Chapter 279: Chaotic Chess Game
Go back half an hour.

Military airport in the northern suburbs of Mandu.

In the cover of night, a row of Raptor Cs were busy loading ammunition and refueling.

All the fighter pilots have already sat in the cockpit.

On the tower, Ding Richang did not sit in the cockpit this time, but served as the ground commander responsible for coordinating and commanding the combat operations of the entire fleet.

This afternoon, Ding Richang personally led the air battle against Pu Jun's air force.

He personally shot down three MiG-29s, adding glory to his own record.

None of the instructors from the Red Star Security Flying Corps participated in this evening air raid, and the air force cadets from the United Nations Forces were allowed to carry out the bombing mission.

Young eagles always have to fly solo.

Ding Richang never thought that after he sank the Imperial aircraft carrier and was rescued, he would come to Pagan so soon to lead the trainees in actual combat flights as an instructor.

But just think about it, he is the only pilot with actual combat experience in the Red Star Security Flight Corps.

Naturally, he was transferred from Beilusong to participate in the combat operations against the MiG-29 fleet of the Pu Army Air Force.

After all, the MiG-29 fighter is also a fourth-generation advanced fighter, and the Pu Army Air Force has been trained for many years.

The command center was a little worried about letting these rookie trainees of the United Nations Air Force face the situation alone.

In fact, both the flight cadets from the Pagan United Army and the flight cadets from the Lusong People's Army received training together from the instructors of the Red Star Flying Corps.

Well, when you think about it, there are actually more than just these two places.

Among Ding Richang's students, there were also students from other places, especially black students.

Obviously, Red Star Security’s business scope should be quite broad.

"Instructor Ding, all fighter planes have completed their attack preparations, requesting to attack!"

The somewhat excited voice of the dispatching officer nearby brought Ding Richang back to his senses.

This base changed its flag along with General Jing Hai, and the entire base, from pilots to ground crew, all underwent two days of intensive training.

This was a time when morale was high, especially in the afternoon when they wiped out the main force of the Pu Army Air Force cleanly and efficiently without losing a single fighter plane.

This is a great motivation for the officers and soldiers of the entire air force base.

Then in the evening, the entire army can attack again!
They would never have dared to think of this before.

On the one hand, it is because of limited funds, and on the other hand, the aircraft are too expensive.

Usually during training, we are afraid of the plane crashing, so there is very little time for actual flight training.

This is also the reason why the Pu Army Air Force usually does not have the habit of taking off and fighting at night.

Tonight, that habit was broken.

Ding Richang observed the projection of the airspace situation and found that a string of target cargo planes were approaching the target airport.

"All fighter planes of the 1st Division of the United Nations Air Force, prepare to take off and execute the 'group annihilation' combat operation!"

"Eagle One understands!"

The leading aircraft, No. 1, was none other than one of Ding Richang's most proud students, the United Nations Air Force cadet Zhao Ming.

This afternoon, as Ding Richang's wingman, he also shot down a MiG-29.

At night, he will lead the 1st Air Force Division of the United Nations to complete the bombing mission.

Following Ding Richang's order, one Raptor C fighter after another began to take off in groups of two, and the roar of the fighter planes resounded throughout the entire airport.

Soon, all 60 fighter planes took off into the air and flew southward following the formation.

Looking at the tail flames of the fighter planes rising into the air, Ding Richang knew that this action would shock the world!

Just twenty minutes later, the fleet arrived at the combat airspace.

The Raptor C is a fourth-generation and a half fighter with a powerful active phased array radar.

However, in this operation, they did not need to turn on the airborne radar, but instead used data links to transmit battlefield shared information.

Ming and all pilots can see the corresponding battlefield data through the head-mounted display screen of the flight tactical helmet.

At this time, they clearly saw that the prey were entering their attack range.

Ding Richang's order came through everyone's headphones.

"The target is in place, everyone drop the bombs!"

All fighter planes immediately opened their ammunition bays and dropped their laser-guided bombs.

Then, they completed their combat mission easily and returned home.

After having absolute air superiority and laser-guided bombs, air force ground attacks will be easier than playing games.

On the way back, images of the bombing results appeared on everyone's head displays.

Cheers suddenly rang out in the communication channel.

"Long live the United Army!"



With a "bang", another golden Buddha statue was smashed to the ground.

General Mindong's face turned pale and fierce, with no trace of the kind and gentle look on his face as if he was worshipping a Buddha.

"How dare they?"

Mandan still felt his whole body trembling at this moment. The huge explosion at the airport made him tremble from the bottom of his heart.

If he hadn't wanted to wait until those Eastern Japanese soldiers were fully formed before going over to greet them.

He should be in the explosion zone by now, with no trace left. Fortunately, his bodyguard was very experienced and pinned him to the ground in time, otherwise he should at least be in the hospital for emergency treatment, and he might not be able to survive.

