Chapter 265: Crushing the Master
Gu Kai quickly continued, "Division Commander Luo Nan and I immediately adjusted the deployment and used three companies to attack from different directions at the same time, but soon after we got in.

Only more than half of the people from the three companies escaped. They all said that they encountered very scary enemies who could not be killed at all.

We sent out Hunters to investigate, but only one of the three Hunters captured a blurry human figure, and the rest lost contact.

The location of this factory is right on the main road in the north of Dongzhi City. If a cannon is mounted on the roof of the factory, it can cover the entire Dongzhi City.

What's more, the Shan Army's 2nd Brigade to the south of Dongzhi may come to reinforce at any time, so we must not leave it alone.

But this is a pharmaceutical factory invested by the Japanese, and we can't just destroy it all indiscriminately, so we are stuck here, and then we ask for instructions from the battle command."

After listening to the report, Luo Yan calmed down.

Without saying a word, he immediately asked Gu Kai to project the images sent back by the Hunter before it lost contact, and conduct on-site analysis.

Before the Hunter entered, there was a complete power outage in the factory, and it was pitch black like a man-eating beast.

The three Hunters flew in from the three previous attack entrances of the coalition forces. Two of them lost contact first, and it seemed that they were shot down as soon as they entered.

Obviously, the two entrances should be heavily guarded.

After the last [Hunter] entered, it should be located in a workshop, and it was a clean workshop.

This allowed the Hunter to wander around, find a big door, and use a mechanical arm to open the door and enter.

After passing through the portal, they entered a corridor, and the Hunter flew along the corridor.

There are almost no doors on both sides of the corridor until it is about to reach a glass door in front, where side doors appear nearby.

[Hunter] approached the glass door and was about to extend his mechanical arm to open it when the side door suddenly opened and a tall figure flashed out.

[Hunter] opened fire almost immediately.

The figure seemed to be prepared. It pounced forward at an incredible angle, touched the wall opposite the corridor, and then turned to pounce on the [Hunter].

At this moment, the camera could clearly capture a flash of a knife, and the Hunter, who had no time to turn the gun, was shot down and lost contact.

The scene stopped abruptly.

Luo Yan looked at Luo Nan and Gu Kai, "What do you think?"

Gu Kai was the first to say, "I feel like this guy is like the legendary Japanese ninja. He used a knife to chop down the Hunter."

Although Luonan came from the Shan armed forces, he was also trained by the Red Star Security training system.

To be able to become a division commander, one not only has outstanding combat command capabilities, but also has individual strength far exceeding that of ordinary special forces soldiers.

At this time, he also said: "I remember that in the virtual training, there seemed to be a subject of fighting against Japanese ninjas.

If the opponent is a ninja, the figure's sword-drawing speed would seem to be much faster than that in the virtual training system.

Just think about it, with the Hunter's camera system, it couldn't capture the knife clearly. The speed... Tsk tsk..."

Luo Yan nodded and said, "Luonan is good, you looked very carefully. If this figure is a Japanese ninja, its agility can definitely be comparable to our A-level."

Gu Kai was shocked when he heard this: "No way? Can it be comparable to your A-level security?"

It's no wonder that Gu Kai was surprised. Currently, there are only eight captain-level figures like Luo Yan who can reach the A-level security level of Red Star Security.

With their skills, if they wear the second-generation power armor of Tianwu, it will not be a problem for one person to kill a battalion of any active army in CQB combat.

If it were placed in the jungle, I'm afraid even a battalion might not be able to deal with a Red Star A-level security guard in armor.

If the individual soldier's ability had not been rapidly improved with the help of Li Tang technology, the Super Blue Army would never pay so much attention to individual soldier training.

After all, with the advancement of science and technology, fighter jets, missiles, drones, etc. seem to have made the army useless, let alone the weak individual soldiers?
"Wait a minute, I'll put on my armor and go meet this figure..."

"No! Captain, this won't do. Who knows how many masters there are in this factory? You can't go in alone, unless the instructor agrees, otherwise..."

Gu Kai tried to stop him without even thinking about it.

In the Red Star Security System, almost all personnel above the rank of team leader have been personally instructed in their skills and taught by their mentors.

On the battlefield, one must never rely on one's own strong abilities to engage in personal heroism without regard for one's own safety.

Red Star Security must focus on teamwork and will never engage in one-on-one combat if they can outnumber the enemy.

The only good enemies are dead enemies.

Such mottos or slogans can be found everywhere in virtual and real training grounds.

Luo Yan glared at Gu Kai and said, "What are you thinking? Would I be so stupid as to go in alone and fight an unknown enemy?
Hurry up and get ready, have you forgotten how to crush an expert in combat?"

Gu Kai slapped his head and said, "Look at my memory. I was just misled by the captain's words. In fact, we had already been preparing before you came."

