Chapter 347 Laser Beams on Mars
The reason why [King Chariot] crashed suddenly was that it was suddenly attacked when it was 5 meters above the surface of Mars!
The weapon used to attack the [Golden Chariot] is a laser beam with a diameter of 1 meter!
At this moment, Li Tang's eyes were fixed on the thick laser beam on the video screen.

The current equipment of the Future Science and Technology Institute cannot emit a laser beam of this size.

Although Mars has an atmosphere, its density is only one percent of that of the Blue Planet's atmosphere.

With such a thin atmosphere, the use of laser weapons is not subject to the various restrictions within the atmosphere of the Blue Planet.

However, the technical difficulty of launching a laser cannon device with a diameter of one meter and an effective range of at least 50 kilometers is still considerable.

It only hit the [Golden Chariot] for less than 0.5 seconds, causing the [Golden Chariot] to explode and crash.

You can tell that it is extremely powerful.

Mainly, this also involves the sustainability of energy and the material of the laser cannon.

After all, such a powerful laser with long duration places higher requirements on the various materials of the launching device.

Currently, the most powerful laser cannon of the Future Science and Technology Research Institute has a diameter of only 200 mm and a power of 150 megawatts, which is already capable of highly damaging large targets.

In space, the effective range can reach 3000 kilometers, making it Li Tang’s most powerful space warfare weapon at present.

A more powerful laser cannon with a diameter of 600 mm and a power of 500 megawatts is already under construction.

The DTHN1000 nuclear reactor equipped with this laser cannon was specially developed and has a power nearly five times that of the DTHN220 nuclear reactor, reaching 5 megawatts.

This nuclear reactor is too large to be installed on mobile weapon platforms such as warships, so it is used on the lunar space defense turret.

This 500-megawatt laser cannon is even more powerful, with an effective range of 1 kilometers in space.

But even such a laser cannon does not seem to be as powerful as the laser beam that suddenly shot out on Mars.

Li Tang's face became extremely serious at this time. The previous exploration of Mars clearly did not reveal anything.

It seems like it is still an uninhabited planet.

This time, the landing site of King Chariot was chosen to be a crater basin near the South Pole of Mars.

The laser that suddenly shot at the Golden Chariot came from a nearby meteorite crater.

It seemed as if the attackers had ambushed the [Golden Chariot] specifically.

But how did the attacker know where the Golden Chariot would land?
Of course, it is also possible that they did not know the exact landing location, but the [Golden Chariot] happened to enter the range of their laser cannon, so they launched an attack.

This also explains why they launched the attack at an altitude of 5 meters.

After all, the [Golden Chariot] is an aircraft that can take off and land normally on the ground and does not need to land vertically to the ground.

Falling from a height of 5 meters, God knows where the [Golden Chariot] will end up.

However, this could not explain why the enemy happened to appear nearby, causing the Golden Chariot's landing to fail.

"Zero, has the satellite network we deployed on the surface of Mars been attacked?"

Zero replied: "All StarNet satellites passing through the southern hemisphere lost contact within half an hour after the failure of the landing of [Golden Chariot]!"

Li Tang heaved a sigh of relief and said, "It seems that the enemy's power does not completely cover Mars. In this case, we still have a chance."

Zero said, "Dean, are you planning to land on Mars in the northern hemisphere and then move on to the southern hemisphere?"

Li Tang pondered and said, "That's right. According to the previous StarNet satellite scans, we have preliminarily determined that the resources on Mars are relatively abundant.

The reason why Golden Chariot chose to land near the South Pole this time.

On the one hand, there should be a subglacial water layer there that can solve the base’s water problem.

On the other hand, several satellites equipped with consciousness wave detectors detected consciousness wave activities near the South Pole.

Now it seems that the sub-consciousness communicator of the Mars clan fell there.

We found the right place, but we didn't expect that this communicator, in good condition, could have such a powerful laser weapon."

Zero said: "Dean, judging from the remains of the subconscious body communicator we obtained earlier, it should not have such a powerful energy source.

Could it be that the memory we read was wrong?"

Li Tang shook his head and said, "It's not that we read it wrong, but the remaining sub-consciousness has lost too much consciousness, and many of its memories are gone.

For example, in the memory we obtain, there is no information about the size of the sub-consciousness body communicator.

This instrument can pass through the energy bridge between different time and space, through different dimensions, and come into our time and space.

Its size may be comparable to that of the Golden Chariot. If so, it should also have enough energy.”

Zero said: "Dean, then why did it allow our star network satellite to build a detection network?"

Li Tang said: "If our satellite is shot down at the beginning, it may remind us too early that there is a threat on Mars.

This makes it difficult for them to lurk on Mars and obtain intelligence about our blue planet."

