Chapter 344 Shocking the World
Joseph's judgment was roughly the same.

After confirming that all nine surface ships of the USS Ronald carrier battle group had sunk, Sumach set his sights on the F9EX fleet chasing from behind.

He understood that this was the Empire's last air force in Luson.

At this moment, Sumach felt a little regretful.

In their eagerness to sink the aircraft carrier, each fighter plane launched an extra [Baihong 1] missile.

Now the entire C formation only has one [Baihong 1] missile left, fortunately, the two surviving fighters from the A formation joined in at this time.

The total number of fighter jets in the fleet reaches 40.

There are also 2 [Baihong 16] missiles on the racks of these two F5L fighter jets.

Counting this way, there are exactly 48 [Baihong 1] missiles.

Sumakh was so happy at that time that he immediately led the formation to start assigning targets.

At this time, the formation had turned around and was 15 kilometers away from the F350 formation.

【Baihong 1】The maximum range of the missile is 450 kilometers.

Sumach knew that the F15 must be carrying AIM-120D air-to-air missiles, which have a range of about 200 kilometers.

This was the result of a test he had conducted when he sent out fighter jets to fight in rotation to gain experience. However, according to the information released by the Imperial Military, the range of this missile was only 160 kilometers.

At this time, the enemy's aircraft carrier fleet had all been sunk, and Sumach was worried that the enemy fighters would retreat.

He gave the order without hesitation, and the fighters in the formation immediately launched all the [Baihong 1] missiles, just enough to allocate one to each F15 fighter.

Sumakh was convinced that as long as the enemy aircraft did not escape the missile's 400-kilometer range, it would be able to be shot down.

When the [Baihong 1] missile is used as an air-to-air missile, it flies at a maximum speed of 4.2 Mach throughout the entire process, and its range is reduced from 450 kilometers to 400 kilometers.

In other words, [Baihong 1] must hit the target fighter within 5.71 minutes after launch, otherwise it will run out of energy and crash into the sky and self-destruct.

Just two minutes after the missile was launched, Sumach discovered that the enemy aircraft formation made a sharp turn to the south.

It was obvious that the enemy was going to run.

So he immediately ordered a radar lock on the enemy plane to prevent the enemy plane from escaping within the missile range.

When another two minutes passed, Sumach noticed that only 2 enemy planes had adopted the strategy of using altitude to accelerate and disengage.

Since the F16L fighter is slower than the F15EX, it is impossible for him to catch up and then use short-range combat missiles to shoot down the enemy plane.

What's more, given the F16L's maneuverability and its current ammunition load, it may not be a match for the F15EX if it really catches up and engages in a dogfight.

After all, the F15EX has a huge bomb load, and the AIM-120D can carry as many as 12 missiles. If you rush into its effective combat range, you may really become a dead end.

Forget it, how many fights this wave of [Baihong 1] can win depends on God's will.

Not to mention that Sumach felt regretful there.

On the F15EX fighter formation side, fighter jets have begun to be hit by missiles.

This was a fight that was done in defiance of evil, so the fighters again moved eastwards on a large scale, waiting for an opportunity to counterattack the enemy aircraft formation.

Unfortunately, the People's Army fighter jets were out of the range of their own missiles and began to maneuver toward the north.

These F15 fighters have no chance to launch so many missiles under their wings.

Then, he was accurately hit by the [White Rainbow 1] that was rushing towards him, and brilliant fireworks exploded in the air.

Joseph Deya's fighter plane was only 200 meters high at this time, and the maximum speed of the dive just now reached Mach 3.

The F15EX's body is quite strong and was not broken by this sudden short-term speed limit.

Just this sprint allowed Joseph's fighter plane to fly at least 18 kilometers further than those of his comrades who used high-altitude return flights.

Joseph quickly leveled the plane and flew close to the sea surface at this altitude.

He glanced at the onboard radar screen and suddenly discovered that 22 fighter planes were missing from his formation.

At this time, the number of our own fighter planes on the screen was still decreasing.

He stepped on the accelerator to the maximum, stepped on the gas, and ran at full speed again.

From time to time, I could hear my comrades shouting on the communication channel that they were about to be shot!
Or hear the ejection seat eject.

The light spots of our own fighter planes on the radar screen disappeared one by one!

Tears flowed from Joseph's eyes. He brought them out by himself, but he couldn't bring them back.

He turned his head and looked at the sky around him, and suddenly saw several fighter planes following closely behind him.

Joseph knew that these were the 10 fighter planes that had been operating completely imitating his movements from the very beginning.

However, two fighter planes changed their flight pattern at an altitude of 2 meters. Even though they had dropped all their guided missiles, they were still hit by missiles, causing two fireworks to explode.

There were only eight friendly planes chasing him not far behind.