Luo Nan also said: "Yes, we have gathered all the [Hunter] and [Seiko] partners, and also mobilized the cruise missile pickup truck.

Prepare to launch a surprise attack on the factory. I don't believe that the Japanese ninjas can escape the concentrated fire of so many unmanned equipment. "Luo Yan nodded and said, "Yes, I brought reinforcements and 80 cruise missile pickup trucks. In order to ensure annihilation, all of them will be used."

Gu Kai couldn't help but smack his lips and said, "Wow, we have gathered 24 cruise missile pickup trucks, and you have transferred 80 more, a total of 104.

The first wave can guarantee 2496 cruise missiles..."

"Don't forget it!" Luo Yan patted Gu Kai on the shoulder, "Hurry up and write the combat requirements to the battlefield mastermind of the command center.

After the attack is launched, the battlefield mastermind will be responsible for coordination and target allocation.

Also, remember that all squad leaders and above in the 208th Squadron should change into A-class armor and follow me in to finish off the enemy!"

"Yes, Captain."

Gu Kai went to make arrangements excitedly, and Luo Yan said to Luo Nan, "Commander Luo, your joint forces should prepare for the outer defense.

This kind of expert is likely to break out with injuries, so we must block all the surrounding passages!"

"Yes, Chief Instructor."

Luo Nan was about to leave to arrange the mission when Luo Yan called him back, "I remembered something. After you stopped the attack, were there any surveillance cameras on the surrounding passages? Did anyone escape?"

Luo Nan shook his head and said, “We have surrounded the park, they definitely didn’t escape.

In addition, there are at least three Hunters in the air monitoring this area."

Luo Yan immediately said: "Immediately give orders to the Hunters in the air and arrange one to scan the surrounding terrain as soon as possible.

Make sure there is no underground passage from this factory to other places!"

Luo Nan was shocked when he heard this and said, "Yes, we neglected this. I will have someone give the order right away."

As Red Star Security carries out various missions around the world, combat missions in Sonam Kingdom, Beilusong and other places begin to appear frequently.

It would seem a bit less flexible and convenient if Zero were to be solely responsible for coordinating the command of various intelligent equipment on all battlefields and mission sites.

Li Tang has developed a new battlefield mastermind, which allows the commander of the combat unit who receives the mission to decide whether it is appropriate to carry the battlefield mastermind to coordinate the corresponding tasks.

Of course, Zero can still control the battlefield mastermind in real time.

It is equivalent to adding a group of assistants to Zero. If the assistants can do the job, Zero can save the corresponding computing power.

If necessary, Zero can take over directly.

The most important thing is that with a battlefield mastermind, the subjective initiative of front-line commanders can be more effectively brought into play.

They can modify relevant instructions in real time according to changes on the front-line battlefield to ensure the strike effectiveness of all intelligent equipment and improve strike efficiency.

This "Mountain and River Swallowing" operation can be said to be the first large-scale application of this equipment, and it can be said that it did have a good effect.

When the headquarters' combat staff prepare the next action plan and input it into the combat main brain, all combat units are ready to go.

At this time, Luonan has also confirmed that there is indeed a tunnel under this factory building leading to a church in the south.

The entire tunnel is about 2 kilometers long. In order to prevent the enemy from escaping from here, Gu Kai will lead eight teams, all in armor.

At the same time, 30 cruise missile pickup trucks and a regiment of joint troops were mobilized to cooperate in the blockade of the area around the church.

Luo Yan, who had already put on his armor, confirmed it again and gave the order to launch the attack.

All combat units, including Luo Yan, under the command of the battlefield mastermind, rolled towards the factory building like a sophisticated war machine.

The first to attack were a group of cruise missiles in the sky.

The cruise missile pickup truck designed by Datang Precision can be launched in several batches, and then the battlefield master will assign targets for attack, as the cruise missile can stay in the air for up to one hour.

You can also directly set the target to attack.

The cruise missiles in the air split into three groups and rushed directly into the factory like a swarm of bees, followed by a series of violent explosions.

Regardless of whether there are experts guarding the entrance, they will be hit by this wave of bombs first.

Next came the second batch of cruise missiles. This batch of cruise missiles was a smoke bomb, and after the explosion, a large amount of thick smoke would flow into the factory.

Anyone hiding in the factory, no matter if they are experts or not, will be either fainted by the thick smoke or have their vision obstructed while trying to stay awake, unless they have the appropriate equipment.

The third group was the [Hunters] who came in quietly. These intelligent killers could even open the door by themselves, so there was no need to worry about not being able to perform their duties in the factory.

The fourth batch consists of 208 fellow [Seiko] fighters from the remaining four squads of the 4th Squadron of Red Star Security.

Enter according to the infiltration operation procedures and search forward.

As they led the way, the four team leaders led by Luo Yan followed behind.

(End of this chapter)

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