Chapter 335 Defection and Building a Nest to Attract Phoenixes

Chapter 335 Defection and Building a Nest to Attract Phoenixes
Jasmine thought for a few seconds and said, "That means you will use the [Golden Car] to transport the damaged lunar module back to Blue Planet?"

"Yes, otherwise, such a big thing can't be transported back."

After the nurse finished speaking, she added, "You can rest for a while. We may have to wait a while before we can leave with the first group returning to the base."

After the nurse finished speaking, she left the cabin.

The reason why Datang Aerospace's lunar transport vehicle was built to be tall and mighty is not just for its appearance.

It is to facilitate field work in a vacuum environment without oxygen.

The entire vehicle's cabin is divided into three compartments. The front compartment is the cockpit, which can seat 4 people.

The middle cabin is a multi-functional cabin that can be used as a bedroom to accommodate 8 people, and can also be temporarily converted into a dining room, conference room, operating room, etc.

The rear cabin is the cargo hold, which is used to transport various types of goods.

There is also a transition airlock between each compartment for air pressure regulation, air filtration, etc.

To give an example, this lunar transport vehicle can be regarded as a three-compartment space station, but of course it is more spacious than a space station.

After the nurse left, Jessica said, "Oh my God, they are so extravagant that they can send professional doctors and nurses to the moon!"

Jasmine also sighed, "I don't know how we can compete with them."

Jessica's eyes are full of stars. She is a pure scientist who loves the starry sky, so she became an astronaut.

They fought hard to get the moon landing mission, but they didn't expect an accident to happen.

I almost died on the moon.

Now that he has been rescued by Datang Aerospace, he finds that Datang Aerospace seems to be ahead of the empire in all aspects of technology, so he is naturally strongly attracted to it.

"One of their lunar transport vehicles has such complete equipment. I can't imagine how luxurious their lunar base will be."

Jasmine was silent for a while, then reminded: "Jessica, if you return to the Empire, you'd better talk less about the advanced aerospace technology of the Tang Dynasty."

"Ah? Why? Doesn't the Space Agency want to know about the advanced features of Tang Dynasty Aerospace?"

Jasmine slapped her forehead. Isn’t this blonde girl too naive?

"What I said is that you'd better not tell anyone. I didn't mean that you shouldn't tell the people from the space agency or Blue Grain."

Jessica looked at Jasmine in surprise, "You mean the people from Lanli? Those agents?"

Jasmine said: "Yes, Blue Grain is now paying close attention to all personnel and space exploration activities of NASA.

Since we have the opportunity to access Datang Aerospace's lunar base, lunar rover and other equipment, we will definitely be questioned by them."

Jessica turned her head and looked out the large porthole. The site was brightly lit and many machines seemed to be working.

I can’t believe that humans can already build things on the back of the moon like they do on the blue planet.

Shouldn't this be the common glory of all mankind?
Why can't we just say as Armstrong said, "I took a small step, but it's a giant leap for mankind"!
Does it have to be an empire to lead humanity?

But it is obvious that the empire is now lagging behind!
Before this moon landing, Jessica was not very impressed by Dragon Country's technological leadership.

Although many of the technological products she uses were also purchased from the Mengying platform.

But she always thought it was because of the cheap price.

Plus, she was either immersed in her own research or in closed training.

That's why she was so shocked when she heard that the drone could talk to her.

It turns out that Longguo’s artificial intelligence technology is so advanced.

After she saw and experienced the process of being rescued on the moon with her own eyes, she was filled with longing.

Jessica longed to join in and participate in the study of the universe and the starry sky.

As an astrophysicist, Jessica feels that if possible, the happiest thing would be to live on the moon for the rest of her life.

Really, she didn't want to go back.

Jessica thought about it for a while and felt that it seemed feasible.

My parents died in a car accident two years ago. I only have one uncle who has been living in the Maple Leaf Country.

If I don't go back, it doesn't seem to have any impact on him.

At this time, she saw the lunar module being carried out of the cave entrance by a six-legged robot.

The damaged lunar module was carried on the platform by a six-legged robot, forming a sharp contrast under the bright lights of the drone in the sky.

Jessica made up her mind instantly.

She turned back and looked at Jasmine, "Do you think they will take us to their base?"

Jasmine also noticed that the lunar module had been taken out of the cave.

He said, "It should be possible. They have only been here for less than a month, and the base should have just started construction.

Perhaps such transport vehicles are used as temporary bases.

It is also possible to string such pods together to serve as a base.

In any case, they have the [Golden Cart], and many big guys can be transported directly from Blue Star."

Jessica didn't comment, and then asked, "By the way, did you contact Matthew in the orbital module just now?"

