Chapter 297 Future Warrior
After circling the back of the moon, the Golden Chariot landed directly at a predetermined location in the Ait Basin near the South Pole of the moon.

Four of its nine engines had been shut down when it left the second stop on the Earth-Moon Highway.

And at that time, the entire spacecraft was already flying backwards towards the moon.

Driven by the power of the remaining five engines, the spacecraft continued to slow down and approach the moon.

When it was about to land, the Golden Chariot shut down its three engines.

Only one engine, in the middle of the row near the bottom, was still functioning.

Suddenly, white gas began to spray out from all parts of the aircraft, and the aircraft's attitude control system began to work at full capacity.

This behemoth, which is larger than the largest transport plane on the blue planet, gradually fell to the surface of the moon in an extremely stable posture.

At this moment, the comment section of the live broadcast room began to fall into a strange state of silence again.

Everyone seemed to be holding their breath, watching this historic moment.

Human beings sent a super-large aircraft directly from the ground to the surface of the moon.

This point-to-point flight opened the precedent for human interplanetary flight.

Humankind has finally begun to take real steps toward leaving its home planet!
Unlike the empire's previous moon landing, there were no such conditions in that era that allowed the audience to directly see the images from the moon landing site.

This is also why many people today question the authenticity of the Empire's moon landing.

But at this moment, no one doubted the landing of the Golden Chariot on the moon.

Because even though the Golden Chariot did not fly around the moon several times, it only flew over the front of the moon that one time.

It was seen by countless people using various telescope equipment!

"Release the detection drone!"

A mechanical sound suddenly rang out during the live broadcast, breaking the silence of the audience.

Then, from the picture, you can see three drones with a shape similar to quadcopters flying out.

If you look closely, you will find that the drone is just a frame like a quadcopter.

But in fact, the position of the quadrotor has been replaced by four micro particle jet engines.

In a vacuum environment, without air action, the rotor will not generate lift.

Therefore, if you want to have similar drones in space, you need corresponding supporting power engines.

Ever since Li Tang developed the new electromagnetic accelerated particle jet engine, the Aircraft Research Institute has formed several particle jet engine groups.

Each group has its own ideas for various particle engine models under development.

Of course, these fantastic ideas have all been reviewed and approved by the Institute’s Scientific Committee, so that a separate research team can be established.

Having an independent research group means having research funding.

After Li Tang's continuous teaching of consciousness frequency, the talents of researchers in various institutes of the academy have now all burst forth.

This is the key to the endless stream of scientific research results from the Future Science and Technology Research Institute.

For example, this space version of a small drone is actually a space version of the Hunter.

The core technology is this micro particle jet engine.

Of course, since the micro-particle jet engine is larger than that of an ordinary quadcopter, the size of this space version of the Hunter is 1.6 times that of the Blue Star version.

Since the power generated by four engines is stronger than that of four rotors, the larger size allows for more weapons or tools and instruments to be equipped.

"Wow, this drone looks cool!"

"You said that the four engines that spew blue flames are the same technology as the engine of the [Golden Car]?"

"Well, we have already developed space flight, and we have working fluid engines. So, when will humans be able to fly to a nearby star system?"

"Now that you put it that way, I understand why future technology will build two transfer space stations between the Earth and the Moon."

"It seems it's still not advanced enough and needs to be refueled!"

"The guy above should shut up. You should know that all the spaceflight in the countries on Blue Star is still powered by chemical fuels! Future technology will be far ahead!"

"Some people are just crazy. They don't even think about the fact that future technology will advance human civilization from the home planet civilization to the interplanetary civilization."


The sudden appearance of the space version of the drone sparked a heated discussion in the comment section.

Outside the scenes that people cannot see, in fact, [Golden Chariot] released a total of six groups, eighteen drones.

These drones have scattered and are flying towards the pre-planned target area.

They will quickly scan and explore the basin and summarize the results.

Although Li Tang already knew from the information obtained by the space agency's Chang'e probe that there was ice here, which meant there was water.

Therefore, it was decided to build a lunar base and a lunar spaceport in this basin.

However, the information obtained by the Chang'e series of probes is still not comprehensive enough.

Only after the space version of "Hunter" has conducted a comprehensive survey can the data generated be reassuring.

Of course, there is still a group of [Hunters] left in the area where the [Golden Chariot] landed.

Afterwards, a new perspective appeared in the live broadcast room.

Users on the [Mengying] platform can choose different perspectives to watch the entire landing process of the [Golden Chariot].

"1000 meters from the lunar surface!"

"800 meters from the lunar surface!"

"500 meters from the lunar surface!"


