Chapter 329: King Kong's Transformation
Yuan Zhenyu said: "I understand. By the way, please inform the second action team that the backup of King Kong's manufacturing technology is placed in the vault of the Finance Department of Astellas headquarters.

The backup consists of a total of 689 mobile hard drives, and all of Astellas' research results are also backed up there.

You lead a raid there immediately and try to get everything. If that doesn't work, find a way to destroy it all!"

"Yes, I promise to complete the mission."

After talking to Song Shijie, everyone got busy.

Most of the useful key instruments were packed up and taken away, and Yuan Zhenyu also came out from underground.

At this time, on the flat ground in the valley, there were ten Dragon Turtles standing there.

This place is close to the sea. You can reach the sea by going out of the valley and crossing two hills.

Yuan Zhenyu and his companions came up from the sea on a dragon turtle. The dragon turtle's four legs can glide on the snow, and its speed is even faster than running on four legs.

If not for this, Yuan Zhenyu would not dare to say anything and pack up the personnel and equipment here and take them away.

Just as the retreat was about to end, some team members were setting up explosives in the underground base when they suddenly heard a muffled sound coming from underground.

There was a loud "boom", not like an explosion, but more like the sound of something bursting.

A team member's voice came through the communication headset immediately, "Report, one of the six Kong culture tanks suddenly exploded, and it seems that a Kong rushed out. Should we destroy it?"

Yuan Zhenyu was stunned when he heard the voice, and then asked: "How many people have not retreated on the second underground floor?"

"All the researchers have left. Fukuhara Kumaji is helping to dismantle a piece of equipment. Including him, there are five of us in total... Damn it! Da da da..."

Suddenly, the roar of the team member's minigun came from the headset.

Suddenly, the sound of machine gun fire stopped abruptly.

Only a rustling sound came from the headset.

Yuan Zhenyu was shocked and knew that something was wrong.

Immediately issue a command through the headset, "Everyone in the underground base, retreat immediately! A King Kong has broken out of his cocoon, it's extremely dangerous!
Repeat, extremely dangerous, retreat immediately!

Captain Liu, aim your bazooka at the elevator. If it's King Kong coming out, open fire immediately!"

At this moment, Yuan Zhenyu felt a little regretful. He should have detonated the bomb in the culture tank as soon as possible.

But who could have thought that King Kong would mature ahead of time and break out of the jar on his own initiative?
There are four team members including Fukuhara Kumaji on the second underground floor. If they don't evacuate in time, they will have to sacrifice themselves.

Captain Liu now brought 10 team members, holding rocket launchers and pointing them at the three elevators.

This is the only exit from the underground.

Either it’s one of our own who comes up, or it’s that King Kong.

Suddenly, they heard two "boom" sounds coming from underground.

Yuan Zhenyu's face changed drastically. This was another King Kong breaking out of the jar!
"Captain Liu, everyone evacuate immediately! Detonate the bomb!"

Captain Liu turned around and glared at Yuan Zhenyu who was standing next to a [Dragon Turtle].

He shouted, "I still have four good brothers down there!"

Yuan Zhenyu said coldly: "Obey the order! Otherwise, you can take this off directly when you go back!"

Captain Liu glared at Yuan Zhenyu, and finally ordered a retreat angrily.

Ten [Dragon Turtles] emerged from the valley, and huge explosions sounded continuously underground.

The building with the underground base collapsed.

The continuous explosions actually caused the thick snow on the surrounding hillsides to pour down.

A man-made avalanche occurred.

When the rumbling sound gradually subsided, the valley was almost completely buried by snow and rocks.

It was as if there had never been a valley here.

Even though there were such alarming changes, it was not a big deal in Eastern Japan where earthquakes occurred frequently.

Hokkaido was originally the place with the lowest population density in Eastern Japan.

Especially in this valley, there is no one living within a radius of ten kilometers.

If it weren't so secluded, this confidential research institute would not be set up here.

Shortly after dawn the next day, three helicopters roared in.

Kazuo Nakamura was in one of the helicopters. When he saw the disappearing valley, his mouth opened wide and he didn't close it for a long time.

"What? Is there an avalanche?"

"Can anyone tell me why an avalanche would occur in a place like this?"

While he was thinking about the cause of the scene before his eyes, a subordinate beside him asked: "Sir, are we going to land now?"

"Circle the valley a few times first, so I can take a closer look."

Nakamura Kazuo looked for a long time but couldn't figure out what was going on. However, at the entrance of the valley, he saw many traces going all the way to the east.

"Arrange a helicopter to follow the traces at the entrance of the valley and see where it will lead to."


Soon, a helicopter flew eastward along the traces.

Kazuo Nakamura signaled the helicopter to land in the valley entrance area.

When he came down and looked at the snow, mud and rocks that had blocked the valley entrance, he realized that he had taken it for granted.

Unless large excavators or other equipment are brought in, the cleaning and excavation will have to be done very carefully.

