Chapter 300: Kill the Enemy Vanguard
The counterfeits that Mark had made would definitely have special marks on them.

You can't make it so that you can't even recognize a fake, right?

Therefore, when he suddenly discovered that the mysterious object in front of him had that special mark on it, he naturally realized that this was a fake that he had made.

Later, it was stolen by them in the fire planned by Lan Li.

Yes, Mark still believes that it was Lanli who caused the fire and stole the fake.

In his opinion, the genuine products are often in a dormant and disconnected state, so who can tell that the unresponsive ones are fakes?
That's why he was so calm and believed that Lan Li would not come looking for him again.

If I didn’t want to ask for help from the mysterious object today, I would not go to the mysterious object in person and communicate with it.

I don’t know how long it will take before I find out that my things have been swapped.

Damn it, the Blue Particle Organization must know how to identify fakes, so they are always keeping an eye on me.

No wonder the voice in the mysterious object said that someone else would come to steal it.

I was still naive. I thought that through Winter and others, I had entered the core circle of the empire's elite, and the blue particles would not dare to target me.

But they forgot that Lanli was doing shady work, and now someone has set a trick to switch things up.

I have no evidence at all to prove that the other party took the mysterious object.

I want to get it back, but I have no way to do it.

Mark sighed deeply. At this moment, he had a stronger desire to colonize Mars.

He put the fake back into the safe and locked it again.

He called two bank managers and asked them a few brief questions.

As expected, Lan Li did things secretly, and it was estimated that nothing unusual would be detected in the surveillance video.

Forget it. As the proverb of Longguo says, “It is never too late for a gentleman to take revenge!”
William Heigl, let’s wait and see!

After Mark gave himself a psychological massage, he left the bank with a heavy face.

This scene naturally reached Damon.

Today's Damon is no longer the small mercenary he used to be. He is now fully capable of standing on his own.

In addition, after Li Tang discovered and strengthened his talent in psychology in [Gifted Life], he increased the intensity of his consciousness.

Today, Damon is considered a master of psychology and also a master of hypnosis.

Just by looking at the screen, Damon almost guessed what Mark was thinking after losing the mysterious object.

A faint smile appeared on his face.

Afterwards, he used his consciousness helmet to enter the Red Star virtual world and went directly to the Red Star Heroes Memorial Tower in the super city.

Damon came to the Star Pavilion on the ninth floor, where the heroes who sacrificed their lives for the Red Star World are enshrined.

Today, including Luo Pusijin, there are 39 heroes who have been included in the Star Map.

Damon first laid wreaths to all the heroes.

Then he came alone and stood in front of the portrait of Lopuskin.

“Good brother, I finally got the mysterious item you’ve been longing for, and it has been sent back to the headquarters through secure channels.

I didn't let your sacrifice be in vain. This time, let Mark once again suspect the Blue Grain Organization.

I swear, next I will find all the Blue Grain agents who were hunting you down.

Use their blood to pay tribute to your heroic spirit!"

Damon stayed here for a full hour before leaving.

+ + + + + + + +
Headquarters base of Future Science and Technology Research Institute.

Li Tang’s office is on the 188th floor of Huarui Building No. .

"So, Damon has completed the mission, and the mysterious item has been shipped back to the country?"

Zero said: “Yes, the mysterious object is expected to arrive at the headquarters airport in 3 hours.

Will it be shipped directly to your dedicated laboratory?"

Li Tang shook his head and said, "What exactly is this mysterious item? It is beyond our normal prediction.

If it is a consciousness wave, the transmission distance is beyond our calculations.

If it wasn't a wave of consciousness, it would be even more terrifying.

Therefore, testing and research must be carried out in a protected laboratory."

Zero said: "Then transport it directly to the Special Experiment Laboratory 7 on the 3th floor of the underground base. I will then strengthen the Laboratory 3 to some extent."

Li Tang thought for a moment and said, “Not only do we need to strengthen the protective equipment, we also need to add more monitoring instruments and configure all the detection sensors.

Who knows which one might just detect what anomaly.

The stuff has arrived, put it directly into the latest consciousness energy purifier!"

Zero said, "Okay, Dean."

Li Tang asked again, "Dallas...oh, it should be Dai Wenming, what progress has the Lone Star Project that is being promoted reached?"

Zero said: "It's already on the verge of happening. It is expected that before Christmas, a vote to secede from the Empire will be suddenly announced."

"Well done, Dai Wenming, you did a great job. If this can really be achieved, then the avalanche of the empire will really begin."

Li Tang was slightly excited. Detonating the empire from within was the key to truly bringing it down.

The financial storm has already begun, and it is time for the Empire, a federation, to start to separate after a long period of unity.

Mark's plan to colonize Mars happened to be passed by the appropriations bill, which meant that the Empire was still trying to carry out the Star Wars plan despite its extreme weakness.

This will be even more tragic than the Red Alliance back then.

When a whale dies, all things come to life. Perhaps the collapse of the empire will bring new life to the world.

Zero continued, "Dean, Mark has already agreed with his right-hand man, Ivor, that Starship V must be used to send the Orion spacecraft built by NASA to the moon before Christmas."

A trace of shock flashed across Li Tang's eyes, and he said, "Is he driven crazy by me? The complete starship has not even had a successful flight.

