been rescued by his own family, Ding Richang felt inexplicably relieved.

Only at this moment did he feel extremely tired. He leaned against the cabin wall and fell asleep very quickly.



Across the ocean, the corner tower.

20:45 local time.

Because on the other side of the Blue Star, the Empire's Pacific Theater is carrying out the "Freedom's Wrath" military operation, even though it is already night here, many people are still working overtime.

The entire corner tower was brightly lit.

Michelle Brick was in his office, looking at the latest summary of the results of the third wave of air strikes.

Suddenly, there were rapid knocks on the door and it was pushed open.

The secretary rushed in and said, "General, something terrible has happened..."

Michelle glared at the secretary angrily and shouted, "What a panic! Get out!"

"General, really..."

"Go out and knock on the door again!"

The secretary had no choice but to retreat, then took a deep breath and knocked on the door steadily.

After waiting for three full minutes, a voice came from inside: "Come in."

The secretary pushed the door open, walked to Michelle's desk, stood at attention and saluted, then said, "General, General Tiago has an important war report!"

"Tell me, what results has he achieved?"

The secretary opened the folder, spread it out, placed it on Michelle's desk, and pushed it in front of Michelle's eyes.

"Please take a look."

Michelle glanced at the secretary and shook his head secretly. This new secretary is not good enough. It seems that he has to change her tomorrow.

He picked up the folder and looked at the war briefing on it.

Suddenly, he almost put his face against the folder, until those lines of text pierced deeply into his eyes and entered his brain, his hand trembled and the folder fell on the table.

Michelle felt that her brain was blank and she couldn't think for a long time.

"General, general..."

The secretary's call brought Michelle out of his state.

Michelle leaned on the desk with his hands and stared at the secretary with his big eyes.

"Go, immediately arrange a confidential meeting room and notify the three armed forces to hold a joint meeting! In addition to the chief officers of each service, the commanders of each theater must attend!"

"Yes, General."

The secretary agreed but did not leave immediately. Michelle was very annoyed by his hesitation.

"Any other bad news?"

The secretary saw the bulging veins on Michelle's dark brown forehead and knew that his boss was extremely angry.

He immediately said tremblingly: "Uh... the news about the aircraft carrier has... spread like wildfire on the [Dream Shadow] platform!"

"What?!" Michelle was furious.

But for a moment, he didn't know who to blame.

Suddenly he pointed at the door and said, "What are you still standing here for? Why don't you go and arrange a meeting?"

"Oh... okay..." The secretary turned and stumbled out.

When the door was closed, I heard a loud noise from inside and the sound of various things falling to the ground.

The secretary stopped at the door, patted his chest, and secretly decided to find an opportunity to transfer out of this position. This old black man was too torturous.

After thinking about it, he turned around and left in a hurry.

(End of this chapter)

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