Chapter 372: Mo Weng Shows His Power
Mo Weng once thought that his civil and military skills were better than those of the iron-fisted strongman who founded the country.

He even announced that he had mapped out a path for White Elephant's development over the next 25 years, hoping to build White Elephant into a country where "without White Elephant, no global flight can take off."

To put it more bluntly, this 25-year plan will enable white elephants to surpass giants in all aspects.

How could a tiny Bagan trip up the white elephant?

Isn't this like a mouse tripping over an elephant?

When it comes to the economic development of White Elephant, wasn't it doing well? It is one of the BRIC countries, and its stock market has been rising like the Empire for many years, making many giant stock investors envious.

Even though it is called the "graveyard of foreign capital" by some people, White Elephant still received heavy investment from companies such as Apple because of the empire's Asia-Pacific strategy and supply chain reshaping.

How could the situation change so drastically in less than two years? The empire's high technology was completely defeated by the giants.

No, it should be that he was beaten to a pulp by that Li Tang.

The most powerful computer technology was completely replaced by the carbon chip technology invented by Li Tang.

The best-selling electric cars require the lithium crystal batteries invented by Li Tang.

The software that best reflects the company's dominance in the computer field has all been replaced by the artificial intelligence technology invented by Li Tang.

The white elephant had fallen behind the rest of the world without even realizing it.

An army of 700,000 attacked an armed force that had just seized power in Pagan, but they were defeated and wiped out without leaving any trace despite being outnumbered.

The Pagan army counterattacked and entered the six eastern states of Baixiang, and in a blink of an eye, surrounded the last main force of 500,000 troops at the eastern entrance of Siliguri Pass.

At this moment, Bai Xiang had no time to mobilize any troops for reinforcement.

There was no way to withdraw any troops to provide reinforcements.

The White Elephant once deployed hundreds of thousands of troops on the northern border, cooperating with the empire's Asia-Pacific strategy in a show of force.

Now these troops are surrounded in Siliguri and their lives are hanging by a thread.

The empire's Asia-Pacific strategy had failed miserably, and even the empire's army was about to complete its full withdrawal mission.

How come this world suddenly became unrecognizable to Mo Weng?

Could it be that I am really old?
Mo Weng didn't say anything, and no one in the conference room dared to speak anymore. They waited quietly for Mo Weng's instructions.

Over the years, Mo Weng's prestige in Baixiang has reached its peak.

Whatever Mo Weng agrees with is right.

Everything that Mo Weng opposes is wrong.

The prerequisite for everyone to do good things is whether Mr. Mo agrees with it.

If Mo Weng has not expressed his opinion on something, then don't do it at all.

Army Commander Manoj was thinking about this problem at this time. He was forming an alliance with the Eastern Japanese to attack and divide Pagan. This matter was personally led and arranged by Mo Weng, so how could something go wrong?

"Manoji, the Eastern Japanese said they would send 100,000 troops. How is the progress of this matter now?"

Manoj was stunned and said cautiously: “Mo Weng, when the East Japanese ally raised this matter before, didn’t you say that it must be delayed?

After we deal with the 300,000 troops in Pagan, we will arrange for them to send 10,000 or 20,000 to station together in Naidu, the capital of Pagan.

So that they can share with us the international pressure of occupying Bagan."

Mo Weng glared at Manoj fiercely and said hatefully, "I am asking you, have they sent troops now? How many people have come?"

Manoj’s heart trembled, and he quickly replied: “There is an advance brigade, about 6000 people, and an advisory group.

But this advisory group is now also surrounded in Siliguri.”

The people below are really troublesome, which makes Mo Weng a little overwhelmed.

"How many troops can we mobilize here in our country?"

Manoj replied: “Except for a fully staffed armored division here in Xindeli, the garrisons in various places are currently being held back by sporadic rebellions.

If they are withdrawn, Home Minister Amit is concerned that the rebellion will quickly spread out of control.”

Mo Weng stopped and became furious, "You useless idiot, why don't you recruit new soldiers as soon as possible?

Our population is now the largest in the world, and those guys have nothing to do, so they can go to the battlefield.

Now is the time of national crisis and the enemy has come to our home, and you are still taking your time here. Don’t you know that you should impose a nationwide martial law?

Mobilize the whole country immediately, we must drive out the Pagan army!

Your various departments coordinate with each other.

Minister Su Wen, you need to win the support of those member states in the Western Alliance in diplomacy, and the supply of weapons and related parts must not be interrupted."

