Chapter 267 Chasing and intercepting
Headquarters of Future Science and Technology Research Institute, 188th floor, Huarui Building No. .

In Li Tang's office, two projections were displayed in the room at the same time.

On one side is Luo Yan's real-time communication screen, and on the other side is the video data that Luo Yan just shot and uploaded to the system.

Li Tang looked at the video footage carefully, especially the close-ups of the various parts of the corpse taken by Luo Yan.

Li Tang was not too surprised to see a bony shell appear on the body surface of a humanoid creature that could defend against bullet attacks.

In the memory of time and space, the dragon race has similar special scales.

In the memories of the Tianlong Warriors that Li Tang later integrated, this kind of scale armor was the most special feature of the dragon clan, and only the Tianlong Warriors possessed it.

This is the result of genetic modification and modulation, the jewel in the crown of Dragon Clan's biotechnology.

In particular, not every dragon member can undergo genetic modification and become a dragon warrior.

The only thing that made Li Tang feel regretful was that the memory of the Tianlong Warrior he merged with did not contain this kind of genetic modification technology.

In fact, he hid the secret that he might have the genes of a dragon warrior.

Even when facing Su Yafei, he only told half of this secret.

This is because Su Yafei detected that there were certain mutations in Li Tang's genes.

But Li Tang just said that he might have encountered some unknown space-time radiation in his nightmare.

To be honest, Li Tang still hasn't figured out why he suddenly woke up from his dream when he was poisoned by gas that day, and the iconic scale armor of the Tianlong Warrior appeared.

The key point is, how was he transformed into a Dragon Warrior gene in a nightmare state?
Could it be that when consciousness travels into the body of a Dragon Warrior, it can not only acquire his memory, but also bring his body's genes back to the current body?

How does consciousness do this?
Is there some special relationship between consciousness and body genes?
Although he could not answer these questions, Li Tang had been exercising and testing the limits of his body, and indeed found that this limit increased with the increase in the intensity of consciousness.

Perhaps there lies the relationship between consciousness and body genes.

This was originally one of the research directions of consciousness technology established by Li Tang, but at present, there is only Shen Danqing around him who has the consciousness strong enough to be hypnotized.

She also has to participate in the research on consciousness waves and the cloning research that Gu Tanzhi is in charge of.

Research progress in this direction will have to stagnate temporarily.

I didn't expect that this combat operation in Bagan would lead to such an amazing discovery. The Japanese actually had such things in the pharmaceutical factory in Bagan.

Are they experimental products in pharmaceutical factories, or finished products that have achieved certain results?
Li Tang attached great importance to these two corpses. Perhaps the bone shells on their bodies had some similarities with the scales of the Tianlong warriors.

"Luo Yan, immediately arrange a [Flying Boat] and two [Predators] to transport these two objects back to headquarters!"

"Yes, mentor."

Li Tang thought about it and asked again: "Their pharmaceutical factory should have corresponding researchers. You don't seem to have noticed. Are these two things covering their retreat?"

Luo Yan suddenly realized that, yes, those researchers or the corresponding materials were the most valuable things.

This is the reason why these two things are fighting desperately to hold back the coalition forces.

"Teacher, we found a tunnel leading to a church in the south of Dongzhi City. We have already sent troops to block it, but I don't know if it will be too late."

Li Tang said: "Judging from the time, even if they were not surrounded, those people should not have run too far.

Use all your strength, even if you have to dig deep into the ground, to find them and capture them all!
We must not let them escape back to East Japan!"

Luo Yan said: "Yes, I will arrange it right away."

Li Tang stopped him and said, "Wait a moment, according to the traffic conditions in Dongzhi City, the fastest way to leave is for them to escape and take a car to the Heihe Airport in the west, or take the military railway from Ruiliang to escape back to Neidu.

Once they arrive in the inner city, with the help of the East Japanese embassy and some East Japanese companies, they can fly freely as they please, and it will be difficult to find them whether they leave or stay."

Luo Yan immediately said: "Teacher, I will immediately send two groups of people to take the [Flying Boat] to Heihe Airport and Ruiliang Railway Station.

If the Pu army stationed there is powerful, then send out [plunderers] to directly destroy these two places, so that they cannot escape using these two means of transportation.

If there are not many Pu troops, then occupy these two places and wait for the arrival of reinforcements from the Allied Forces.

In addition, I will send out [Hunters] to control the airspace around the entire Dongzhi City.

It is now one in the morning. On the road from Dongzhi City to Neidu, we will not let go of any suspicious vehicles. "

Li Tang nodded and said, "Yes, your arrangement is very good. So, the Seventh Reserve Battalion of Yanggao Base will be dispatched urgently and handed over to you for command. Make sure to capture these people!"

"Yes, I promise to complete the mission."

After ending the video call, Luo Yan immediately arranged the corresponding tasks.

