Chapter 342 Deep Sea Hunting
As the most powerful navy on the planet.

The Imperial Navy has two of the largest heavy nuclear-powered aircraft carriers.

Of course they know that there are countless countries around the world who dream of sinking their own aircraft carriers.

To this end, the Imperial Navy has also conducted many tests to enhance the anti-strike capability of its own aircraft carriers.

For example, for the latest Ford-class aircraft carrier, the Imperial Navy once used a method of detonating huge amounts of explosives near the aircraft carrier to test the impact resistance of the new aircraft carrier.

This test was conducted three times in total.

The final explosion involved 4 pounds of explosives, or 18 tons of dynamite, with a force equivalent to a 3.9-magnitude earthquake.

The explosion occurred about 20 meters away from the right side of the new aircraft carrier, but did not cause any damage to the aircraft carrier.

From this, the Imperial Navy confirmed that its own aircraft carrier has strong anti-strike capabilities!

If the Imperial Navy had powerful artificial intelligence and a simulation system that could test the entire environment, they would not have jumped to this conclusion so easily.

In the Red Star virtual world, the designers of Datang Shipbuilding and Datang Precision have let Zero simulate countless times the situations of various ships being hit by missiles, bombs, and torpedoes in the full-environment test simulation system.

As for the Imperial Navy's Nimitz-class aircraft carriers and Ford-class aircraft carriers, the engineers who developed the [Baihong 1] missile at Datang Precision had already simulated the situations when hitting these two aircraft carriers.

In fact, if the hit position is reasonable, only 6 [Baihong 1] missiles are needed to sink the Empire's two -ton heavy nuclear-powered aircraft carriers.

Even if the position is unreasonable, it does not require more than 10 [Baihong 1] missiles to ensure sinking.

This time, the USS Ronald was hit by more than 35 missiles!
The weight of the new CL-20 explosives in the warheads of these missiles alone is over 14 tons.

The power of this new type of explosive far exceeds that of the Imperial Navy's explosives, with an explosive power at least three times greater.

In other words, 14 tons is equivalent to the power of 42 tons of test explosives.

Similar to the Imperial Navy's test, the explosion took place inside an aircraft carrier and was equivalent to three times the explosive power.

Under such a powerful explosion, the "Ronald" did not immediately disintegrate and sink today, which can be regarded as a very strong and resistant hull.

The last time an imperial aircraft carrier was attacked by the People's Army Air Force, it was hit by several one-ton heavy bombs, which detonated the ammunition depot inside the ship, causing it to sink.

There is indeed an element of luck involved.

Because of this, Sumach launched more [Baihong 1] missiles than originally planned in order to ensure the sinking of the "Ronald".

Sure enough, the most ideal results were achieved.

At this time, under the sea surface, an Imperial Navy's Los Angeles-class nuclear submarine began to accelerate eastward.

Captain Hanks did not dare to surface to rescue people. After seeing from the periscope that the fleet no longer existed, it was obviously no longer safe here.

Suddenly, the sonar operator shouted: "Nine o'clock, two o'clock, five o'clock, 1600 meters! Torpedoes incoming!!"

A look of fear flashed across Captain Hanks' eyes. The enemy actually had a submarine ambush circle here!

Tiago had previously ordered the entire fleet to accelerate its retreat to the east, with the nuclear submarine as the vanguard at the forefront of the fleet.

Captain Hanks learned from the communication with the mother ship that the enemy missiles were about to arrive, so he surfaced from a depth of 150 meters to the height of the periscope.

I want to visually observe the safety of my own fleet.

Who would have thought that this action would expose himself to the enemy's submarine ambush circle.

"Full speed dive, depth 450 meters!"

"Launch the guided missile!"

"Torpedo tubes 1-6 are being filled with water and are ready to fire."

Captain Hanks issued a series of instructions, and the entire boat immediately took action, with everyone ensuring that the instructions were implemented.

At this moment, any mistake could cause the submarine to never surface again.

Captain Hanks believed that the People's Army's submarine must be a conventional submarine and its diving depth was definitely not 450 meters.

Although he heard that Giant's 039C could reach 500 meters, he did not think the People's Army could get this submarine.

When six torpedoes attacked from three directions, Captain Hanks made an emergency dive to evade the attack.

When a torpedo is launched, a depth is set. If it exceeds a certain range, it may miss the target.

Eventually, the torpedo will run out of energy at a certain depth in the ocean, or it will explode on schedule.

Your submarine has just dived from the periscope depth. After accelerating from this depth, the enemy's torpedoes will not be able to hit you directly.

"Report, the enemy's six incoming torpedoes have different depths, 50 meters! 100 meters! 150 meters!"

Damn, it seems the enemy has predicted my actions!

Captain Hanks can now only hope that his submarine is strong enough and can dive fast enough to dive to a depth of more than 150 meters when enemy torpedoes attack.

His eyes were now fixed nervously on the depth gauge.

80 meters!
100 meters!
"Prepare for collision prevention!"

The sonarman's shouting had just ended.

With two loud bangs, explosions sounded from above.

Apparently the enemy's torpedoes were set up to self-destruct in some way, exploding immediately when they passed through the target location.

180 meters!
Two more explosions were heard, and some pipes inside the submarine were ruptured by the impact.

