Chapter 358 Yinghuo No.

He has led the team in tackling key problems over the past four months and has overcome some difficulties.

Next, it’s time to start this mega project.

The talent pool of the Future Science and Technology Institute in this area is far from sufficient to cope with this huge project.

It can be said that this should be the largest scientific and technological project in human history.

Although Li Tang was able to conceal the truth about the invasion from another time and space while promoting domestic support for his research and development of this nuclear fusion project.

However, it is certainly difficult for the domestic public to truly feel the urgency. After all, nuclear fusion engineering is a project that will take mankind another 50 years.

Even if there is a breakthrough, it should be done step by step, gradually groping forward.

Li Tang wanted to lead the project to achieve leapfrog development, but it was difficult for him to convince the middle and senior management with reasonable reasons.

After all, all the projects currently being promoted in the country are super projects. If the Future Science and Technology Research Institute had not undertaken the majority of the investment in this regard, they would not have been possible.

It is also difficult to make up our minds to promote it in China.

These super projects still apply mature technologies, but nuclear fusion engineering is a truly cutting-edge project for mankind, and it has never been done before.

It is even larger than the Manhattan Project of the Empire back then.

The Manhattan Project brought together the best nuclear scientists from the Allies and mobilized 10 related scientific researchers to participate. It took three years to complete.

The nuclear fusion project that Li Tang is currently promoting includes not only the development of nuclear fusion reactors, but also nuclear fusion engine technology that uses the energy output of nuclear fusion reactors.

The latter Li Tang intends to adopt the radiation engine technology without working fluid, which is more difficult than the engine technology with working fluid.

But in order to truly achieve cross-galaxy level navigation, this must be experienced.

After all, the nearest star system to the solar system where the Blue Star is located is 4.3 light-years away, and there is complete emptiness in between.

It is impossible to replenish energy materials.

If a large amount of energy materials are carried, the difficulty of building a warship may increase again.

Of course, it is not impossible to use a nuclear fusion engine with a working fluid to fly across these 4.3 light years.

But the distance between these galaxies is very close.

It is impossible for humans who have already left their home galaxy to be trapped between these two galaxies, right?

For such a huge R&D project, Zero has already conducted relevant calculations.

At least several thousand nuclear scientists are needed, and the number of other related scientific researchers is also in the hundreds of thousands.

This is still the case when artificial intelligence is applied. If there is no artificial intelligence.

This scale will have to be multiplied several times.

For such a huge scientific research project, Li Tang did not have time to wait for the scientists recruited and trained by the Future Science and Technology Institute to grow up.

Because it may be too late.

Since the sub-consciousness communicator of the Mars clan can take such a powerful blocking action on Mars, Li Tang has reason to worry that the other party will be able to send some more.

If the invasion really happens earlier than expected and we are not prepared, the outcome will be defeat.

Li Tang couldn't accept it, so it was time to tell Zhao Lao and other allies.

It's time to pool our own strength and prepare for battle with all our strength.

In response to Zhao Changhai's questions, Li Tang had already asked Zero to prepare a video document that clearly explained the threat situation from the other time and space.

At this time, Zhao Changhai raised questions, and Li Tang directly played the video for him to watch.

After Zhao Changhai finished reading it all, he still couldn't hide the huge shock in his heart.

"So, you think an alien invasion is imminent?"

Li Tang nodded.

"You also think that this matter should not be told to the Western Alliance, in case they become the guides to the different time and space?"

Li Tang said: "They have actually begun to guide the way in an unconscious state. If they were allowed to land on Mars and come into contact with the Mars Protoss sub-consciousness communicator.

The Western Alliance led by the Empire will not hesitate to throw itself into the arms of invaders from different time and space.

A horrific war will inevitably break out on Blue Planet, turning it into a ruin like in another time and space."

Zhao Changhai was silent for a while before he said, "You suddenly told me this today. Is it not just because of the obstacles encountered in landing on Mars?"

Obviously, the obstacles encountered in landing on Mars happened more than four months ago. Li Tang didn't mention it at that time, but suddenly mentioned it today. There must be some new situation.

Li Tang smiled and nodded, "I can't hide anything from you, Mr. Zhao. That's right, I originally planned to hide it from you.

But in the past four months, I have made some breakthroughs in nuclear fusion research. With the Zero measurement, we can now start the research and development of controlled nuclear fusion engineering. "

Zhao Changhai was surprised again and asked, "Controlled nuclear fusion, are you saying that we can already start developing a controlled nuclear fusion power station?"

