Chapter 316 Delay strategy
Bristol's words made Michelle Brick feel a little uneasy.

The long-prepared "Defend Freedom" military operation inflicted heavy damage to the side's elite troops from the very beginning.

It seemed to highlight that the imperial army became increasingly incompetent under his leadership.

After all, since he took over as Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, the Imperial aircraft carrier was sunk.

Now, a carefully prepared military operation was launched again, but it still ended in failure.

This only shows that Michelle Brick is incompetent!

Fortunately, William Heigl's words made him feel that he had found a straw to save face.

He continued without hesitation: "This time, the armored troops across the sea in Lusong have tested a new type of laser weapon.

With one attack, they wiped out an entire armored company of ours.

We must further enhance our scientific and technological research and development capabilities!

Firwin, is there any new progress on Mark's side?"

Brick turned the topic to technology to avoid everyone focusing on the unfavorable war situation.

Firven showed a bit of caution on his face, and said: “Mark is currently investing all his efforts in the research and development of starships and star ships.

Especially since he has already started construction of a nuclear-powered version of the starship, even though it cannot take off directly from the ground like the Golden Chariot.

It can also significantly shorten the time it takes for a starship to fly from the blue planet to the moon. It can also be used repeatedly back and forth, and its carrying capacity can be greatly increased.

When it comes to power armor, the real difficulty lies in batteries and AI.

In this regard, we may not be able to catch up with Li Tang for the time being.

But as long as we can land on Mars first or at the same time, we will have the opportunity to greatly improve our technological level."

After hearing what Philven said, everyone was a little surprised.

Bristow tapped his fingers on the tabletop a few times and asked, "Can you explain?"

Firven glanced at the whole audience, then involuntarily lowered his voice and said, "Everyone, what I am going to say next is the empire's top secret, please keep it confidential.

Mark is sure there is an alien probe on Mars!
As long as we get it first, we can get alien technology."

William Heigl was surprised and said, "Isn't Mark bragging? In order to get the Empire to invest in him, he lied that there is alien technology on Mars..."

"Director William, I won't bother with the fact that you Lanli have targeted Mark a few times. However, what Mark said is absolutely true.

You can go back and check the Blue Grain files. In 2003, you asked NASA to conduct a Mars exploration!

In addition, let’s think about it again, why was Li Tang so anxious to build the Dihuo Expressway?
Logically speaking, we have just landed on the moon, so there is no need to rush to Mars!"

Firwin glanced at William Hager sharply, and the intimidation in his eyes was obvious.

William Heigl felt uneasy. He could see that Bristol had changed from wanting to curb Fervin to wanting to support him vigorously.

Firwin is the youngest among all the people present and has a bright future at the top of the empire.

It’s better not to provoke this gentleman.

Michelle Brick's eyes became fiery. Now the imperial military was increasingly feeling the tremendous pressure from across the sea.

This is why we lag behind in technology.

The enemy's fleet is now more active in the ocean. Last week, the Coast Guard reported that a small fleet from the opposite side was seen 200 nautical miles away from the west coast.

Even small fleets appeared near the east coast.

On the global military situation map in the turret, more and more red flags representing small fleets have appeared.

If this is not too direct a threat, then the day before yesterday, the space surveillance network captured a blurry aircraft in the airspace near Pearl Harbor.

Judging from the outline, it can be preliminarily confirmed that it is very similar to the opponent's new equipment, the [Predator] carrier-based drone.

But there are no opposing surface ships within thousands of miles around!
This means that the combat radius of this drone is at least close to 7,000 to 8,000 kilometers!

This is too terrifying. If there are a thousand such fighter planes on the opposite side, how can the Imperial Air Force resist?

In last night's "Defend Freedom" military operation, the 1st Armored Battalion got off to a bad start and was completely powerless to resist the armored troops over there.

As the helmsman of the imperial military, who could understand his inner anxiety?
No one wanted to improve the empire's technological level as quickly as possible more than he did.

"Fierwen, tell Mark that as long as we can have power armor similar to the opponent's, and better intelligent drones.

The military will fully support the Mars colonization plan and provide all conveniences.”

Firwin nodded and said, "Okay, Mark is working day and night to try to carry out an unmanned landing of Starship 1 on Mars next month.

We not only need a lot of funds, but also an environment of national support.

I personally think that the fact that Operation Freedom Defenders was not successful is probably not a bad thing.”

After hearing what Firwin said, Michelle Brick was a little stunned.

Bristol looked thoughtful.

Ms. Loren said: "If this military action is not successful, some domestic issues can be used to mobilize the army back home to suppress them.

For example, the Lone Star State’s recent introduction of the Lone Star State First Act is a blatant provocation to the federal government.

We cannot just sit there and do nothing, lest it triggers a chain reaction.

