Chapter 254: All in My Hands
During this period of time, Lusong Island suddenly became much calmer.

The Empire's "Ronald" aircraft carrier strike group retreated to the southeast, and the distance from North Luson increased to 500 kilometers.

The Northern Luzon People's Army issued a war report, declaring that it would sink or shoot down any warships or military aircraft that invaded the territorial waters and airspace of Northern Luzon.

On the defense line south of Baguio, the Lusong Army occasionally launched small-scale exploratory attacks, but they were all beaten back by the People's Army. The entire northern Lusong was actually no longer subjected to the empire's heavy bombing.

In fact, the Empire's military strength is still very powerful, even though it lost an aircraft carrier and a brigade-level Marine Corps.

But compared to the vast military power of the empire, it is not even a drop in the bucket.

The Empire has deployed nearly 70% of its military forces in the Indo-Pacific theater. If it really wants to participate in the Lusong Civil War on a large scale, it is actually not as difficult as imagined.

However, the target of these military forces deployed by the empire is not Lu Song, which is why Lu Song can remain calm.

And this calm is only temporary.

Li Tang knew very well that the empire was adjusting its deployment in the Indo-Pacific theater and planned to free up some naval, land and air forces to assist Lu Song’s army in effectively implementing the "Defend Freedom" military operation.

If we don't move, then we won't move. But if we move, we must eliminate the Northern Lusong People's Army.

We must seize the last period of calm and complete the People's Army's actual control over Northern Lusong.

"No. 0, in the Red Star World game area, how are the people selected from the crowd playing the game [Gifted Life] doing in the Political Science and Law University in the Red Star World Territory Zone?"

Zero said: "Reporting to the Dean, there are only 33689 people willing to sign up for the training, and currently there are 23196 people who have passed the assessment."

The [Gifted Life] game is a basic game opened through the game channel of the [Mengying] platform. It is a brand-new metaverse virtual game.

Using the virtual helmet provided by Datang Software, you can choose a variety of different professions in this game and experience different life growth processes.

Some people like fighting, some like farming, some like...

However, some of the professions offered here are similar to those in reality, while some seem to have a futuristic feel, such as alien miners.

No matter which one it is, it can allow people to gradually upgrade from a novice within the professional system through various learning and practice.

In fact, this is another future experiment of Li Tang, a new model for talent selection.

Everyone is born with a blank sheet of paper. As long as the acquired training resources keep up, he (she) can be shaped into a talent in any direction.

In fact, this perception is wrong!

Everyone's intelligence level and talents are actually determined at the moment of birth.

However, it is extremely difficult to discover everyone's talents after birth.

Many people often study for half their lives before realizing that they have chosen the wrong career, but their life has already been wasted in mediocrity!

Li Tang has the technical means to instill knowledge memory, but he also finds that not everyone can become an expert in a subject just by instilling knowledge memory of that subject.

If he does not have the talent for that subject, even if he acquires the corresponding knowledge and memory, he is only a skilled researcher in that subject and it is difficult for him to have real research results in that subject.

Therefore, it becomes very important to discover everyone's inner talents.

Li Tang feels that through virtual games, the time to discover talent can be greatly shortened, as well as the cost of discovery.

Based on this idea, Li Tang formed a special team.

Under his guidance, we gradually designed a career experience growth game that can discover human talents: [Talented Life]

Anyone who continues to experience and grow in the game of [Talented Life] will eventually find out which career is best for them, or the system will tell you what career is suitable for you.

As Dream Shadow becomes increasingly popular around the world, this game is gradually becoming more familiar and popular with more and more people.

Some people gain recognition in reality through the professional knowledge they learned in the game, and actually join that profession and earn a high salary.

The key is that these people will post their experiences in the forums attached to the game and do all kinds of Versailles.

This has created a viral effect, leading to more and more white-collar workers starting to play this game.

Everyone hopes to discover their talents, start a new career, and become a winner in life.

Some people who have read a lot of novels of a certain point even think that this may be a system that selects the protagonists, and they enjoy immersing themselves in it.

In fact, the game [Talented Life] can only be regarded as Li Tang's preliminary round for discovering talents. Through this game, he finds a group of people with certain talents.

These selected talents will be hired by a subsidiary of the Future Science and Technology Research Institute, and then receive the corresponding upgraded consciousness helmets after signing the corresponding agreement.

After getting the consciousness helmet, these people will be guided to log in to the Red Star World and continue their studies in the virtual university corresponding to the territorial area.

At this time, it is actually the time to instill knowledge and memory that suits their talents, and through repeated conscious co-frequency learning, eventually turn them into some kind of expert.