Do they dare to use Starship V to send the Orion spacecraft to the moon?

Is this to implement the Artemis plan formulated by the Imperial Space Agency?
No, he was rehearsing for the landing on Mars.

Mark knew that we were using the moon landing to rehearse the Mars landing, and he was learning from us.

In terms of adventurous spirit, I still have to admire the Empire.

They are born with this restlessness in their bones.”

Zero then reported: "Dean, a [elf mouse] who sneaked into the fog valley of Washington DC overheard a conversation between Bristol and Winter. It is obvious that they should know each other and there is some disagreement.

Bristow later specifically informed General Brick that Operation Defend Freedom must be launched before Christmas."

After listening to this, Li Tang couldn't help but ponder. From the conversation between Bristol and Winter, it can be seen that the symbiosis is hidden deeper than he thought.

Or they are part of the empire's power holders.

Based on the analysis of some of the information and intelligence obtained so far, this organization was most likely established by those in power in pursuit of immortality.

That’s right, it’s immortality.

There were many rulers in the Dragon Kingdom throughout the dynasties who pursued immortality, the most famous of whom was probably the First Emperor.

The same is probably true for those in power in the Empire, who are the most powerful group of people on the planet.

All kinds of material enjoyment have reached the pinnacle of human beings.

If we want to continue this enjoyment, of course we have to prolong our life.

This is the fundamental reason why NMN drugs have become popular in recent years.

This type of medicine also came from the Empire, which is enough to prove that they are conducting research in this area.

Symbiosis Society, just from the name of the society, we can infer something, it must be related to prolonging life.

It seems that the Symbiote Society's "Black Rain" cloning project had a basis in this regard.

Even for myself, don't you think that cloning the body and then transplanting the original memories might be a feasible approach?
No matter what, as long as the empire collapses, the Symbiosis Society will not be able to defeat him.

Li Tang suddenly thought of something and asked, "Zero, I seem to have heard the words 'before Christmas' many times. It seems that many things have chosen to break out before Christmas?"

Zero said: "Yes, at least the following three things will happen before Christmas:
First, Mark wants to push the Empire to the moon.

Second, the Empire launched the "Defense of Freedom" military operation in northern Luçon.

Third, Dai Wenming will push the Lone Star Project to take substantive action.”

Li Tang said: "Notify everyone that Bei Lusong must give the empire a hard time this time. It would be interesting if internal and external troubles erupted at the same time."

"Yes, Dean."

A few hours later, in the 7rd laboratory of the special experimental area on the 3th floor of the underground base.

Li Tang put on his [Qiankun] armor again.

Although I am very confident that the mysterious object cannot hurt me, the [Qiankun] armor has multiple protective capabilities, so it is better to be prepared.

The silver metal box in front of me contains the mysterious object.

Today, I finally got to see its true appearance.

At this moment, the silver metal box was placed on a table inside a round transparent sphere, and next to it was a robot that looked no different from a real person.

"Zero, are you ready?"

"Dean, everything is ready."

"Then let's get started!"


The simulated robot reached out and opened the silver box.

The moment the box is opened.

Several alarms in the laboratory sounded at the same time.

At that moment, Li Tang felt a strange rhythm ringing in his mind.

His eyes quickly swept across the various alarms on the console in front of him. One of them was a consciousness wave detector. The number on it made Li Tang's eyes freeze.


If this number's consciousness strength existed a week ago, it would have surpassed Li Tang's.

However, after improving the method of enhancing consciousness, Li Tang's consciousness intensity has recently achieved a leap, that is, it has doubled.

It surged from the previous 11096 to 25192.

However, even with such a strong consciousness, the consciousness intensity in the consciousness storage device transcribed by Li Tang was directly attenuated to only one tenth, that is, 2519.

The transmission distance of such consciousness intensity is still very limited.

However, the consciousness wave emitted by this mysterious object in front of him just now had an intensity of 18923!

It is quite possible that there may really be conscious life hidden in it!

Of course, there is another possibility, that is, the consciousness stored in the memory inside is retained by a living being with a consciousness intensity of more than 18.

Li Tang generally tends to the latter.

In a flash, the strange rhythm in Li Tang's mind suddenly turned into a very rough sound.

"Are you Li Tang?"

Li Tang looked at the various testing instruments in the laboratory flashing and recording.

So I replied in my mind: "I am, who are you? Where are you from?"

"You should know where I'm coming from!"

Li Tang was slightly startled, "Why do you think so?"

"Because you know the existence of consciousness waves!"

"Are you really from that different time and space? Why is there only this meteorite-like thing? Are you a pioneer?"

"I come from your future! I am here to guide you onto the right path."

Li Tang sneered, "You are lying to me, your time and space are not my future!"

The voice said in a seductive tone: “I really am from your future!

Everything you do now will be in vain!
A little change in details will eventually be revised on the axis of time!

The time paradox is irreversible. Give up, the future is truly irreversible!

No matter how many inventions and preparations you make now, they will only make the future more tragic in the end, the outcome will not change!"

Li Tang's eyes suddenly showed a hint of coldness, and he reached out and pressed a button on the table in front of him.

"Ah, Li Tang, what are you doing? How is it possible? No——"

"Li Tang, I will be back——"

(End of this chapter)

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