Chapter 270 The troops are divided into two groups
At the same time, Rukawa Akio finally led his convoy and made a path through the fields beside the road.

On the road before entering the field, all vehicles blocking the front of the convoy had their fuel tanks blown up by the heavy machine guns on the pickup trucks leading the convoy, and then burned (exploded) into ruins.

Then, it was knocked away by a Toyota Prado SUV equipped with a front guardrail.

After doing this several times, all the cars were scared and tried to avoid it. If it couldn't avoid it, the people in the cars would run away in fear.

With a convoy led by heavy machine guns and a lot of Toyota cars, these wealthy people with sharp eyes naturally guessed that they were the Eastern Japanese who opened a pharmaceutical factory in Dongzhi City.

Someone couldn't help but take a video and then posted it on the [Mengying] platform via their mobile phone.

The war broke out suddenly tonight, and the Pu army regime, as the party hit, had no time to react.

Even General Mindon did not realize that Internet public opinion should be guided.

Although there were reporters who wanted to interview, the Pu Jun regime did not issue any announcements when it suffered a series of defeats.

But at this time, the news channel of the [Mengying] platform already had a live broadcast room of the United Army, which was broadcasting news about the United Army's battle results.

In the discussion thread below this live broadcast room, many Bagan people posted videos they had shot, telling about the impact of the sudden internal war that broke out late at night on themselves.

However, there are still not many people who go online in Bagan, except where the war broke out.

Moreover, since Bagan is just an inconspicuous, poor and small country, the war here is unlikely to attract the attention of people in other countries.

What's more, there had been some sporadic battles in Bagan before, and the sudden outbreak at this time would have been something that people who were not paying attention to this place would have definitely not felt.

As for the neighboring countries, it was already early morning and most people were still immersed in their dreams.

Rukawa Akio would never have thought that his whereabouts were so clearly determined by Luo Yan.

Because he didn't like Longguo, he also didn't like Longguo's software platform [Mengying].

As for the other members of the team, they were so nervous while on the run that they didn't even think about looking at their phones.

Of course, they couldn't actually see it, because ever since Rukawa Akio knew that the armored warriors had appeared, he was worried that the cell phone signals would be tracked, so he took away everyone's cell phones when they set out.

After shutting down, place it in a shielded box.

At this time, he was the only one in the entire team who had a satellite phone.

Just as the convoy was heading west across the field, the phone rang.

An unfamiliar number appeared on the screen and Rukawa Akio answered it because only a few people knew this number.

"Is this Rukawa Akio? I am Ge Danwei from the Special Operations Battalion of the 88th Mobile Division of the Pu Army. We have been ordered to rescue you. Please tell us your current location coordinates."

Rukawa Akio was delighted when he heard this, and quickly said, "We are currently not far from Dongzhi City, in the wilderness near Dongmi Highway, heading towards Heihe Airport.

It’s about 20 kilometers away from Heihe Airport…”

As Rukawa Akio was speaking, he suddenly heard an explosion coming from the microphone and was stunned.

I took the phone away from my ear for a second or two to make sure that the explosion sound came from the microphone. I waited for another half a minute, but there was no sound from the other end and the call was disconnected.

A trace of fear flashed in Rukawa Akio's eyes, and he was a little worried.

Obviously, Tou Kaier's top brass must have put pressure on the general of Pu Jun, so they sent out this special operations brigade to rescue him.

However, he was killed just as he was calling me via satellite phone.

What does it mean?
This means that this rescue team has been targeted!
If the rescue team could be targeted so easily, then wouldn't our convoy have been targeted long ago?

He glanced across the road next to him that was lit up with car lights, then looked at the convoy behind him, which also had bright lights.

Suddenly, he felt a chill.

If it's broken, just walk through the fields without worrying about traffic jams.

However, they overlooked the fact that in the dark field, a convoy of cars with headlights on was the most obvious target.

With the technology of the armored warriors, the other party might not have been able to discover the convoy when it was blocked on the road just now, but now its position is definitely completely exposed.

"Attention all cars, prepare to stop and turn off the lights!"

Rukawa Akio picked up the car intercom and gave instructions to the drivers of each car.

The convoy quickly stopped and the lights were turned off.

The entire convoy immediately fell into a dark field.

At this time, the voice of Shimazu Nakano, who was sitting in the van at the back, came from the intercom.

"Ryukawa-kun, what happened?"

Rukawa Akio said, "Dr. Shimazu, please wait a moment. Let's get off the car and talk."

Two minutes later, on the ridge of the field, Rukawa Akio explained: "We are now driving all the way to the airport with the headlights on, which will easily be discovered by the enemy."

Shimazu Nakano frowned and said, "But that road is blocked. If our convoy is not equipped with off-road vehicles, we won't be able to pass through here.