Jasmine said, “Of course, I made the contact before I took off my space suit.

Matthew confirmed that NASA Director Nick did ask the Dragon Space Agency to rescue us.

I do hope to pay a corresponding price and ask Datang Aerospace to help send the damaged lunar module back to Blue Planet and then return it to the Imperial Space Agency."

"Did Datang Aerospace agree?" "Yes."

"What price can the Imperial Space Agency offer?"

"I don't know."

As the two were talking, the cabin door opened and a man wearing an integrated space suit walked in.

Jessica knew this man and he should be the leader of the rescue team.

Because she heard the doctor call this man "Captain".

That’s right, Jessica can understand Longwen. When she was in college, she had a boyfriend who was a Longguo student. They dated for a while, so she learned Longwen.

"How are you? Are you all okay? Are you feeling unwell?"

The captain looked kind and concerned.

Artificial intelligence is very powerful nowadays. Jessica couldn't figure out whether this was the captain speaking English directly or sent directly after the artificial intelligence translated it.

After all, the space suit inside the cabin also had a communication headset, so she couldn't tell where the sound came from.

After Jasmine contacted Matthew, she talked to this person and learned that he was a captain-level figure named Lu Cheng who came to rescue them.

He quickly replied: "Hello, Captain Lu. We are feeling very good now. I see the lunar module has been brought up.

Do you want to evacuate here and return to your temporary base?"

Lu Cheng nodded, “Yes, let me tell you something.

We have agreed to your country's space agency's request.

If you feel well enough, we will send you back to Blue Star after we return to the base."

Jessica understood the implication of Lu Cheng's words.

He quickly asked, "Captain Lu, what if someone is unwell? Can he stay on the moon? For example, Johnny King who just had surgery."

Lu Cheng smiled and explained: "In fact, when flying between the Earth and the Moon on the [Golden Chariot], except for the period of weightlessness in space.

Otherwise it's no different than taking a transoceanic flight.

For minor injuries like yours, if you two don't have any other physical illnesses, you can return directly on the [Golden Carriage].

Although Mr. Johnny King had just undergone a major operation, he was successfully sent back to Blue Planet using a special hibernation chamber.

Of course, you can also rest in our Guanghan Palace base on the moon for a while and then return soon.

In this regard, we need to seek the opinions of your space agency and also ask you personally.”

Jessica blurted out, “Then can I not go back?”

Jasmine was stunned when she heard this and asked anxiously, "Jessica, what are you talking about? How could you not go back?
We can’t survive on the moon for a long time, so we must return to the Blue Planet.”

Lu Cheng also asked curiously: "Ms. Jessica, what do you mean by not going back?"

As the captain of the Guanghan Palace Squadron under the 1st Battalion of the Blue Star Defense Force's Space Marines, this time he led people to carry out the rescue mission and establish a water plant base.

I really didn't expect that among the rescued Imperial astronauts, some of them didn't want to go back.

Jessica said: "Aren't you building a scientific research base on the moon? After seeing your lunar transport vehicle, I think your base should be habitable for a long time.

As an astrophysicist, it would be my lifelong dream to work on a lunar base.

So, if possible, could you take me in?
By the way, you are Datang Aerospace Company, can I choose to join your company directly?"

"Jessica, are you crazy? Your behavior will be considered as a betrayal by Lanli!"

Jasmine was in a bad state.

In the trio that went to the moon, Jonny King was the leader, and Jasmine and Jessica were equals.

He knew very well that if Jessica defected, he and Johnny King would be in trouble when they returned.

Lu Cheng showed a meaningful smile.

It is unclear whether the female astronaut made this request on impulse or it was premeditated.

Or maybe it was a deliberate arrangement by the Blue Particle Organization.

After all, Jasmine mentioned the blue grains.

This shows that these imperial astronauts are not simple people, and the captain's previous arrangements seem to be correct.

Lu Cheng's smile remained unchanged, "Ms. Jessica, Datang Aerospace will certainly accept anyone who comes to us, who is an astrophysicist like you and has successfully landed on the moon.

However, I need to report your decision to stay on the moon.

Another point is that joining Datang Aerospace requires multiple interviews and assessments.”

Jessica was overjoyed when she heard this, and nodded repeatedly, "No problem, any assessment is fine, as long as we can stay on the moon."

Jasmine was anxious, "Captain Lu, you can't do this! This..."

For a moment he didn't know what words to use to describe it.

Lu Cheng said calmly: "Datang Aerospace has built an international scientific research station on the moon, and scientists from any country can apply to us for research projects.

After passing the review, you can move in.

You can, too!"

(End of this chapter)

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