Chapter 360 Filled Crater
Li Tang's eyes lit up and he said, "All is fair in war, this method of confusing the real with the fake is a good one.

We can arrange two or three landing sites at the same time near the South Pole."

Yue Guoqiang also said excitedly: "That's right, when setting up the landing point near the South Pole, we can also use the last landing point.

I will test the enemy's defense level again. I don't believe they won't show their true colors."

Li Tang said: "I think the landing exploration operation at the Antarctic landing point can be carried out more than ten minutes ahead of other landing points, and the three locations can be carried out simultaneously.

Send an armed version of the [Golden Chariot] to each landing point to see whether they will continue to remain silent or respond again.

If the enemy attacks, we can counterattack at any time."

Yue Guoqiang immediately arranged for his staff to formulate a plan, and then conducted corresponding simulations with Zero to perfect the details of the plan.

Two days later, from the "Yinghuo-100" transit base, a space fleet consisting of "Golden Chariots" flew towards Mars.

It would take more than a day to fly from here to Mars at the cruising speed of the Golden Chariot.

During this period of time, a new batch of [Golden Chariots] have arrived at the "Yinghuo-1" base.

With these transit bases along the Earth-Mars Highway, we can maintain the ability to continuously output power to Mars.

At this time, all production systems under the Future Science and Technology Research Institute are running at full capacity.

Not only are they fully committed to manufacturing two types of [Golden Chariots], they are also preparing a large amount of supplies and equipment for the construction of a Mars base.

The construction of the DTHN500 and DTHN1000 nuclear reactors alone is at a high speed of producing 30 units per week.

In addition, a real large space battleship has begun to be built at the lunar base, and the shipbuilding base here has finally been completed and put into use.

Due to the smooth deployment of the Mars Star Network satellite, the sudden silence of the Mars Protoss sub-consciousness communicator gave Li Tang a sense of urgency.

Something must have happened in the southern hemisphere of Mars during that period.

I'm afraid this is the reason why the Mars Protoss sub-consciousness communicator used laser to shoot down the Golden Chariot and clear out the satellites in the southern hemisphere star network.

During these two days, Li Tang even suspended his further research on the difficulties of nuclear fusion technology.

Instead, they are poring over photos and videos of the Martian surface taken by the newly deployed Starlink satellites.

Li Tang also asked Zero to carry out a task to compare the latest pictures of the surface of Mars.

The photos taken by the Starnet satellite for the first time and the photos taken before the Starnet satellite was cleaned were used for comparison with the latest ones.

Li Tang believed that the sub-consciousness communicator of the Mars clan must have done something special in the southern hemisphere of Mars, which led to the initiative of launching the attack.

However, even if Zero was involved in this matter, it would not be so easy to identify.

Mars is closer to the asteroid belt and attracts more asteroids.

This makes Mars much more likely to be hit by meteorites than the Blue Planet.

In addition, because the atmosphere is thinner than that of the Blue Planet, the possibility of meteorites hitting the surface of Mars is higher.

There are tens of thousands of craters larger than 1 kilometer on the surface of Mars.

Such craters are formed every day, and the topography of the Martian surface is changing every moment.

Fortunately, Zero had sufficient computing power, and the comparison results yielded a discovery within two days.

In the southern hemisphere of Mars, somewhere in the Valles Marineris.

The location was shown in the initial StarNet photos as a crater with a diameter of 0.6 kilometers and a depth of 12 kilometers.

In the photos taken before the southern hemisphere satellite was cleared, the crater showed no changes and its diameter remained at 0.6 kilometers.

In the latest photos, the crater has been filled!
When Zero projected the comparison result to Li Tang, Yue Guoqiang could not wait to board a new batch of armed version of the [Golden Chariot] and set foot on the Earth-Fire Highway.

90 days later, Yue Guoqiang will arrive at the "Yinghuo-" base and then lead the second batch of personnel and materials to land on Mars.

Now Li Tang can only study the comparison results by himself.

"Number Zero, have the nine-layer star network system on Mars keep an eye on this place. I want any movement or change to be immediately recognized by you."

Zero said, "Yes, Dean."

Li Tang stared at the projection of the image of the Martian surface.

This place is two thousand kilometers northwest of where the Mars Protoss sub-consciousness communicator fired a laser beam last time.

To the west of Mariner's Valley is the Roctis Labyrinth, which is a bit close to the Roctis Labyrinth area.

The valleys and canyons of that region are all caused by faulting, and there are many areas showing the features of grabens, with the features of high ground surfaces preserved at the valley bottoms.

In short, these areas are still experiencing pit-like subsidence.

"Zero, mark the aerial position of our [Golden Car] when it was hit by the laser beam last time."

"Yes, Dean."

The marked point soon appeared on the projection map.