"General, the so-called United Army Air Force is definitely their people. How can those guys in the United Army have the money and space to train fighter pilots?
Ambassador Sato has shown me the intelligence from the Empire.

The fighter planes that destroyed our air force today were all Raptor C-type!"

General Mindong's eyes were blazing with fire, and he suddenly knocked on the table.

Said: "Why do we need intelligence from the Empire?

Take a good look at other people's newspapers yourself!"

After saying that, Mindong walked to the window and looked at the night sky outside, as if thinking about how to deal with it next.

Only then did Mandan notice that there was a newspaper where Mindong's fingers were tapping.

He walked over and picked up the newspaper. It was a military newspaper. On the lower left corner of the front page, there was a report with pictures.

The title is: "Military trade achieves another success, exporting 60 Raptor C fighters at one time"

He read on quickly, and immediately a mouthful of blood rushed to his throat.

Mandan swallowed it back and said, “This… is simply a disrespect for us!

Can selling weapons to Red Star Security be considered military export?

This is an attempt to implicitly recognize the government established by the United Nations.

So who are we?
Also, this newspaper was just released this morning, and in the afternoon these 60 Raptor Cs launched combat operations against our Air Force.

At night they came to bomb our civilian airports again. When did they become like the Empire?"

General Mindong suddenly sighed and said, "We are naive. How could an opponent that the Empire treats so carefully allow us to bring in the Eastern Japanese?"

Mandan asked tentatively: "General, then... the Eastern Japanese..."

General Mindong's eyes suddenly flashed with madness, and he said: "The big country wants to play chess here, so I can give them a chessboard and let them play well!"

Mandan was stunned and said, "General, you want to..."

General Mindong snorted coldly: "You should contact Ambassador Sato immediately and request reinforcements from the East Japan!
This time, I allowed them to directly join the war in the name of protecting overseas Chinese without having to cover up their mistakes.

That Jiao Port can also be leased to Eastern Japan for use as a base!

In addition, I will have the Air Force launch a massive air strike on the enemy-occupied areas in northern Shillong!"

When Mandan heard the latter sentence, he was a little dumbfounded.

The main force of their own air force has been almost wiped out, and air supremacy has been completely lost. How can they carry out air strikes on the northern part of Shijiazhuang at this time?

Wait, real savings?

Why aren’t Kochen State and Shan State the real rear areas under the control of the United Nations Army?
Mandan suddenly thought of something and looked at General Mindong in surprise, "General, are you going to drag the white elephant into the water? But..."

General Mindong waved his hand and said, “There is no but.

I received a report from the 4th Brigade that the White Elephant had already sent a large number of troops to the border area yesterday, and at least troops have arrived in Mampbang.

Combined with the fact that the Empire's Security Assistant Firwin made a surprise visit to Xindeli the day before yesterday, didn't you smell something?"

Mandan said in horror, "No way? The white elephant dares to attack us?"

General Mindong snorted coldly, "Now we have internal and external troubles. Since this is a chaotic chess game, why can't I make it more chaotic.

No matter whether the White Elephants dare to take action or not, I will force them to take action.

Of course, the Air Force will deploy those Xiaolong 2s to direct the wrath of the White Elephant toward the Allied Forces!"

Mandan suddenly realized that his general was still the tough guy and was not frightened by the bombing.

"General, this trick of diverting trouble to the east is really a good one. I will go and talk to Ambassador Sato and make sure they continue to send more troops!"

"Go ahead, the Eastern Japanese won't fight back! We'll give them a name and a base, they'll probably be so happy!"

Just as Mandan was about to go out, he heard a hurried knock on the door.

"General, General, there is an emergency."

Min Dong frowned and shouted, "Come in!"

At the door, a major officer stood at attention and reported: "General, I just received news that Ms. Aung Su had a sudden cerebral infarction and has been rushed to the hospital."


Mandan was shocked. Ms. Aung Suw was the State Counsellor of the previous regime and a leader of the Pagan People's Alliance.

He was imprisoned when General Mindon imposed martial law a few years ago, but was later released under pressure but placed under house arrest.

Relying on the support of the empire, the Pagan People's Alliance had already been ready to make some moves.

At this time, their leader, Ms. Aung Suk, suddenly suffered a cerebral infarction. If she died, the blame would definitely be directed at General Mindon.

If the military organizations under the NLD also start to cause trouble, I am afraid that there will be no peace in General Min Dong’s current territory.

General Mindong looked sternly at the major and said, "I understand. Let the hospital do its best to treat him."

"Yes, General."

General Mindon waved his hand and the major walked away quickly.

Mandan asked in confusion: "General, what are you doing..."

General Mindong sneered and said, "It's already in chaos, why should we be afraid of more chaos?"

Seeing that Mandan was still in a daze, he said again: "Go and see Ambassador Sato."

"Oh well."

(End of this chapter)

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