Otherwise, he would have to wait until spring came and the snow melted before he could start digging. After thinking for a while, he boarded the plane again and prepared to go to Sapporo first to transfer a batch of excavators and workers from there.

Regardless, we still need to find out what happened in the valley.

At this time, the helicopter that flew to the east returned.

After landing, a man got off the plane and ran over to report.

"Sir, those traces disappeared after reaching the Pu-Guang Highway. It is possible that they left along the Pu-Guang Highway."

Nakamura Kazuo had a bad feeling and immediately said, "Go to these two places and check if there are any strange people or vehicles between last night and this morning."


Three helicopters then took off and flew in two groups.

When the helicopter flew away, a hairy hand suddenly stretched out from somewhere in the snow and mud in the valley.



Headquarters base of Future Science and Technology Research Institute.

Li Tang’s office is on the 188th floor of Huarui Building No. .

Li Tang is having a video call with Zhao Changhai.

Under the effect of holographic projection, the two people seemed to be talking face to face.

"You did a great job, making our retired Raptor C a hot seller. But, are you going to sell the Lightning 1 missile that comes with it, too?"

Li Tang shook his head. "Of course not. Let AVIC sell the PL-15C. The range of 145 kilometers is more than enough for those buyers."

Zhao Changhai didn't take it seriously. Longguo's PL-17 had already been put into service, with a range of 400 kilometers, which was longer than the Lightning 1.

It is considered the air-to-air missile with the longest range in the world.

He had no urgent desire to purchase the Lightning 300, which had a range of only 1 kilometers.

However, he was a little envious of the other type of missile, and was also tempted by the warships carrying the missiles.

"Does the Feiyu class designed by Datang Shipbuilding really have 108 vertical launch units?"

Li Tang nodded, "That's right, Datang Precision has completely unified air defense missiles, anti-ship missiles, and cruise missiles, so 108 vertical launch units can be compactly arranged.

However, the displacement of this warship has been increased to more than 6000 tons, almost equivalent to the size of the 052C destroyer. "


What is the range of the missile you are equipped with?"

Li Tang replied: "Datang Precision named this all-purpose missile [Baihong], which can be carried by ships, vehicles, and aircraft, and can be used for air defense, anti-ship, and ground attacks.

The maximum range is 450 kilometers. After testing, one missile can sink a warship of less than tons.

Two missiles guarantee sinking, and four missiles can achieve saturation strike.

In the last sinking of the "Toriumi" and in this naval battle, the Pagan Navy used six super-saturation missiles for safety reasons.

The enemy warship was hit and sank at the fastest speed. "

Zhao Changhai nodded slightly. "Baihong, this name is good. Baihong piercing the sun is indeed unparalleled in power.

I see you only sell to Sonam and Northern Lusong, is there any new technology applied to it?"

Li Tang replied: "Yes, the [Baihong] missile has an onboard computer that can perform intelligent calculations. This is the key to its ability to penetrate the Aegis air defense network.

The same is true for [Lightning 1] missiles. Without intelligent calculations, the hit rate will definitely drop a lot.”

"Oh, can you also equip us with the Feiyu-class and [White Rainbow]?"

Li Tang smiled, "Mr. Zhao, look at what you said, can we be worse than this?"

Zhao Changhai was stunned and asked, "When did you equip us with better equipment than these two?"

Li Tang casually pulled out a picture, which was the [Predator] generation unmanned fighter.

The first generation of Predator has three ammunition bays, the main one is in the middle of the fuselage, and there are two auxiliary ammunition bays on both sides of the fuselage.

He pointed to the main ammunition bay on the belly and explained: "You see, this main ammunition bay can not only carry four 1000-kilogram heavy laser-guided earth-penetrating bombs.

If replaced with ground-to-sea missiles, eight [Baihong 2] missiles can be mounted.

Looking at its two auxiliary magazines, each magazine can hold six Lightning IIs, which means it can hold 2 Lightning IIs.

This kind of firepower is unique in the world, what else do you need to worry about? "

Zhao Changhai was stunned for a moment after hearing this, and then he said, "You just said, [White Rainbow 2] and [Lightning 2], is this the difference?"

Li Tang nodded, "Yes, this is the difference. The ones used in Bagan, Northern Lusong, Sonam Kingdom, etc. are all basic versions, [White Rainbow 1] and [Lightning 1].

[Baihong 2] has a maximum speed of Mach 8, a cruising speed of Mach 6, and a maximum range of 800 kilometers. It is a truly hypersonic all-round missile.

[Lightning 2] has a maximum speed of Mach 10 and a maximum range of 650 kilometers.

They are the most powerful missiles in the world and, barring any accidents, they can be used for five to ten years.”

Zhao Changhai listened and asked, "Boy, why haven't I heard you mention these two missiles?"

"It was delivered with the Predator. You are so busy that you probably didn't pay attention to the report submitted by the equipment department."

Zhao Changhai nodded, "Okay, since you have arranged everything, I don't have to worry about it, and I can have more free time in the future."

(End of this chapter)

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