Su Wen is Mo Weng's close confidant and the mouthpiece of Mo Weng's foreign policy.

Originally, the White Elephant seemed to have become stronger, and he was tougher than the military on the international stage. He even mocked his founding father for being too kind to the giant, which left a historical problem.

Ever since Mr. Mo came to power, White Elephant has been extremely confident from top to bottom.

Now, suddenly facing a counterattack from Pagan and suffering defeat after defeat, and seeing that the six eastern states were about to be completely lost, they suddenly realized that the world had changed.

At this time, the female finance minister, Hilmara, suddenly said, “Mo Weng, if martial law is imposed across the country and a general mobilization is carried out.

This year, the economy that was hit by the Dream Shadow platform will see negative growth, and we may not have the money to continue the fight."

Mo Weng was stunned and asked with a puzzled look: "What did you say? The economy will have negative growth this year? How is that possible?

We have the largest population in the world. Is domestic consumption not enough to drive our own economic development?
Is it true that our own investment is not enough to drive economic growth? "

Hilmara said softly, "Mo Weng, since the Dream Shadow platform has attracted most people in the country, they can make money, spend money, and have fun on this platform..."

Mo Weng was even more surprised and interrupted, "Haven't we banned the use of this Dream Shadow? If someone uses it secretly, they will be fined or even imprisoned."

Hilmara stopped talking and looked at Sanjadi, motioning him to answer.

Sanjadi gritted his teeth and replied, “Mo Weng, our prohibition is only at the legal level.

Just like our laws have prohibitions against the use of violence against women.

But this phenomenon is still very common in our country.

Now the restrictions of this [Dream Shadow] platform are also the same..."

"Wait a minute!" Mo Weng frowned and asked, "Are our restrictions only dry legal clauses?

Can our communications department allow this platform to enter our country's network? What is your technical department for?"

His eyes were fixed on Dakla, the head of technology.

To be honest, Mo Weng really had no idea about the situation.

In his opinion, attending the Western Alliance Summit and posing for photos with leaders of major powers such as the Empire meant that White Elephant was on an equal footing with them.

The empire wanted to restrict Li Tang's [Dream Shadow], but he just gave an order and it restricted him tightly.

Just like those giant companies before, wasn’t a certain Mi fined to death?

Do they dare to say anything? They just keep opening factories in Baixiang.

Dakla explained: "Moweng, the [Dream Shadow] platform does not require any permission from us. It will allow our people to access the Internet anywhere and connect to this platform."

Mo Weng touched his chin and said coldly: "Don't lie to me. What devices do people use to access the Internet? Can't that device be banned?"

Dakla shook his head and said, "Really not! Even if people have an ordinary mobile phone in their hands, they can connect to the Internet through a small connector and log in to the Dream Shadow platform."

"Look, you all said that a small connector is needed, so no one, anywhere can sell this small connector!"

Mo Weng shouted loudly, thinking he had a good idea.

Dakla shook his head again and said, "Moweng, this small connector is provided free of charge by the Dream Shadow platform. No one can stop it from entering the White Elephant's territory."

Mo Weng looked at everyone present and felt that something seemed to be out of his control.

This is a situation that must not be allowed. Everything in this country should be under our own control.

I had been in control well before, how come things suddenly got out of control?
None of these subordinates reported the incident.

He glared at Sanjadi, "You, why didn't you tell me these things? A small Internet platform can be used unimpeded on Baixiang."

Sanjadi repeatedly protested, “Mo Weng, I have reported this to you at least three times.

The first time you asked me to ask Dakra to solve it.

The second time you asked me to speak to Amit from the Home Department.

The third time you asked me to find Air Marshal Jodali..."

Mo Weng was slightly startled, as if he remembered something, and asked again: "Have you looked for these three people?"

Sanjadi replied: “I did look for it. The first time, Dakla said that it was technically impossible to block the Dream Shadow platform.

The second time, Minister Amit said that so many people were being caught violating the ban that the prisons could not hold them all.

The third time, Marshal Jodali said that even the Imperial Air Force could not stop the delivery drones from the Dream Shadow platform, so our Air Force would be even less able to stop them.

Eventually, things turned out like this, and the [Mengying] platform has become a must-have Internet application for the people.”

Mo Weng seemed to have finally figured out how the matter had turned out to be the situation it was today, and he didn't say anything for a long while.

The atmosphere in the conference room was extremely depressing. The few people whose names were just mentioned by Sanjadi even lowered their heads under the table.

There's nothing I can do. I really can't handle these things when they fall upon me.

(End of this chapter)

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