Chapter 32 The heroes rise together
Shortly after a certain song held a board meeting in a hurry and made the decisive decision to buy the algorithm.

OpenAI, also in Silicon Valley, is also holding a board meeting, but is in the midst of a heated debate.

“Ilya, you have to understand that once this algorithm is applied to ChatGPT4.0, it will usher in a leap forward in artificial intelligence!”

Altman, the company's CEO, gestured excitedly to emphasize his tone.

"Altman, I still want to emphasize that we can't just see the benefits of this algorithm. While it helps ChatGPT, it also brings huge uncontrollable risks!"

The Russian man sitting opposite him did not give in.

He is Ilya Suskovo, chief scientist at OpenAI.

"Altman, I agree with Ilya. Not to mention that the source of this algorithm is unknown, even if this algorithm is developed by us, we should not release it through ChatGPT like this."

The woman next to Ilya immediately expressed her attitude.

This is Tasha Macaulay, a technology entrepreneur at OpenAI and a conservative in AI technology.

"I agree with Ilya and the others!" Helen Toner, the company's director of security and emerging technology strategy, stated succinctly.

Seeing that three of the five people in the group were standing against him, Altman became a little anxious.

He looked at President Brockman, who was sitting at one end of the conference table:

"President, although the origin of this AICore is mysterious, the function of this algorithm is real. After we pay, he will give us the source code.

Ilya, can't you understand the source code he gave you?"

Ilya Suskovo's face flushed. "Of course I can understand it!"

Altman immediately said: "Since we can understand it, then there is no such thing as unknown source as Tasha said! We can perfectly integrate it into ChatGPT.

That way, it's ours!

The code doesn’t lie, there is no security issue!”

Tasha Macaulay retorted: “The security issue I’m talking about is not whether the external code is safe, but that after applying this algorithm, the upcoming ChatGPT4.0 will be uncontrollable!
Humans may lose control of artificial intelligence!

We may be committing an unforgivable crime against the future of humanity!"

Altman sneered, “Tasha, I think you have forgotten why we developed ChatGPT together!
If we fear artificial intelligence, why do we dream of creating it?

Don’t forget that artificial intelligence is ultimately just program code, and the underlying logic of the code is in the hands of us humans!
To use a Longguo saying, we can’t throw the baby out with the bathwater! ”

"Okay, stop arguing!"

President Brockman finally spoke up, "From the perspective of the company's development, there is no doubt that we need this algorithm. Compared to the value of this algorithm, 100 million Dolers are not expensive.

I think we can buy it.

As for whether it will be used in the upcoming ChatGPT4.0, it is still up to Ilya to decide.”

Obviously, faced with the quarrel within the team, Brockman chose to smooth things over.

Ilya glanced at Altman and said, "I decided not to use it for now. ChatGPT4.0 will be enough for us to sweep our opponents!"

“God knows, what if AICore also sells this algorithm to our competitors?”

Tasha Macaulay replied: "You can sign an agreement with the other party and ask for an exclusive buyout! Do you still need someone to teach you this?"

Altman was so angry that he shouted, “Are you blind? AICore’s email clearly stated that there is no exclusive buyout option unless we invest 100 billion!”

"That's just their bluff! It's just a negotiation tactic in the business world. How do you manage to be a CEO?"

"That's enough! Please stop attacking each other personally. Today's meeting ends here."

President Brockman shouted at the two people who were arguing again, then stood up and left the meeting room.

Elijah shrugged and left as well. Tasha Macaulay followed him.

Altman slumped down in his seat and said to Helen Toner, who was the last to leave: "You will regret this!"



In Seattle, more than a thousand kilometers away from Silicon Valley.

In that high-tech mansion that everyone in the world calls the "language of future living".

Mr. Gai, one of the founders of a certain software company, is video chatting with someone.

The person in the video is none other than Natila, the current president of a certain software company.

"So, you have decided to pay 1 million for the algorithm?"

Natila replied respectfully: “Yes, although we know that OpenAI has also bought it, maybe we can get the source code.

But the board decided not to take the risk, even if we invested in OpenAI, it would not be considered our subsidiary. "

“What does Kevin Scott think of that algorithm?”

"I've known Kevin for many years, and I've never seen him so excited and so adoring of another technologist. I think he was completely won over by the algorithm!"

Old Man Gai smiled, "That's understandable, it seems AICore is a genius in the field of artificial intelligence!
Have you found a way to invite him to join us?"

"Of course, I have replied to the email and sent an invitation. However, I have not received a reply from him yet."

"Well, it looks like you have to think of another way."

"I think so too."

“If ChatGPT opened the first year of artificial intelligence, then AICore’s algorithm may bring about a new era of artificial intelligence!”



Mr. Kuo from Apple also holds the same view as Mr. Gai.

“Sculley, AICore will definitely sell its algorithms to all AI companies. This will be an era where many AI companies will rise!

We cannot be absent, whether it is the M series chip or our large model MGIE, we need that algorithm! ”

"Tim, we have open-sourced MGIE. If we add this algorithm code, it will violate the restrictions of AICore."

Uncle Ku laughed. "Scully, you are so straightforward. You don't really believe that AICore has the ability to counter our products, do you?
You forgot that our system is closed, how can he counterattack and block us?"

Scully said with a serious expression, "Tim, I forgot to tell you that our technical department has not yet figured out how AICore sent the email to your mailbox.

And no matter how you delete it, it will always exist and will send reminder notifications on your phone at regular intervals.

Whether it is the server where your email is located or your mobile phone, we use our own closed system. "

Uncle Ku was speechless for a moment, and then he said, "You mean, AICore is a genius hacker? Can he hack into our system at any time?"

Scully shrugged. "Who knows? I can only watch the AI ​​core optimization algorithm from a distance. I can't even see the taillights of the AI ​​going away."

Uncle Ku was silent.

After a long while, when Scully thought he had agreed to everything, Uncle Ku's voice rang out:

"Scully, we need to find some white gloves and have them provoke AICore!"

(End of this chapter)

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