Chapter 380 Ultimatum Trap
At this time, Defense Minister Mitsuo Kino said: "Sir, I'm afraid we still need to be fully prepared for battle.

If the Star Alliance sends a so-called peacekeeping force unreasonably, should we resolutely destroy it by counterattacking the invaders?"

Nobuda Takehisa pondered for a moment and said, "You are right. Do you have any good ideas?"

Kino Mitsuo said: "The peacekeeping forces of the Star Alliance are nothing more than those sent by the giants, most likely the navy, air force and marines.

If they want to verify our underground experiments, they must at least go to the corresponding locations.

The latitude and longitude of the underground test previously announced by the "Truth" live broadcast room are accurate, so the Star Alliance peacekeeping force will definitely go to Yamanashi Prefecture.

To get there, the best landing spot is in Shizuoka Prefecture, and the second best location is off the coast of Tokyo Bay.

In response to this, we have imposed comprehensive martial law in the sea, airspace, and land routes around these two locations.

As long as the Covenant peacekeeping forces are not allowed to arrive there, the Covenant's verification operation will fail."

Kawada Masahiko agreed: "With the military's guarantee of victory, my diplomatic maneuvers will be more confident."

The Chief Cabinet Secretary Uesugihara, who had been silent all this time, suddenly asked, "Kino-kun, are you sure you can defeat the peacekeeping force of the Star Alliance?
If the task force suffers a defeat like the one that occurred in the previous battle, Kawada-kun's diplomatic actions would be difficult to carry out."

Upon hearing this, Kino Mitsuo was stunned. The big-mouthed Uesugihara really poured a bucket of cold water on his head.

He didn't have time to answer.

Kawada Masahiko had already looked at him and asked, "Kino-kun, your military will not allow the peacekeeping forces of the Star Alliance to invade our territory, territorial waters, and airspace, right?"

Kino Mitsuo looked at Uesugihara with some resentment, and then an expression of "I will go even if there are thousands of people against me" appeared on his face.

He said solemnly: "I am the Minister of Defense of Japan. If we allow the enemy to invade, we will fight to the death."

Kino Mitsuo's words sounded somewhat tragic, and the atmosphere in the conference room instantly became several degrees colder.

Masahiko Kawada frowned, seeing that the Prime Minister did not speak.

After thinking for a while, he asked, "Mr. Kino, can you predict the strength of the special peacekeeping force sent by the Star Alliance?"

Kino Mitsuo had a thoughtful expression on his face, and he said, "This unit should be similar to the 82nd Airborne Division or the 101st Airborne Division of the Empire.

At the same time, it will be equipped with a powerful amphibious strike group that can carry out sea and air assaults and capture coastal areas or islands.

In order to ensure air supremacy, an aircraft carrier may be directly assigned.

I think, with Li Tang's intelligence gathering capabilities, the Star Alliance must know that we have 80 F35 fighter jets.

The aircraft carrier assigned by the other side must be their latest type 20 nuclear-powered aircraft carrier, which has an astonishing 60 carrier-based aircraft! "

Kawada Masahiko said: "So, you just said that you can ensure that the peacekeeping forces of the Star Alliance cannot reach the location of the underground test.

This is a judgment based on the opponent's strength, right?"

Kino Mitsuo nodded slightly and said, "Yes, if the opponent comes with a Type 20 aircraft carrier and two amphibious assault ships, it will form a combined aircraft carrier strike group.

Then our naval and air forces, relying on the advantages of local operations, can still keep the enemy away from the coastline."

Uesugihara poured cold water on him again, "What if the opponent's attack is more powerful than this? Will you be unable to block it?"

Kino Sanxiong's breathing became rapid, and he looked at Uesugihara and said, "Yes, if the force is stronger than this, it will be difficult for our great Japanese naval and air forces to resist.

However, if they really invade our land, we will be able to deal a heavy blow to the enemy with our powerful land forces."

Uesugihara seemed to have finished attacking Kino Sanxiong, and turned to Kawada Masahiko and said: “Kawada-kun, the two most important powers in the Star Alliance are the Giants and the Great Hairs.

They happen to be the founding members of the UN and have the power to exercise the defeated nations clause.

If you bring this matter into the UN framework, and they invoke this clause, wouldn't that mean they would have the legal power to launch military strikes against Japan without the authorization of the Security Council?

Don’t you think that following the UN framework is actually handing a knife to the Covenant?”

Upon hearing this, Kawada Masahiko fell into deep thought.

Yes, the UN's defeated nation clause was aimed at Japan and Prussia. Of course, after Prussia pleaded guilty, it was actually targeted at Japan.

This clause stipulates that once the five major factions determine that Japan has taken any steps to implement its aggressive policy again (including both the preparation and implementation stages), the five major factions can take direct military strikes against Japan without the authorization of the Security Council.

Oh no, there’s a trap in this 72-hour ultimatum from the Star Alliance!
Kawada Masahiko's face turned pale instantly, and his voice trembled a little, "Uesugi-kun's thoughts are very valuable. The other party's ultimatum may really have a trap!"