After two rounds of selection, they become truly available talents for the Future Science and Technology Institute and are placed in corresponding positions.

In this way, the talent team of the Future Science and Technology Research Institute is not only clearly divided, but also becoming larger and larger. For Li Tang, who wants to integrate the human civilization of the present time and space within 26 years, this way of selecting talents is the real "heroes of the world are finally within my grasp"!
“Only 33689 people signed up, and only 23196 have completed the training assessment?”

When Li Tang heard Zero's answer, he couldn't help but click his tongue.

He sighed and said, "It seems that many people think that the management professions of the nature of civil servants in the game are completely inconsistent with the real civil service examinations and are not very helpful in reality, so the number of players choosing this kind of profession has become much fewer.

Even players who choose to play this kind of profession may already be civil servants and play games just for fun.

Naturally, there is no need to sign a contract with companies under Future Technology.

Zero, it seems that you need to promote it in the forum, especially for registered users in the northern Lusong area, and you should have exclusive advertising directly to them. "

"Yes, Dean."

If Beilusong is to be stabilized in a short period of time, be completely controlled by the People's Army, and become a part of the People's Army's strength, it will require certain regime management personnel.

Li Tang would certainly not allow Jejomar to build and manage New Lusong in the traditional way. Instead, he had already convened a group of professors and experts in public administration to conduct special research.

After combining the technological means that Li Tang could provide, a futuristic regime management model was designed.

This management model is being tried out in three places: Baruch, Sonam People's Republic and North Lusong.

Among them, Bharuch can only be regarded as a special zone because it is not completely separated from Patan.

However, the states of Sonam and Beilusong are preparing for a full trial.

“Number Zero, among those who passed the assessment, two-thirds will be assigned to Beilusong and one-third will be assigned to Suonan.

The remaining ones who are still undergoing assessment will be assigned to Baruch after they pass the assessment.”

"Yes, Dean."

The population of Sonam is less than half of that of Northern Lusong, so this distribution ratio is just right.

"By the way, which country do most of these people come from?"

Zero said: "90% of these people are Dragon people, 5% are Asian, the remaining 3% are from Europe, 1% are from Empire and Maple Leaf, and the last 1% are from Africa.

After systematic measurement, it was found that the reason for such a huge disparity in the ratio is that most of the people who are willing to play this kind of official career are people in Longguo who are taking the civil service examination.

Those who are willing to sign a contract with the Red Star Foundation are mainly from China.

Because the Red Star Foundation is under the banner of a subsidiary of Future Technology, people in other countries are still very worried about some of the restrictions imposed by the Empire."

Li Tang nodded slightly and said: "This is normal. In reality, the country that likes to be an official is definitely the Dragon Country.

In addition, there are so many college graduates who want to take the civil service exam, but there are so few positions that some people cannot get a job even after several years of taking the exam.

Now I can play games and sign a contract with the Red Star Foundation through games. It is always a good job with good pay.

In this case, Longguo now has tens of millions of college graduates every year, so you should send more direct ads to these people. "

Zero said, "Okay, Dean. But I remember you said that it would be best to ensure that a certain proportion of local people serve as public servants."

Li Tang waved his hand and said, "It would be best if there are locals, but it doesn't matter if there are none. Civilization will eventually be unified, and it may be easier to accomplish if there are more Dragon people as public servants.

As for the problem of local people's distrust in traditional management, it can be completely eliminated through our technological means.

Moreover, there will definitely be no situation in the future where public servants oppress local people. With the help of management technology, these public servants will become true public servants in human history.

This is the real charm of the Communist Party of China.”

Li Tang wrote very clearly in the Red Star World Science and Technology Communist Party pamphlet about what the organizational form of the future high-tech society will be.

Overall, this will be a technology-based society, which will also have different classes.

What distinguishes classes is the innate talents of each person.

Anyone who possesses the talent of a scientist in a certain discipline will become the top of this civilization, and they will lead the civilization to continue to develop and progress.

The classes formed by other talented people will serve the scientist class and occupy various levels below the scientist class according to the size of their service contribution.

The people at the bottom of the social ladder may not necessarily be untalented, they may also be talented but lazy by nature.

In the future society, resources will be unlimited and everyone’s basic life will be guaranteed, but it will be impossible for the lazy class to have a better life.

Even so, it will definitely cause a group of lazy people to lie down from now on.

Li Tang also plans to retain this lowest level of lazy people, so that it can serve as a reference for other classes and thus motivate people in other classes to work harder.

(End of this chapter)

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