Chapter 292 The building will collapse

Michelle Brick also said with some emotion: “Yes, life is getting harder and harder now.

The cheap goods on the [Mengying] platform may help us survive for a while."

Bristol sighed and said, “You probably don’t know that this is due to the impact of the cheap goods on the Dream Shadow platform.

The empire is now completely unable to sell even its agricultural products!

[Mengying] The prices of agricultural and animal husbandry products on the platform are so low that no one can compete!
Several of our major grain traders are expected to suffer huge losses this year, and they are already dumping milk into the Mississippi River!

William, do you know where the cheap agricultural and animal husbandry products on the [Mengying] platform come from?"

William Heigl replied: "I gave you a report last time. Li Tang's Daqin Agriculture has built many biotechnology buildings across the country.

It is said that various crops are grown there, but it is difficult for our people to infiltrate.

However, analysis of information obtained from the outside showed that a large amount of food was indeed produced from the building.

The latest news is that this biotechnology building has started to be built in their desert area. I really don’t know how they will solve the water problem.”

Bristol sighed, "It's Li Tang again, is he really an all-round scientist?
[Mengying] The super cheap goods on the platform must be his conspiracy! "

William Heigl was surprised and said, “But now the Empire has issued a ban, prohibiting people from buying things on that platform.

This should protect the empire's related industries, right?"

Bristow pointed at Michelle Brick and said, "The general's granddaughter is still buying it. Do you think the ban can stop the temptation of good quality and low price?

What's more, this is a global platform that Li Tang deliberately created, and he even set up a Star Alliance trade organization for this purpose.

Coupled with the smart delivery drones he developed, our ban has become a mere formality.

General Brick, has your Air Force ever successfully intercepted a delivery drone from the Dream Shadow platform? "

Michelle Brick's face darkened after hearing what was said before.

After hearing the last question, his face almost returned to the color of his race before he mixed with other people.

"I'm sorry, but the Air Force has not been able to successfully intercept it once so far.

However, the Army in Colorado used the Centurion Phalanx system to shoot down a delivery drone.

In the future, if the ban is to be effectively enforced, the Centurion Phalanx system can be deployed in the guard.

This will allow us to shoot down a large number of these delivery drones that enter our airspace without permission!"

Bristol sighed and said, "Since when has the Empire's airspace been invaded at will? Can't our air force even protect our own airspace?"

Michelle Brick's face could not have been darker.

"Sir, we are working with Mark to develop new weapons, similar to the [Golden Car] and this intelligent delivery drone, and we will definitely be able to develop it successfully."

Bristow waved his hand and said, “General Brick, I don’t mean to blame you.

I'm just sighing that Li Tang not only surpassed the empire in science and technology in one fell swoop.

It has even begun to surpass us, leaving us behind.

In the past, the empire was ahead of the world, so the imperial army was invincible.

But now, our technology is lagging behind, and this is a sign that the empire is about to collapse!

The real reason for the stock market collapse on Friday was that all investors lost confidence in the seven major technology stocks.

In the stock market, confidence is always more important than gold!

The lack of confidence in the inevitable rise is the root cause of the great collapse! "

Michelle Brick was shocked when she heard Bristol say the word "collapse".

He had some dealings with Philwen and knew that the technology had received some support and should be able to catch up with Li Tang.

After hearing Bristol's somewhat pessimistic thoughts, Michelle Brick hesitated for a moment, but finally spoke.

“Perhaps we don’t need to be so pessimistic. After joining forces, Mark and Winter have come up with a power armor that is comparable to the one used by Li Tang Red Star Security.

We plan to use it in the battle to retake Northern Luson to test the combat effectiveness of this power armor."

Bristol looked at Michelle Brick meaningfully and nodded slightly.

"General Brick, do you remember when I first asked you to deploy nuclear submarines in the waters near East Japan?"

Michelle Brick was shocked when he heard this.

Of course he remembered this incident, and he felt that he took it too seriously at the time.

Thinking about it now, I have some respect for Bristol's foresight.

However, if they really wanted to launch a mushroom egg attack directly on Li Tang's location, unless they were fully prepared, they would be planning to die together.

"Yes, there is currently a nuclear submarine on combat readiness duty in the waters around East Japan."

William Heigl instantly realized something from the conversation between the two and his face suddenly changed.

His lips tightened subconsciously.

A trace of relief flashed across Bristol's face, "General Brick, no matter what kind of cooperation you have with Mark and the others, I hope you will put the empire first.

If one day the Empire becomes unable to resist, please order the submarine to be deployed."