Nobuda Takehisa asked in a deep voice: "What trap?"

Kawada Masahiko said: “Look at that ultimatum. It starts with the urging tone of the previous announcement, and then goes on to demand an inspection of our tests and nuclear facilities.

The Star Alliance special peacekeeping force will also be sent to replace the Imperial garrison that has already withdrawn. All of these are issued in the name of the Star Alliance.

Let's assume they are the Covenant and have nothing to do with the UN.

But in the end, this peacekeeping force acted according to the UN enemy country clause, which is a trap to lure us into the UN framework. "Nobuda Takehisa looked at Uesugihara. This guy is still quite capable.

"Uesugi-kun, you discovered the Star Alliance's trap, do you have any countermeasures?"

Uesugihara replied: "Sir, the key to this matter is the UN's enemy country clause. We must involve the other three of the five major halls, the Empire, Gaul and Daiying.

As long as they speak for us, the giant and the big hair cannot apply this clause arbitrarily.

As long as this clause cannot be applied, we can regard the intrusion of the Covenant's special peacekeeping forces into our territory, territorial waters and airspace as an invasion.

If we fight back against aggression, we will naturally win the support of global public opinion.

Of course, it would be even better if the Empire could fulfill the security treaty it signed with us."

Kino Mitsuo sighed, "The Empire is currently in the midst of a civil war, and I'm afraid they are unable to fulfill their security promise to us."

Kawada Masahiko immediately said: "Sir, I will discuss with the Imperial Highland Ambassador as soon as possible. Even if they cannot fulfill the corresponding security commitments, they should at least send ships to visit.

This will also make the Star Alliance more cautious in their actions and prevent them from doing anything wrong."

Nobuda Takehisa pondered and said, "Ambassador Hailant is from the Imperial Federation. Now the Southern Alliance of the Empire is also actively sending ambassadors abroad to seek recognition from other countries for its regime.

The Imperial Navy is still in a neutral state. I'm afraid neither Ambassador Heilant nor the Southern Alliance can get the Imperial Navy to send troops, right?"

What Takehisa Nobuda said was indeed true. The civil war in the empire was now in full swing.

The Donkey Party occupied the original Imperial Federal Government and naturally had a complete government team.

The Elephant Party has to start all over again, and it will be very difficult for them to make progress in gaining international support.

After all, no country will place a bet in advance when the outcome of the game has not yet been determined. If they stand on the wrong side, they will have to pay the price in the future.

Of course, since the Donkey Party occupies the original legal regime, countries in the world naturally still use the ambassadors sent by the Donkey Party as representatives of the empire.

It’s just that war is fought with comprehensive strength, and diplomacy is also an important part.

As for the Southern Alliance, after forming a provisional government, it quickly sent diplomats to various countries to seek recognition and support.

Nakamura Kazuo suddenly said, "Everyone, since both of them are trying to gain external support, if we choose to support one side, will we be able to get the greatest return?"

Kawada Masahiko said: "It's a good idea, but the civil war in the empire has just entered a fierce stage. Can you tell who will win?"

Nakamura shook his head and said, "Of course not. However, I don't think we need to know who will win. As long as one side is willing to fully support us, we will support that side in turn.

This is a mutually beneficial thing for both parties, and also an opportunity to share weal and woe.

In the past, the empire was the high and mighty emperor, but now we have the opportunity to dethrone them and make them equal to us. No matter how unwilling they are, they will bow their heads in order to win.

We should not miss such an opportunity.”

Uesugihara immediately agreed, "I agree with Nakamura-kun's idea, although it may lead to standing on the wrong side.

But do you think that the struggle between the two sides within the empire will still be one-sided?"

Everyone present went over Uesugihara's question in their minds.

It turns out that in this civil war in the empire, the two sides did not seem to be as one-sided as everyone initially believed.

Logically speaking, the Donkey Party occupied the original political system and took the initiative.

It has a clear advantage in military strength, and many international observers previously believed that the Elephant Party could not last more than three months.

However, the war has been going on for nearly half a year now.

Although the Confederacy suffered a crushing defeat at the beginning, they subsequently became more and more resilient.

The four key battle areas have become completely stalemate, especially the attack of the foreign army garrison, which was once believed by onlookers to be the Donkey Party's secret weapon for victory.

When they reached the defense line of Interstate 90, they were completely blocked and have not been able to get beyond that line since then.

It is precisely because of this that the civil war in the empire has begun to turn into a long-term trend.

The advantages and disadvantages of both sides in the early stages of the war have now turned into a contest of their true strength.

Nobuda Takehisa looked at Uesugihara and asked, "What ideas do you have? Tell me now."

Uesugihara didn't dare to be mysterious anymore and immediately said, "Mr. Nakamura, mobilize the intelligence headquarters to find out as soon as possible which camp the commander of the remaining Seventh Fleet stationed in Guam originally belonged to.

As long as we determine which camp he belongs to, we will support that camp, so that the camp can send the Guam fleet as quickly as possible. "

(End of this chapter)

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