At the same time, a command post was immediately established on the spot, directing the 3rd Division of the United Nations Army to speed up the elimination of the remaining enemies, control the key points of Dongzhi City, and begin to block the external passages of Dongzhi City.

At this moment, Zhao Lei came to report, "Captain, the commander of the 3rd Division of the United Army, Luo Nan, wants to see you!"

Obviously, Luonan was blocked outside the factory.

"Zhao Lei, you will be responsible for leading your team to find body bags for these two bodies and prepare to escort them back to the headquarters." "Yes."

After Luo Yan finished speaking, she walked straight out.

As soon as I arrived outside the factory, I saw Luo Nan waiting outside.

"Master Luo, do you have something to ask me?"

As Luo Yan spoke, she pressed the button on the tactical helmet, and the bulletproof mask of the helmet was directly retracted.

When Luo Nan saw Luo Yan, he immediately stepped forward and saluted, saying, "Reporting to the Chief Instructor, I just received the latest intelligence that the 88th Mobile Division has set out from Neidu and is heading straight for Dongzhi City!"

Luo Yan was stunned and asked, "Are you sure it's the 88th Mobile Division?"

"Yes, the information is correct."

She was very familiar with Pu Jun's 88th Mobile Division. For about a week, she even helped the 88th Mobile Division conduct special operations brigade training.

At that time, the Red Star Security had just entered Bagan. They used their connections to establish a relationship with General Mindon and used the pretext of selling certain weapons and equipment to him to take root in Bagan.

But in the end, Mindon refused to give in, which led to the implementation of this "awe-inspiring" military operation tonight.

The purpose was also very direct, which was to completely overthrow General Mindon and turn the war-torn Pagan ruled by warlords into the new Pagan for the people.

[I didn't expect Mindong and Dongwo to get together. No wonder they refused to give in. It turns out they have someone to rely on. ]

Luo Yan thought to herself and said immediately: "Commander Luo, the 3rd Division should speed up the elimination of the remaining enemies, control the key points of Dongzhi City, and block the exits from the city.

I will mobilize the combat squadrons to launch an air strike against the 88th Mobile Division on the march."

Luo Nan said: "Chief Instructor, the 88th Mobile Division has been dispatched. It is obvious that they attach great importance to the Eastern Japanese. Do you think they will send the Air Force to bomb?"

At present, the strength of the joint forces is indeed far greater than that of the Pu army, but there is also a problem, that is, the air defense force is relatively weak.

If Pu's army dispatches the air force, the coalition forces will be in a passive position.

Luo Yan snorted coldly and said, "Don't worry, do you think the Pu Army Air Force is capable of taking off at night?"

Luo Nan laughed when he heard this. "Hey, I'm really confused. If Pu Jun and his gang can fly at night, I'm afraid even a sow can climb a tree."

Then, he saluted Luo Yan and said, "Don't worry, Chief Instructor. The 3rd Division will ensure that Dongzhi City is under control."



Go back half an hour.

In a building 300 meters west of St. George's Church in the south of Dongzhi City, Rukawa Akio held up a night vision telescope and watched a team of United Army soldiers encircling the church.

"Baga, how did they find the church so quickly?"

Rukawa Akio turned to look towards the north suspiciously. The direction of his own factory was now completely quiet.

"Were the two King Kongs really destroyed so quickly? If they only have this much combat power, it would be disproportionate to the cost invested.

However, no matter what, we must evacuate here overnight."

Originally, he thought that if the coalition forces did not discover the secret passage, then they could hide here patiently and wait until the war subsided before leaving.

After all, those researchers and certain data and original liquids are the most precious and cannot have the slightest mistake.

Putting down the telescope, Rukawa Akio turned around and walked out of the room and entered another room.

The room was very large, and there were quite a few people inside, all lying on the ground in all sorts of shapes and sizes, some even snoring.

Seeing Rukawa Akio come in, a man stood up near the door.

"Ryukawa-kun, are we still leaving?"

Rukawa Akio nodded and said, "Dr. Shimazu, the enemy is chasing us. We must move immediately and leave Dongzhi City as soon as possible."

The person in front of him was short, wearing a pair of black-rimmed glasses, and was a middle-aged man with a round face.

He asked with some surprise: "Two King Kongs couldn't stop those militiamen? Are they that powerful?"

Rukawa Akio shook his head and said, "I originally thought that we had finally developed a successful King Kong, but I didn't expect its combat power to be so poor.

However, the firepower of the coalition forces that launched the war this time was stronger than expected.

I personally think that those people couldn’t stand Min Dong’s perfunctory response, so they simply asked the ethnic armed groups to unite and provide them with stronger firepower support.”

Shimazu Nakano sighed and said, "It's a pity that the laboratory we just built, as well as the 'wood' that can be used to refine the diamond enhancement liquid..."

(End of this chapter)

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