At this time, as the enemy's air-to-air missiles approached, the airborne radar also captured their signals.

On the screen, there were 9 enemy air-to-air missiles chasing behind him, at a speed of 4.2 Mach!

Only 15 kilometers away from our fighter planes!
bang bang bang...

Suddenly, three sounds of ejection seats exploding and ejecting were heard in the communication channel.

Obviously, the psychological defense of the pilots of the three friendly planes at the back collapsed, and they chose to parachute before the enemy missiles were about to hit their fighter planes. Although the chance of surviving parachuting here in the vast ocean is not high.

But it's better than being blown to pieces by missiles.

Almost half a minute later, three fireworks were seen exploding.

It seems that the enemy missile accurately hit the pilotless fighter plane.

Sweat rolled down Joseph's forehead and he became a little hairy.

If you still can't escape the range of the enemy missiles, you'll have to either parachute or be hit.

His hand reached for the ejection seat button several times and then retracted it.

Suddenly, he simply pulled up the fighter plane, leaped to a height of a thousand meters, and made another small dive.

This time, the following fighter planes were unable to imitate him in time.

When he was pulling up, he even rushed in front of his fighter plane.

But then he overtook him again with a small dive and widened the gap by another 2 kilometers.

The pilots under his command did not expect that their wing commander would be so busy.

Those who react quickly immediately follow suit, while those who react slowly have no choice but to rush forward with their heads down.

The next scene shocked the followers.

The three pilots with quick reactions had just pulled their fighter planes up a thousand meters, causing them to fall behind, when three air-to-air missiles from behind hit them like lightning!
Three fireworks exploded in the sky behind everyone.

The remaining two pilots who were slow to react were so scared that they pressed the ejection button.

With two bangs, the two pilots ejected from their planes.

However, the two pilots flying in the air saw it clearly at this moment.

Three missiles began to fall towards the sea 100 meters away from their fighter plane.

Then, when it was about to fall into the sea, three fireworks exploded!
Falco! Falco! Falco!

Did the enemy's missile crash after reaching its maximum range?

Did I use this umbrella for nothing?!

The two pilots were confused and felt extremely wronged.

On the west side, Joseph once again took his hand away from the eject button at the last moment.

Then they saw two friendly planes circling and falling into the sea, but there was no sign of them being hit by missiles from behind.

Looking at the radar screen again, except for his own fighter planes, the surrounding airspace was clean!

"Damn it! I'm out of the missile range!"

Joseph glanced around and saw two small black dots swaying vaguely behind him.

That should be the last pilot under my command to parachute out.

He looked at the coordinates, marked them first, and prepared to circle around to confirm the actual location where his comrade fell into the water.

He subconsciously checked the airborne radar again and found that the enemy aircraft formation was in the northeast, 280 kilometers away from him.

This frightened him again.

At this position, if the enemy plane launches the same long-range air-to-air missile as before, I might not be lucky enough to escape again.

Joseph didn't dare to stop and circle to help his comrades locate the place where they fell into the water. He simply turned on the afterburner again and ran westward.

In today's battle of the 35th Wing of the Imperial Air Force, only the commander, Colonel Joseph Deya, was able to fly his plane back safely.

In this battle, the winner was decided in less than half an hour after the two sides fought.

The Imperial Navy and Air Force lost an entire carrier strike group plus a fighter wing.

At this point, the only imperial military forces left near Luson were the USS Carl aircraft carrier strike group and the USS Empire amphibious assault ship strike group.

The imperial army suffered a complete defeat in this entire military operation.

This result spread throughout the world less than ten minutes after the end of the war!
Because this battle report was released by Beilusong in the live broadcast room.

The outcome of this war shocked the world. The scenes of the Imperial carrier-based aircraft being shot down and the final sinking of the aircraft carrier shocked the hearts of everyone who watched the video.

This is different from the last time when the People's Army used captured fighter jets to launch a surprise attack and sank an aircraft carrier.

That was a sneak attack! It wasn't because the Empire's navy and air force were weak.

But this naval and air battle was completely different. The People's Army Air Force used its naval and air forces to launch a desperate attack on the Imperial aircraft carrier strike group far out in the open sea.

In the end, 48 of the 40 fighter jets of the People's Air Force returned safely, and none of the three submarines were damaged.

The result was that the entire aircraft carrier formation and almost a fighter wing of the Imperial Navy were completely annihilated.

This kind of victory was achieved with real swords and guns!

This is a reflection of the powerful strength of the People’s Army Navy and Air Force!
On the other hand, it proves that the Empire's navy and air force are no longer what they used to be. They have completely declined and fallen to a second-rate level.

The Lusong People’s Army has become the top combat force on Blue Star!
(End of this chapter)

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