Li Tang continued: "Connect this position with the filled crater."

A red line immediately appeared on the projection image.

"Connect the position where the enemy fired the laser beam and the position where the [Golden Car] was hit."

In the projection image, a blue line appeared again.

In this way, a triangle appears.

But this didn't seem to work. But Li Tang didn't care, and quickly asked Zero to call up the height and speed of the shot-down Golden Chariot.

After some testing, an answer emerged.

That's it!

Li Tang finally understood why the Mars clan's sub-consciousness communicator had to fire a laser to destroy the Golden Chariot when it fell to an altitude of 50 kilometers.

From this position, with the falling speed of the Golden Chariot, if it were to use the glide landing method of a large space shuttle and land to the west, it would almost land near the crater.

In other words, the enemy assumed that there was a possibility that their own [Golden Chariot] would land near the crater, and then fired lasers to destroy the [Golden Chariot].

However, this reason is still not sufficient.

Because the enemy subsequently destroyed the StarNet satellites over the entire southern hemisphere, this shows that the enemy is still worried that even if the [Golden Chariot] does not land, it can still monitor the situation in the crater.

From a strategic perspective, the more the enemy doesn't want you to do something, the more you want to do it.

"Number Zero, send the relevant information about this meteorite crater to Yue Guoqiang's [Golden Chariot] war brain, and ask him to make relevant plan revisions.

In addition, for the exploratory landing operation in the southern hemisphere, two [Golden Chariots] were deployed at this location!
One transport version and one armed version. The transport version should be filled with [Predator] space version and [Hundred Workers] and other excavation robots."

Zero said, "Yes, Dean. Excuse me, the preparatory operation for the Mars landing, the southern hemisphere exploratory landing, is about to be launched. Do we need to revise the plan before we start?"

"Yes, the landing operation at this location will be carried out 15 minutes earlier than the previous simultaneous landing plan."

"Yes, Dean, the plan has been revised. We have already drawn a team from the spare [Golden Car]. May I ask if the landing on Mars has started?"

Li Tang took a deep breath and said, "The action begins."

"Yes, Dean."



Silent space.

A reddish-earth planet hangs quietly in the dark space. With the naked eye, you cannot tell that it is actually rotating.

Of course, there is no way to tell that it is actually flying along a specific orbit.

At this moment, a group of small creatures with faint flashing lights suddenly flew out of the dark space.

Compared with this tiny red planet, these little creatures are like fireflies.

This group of fireflies was divided into more than ten groups, which dispersed in an instant and fell towards the red planet.

Obviously, this is the Golden Chariot fleet that will start the epic chapter of human landing on Mars.

If you zoom in, you can see that one of the groups consists of only two Golden Chariots. They are like butterflies in love with flowers. After circling Mars, they fly back and forth over the southern hemisphere of Mars.

The altitude gradually decreased and gradually penetrated into the thin Martian atmosphere.

Even though their speeds reached Mach 100, they did not bounce back into space from the Martian atmosphere like stones skipping on water.

They were like butterflies that had found the pistil of a flower and dived into it.

After the two Golden Chariots entered the Martian atmosphere, they quickly lowered their altitude and speed.

It soon fell to an altitude of 50 kilometers and was again close to the location where it was shot down.

But today, the southern hemisphere of Mars is silent.

It was as if the huge laser beam that appeared here more than four months ago was an illusion.

The altitude of the two [Golden Chariots] further decreased to 20 kilometers, and the speed also dropped to Mach 3.

Their target is clear, heading directly to the crater northwest of Mariner Valley in the southern hemisphere.

No, the location of this filled-in crater is now a valley plain with a diameter of 60 kilometers.

The depth of this section of Mariner Valley is 5 kilometers.

At the ends of both sides of the valley plain are cliffs as high as 5 kilometers, which looks very spectacular.

This is a view that cannot be seen on the blue planet.

Two [Golden Chariots] fell from the sky one after the other and flew straight to the valley plain.

The altitude dropped to 8000 meters.

At this time, the two [Golden Chariots] were already flying in the Mariner Valley.

On the planet where there has never been any trace of civilization, the rumbling sound of aircraft was heard, and the supersonic boom rumbled past.

Some broken rocks eroded by the hurricane in Mariner Valley were shaken off the cliffs, making another loud roar.

A tiny bit of dust was raised.

At this moment, more than ten [Predators] and hundreds of [Hunters] suddenly flew out from one of the [Golden Chariots]!
Another armed version of the [Golden Chariot] has flown over the sky to fill the crater.

Circling, circling...

The laser cannon at its belly is already on standby mode, and will launch a lightning-fast counterattack if there is any movement on the ground.

However, the terrifying laser beam still did not appear.

(End of this chapter)

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