As the electronic synthesized voice continued to come out from the screen, the comment area quickly fell silent. People watched nervously as the huge aircraft fell towards the surface of the moon.

Because of the drone's vantage point, people can suddenly feel the enormity of the Golden Chariot.

"100 meters from the lunar surface!"

"50 meters from the lunar surface!"

"20 meters from the lunar surface!"

"Engine No. 2 and No. 3 start at 50% power!"

Following this synthesized report, the two engines at the rear of the Golden Car once again emitted blue flames.

Together with the already working No. 7 engine, it formed a small triangle.

After the three blue tail flames merged into one, the entire [Golden Chariot] aircraft seemed to be hovering in mid-air.

"Five meters from the surface!"

After this report, people saw the Golden Chariot begin to steadily approach the lunar surface.

On the lunar surface, lunar dust that had been dormant for billions of years was now flying all over the sky due to the powerful particle flow.

Due to the lack of atmosphere, it quickly fell back to the lunar surface under the influence of the lunar gravity.

At this time, the Golden Chariot also landed steadily on the surface of the moon.

"Engine shut down, landing successful!"

In the picture, people saw the blue flames from the three tail nozzles disappear, and the Golden Chariot quietly stopped on the back of the moon.

In the live broadcast room, Chen Yao asked: "Expert Chen, does this mean that the [Golden Car] has successfully landed?"

Expert Chen nodded and said, "Yes, this is a perfect landing!
The Golden Chariot is so huge, but it can land so lightly, which shows that its control system is very advanced. "

Chen Yao asked Lu Tianming again, "Chief Engineer Lu, what do you think of the performance of the [Golden Car] engine during the landing process?"

Lu Tianming said calmly: "Well, I think it's a normal performance."

Expert Chen felt like cursing again. How could you think that such a perfectly controlled landing process was just a normal performance?

Do you think this is a normal pop quiz?

If those aerospace colleagues from Baixiang or Dongwo heard this, I'm afraid they would all want to beat someone up, right?

White Elephant's Chandrayaan-3 successfully soft-landed, making it the fourth country in the world to land on the moon, and the first country to land on the South Pole of the Moon.

Unfortunately, after one lunar day (14 Earth days), contact was lost.

The problem is that whether it is White Elephant or other countries, the probes that landed on the moon did not exceed 10 tons.

As a result, your [Golden Car] was fully loaded with a total weight of 320 tons, and it took off directly from the surface of the blue planet and flew directly to the South Pole of the Moon in four hours.

When such a huge object landed on the lunar surface, it was controlled more perfectly than other landers weighing several tons.

As a result, what you said here is normal.

If you perform beyond your expectations, won't you reach heaven?

Oh, no, it’s gone to heaven.

Lu Tianming really didn't mean to be Versailles.

It’s because the Golden Chariot has flown too many times, and this landing method has been tested at least hundreds of times on Blue Planet.

The presence of an atmosphere on the blue planet means there is wind.

Why are takeoff and landing the most dangerous processes for aircraft?

This is because if strong winds appear at this time, the aircraft will be in danger of crashing instantly.

It can be done easily on the Blue Planet. The gravity on the moon is small, and there are no dangerous crosswinds. So, can't we just perform normally and land successfully?

"Look, the hatch of the [Golden Car] is about to open!"

The host Chen Yao's words drew the two guests' attention back to the screen.

At this time, at the South Pole of the Moon, the Golden Chariot stopped on a relatively flat ground.

The first hatch to open was the manned cabin door at the rear of the Golden Car.

The hatch opened outward and extended the attached gangway directly, and soon landed on the lunar surface.

There was a light on at the hatch, and one could see that this group of astronauts were already queuing up there waiting.

The first person to walk down the gangway was not Chen Tianxiao.

But it’s Qi Tian from the Super Blue Army!
That’s right, the first squad leader of Red Star Security and later the captain of the 1st Battalion.

He has been recalled by the Super Blues and became the captain of the 1st Star Marines Battalion of the Super Blues.

Super Blue Army, no, now it has been given an official title, Blue Star Defense Force.

The 1st Star Air Marine Brigade has now been officially formed.

Captain Qi Tian will lead the entire brigade to garrison the Guanghan Palace Base on the Moon and the Moon Spaceport.

Qi Tian's heart was pounding at this moment, but he appeared extremely calm on the surface.

After many actual combat experiences in the Red Star Security Force, Qi Tian's nerves had been trained to be extremely tough.

At this moment, he was wearing a specially made new nano-aerospace armor, holding a DCBQ100 standard electromagnetic rifle, and walked down the gangway with steady steps.

"Future Warrior?!"

This super sci-fi space armor stunned countless onlookers.

(End of this chapter)

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