Chapter 313 New Era War

"Colonel, we have lost contact with the 9th Armored Division of the Lusong Army!"

The report from Henry, the chief officer of the Armor Battalion's communications control company, made the Armor Battalion's commander David look a little solemn.

The 1st Armored Battalion has 1200 elite armored warriors, as well as one unmanned aerial vehicle mobile firepower company, one unmanned aerial vehicle firepower company, one mobile air defense company, and one armed transport helicopter squadron.

Most importantly, it has 1 communications control company.

This organization is quite similar to Li Tang's Red Star Security Brigade.

Li Tang and the empire had reached some understanding on how to apply new technologies to wage wars in the new era.

Although the Empire's Armored Battalion is not directly equipped with humanoid armed robots like the Red Star Security, it is still equipped with drone squadrons and armed firepower platform robots.

Since the Empire lags behind Li Tang in AI, they are also on the path of big data training.

Therefore, neither the Imperial Armor Battalion's drones nor the fire support platform robots have been fully intelligent.

In order to solve the problem of putting it into actual combat, the natural thing is to adopt the existing drone control mode.

The communications control company in the Armor Battalion is composed of a group of drone pilots and firepower platform robot controllers.

In other words, this communications control company is the important core of the Armored Battalion.

The high-power armored communications vehicle equipped by the communications company is the most important equipment in the core.

If these equipment are damaged, at least the unmanned firepower platform robot will lose control and stop fighting.

Therefore, there is a powerful air defense company around the communications company, which can ensure that it will not be attacked from the air by armed helicopters or drones.

It is precisely because of this three-dimensional strike capability that the Armored Battalion has impressed the Army even in the experimental stage and is ready to be vigorously developed.

The Imperial Army is now making every effort to help Mark integrate domestic AI manufacturers, striving to realize the replacement of existing equipment with AI-controlled robots as soon as possible.

In this regard, due to the intelligence blockade on Li Tang's side, the empire did not know about the application of AI in the Longguo military.

Even so, after the Empire formed the Armored Battalion, it conducted two exercises.

The Armored Battalion faced off against a heavily armored tank regiment of the Army and crushed them!
The Armored Battalion faced off against a regiment of the 82nd Airborne Division and won after a fierce battle!
The results of this exercise shocked the top brass of the Imperial Army, and besides being shocked they were also filled with ecstasy.

Immediately invest more resources and plan to completely re-equip the 82nd Airborne Division within one year.

This is also the reason why the 82nd Airborne Division is neither in Ermao nor in Lusong, but is training in the country.

With such combat capability, their mission is to break through the People’s Army’s Baguio defense line.

The task of expanding the results of the subsequent breakthrough was given to the 9th Armored Division of the Lu Song Army.

David thought about it and asked, "Is it because the enemy interfered with the communication that we can't contact the 9th Armored Division?"

Henry shook his head and said, “No, they may have been annihilated by the enemy!”

David finally showed a look of surprise on his face.

This answer was beyond his expectations. David was prepared for the possibility of electromagnetic interference.

After all, at his level, he was able to know that the sinking of his own aircraft carrier during the last "Freedom's Fury" operation was most likely caused by interference with the early warning aircraft.

This was the reason why he was not too excited when he heard that he had lost contact with the rear.

"There are only 9 kilometers between us and the 5th Armored Division. Didn't the 9th Company of the rear guard discover that the th Armored Division encountered the enemy?"

The communications officer explained: "This is a mountainous area, 5 kilometers in a straight line, but there are several hills in between.

The 9th Company only heard loud explosions, and Lieutenant Colonel Anthony thought it was the th Armored Division tearing through the enemy's defenses.

I was in communication with the 9th Armored Division when they suddenly issued an enemy alert and the communication was interrupted.

We called for twenty minutes straight and confirmed that the other party's communication was unreachable before reporting to you.

Do you think we need Anthony's Ninth Company to search the rear?"

David was a little hesitant. At this time, the nine combat companies of the 1st Armored Battalion had charged smoothly, and the situation in the mountainous area had become a snake.

At this moment, his retreat was suddenly cut off by the enemy, and he suddenly thought of General James' instructions.

"There may be experimental armored troops sent by the giants behind the People's Army. After tearing through the defense line, be careful not to go too deep."

In the current situation where the retreat is cut off, David believes there are two possibilities.

First, the People’s Army wanted to encircle and annihilate its own troops, so it had to cut off their retreat first.

Second, the 9th Armored Division of Lu Song’s army was too weak. In the battle to expand the breakthrough in the defense line, it was successfully counterattacked by the People’s Army, resulting in its retreat being cut off.

David's initial judgment was that it should be the second case.

After all, looking at the battle map, his troops had only crossed the defense line of 15 kilometers, and were only 3 kilometers away from the next pass defense line of Banbang.

With this distance, even in the mountains, you can retreat quickly by turning around.

No matter how weak Lu Song's army is, they have the numbers.

As long as they rush forward with all their might, and with a fierce attack on our side, we can easily open up a retreat route and complete our retreat.

