Chapter 282 The Empire Strikes Back
Kino Sanxiong said flatteringly, "Sir, I believe you already have a pearl in your mind, right?"

Nakamura Kazuo also immediately said: "Please give me your instructions, sir!"

Takehisa Shinoda looked at Kazuo Nakamura, who had always been very obedient, and nodded slightly.

Although this person is a bit arrogant, after I have taught him a lesson this time, I think he can be of use to me.

Shinoda Takehisa said in a deep voice: “Nakamura-kun, first you have to arrange for someone to post comments on the [Dream Shadow] platform.

The relationship between Red Star Security and Li Tang must be exposed, and Red Star Security’s involvement in the internal war in Pagan must be pointed out.

They also need to expose their irresponsible behavior of reselling Raptors C to the warring party.

Then the news that Astellas employees were missing in Dongzhi City and the factory was destroyed by the United Nations Forces was released.

At this time, you explain the insufficient number of fighter planes of our Great Japanese Air Self-Defense Force, the suppression of the Empire, etc.

Finally, it should be pointed out that whether Japan can send troops requires the consent of the empire.

In short, we need to show that we responded in a timely manner and dispatched a mobile detachment.

But due to restrictions from the empire, we can only protect overseas Chinese in the name of mercenaries.

Due to multiple factors, the mobile detachment was wiped out in an air raid.

In this way, the public's anger can be perfectly transformed into an opportunity to expand the military.

Only when the public is outraged will lawmakers be pressured to pass the military expansion bill as soon as possible.”

Nakamura Kazuo immediately said, "Your Excellency's idea is indeed more prudent and complete. I will do my best to accomplish this."

"Well, I'll leave this to you. If you do a good job, I'll give you enough time for the Astellai matter."

When Nakamura Kazuo heard that Takehisa Nobuda had postponed the fatal mission, his heart immediately fell back into his stomach.

It turns out that you still have to be proactive to save yourself.

"Hey! I will do my best."

Nobuda Takehisa turned to Kino Mitsuo and said, "Make two plans here.

One is that if the empire agrees that we should send troops to Pagan, then we will know how many troops we will need and how long it will take to complete the assembly and deployment of the troops, so as to ultimately help the general stabilize the current territory.

One is that if the empire does not agree to our sending troops, then we can mobilize as many troops as possible in the name of mercenaries.

The second conservative estimate is that it should also help the general to defend Ilo Province and Yangon Province south of Pagan.

This will ensure that we, Japan, can establish a forward base in the Indian Ocean."

Kino Mitsuo nodded immediately and said, "Hi, I will complete the plan as soon as possible and submit it to you for review."

Nobuda Takehisa pointed at Nakamura Kazuo and said, "Nakamura-kun, you need to send more people to assist Kino-kun in his troop movement."

"Hey, I will ensure that the information is timely."

After Nakamura Kazuo finished speaking, he suddenly thought of something and a hint of hesitation appeared on his face.

"Just say whatever you want to say!" Nobuda Takehisa saw the clue and shouted softly.

Nakamura Kazuo said quickly: "That's right, I noticed that the Empire's security assistant Firwin just made a surprise visit to Xindeli two days ago.

Afterwards, the White Elephant side seemed to be moving troops, but no detailed intelligence was obtained.

Do you think the Empire is hoping to get the White Elephant to intervene in the situation in Pagan?"

Nobuda Takehisa nodded slightly and said, "Yoshi, your information is very important!

No wonder when I spoke to Bristow on the phone earlier to test his opinion, he seemed to disagree.

It turns out that they already have the means to intervene.

However, White Elephants are used to looking ahead and behind, and the fact that we were attacked by 60 Raptors C this time may make them retreat.

Now is a good opportunity for us to fight for our place with the Empire.

The opportunity for our great Japanese army to expand is here!"

Kino Mitsuo also said: "Sir, I will also communicate with the Imperial Indo-Pacific Commander Serral and strive to gain his support.

He is under a lot of pressure now and has repeatedly asked us to expand our army."

Nobuda Takehisa nodded and said, "Very good, then please ask Kino-kun to communicate as soon as possible."




On the other side of the ocean, it was daytime.

A confidential meeting room somewhere in the White House.

"…The above is what I have agreed with White Elephant Mo Weng. Now, 50,000 of the 100,000 troops have reached the Baipu border."

Philvin reported the results of his trip to Xindeli two days ago with great enthusiasm.

This time, if the White Elephant Army really crosses the Baipu border, then his contribution will be great.

The most important link in the Quad mechanism in the empire’s Indo-Pacific strategy is the White Elephant.

Due to the pressure from the giants, the white elephants were reluctant to take an important step, and the chariot of the empire was missing them.

Without them, the empire’s Indo-Pacific strategy would be incomplete.

Now, this gap is about to be filled.

Thanks to Li Tang, his Red Star Security actually participated in the internal war in Pagan. If it weren't for this, the White Elephant would not have been willing to send troops.

Perhaps Mo Weng is also worried that the Red Star Security will support the six eastern states, causing the loss of territory in his hands. After all, as long as the corridor is blocked by heavy troops, the White Elephant wants to take back the six eastern states, unless it crosses the territory of Bangladesh.