Michelle Brick was stunned for a moment when he heard this.

Deploying submarines for combat readiness duty and directly mobilizing them are two different concepts.

Even someone in his position had no right to use weapons of this level in the Empire, so Bristol's words made it difficult for him to respond.

He said hesitantly, "According to the imperial law, I am afraid I do not have the power to issue this order directly."

Bristol sighed slightly and said, "Of course I know. The moment I am talking about is the moment when the imperial law has collapsed." Michelle Brick and William Hegel looked at each other in surprise after hearing this.

They never imagined that Bristol would be so pessimistic about the future of the empire.

At this moment, there was a hurried knock on the door.

"Please come in!"

A servant came in with a look of panic on his face.

"Sir, a major incident has occurred in the Lone Star State!"

Bristol frowned and asked, "What's the matter?"

"A large number of refugees attacked the Lone Star State border wall, and the Lone Star State Guard opened fire."

"What?!" Bristol was shocked. "How many people were killed or injured?"

The attendant replied: "There are no statistics on this at the moment. The scene is still extremely chaotic. Some of the refugees have managed to snatch guns, and it has turned into a melee between the two sides!"

Bristol's face turned extremely ugly. This situation was probably the worst.

"Has Governor Vincent of the Lone Star State sent any updates?"

The attendant said, “Governor Vincent has declared a state of emergency in the Lone Star State and has begun to call up reserve guard troops in preparation for a complete blockade of the southern border.

The other thing is——"

The attendant hesitated at this point.

"Just tell me what you have to say. Are you going to hide it?" Bristol said angrily.

The attendant said quickly: “Vincent once again used this opportunity to criticize the Empire’s immigration policy, believing that the responsibility for this incident lies with the Empire.

And issued an ultimatum, if the Empire does not re-implement the previous immigration policy within ten days, the Lone Star State may secede. "

Bristol's eyes flashed with anger, and he waved his hand, "You go down first."

The servant left the room and closed the door.

William Heigl immediately said: "This Vincent is obviously deliberately taking advantage of the situation to intensify the conflict."

Bristow said: "The election campaign has already started early, and the competitors are really doing everything they can."

Bristow is not actually worried about the so-called secession in the Lone Star State. It is just something his rivals are doing just to win the election.

What happened in the Lone Star State today may be a response by those people to the ruling of the Newtown court some time ago.

He could imagine that public opinion at this time must be hyping up the refugees' attack and snatching of the guards' guns, which led to the opening of fire.

This will once again prove that our current immigration policy is wrong.

Michelle Brick suddenly said, "Something seems to be wrong."

Bristow asked in surprise: "General Brick, do you see anything wrong?"

Michelle said: "Declaring a state of emergency is basic, but calling up reserve troops is very strange.

More than a month ago, the Lone Star State Guard had a confrontation due to the demolition of the isolation wall by Imperial personnel.

Governor Vincent will not take any substantive action this time, right?"

William Heigl immediately said, "Do you want me to arrange for someone from the Blue Grain Division to investigate?"

Bristol thought for a moment and said, "Okay, you should immediately arrange for someone to closely monitor the developments in Lone Star State."

"Yes, sir."

William Heigl left as soon as he finished speaking. This matter could not be delayed and had to be arranged immediately.

Seeing this, General Brick also stood up and said, “I will also go back to the corner tower and ask the War Situation Office to arrange for someone to pay attention to Lone Star State and ask the nearby troops to make preparations.

Hopefully our concerns are misplaced.”

Bristol nodded and said, "I hope so."

Seeing General Michelle Brick also leave, Bristow walked to the window and looked out.

Everything seemed very peaceful and tranquil.

But Bristol once again felt a sense of collapse in his heart.

In fact, Bristol is not a pessimistic person, but since he came back from his visit there, he has felt more and more powerless.

Bristow walked back to his desk and sat down, then opened the second drawer from the bottom right.

Take out a report from it.

He opened it and read it again, his face looking more solemn than ever before.

This is an investigation report sent by Director Duke of Fobole, and the subject of the investigation is Philvin.

At this moment, Bristol's eyes were fixed on a highlighted text in the report.

"We can confirm one thing, Firwin did disappear for 11 days.

His family believed that he was participating in a confidential closed-door meeting, so he did not return home and could not contact his family.

We have checked with several departments related to him and found that no such closed-door meeting existed.

However, there is one place that may be related to where he went.

A committee under Congressman Winter's name is said to have held a party on a private island in New York City.

Maybe Firwin went there."

(End of this chapter)

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