In addition, I personally think that if the resources invested in foreign military operations can be saved, it would be more worthwhile to spend them on the Mars colonization plan.”

Firven clapped his hands lightly and said, "Ms. Loren said it well. Now that the empire is facing various difficulties, it should focus on doing big things.

We can no longer lock onto that island chain, so why not just pull our fists back?

It will also be a good opportunity to resolve the Lone Star State issue with military force. The Eastern Japanese are now eager to take the lead, so we should push them forward.

Now that they have made a move on the Pagan issue, we can actually get them to contribute on the island chain.

We can also sell more weapons to them and gain actual benefits.

As for Lu Song, if this operation fails, it may provide us with an opportunity to retreat.

Let the whole world think we are declining.

But we are doing our best to complete the landing on Mars and obtain alien technology.

Ladies and gentlemen, Mark said that he has been in contact with the AI ​​of the alien probe.

In other words, as long as we get that alien probe, we can quickly acquire the corresponding technology and thus enhance our strength.

By then, the empire will make a comeback and rule the blue planet!

No, by then, the empire will dominate the entire solar system!"

Firwin's words were still quite contagious, especially since the empire was not only facing economic difficulties, but also facing difficulties in military operations.

The deep-seated root of all this is the sudden backwardness of technology.

There is naturally a certain desire for alien technology.

William Heigl suddenly said, "You think that Li Tang was able to improve the technology there in such a short time? Could it be that he also obtained alien technology?"

In fact, this idea has long been a rumor circulating around the world.

But since no one has ever seen any alien creation, there is no way to confirm this.

In addition, Li Tang's rise was due to the subjects of mathematics and physics, in which he was good at.

AI comes from mathematics, and lithium crystal batteries and carbon-based chips come from Li Tang’s unique approach to material physics.

In fact, Li Tang had published a paper on the basic theory of this path several years ago.

However, without the real object, no one would go ahead except Li Tang.

After Li Tang's success, some European scientists turned to try it, and have now achieved initial results.

Therefore, judging from the development of these theories, the rise of Li Tang should not be the result of forced development like alien technology.

Rather, it was a great scientist who greatly expanded the existing boundaries of science and technology in a cutting-edge field.

In the past, such great scientists were all Westerners.

Now, this great scientist is just Li Tang.

Coupled with the promotion of the "Temple of Science" organization that emerged in the scientific community, the rumors about Li Tang inheriting alien technology gradually disappeared.

It’s just that as the leader of the Blue Particle Organization, William Heigl had heard it before and couldn’t help but say it out loud at this time.

Bristol sighed and said, “It doesn’t matter whether it is or not, Li Tang has led his country to surpass the empire in all aspects.

Firwin, do you think what Mark said is true? "

After Bristol asked this question, he kept his eyes on Filvin.

Firven showed a determined look on his face, "I believe what Mark said, there must be an alien probe on Mars.

We must go all out to get it before Li Tang does."

Michelle Brick asked with some concern: “But now Mark is lagging behind Li Tang in the moon landing.

They will also lag behind in landing on Mars, especially since Li Tang has already formed the Space Marines.

Will Li Tang and his team be the first to obtain the alien probe?"

Firwen saw that everyone was looking at him, even the big boss who had been attending the meeting with his eyes closed turned to look at him.

He showed a mysterious smile on his face and said, "You should all know that although Mars is much smaller than the Blue Star, it is also a large planet, right?
The land area of ​​the Blue Planet is 14890 million square kilometers, and the rest is covered by oceans.

But Mars has no oceans. Its total surface area is 14282 million square kilometers, which is close to the land area of ​​the Blue Planet.

An alien probe fell from space onto such a vast land. Do you think Li Tang can easily find it by landing on Mars?"

Michelle Brick suddenly realized, "What you mean is that it will take a lot of time for Li Tang to find this alien probe.

As long as Mark can land on Mars not too late, there will be a chance to find it.

But, doesn’t Mark also need to find…”

Michelle Brick was halfway through his sentence when he suddenly remembered what Firwin had just said, that Mark had been in contact with the AI ​​of the alien probe.

He instantly became excited, "As long as Mark lands on Mars, he can find the probe as soon as possible, right?"

Firwin nodded and said, "General Brick is right. I just said that Mark is in contact with the AI ​​of the alien probe.

So, if we land on Mars, we will be the first to find it.”

Bristol said in a deep voice: "Fierwin has made his suggestions clear, so we all have a new understanding of the Mars colonization plan.

Personally, I think we can start adopting a contraction strategy now, while trying our best to sell weapons to Dongwo and Baixiang, and support them in stirring up the situation.

When the "Defending Freedom" operation really fails, we will officially withdraw from the first island chain!

Brick, your military must make adequate plans to make the enemy think that we are retreating because of failure.

This way, it will confuse them.”

(End of this chapter)

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