Zero continued, "If that's the case, why don't they just stay dormant?
After all, Mars is so big that we may not be able to find it in a short time.

If it attacks us with such a laser cannon when our base at the South Pole of Mars is about to be built, our losses will be even greater."

Li Tang thought for a while before saying, "Could it be that it can contact Mark and buy time for Mark and the others?"

Zero said: “If it has already contacted Mark, Mark and his team’s technological level should have significantly improved.

But now, we still haven’t seen any obvious signs of improvement.”

Li Tang frowned and said, "Zero, the memory of the remaining subconscious mentioned that it had transmitted some nuclear reactor technology used in rockets to Mark. Do you think that with the damaged state of the remaining consciousness's communicator, it can store information about this technology?"

Zero said: "Dean, according to my simulation, it should have lost a lot of functions, information storage is one of them."

Li Tang clapped his hands and said, "So, the nuclear reactor plan used on that rocket was definitely not given by the remaining sub-consciousness communicator.

This should have been transferred to Mark after the remaining sub-consciousness's communicator contacted its counterparts on Mars.

In the security room, we are currently keeping an eye on the development progress of Mark's nuclear-powered version of the starship.

It is estimated that it will take at least another year to complete the initial project.

According to Mark's adventurous spirit, perhaps if this system is not perfect enough, he might use it to fly directly to Mars.

The subconscious communicators on Mars definitely know that they are waiting for Mark, not us."

Zero said: "I see. Since they can't contact Mark now, they can only delay and buy time for Mark's arrival."

Li Tang nodded and said, "That's right, Mark may not be able to get in touch with the subconscious body communicator on Mars now.

Otherwise, Mark would definitely be able to obtain more advanced technology, but we also cannot be on guard against them contacting us suddenly.

Zero, notify the head of the security room in the Empire branch to keep an eye on the technological changes at Mark's place."

"Yes, Dean."

Li Tang thought for a moment and said, "If this is the case, we must not let the Mars Protoss' sub-consciousness communicator go along with Mark and the others.

Be prepared to stop Mark from landing on Mars.

In addition, we must speed up our landing on Mars and establish a production base in the northern part of Mars as soon as possible.

At that time, a large army of robots will be used to consume the energy of the sub-consciousness body communicator.

Eventually capture or destroy this subconscious communicator."

Zero said: "If that's the case, do we need to revise the current plan to land on Mars?"

Li Tang calculated in his mind for a while and said, "The plan must be adjusted.

First, immediately release the full production capacity of the Pacific Ocean submarine base group.

Increase the production of [Golden Car] and send more robots of various types to the moon.

Secondly, we must complete the space battleship manufacturing factory on the moon in the shortest possible time.

In order to start building a warship capable of carrying a DTHN1000 nuclear reactor and matching laser cannon.

No, I will talk to Liu Mingyu and try to manufacture a newer generation of nuclear reactors to ensure that they can achieve more than twice the power of the DTHN1000 nuclear reactor of the same size.

In this way, the power of our laser cannon should be comparable to that of the subconscious body communicator!"

Zero said: "Yes, Dean, the plan has begun to adjust."

Deep down, Li Tang felt that he still needed a weapon that could rival the sub-consciousness communicator, otherwise he would find it difficult to feel at ease.

After all, once the sub-consciousness communicator contacts Mark and the others, and really supports Mark and the Symbiote Society, he will be in big trouble.

It will also disrupt his plan to unify Blue Star.

Ultimately, after 25 years, it may be impossible to resist the invaders.

Originally, Li Tang had the pressure of this hurdle in his heart.

But after all, it was still 25 years later, and he always felt that he could still make it in time.

He has fully understood the major difficulties of nuclear fusion technology and is currently tackling them one by one.

I believe it won’t take too long to overcome these difficulties.

In his fused space-time memory, once he has nuclear fusion energy, he will be able to come up with at least several powerful weapons.

I believe they can rival the Mars and Ansir tribes.

You know, in his integrated space-time memory, those aspects of knowledge system came from the Mars clan, not the Ansir clan.

Li Tang actually has another guess, that is, the time point he traveled to in his dream should still be in the future of a different time and space.

But what he saw when his consciousness crossed the dimension that day was that the time point in the different time and space was still the day when the dragon clan was just destroyed.

By this calculation, the scientific and technological knowledge that Li Tang currently possesses should surpass that of the Mars clan 25 years later.

As for how long it would take to surpass him, he didn't know.

In any case, he originally thought there was still time for development.

But the sudden appearance of a laser beam on Mars made him nervous.

What if he doesn’t have 25 years?

The sub-consciousness communicator on Mars had been silent before. Why did it move so abnormally when the Golden Chariot landed?

Did you receive instructions from another time and space?

(End of this chapter)

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