200 meters!
Two more explosions were heard, and everyone was shocked again.

Just when everyone was about to breathe a sigh of relief, the sonar soldier's voice sounded again.

"Ten o'clock, two torpedoes, depth 260 meters!"

"Three o'clock direction, two torpedoes, depth 350 meters!"

"Six o'clock direction, two torpedoes, depth 450 meters!"

Falco! Captain Hanks was furious.

"Order, right rudder to three, lock on to the target at three o'clock, torpedo No. 1-2 to launch!"

"Order, in thirty seconds, lock onto the target at six o'clock, and launch torpedoes 2-4!" "Order, in eighty seconds, lock onto the target at ten o'clock, and launch torpedoes 5-6!"

Captain Hanks actually turned the submarine to the right and launched counterattacks against enemy submarines in three directions!

If his submarine could not escape the enemy's hunting, then this last blow would be better than doing nothing at all.

If we hit the enemy submarine, we will get our money's worth.

"Order, after the torpedo is launched, continue to dive at full speed, depth 500 meters!"

The deputy captain was startled when he heard this and reminded: "Captain, our maximum designed diving depth is 450 meters. There will be accidents at 500 meters!"

Captain Hanks shook his head and said, "The enemy is obviously familiar with our performance parameters. Their torpedoes were actually launched at a depth of 450 meters.

If we have enough time, we can dive to a deeper position and escape this wave of attack.

At that time, the evacuation to the south from this layer of sea current at a depth of 480 meters can be accelerated.

They will definitely not be able to catch up."

The water depth in the Lusong Sea area is as high as 4000 meters. It is impossible for Hanks' submarine to escape the encirclement with the help of the seabed terrain.

However, such deep sea water will form corresponding current layers at different water depths due to different water temperatures and salinities.

Hanks' submarine has been operating in this area recently and is familiar with this type of ocean current layer.

With the help of ocean currents, their Los Angeles-class submarine may be able to run at an underwater speed of 32 knots, which is higher than its design.

In that case, the three conventional submarines would definitely not be able to catch up with them.

Fighting one against three and being ambushed, Captain Hanks did not dare to hope for a counterattack. As long as he could escape, he would win.

The sound of the huge torpedo launch was like a beacon in the dark and quiet sea 250 meters deep.

What's more, at this moment, the Los Angeles-class submarine is still spinning in circles.

Torpedoes fired from three directions came at high speed.

After launching the torpedo, the Los Angeles-class submarine dived downward at high speed.

300 meters!
Two loud explosions were heard. The crew members were already familiar with this level of collision.

380 meters!
Explosions continued, the submarine's hull came under pressure, and some of the pressure gauges burst.

480 meters!
Explosions sounded again, and the submarine's hull made a teeth-grinding squeaking sound of metal tearing.

Escaped the incoming enemy torpedoes!
"Quick, level the boat immediately!"

500 meters!
Due to inertia, the submarine is still diving!

At this time, the submarine's hull seemed to be unable to hold up, and a water tank was the first to be damaged.

The stored seawater instantly filled the torpedo compartment.

"Report, the torpedo room is flooded!"

"Order, seal the torpedo compartment!"

520 meters!
The creepy metal tearing sound of the submarine's hull seemed to be getting louder and louder, and all the crew members had closed their eyes.

It seems that the submarine has lost control and can no longer maintain its depth.

510 meters!
Suddenly seeing the depth gauge rising up, Captain Hanks was stunned for a second, then immediately overjoyed.

"Order, ascend to a depth of 480 meters and evacuate south at full speed!"

500 meters!
After the order was given, the depth continued to rise.

480 meters!
"Report, speed exceeds 33 knots!"

"Great, we found that current layer!"

All the crew members felt like they had survived a disaster and some of them hugged each other.

Captain Hanks looked at the sonar operator and said, "Listen carefully to see if the three submarines are following us."

"Report, no unusual sounds can be heard! I wonder if their silence level is very strong or they haven't caught up with us yet."

Captain Hanks breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Although their conventional submarines are powered by AIP, their quietness is not so low that you can't hear them."

"Yes..." The sonar operator just responded halfway and suddenly shouted: "Torpedo attack!"

Captain Hanks was shocked. "Which direction?"


"What's below?"

"Here they come, below my boat!"

With a loud bang, the Los Angeles-class nuclear submarine was suddenly hit by a torpedo attacking from bottom to top at a depth of 480 meters!

It exploded instantly, broke into two pieces, and sank deep into the seabed.

At a distance of 2000 meters from here in three directions, three conventional submarines are sailing at a depth of 450 meters.

The sonar operators of the three submarines were reporting to their captains.

"The torpedoes fired by the enemy submarines have all missed their targets and exploded on their own."

"The enemy submarine was attacked by an unknown torpedo deep in the sea and sank after the explosion!"

After hearing this, the three captains all turned pale.

They ambushed here and failed to sink the Imperial Luocheng-class submarine, but suddenly a Cheng Yaojin appeared and sank the Imperial submarine from a deeper depth.

Obviously, there are more powerful deep-sea killers lurking, but fortunately they are friends, not enemies.

The three captains made the same decision without prior agreement.

"Report to the headquarters immediately!"

(End of this chapter)

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