Instead of doing this, it is better to make arrangements early and control the western part of Bagan first.

Turkey was very good at using this tactic before, and would attack Iraq's Kurdish armed forces from time to time.

It not only ensures that the Kurds at home will not cause trouble, but also serves as a deterrent to neighboring countries.

Just as Firven's thoughts were drifting.

Bristow suddenly said: “Letting the White Elephant go directly to Bagan may trigger a chain reaction.

After all, for the Eastern Alliance, this is an invasion!
After all, Pagan is also a member of the ASEAN, and the White Elephant has no real reason to be a leader.”

Firwen was stunned and subconsciously retorted: "The Eastern Alliance is just a loose alliance, and the Eastern Alliance does not support General Mindon's military regime.

We can ask Ms. Aung Suw of the Pagan National Alliance to come forward and invite the White Elephant to send troops in the name of restoring democratic power. "

Bristol shook his head and said, "It's too late. Ms. Angsu died of a cerebral infarction three hours ago."

Firwen was stunned and said, "How could it be such a coincidence? Could it be that General Mindong was worried that he could not control the situation and killed Ms. Aung Su first?"

As he spoke, he turned his gaze to Blue Grain Director William Heigl.

"Director Heiger, did Ms. Angsu really die of illness?"

William Heigl shrugged and said, "Our Lanli intelligence point in Bagan was eliminated again after the fighting in Bagan intensified.

Judging from the information currently available, she should have died of illness.”

When Philwen heard this, he didn't have time to react.

Michelle Brick couldn't help asking, "This time we should be able to determine who attacked your intelligence point, right?"

William Heigl said: "General Brick, you should already know who it is, right?"

Firven couldn't help but ask, "Who is it?"

William Heigl said: "Who else could it be? Li Tang!
I bet he knows that the failed "Tang Hunting Plan" was done by us, Lanli."

Bristol coughed lightly and said, "Everyone, now it's clear that Li Tang should have used the huge profits earned from future technology to support Red Star Security.

In addition, he deployed Red Star Security around the world and launched retaliatory actions against the Blue Grain Organization.

His Red Star Security PMC has seriously violated the Empire's global interests, and we must strike back at it.

This time, using the incident in Pagan and Lusong, the Red Star Security was designated as a terrorist organization at the UN. Of course, the applicants were Pagan and Lusong. "

William Heigl suddenly said, “Sorry to interrupt.

I think there should be one more applicant, that is East Japan.

More than three hours ago, a mobile force of 1200 people, hired by General Mindon as mercenaries, was wiped out by an air raid by the United Nations Air Force as soon as they arrived at Naidu International Airport.

I believe that the East Japanese will come to us soon."

Bristow said: “They have come to us, but they didn’t say they want to define Red Star Security as a terrorist organization.

After all, the air strike was carried out by the United Nations Air Force, and they couldn’t directly implicate Red Star Security.”

Philven felt very uncomfortable at this moment.

The two directors of the Blue Grain Organization and Fobolle are both Bristol's men. No matter what intelligence is coming from inside or outside, they will not inform themselves in a timely manner.

It seems that we have to find a way to gain jurisdiction over the intelligence organization.

Michelle Brick noticed the lost expression on Ferwen's face and said, "General Serral received a call from the Minister of Defense of East Japan, Mitsuo Kino.

After reporting the losses of the mobile brigade, he mentioned that General Pagan Mindon had already sent an invitation, hoping that East Japan would send troops to protect overseas Chinese and assist the military regime.

Bristow smiled slightly and said, "What do you think of the Eastern Japanese sending troops to Pagan? Will you give them a chance with their little moves?"

Michelle Brick also smiled and said, "In fact, General Serral has always wanted to strengthen the East Japanese military to make up for some of our gaps.

But unfortunately, it was their internal resistance that made it difficult to expand their military.

This time, it is indeed an opportunity. As long as we give the nod, they will take the opportunity to expand their army."

Bristow asked: "Does the turret feel they can control it? Should we give them this opportunity?"

Michelle Brick said: "No problem, expand their military strength by two to three divisions, and let them buy 200 F35s from us.

The replacement F15Js would allow them to be used in operations at Pagan.

But there is a prerequisite, they must buy another 1000 cruise missiles from us and let us deploy a second multi-domain warfare task force on their home island."

Bristol drummed his fingers on the table for a while and turned to look at Loren, who had been silent.

"Ma'am, do you think this is a good deal? Do you need to increase the price?"

Loren smiled calmly and said, "They have agreed to our plan to deal with future technology, so I think this deal is a good deal."

Bristol nodded slightly and said, "Okay, then we agree to Dongwo's expansion of the army and send troops to Pagan.

We don't care how they fight.

We just hope Bagan is in chaos!"

After saying this, his eyes were fixed on Firwen, as if he was worried that he would obstruct.

After all, the original intention of this matter was to support Baixiang's dispatch of troops.

Now that they suddenly support the Eastern Japanese to send troops, there may be changes on the White Elephant side, which means that the results of Philvin’s visit have been discounted.

(End of this chapter)

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