Looking again, Banbang, the pass ahead, is only 3 kilometers away. Perhaps our troops can take it with a charge.

David thought for a few minutes and began to give orders.

"Order the 1st to 3rd companies to attack Ban Bang and try to take him down in one fell swoop.

Order the 4th and 5th companies to guard the left wing, and the 6th and 7th companies to guard the right wing.

The 8th Company guarded the Communications Company and the Battalion Headquarters, and the 9th Company searched and attacked the rear to try to open up a retreat route. "After the order was issued, the Armored Battalion, which had stretched for nearly 5 kilometers in the mountainous area like a long snake formation, began to move.

At this moment, the air defense company sounded an air raid alarm!

Before David could react, he could hear a series of explosions coming from the mountain road where the troops were located.

Henry had quickly transmitted the images captured by the individual night vision cameras of the front combat company to the large screen hanging in the temporary command center.

David took a look and felt his scalp tingling.

Countless artillery shells whistled in the sky surrounding the entire army.

The anti-aircraft battalion's self-propelled anti-aircraft guns have been firing continuously, also sending out countless rays of light in the sky.

"Colonel, the air defense battalion reported that a large number of drones attacked our unit. They are defending with all their might, but the enemy drones are too agile. Requesting reinforcements!"

At this time, David already knew that his previous judgment was wrong, and the People's Army really wanted to encircle and annihilate him.

So he gave the order immediately.

“The forward attack order just issued is canceled. All companies should immediately move closer to the battalion headquarters and pay attention to preventing drone attacks.

The 4th and 6th companies will move back from both wings to assist the 9th company, quickly break through the enemy's defenses and open up a channel for our troops to retreat!"

Not long after the order was issued, fierce fighting broke out at the 9th Company's location in the rear.

Sure enough, the People’s Army really surrounded them.

At this time, the 1st Company had sent back news that there were no enemies ahead of them.

David snorted coldly. This was a typical situation of being surrounded on three sides and having one less person. If they wanted their armored battalion to keep pushing forward, they would be further and further away from the defense line and would never be able to go back.

Perhaps, the 9th Armored Division of Lu Song’s army was not completely defeated, but only the communications unit was annihilated?

David ordered the battalion guard platoon and the 8th Company to immediately build fortifications on the spot.

On the other hand, he said to Henry: "You should contact the headquarters immediately to inquire about the situation of the 9th Armored Division of the Lusong Army and report the situation of our troops facing the enemy siege.

In addition, your company will operate unmanned fire support robots to support the 9th Company in their efforts to open up the rear passage."

As the chief communications officer, Henry was of course well aware that apart from the combat company, the real heavy firepower of the Armored Battalion was actually the unmanned fire support robots controlled by himself.

When breaking through the defense line previously, it was the powerful firepower of the fire support robot that tore open the People’s Army’s defense line.

"Yes, Colonel."

After Henry responded, he immediately rushed back to his communications company.

He planned to lead his subordinates personally and control the fire support robots.

This robot is 3.2 meters tall, 4 meters long and 2 meters wide, and looks about the size of a Hummer.

It is equipped with an 8-round small rocket system, two 40mm twin rapid-fire guns, and a 12.7mm machine gun.

The four-legged structure can adapt to all kinds of terrain.

Under the control of the communications company personnel, it combines powerful firepower and agility.

Having more flexible assault firepower than tanks or armored vehicles is the key to being able to capture cities and strongholds.

The Armored Battalion was equipped with 36 of these giant machines.

At this time, under David's command, 24 tanks had arrived at the rear, ready to charge with the armored warriors of the 9th Company and provide accompanying firepower output.

Under the control of Henry and other communications company personnel, these big guys were like monsters attacking under the cover of night, spewing terrifying flames.

All 9 armored warriors of the 150th Company had already set out for the attack at this time, and suddenly powerful firepower support came from behind, which immediately boosted their morale.

The terrain on the north side of the Kappa Pass is higher, and if attacking from the north, the pass has no geographical advantage.

It was only when the 9th Company was 8 kilometers away from the mountain pass.

A strange sound of "chirp chirp" was heard.

In the night, hundreds of ballistic lights suddenly flashed, but they were not at all intermittent like ordinary bullet trajectories.

Instead, it is continuous like light.

These hundreds of rays of light accurately hit the armored warriors of the 9th Company. These warriors wearing power armor immediately fell down as if leeks were cut.

Not only that, the rays continued to extend, heading straight for the unmanned fire support robot following closely behind.

Henry and other operators saw this situation from the robot's field of view and were so shocked that they quickly made evasive maneuvers.

"Is the enemy using laser weapons?"

Five of the 24 robots were hit by the light and burst into flames.

Henry and others found that the robot that was hit had not lost its combat effectiveness, so they immediately controlled it to retreat.

At this time, from the robot's perspective, Henry finally saw.

In the night vision, there were hundreds of enemies rushing towards us from the front.

Judging from his body shape, he should also be an armored warrior.

"Is this the war of the new era?" A thought came to Henry's mind.

(End of this chapter)

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