Rukawa-kun, are you sure the enemy will find out?"

Rukawa Akio said: "I just received a call from the commander of the Pu army who came to rescue us, but they were attacked halfway through the call and the call was disconnected. I can be sure that the enemy should be able to use satellites, and our position may have been exposed at this time.

Doctor, you should understand how much desire they would have if they had two King Kong bodies. They would stop at nothing to intercept us."

At this time, Rukawa Akio did not regret using the two newly completed Kongos to stop the attack of the joint forces.

Because if they hadn't used King Kong, they would probably have been caught in the factory.

Shimazu Nakano nodded slightly. He certainly knew how many people would be driven crazy by the two King Kong corpses. In fact, he himself had already gone crazy.

I just didn't expect that the war would break out right after we finished the product.

"What are you going to do?"

"We must split into two groups. You will select the most core researchers. In other words, as long as you are here, we can create King Kong again.

If the equipment and 'wood' are lost, they are lost. We can take the time to get them back.

As long as I have you and the source liquid, plus the finished King Kong, as long as I can return to China, everything will be worth it."

Shimazu Nakano said directly without any pretense, "Then they are Yoshinari Oshima, Saburo Sakata, Gen Yamamoto, Tomoko Kutsu, and Hideo Okada."

"Okay, then I'll take the six of you, the source liquid, and the remaining King Kong, and take two Prados to take another route, while the convoy will continue to drive towards the Heihe Airport with the lights on."

Just five minutes later, the convoy turned on its headlights and continued on its way.

Because Heihe Airport is on the side of Dongmi Highway, the convoy can arrive there by just driving along the highway.

After the convoy left, the two Toyota Prados turned and drove back to the road.

When they find a place with less traffic jams, they rush directly onto the road, crash into those slow-moving vehicles, and drive away down the road.

What Rukawa Akio could never have imagined was that his actions were completely useless to his pursuers.

After Rukawa Akio and his group left, the convoy drove all the way with its headlights on, and in less than twenty minutes, they arrived at the Heihe Airport.

Astellas Pharmaceuticals of East Wo has two business jets here, allowing company personnel to return to Naidu, the capital of Bagan, at any time.

This is why Rukawa Akio and his friends wanted to come to Heihe Airport in the first place. Otherwise, it would be a waste of time for them to come here without a plane.

Heihe Airport seemed very quiet at the moment. There were only some lights near the simple control tower, and the runway was completely dark.

Two Astellas business jets were parked on the tarmac with their lights on, seemingly waiting for their arrival.

Rukawa Akio's deputy was sitting in the passenger seat of the pickup truck at the head of the convoy. When he saw that the airport was peaceful, he breathed a sigh of relief, but at the same time he couldn't help but laugh at Rukawa Akio.

"Does Rukawa really think he is the reincarnation of Zhuge Liang who has planned everything? Obviously, the coalition forces have not even reached us yet."

As they spoke, the convoy drove all the way to the helipad.

The deputy jumped out of the pickup and went to flag down the researchers in the van to get out and board the plane.

There were still 12 researchers in the van at this time, and the deputy asked the van driver to take these researchers onto a business jet first.

Then he and others prepared to unload the goods from two vans and load them onto another business jet.

I had only been busy for two minutes when I heard someone behind me say, "I've been waiting for you for a long time!"

The deputy and others turned around and saw a group of fully armed soldiers wearing exoskeletons surrounding them.

Because the deputy and his men were moving things, even those who had guns had them on their backs, and at this time they could only watch helplessly as they were captured.

It was then that the deputy noticed that the researchers who had just boarded the plane were escorted down again by soldiers wearing the same uniform.

There is no doubt that the driver had been captured long ago.

The deputy was not stubborn and quickly explained the plan of Rukawa Akio and his team to split into two groups.

He definitely didn't know which road Rukawa and the others took. After all, apart from the Tomi Highway which was a major highway, there were several other small roads leading to the inner city.

A piece of information quickly caught the attention of team leader Fan Minglei, "Ryukawa-kun has another finished King Kong!"

When this news reached Luo Yan, she had already led her team to target Rukawa Akio.

"Fan Minglei, have the deputy maintain communication with Rukawa Akio and see if he can guide him back to Heihe Airport."

"Yes, Captain."

Rukawa Akio received the report from his deputy, frowned, and asked, "Kumamoto-kun, is Ogawa-kun and Fujita-kun still flying the plane today?"

Deputy Taro Kumamoto replied: "Yes, it's still the two of them."

"Okay, then let them wait for us. They will arrive in about fifteen minutes!"

"Okay, we'll wait."

Putting down the communicator, Rukawa Akio snorted coldly and said, "Kumamoto, that idiot, must have been captured!"

(End of this chapter)

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