Li Tang said: "In the application of controlled nuclear fusion energy, power generation is only its basic function, but it actually has other important functions.

For example, the controlled nuclear fusion radiation engine of a space battleship, the controlled nuclear fusion anti-gravity system, and so on.

In these applications, controlled nuclear fusion reactors directly provide a huge energy supply, rather than being used to boil water to generate electricity and then drive it with electricity.”

Zhao Changhai seemed to understand something and asked, "You mean, this kind of controlled nuclear fusion research and development project needs our strong support?"

Li Tang nodded and said, "That's right, this project requires the efforts of the whole country, and I will even try to select some scientists from the member countries of the Star Alliance.

In short, the demand for relevant scientific researchers is very great. Without the support of you, Mr. Zhao, the cycle of this matter will be prolonged.

I am worried that the enemy may not give us this time, so the sooner we finish it, the better."

Zhao Changhai asked: "Who can I show this video of the Mars Protoss invasion from another time and space?"

"Zero has sent the list of people involved to your account. You can proceed with this matter based on the list."

Zhao Changhai waved his hand and said, "Since time is urgent, let's push forward with all our strength. I will call a meeting with the people on the list you gave me.

Wait for my news, I will give you feedback within three days."

Li Tang said, "Thank you for your hard work, Mr. Zhao."

Zhao Changhai said solemnly: "For the sake of our time and space, our nation, I will not suffer the tragic fate of the dragons from other time and space. Even if I risk my life, I will do this well."

With that, he ended the video.

"Mr. Zhao is still the vigorous and resolute Mr. Zhao."

Li Tang couldn't help but sigh.

As for the so-called frame-up and blame-shifting between the Empire and the Eastern Japanese, it was child's play in Li Tang's eyes and hardly attracted his attention.

He had originally handed this matter over to the security room and Damon.

I didn't expect them to do so well. The Empire is currently unable to land on Mars, so this gives them enough time.

The mission to Mars is already underway, 2.25 million kilometers away.

After more than 120 days of full preparation, a huge human space fleet is gathering at the Earth-Mars high-speed transit space station 300 million kilometers away from Mars.

The space station orbits the sun and is equipped with a rotating module.

In the dark space, it looks like a huge windmill.

There are as many as 100 [Golden Chariots] parked on both sides of the extension lines of the windmill's central axis.

Among them, 30 are redesigned armed versions of the "Golden Cars", and their original internal cargo space has been filled with huge energy storage devices and DTHN500 nuclear reactors.

This will give the Golden Chariot a sufficient energy supply, allowing the giant laser cannons modified on its belly and back to be put to good use.

Although the laser beam diameter of these two laser main guns is only 350 mm, their range and duration are better than the 500 mm laser cannons currently equipped in the lunar defense system.

This performance improvement is due to a researcher at the Institute of Optics under the Future Science and Technology Institute. This scientist named Qian Guanghan improved the optical path design of the laser generator.

Today's researchers at the Future Science and Technology Institute have enhanced their consciousness intensity, and their explosive scientific research inspiration is far greater than that of ordinary people.

This had been discovered by Li Tang a long time ago, but unlike people with the talent for hypnosis, the consciousness of scientific researchers could not be improved as rapidly as those people after using the infusion of consciousness energy.

To put it in an analogy, scientific researchers are equivalent to small cups of consciousness, while people with the talent for hypnosis are equivalent to large vats of consciousness.

If we use the consciousness energy infusion method to increase the consciousness intensity of scientific researchers, it will soon overflow and no amount of infusion will be able to be injected.

Despite this, Li Tang still asked the researchers to maintain their consciousness at the highest level, because this is when their scientific research inspiration is most likely to burst out.

This has also resulted in a huge explosion in scientific research results in various fields at the Future Science and Technology Research Institute.

This situation is comparable to the period of great scientific invention boom in the West.

Let’s look back at the relay space station, which has been named the “Yinghuo-1” space base.

A total of 75 space bases have been built and named along the entire Earth-Mars Highway, from the relay space station closest to Mars to the Blue Planet.

The 100 Golden Chariots of the "Yinghuo-" base were leaving their berths one by one and forming formations in space.

This time, a total of 80 [Golden Chariots] will be deployed, including 30 armed versions and 50 transport versions.

It is obvious that Li Tang is determined to succeed in landing on Mars this time.

(End of this chapter)

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