Chapter 367 The Universe in the Cave
In the projection, the subsequent images of the cave wall taken by the "Hunter" were slowly displayed.

The different layers of rock and even some mineral layers are displayed before the world.

The geological exploration and research on Mars is indeed a very good research institute.

If the sub-consciousness communicator of the Mars clan is destroyed, this place can be built into a Martian geological research base.

At this time, the [Hunter] in the front has landed to a depth of 16793 meters, which is deeper than the 12262 of Damao's family.

From the pictures sent back, we can see that it is quite similar to the one at Damao’s house, and gold mineral layers have also been discovered.

At a depth of about 9000 meters, there is a gold ore layer that is 20 meters thick.

At this time, among the subsequent [Hunters] that entered, several had already taken samples from different ore layers, and then began to fly back upwards.

The new [Hunter] began to fly down to fill the position, and before they knew it, two flight channels, one above and one below, were formed in the hole.

Only the Hunter flying in the front and the two behind it continued to fly steadily downwards.

As time passed, the three Hunters formed a V-shape and had already reached a depth of 32219 meters, but there was still no sign of reaching the bottom.

At this time, the thermometer carried by the Hunter showed that the temperature had reached 33 degrees Celsius.

The temperature here is surprisingly much higher than the 3 degrees Celsius at the initial depth of ten meters.

It is obvious that the hole leads to a deeper location on Mars, where there may be a heat source.

Previously, the Empire's InSight Mars probe had explored the Martian crust, of course, it used seismic waves.

Today, Mars has only about 480 earthquakes per year, much less than the Blue Planet.

Through seismic wave detection, it was found that the Martian crust is divided into three layers: the first layer is 8 kilometers, the second layer is 20 kilometers, and the third layer is 39 kilometers.

After more than two years of monitoring, Insight found that the thickness of the active crust of Mars is only 2-20 kilometers, compared with about 37 kilometers on the Blue Planet.

From this perspective, Mars' core has indeed cooled and become quiet.

But if you think about it from another perspective, it is possible that the cooling and dormant Mars is beginning to recover.

Of course, this requires continued monitoring of the earthquake situation on Mars. If the number of earthquakes increases, it means that the idea from this perspective is correct.

In this regard, Li Tang has arranged a group of geologists among the second group of people landing on Mars, and there is a special team responsible for research topics in this area.

"No. 32219, this hole is already meters deep, but during this process, we did not encounter any active crust. Is it because of the special geology here, or is it..."

Before Li Tang finished his question, he saw the projected image change.

This was taken by the two Hunters at the back that were flying in a V-formation. In the pitch-black hole, a flying object consisting of four blue bright spots was falling steadily downwards.

That was the tail flame emitted by the Hunter's four micro particle engines.

The cave wall originally reflected the blue light emitted by the Hunter's particle engine, but it suddenly dispersed and disappeared.

In fact, the Hunter in front suddenly flew into a larger space, and there was no light reflected from the cave walls around it.

At this time, the next two [Hunters] also flew into this space.

One of the images began to rotate and move steadily, probably capturing the surrounding situation.

The searchlights of the three Hunters were suddenly turned on at this moment. In the extremely dark space, the three beams of light looked very small, like the light of fireflies.

The beam of light shot out for 800 meters, but it illuminated nothing.

This is enough to conclude that this underground space is very vast.

Of course, the depth here has reached 33781 meters.

The searchlight of one of the Hunters was shining vertically downwards, but even after 800 meters down, the bottom was still not visible.

It can be seen that the height of the underground space has exceeded 800 meters.

Such a huge underground space is difficult to form naturally on the blue planet.

Because earthquakes are very frequent on the blue planet, it is easy for such hole structures in the earth's crust to collapse.

Even if intelligent life uses high-tech means to excavate and build, it is not an easy task to achieve.

It is only possible to excavate and build it by using the construction technology of the Future Technology Research Institute and building materials such as [snow mud].

Zero asked at this time: "Dean, there is a message from the front of Mars asking if these three Hunters need to be separated to explore in three directions?"

Li Tang hesitated for a moment and said, "No, continue to probe downwards. Let's first understand how deep this hole is.

Let's see where the Mars tribe wants to dig."

Zero said: "Yes, the message has been replied."

At this time, the image transmitted back was three [Hunters] hovering in the dark underground void.

The two 12.5-minute transmission times from Mars to the Blue Planet are the time they hover and wait.

Of course, during this circling and waiting time, the three Hunters did not do nothing. Instead, they each dropped a flare downwards.

It was the light from these three flares that changed the picture.

Below this underground space, about 1800 meters away from the three [Hunters], there were actually shimmering waves!
Oh my god, is there water down there?

Because the distance is too high and the range of the flares is limited, it is impossible to know for the time being how large the water surface under this space is.

Li Tang couldn't wait to say: "Notify Qi Tian at the Mars base to immediately allocate one-third of the construction force to build a base near this meteorite crater.

At the same time, the Blue Star Defense Force will allocate half of its personnel to escort this construction team.

Then, 20 armed versions of the [Golden Carts] were urgently dispatched from the 'Yinghuo No. 20' base, along with transport versions of the [Golden Carts], to deliver a batch of supplies directly here.

20 armed versions of the [Golden Chariots] serve as the permanent force here, and are required to always maintain a patrol situation of four [Golden Chariots] in the air.

At this moment, the Hunters in the hole have stopped their mineral collection mission and are all going down to reinforce and first explore the underground space and the water below. "

Zero said: "Yes, the order has been sent."

Li Tang asked again: "Where is Yue Guoqiang's batch of [Golden Chariots] now?"

Zero replied: "We just passed the 'Yinghuo 74' space transfer station and flew about 1500 million kilometers."

Li Tang sighed slightly and said, "We have only flown 75/ of the distance, and our spacecraft is still too slow.

Please help me connect with Chen Tianxiao so I can video chat with him."

Chen Tianxiao has been at the lunar base for several months, and the design of the space fighter should be completed.

A new projection appeared. Chen Tianxiao had messy hair, untidy beard, and red eyes.

It's obvious that he hasn't had a good rest for many days.

"How many days have you not slept? If you continue to be so reckless, I will transfer you back!"

Chen Tianxiao grinned and said, "It's the final sprint. Give me three more days, no, two more days, and the first prototype can be built!"

Li Tang asked: "How do you know I'm asking you about the space fighter?"

"You never come to see me for no reason. I've been on the moon for so long and you haven't video chatted with me. You suddenly came today. It's 100% that you're here to ask about the progress of the space fighter."

Li Tang nodded and said, "Not bad, you know me well. The situation on the front line is a bit tight, and we urgently need new space fighters."

Chen Tianxiao was stunned and asked, "Who are we going to fight? Is the situation so urgent that we need to deploy new space fighters?"

Li Tang said: "There may be a vanguard of alien civilization on Mars. Although the [Golden Chariot] has an armed version, its maximum flight speed is still too slow.

It takes 95 days to fly from the Blue Planet to Mars.

No, as time goes by, the distance between the Blue Planet and Mars will further increase.

This time will be even longer, which makes it a bit too slow for us to deliver supplies or reinforcements.

By the way, can you tell me about the performance of your latest version of the space fighter? "

Chen Tianxiao did not ask much about how the vanguard of alien civilization appeared on Mars, but the string in his heart suddenly tightened.

He began to introduce the performance parameters of the latest version of the space fighter.

“This space fighter, when viewed from the head or tail, looks a bit like a capital X, except that the middle box is thicker and longer, and there are four particle jet engines at the four corners.

The maximum flight speed is 10 times the third cosmic speed, which is Mach 601.

It is 6 times the current speed of the Golden Chariot. At the current distance, it will only take less than 16 days to fly from the Blue Planet to Mars.

The only inconvenience is that this space fighter can really only fly in space and can only be deployed in the planet's spaceport.

How about it? Can it still meet your requirements? Give it a nice name. "

Li Tang looked at Chen Xiaotian's exhausted face and said, "The speed has reached 5/1000 of the speed of light, and it is still using the existing nuclear fission energy.

This has completely squeezed the performance of the DTHN500 nuclear reactor.

Let's call it [Baidi], and we can start to implement the Nantianmen plan!"

Chen Tianxiao smiled, "Baidi is a good name, I like it."

Li Tang asked again, "By the way, how long can this space fighter last?"

Chen Xiaotian patted his forehead and said, "Look at my memory, how come I forgot to mention this function.

When the nuclear fuel tank is fully loaded and weapons and equipment are not in use, the battery life is 500 days.

If the weapons and equipment are used at full capacity, the endurance time is 200 days.”

(End of this chapter)

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