Chapter 386: Eastern Japanese Land Sinking

Zhao Changhai understood the meaning of the song and said, "So you are video chatting with me now, so you want me to notify the relevant departments and make preparations for the relocation and evacuation of personnel?"

"Mr. Zhao still understands me."

Zhao Changhai said with some worry: "It's easy to do in the city, but it's hard to relocate those people scattered in the countryside."

Li Tang said: "Didn't we already organize the personnel comprehensively during the simulation exercise?
Isn't it enough to use smart assistant devices to notify relevant personnel and go directly to the designated location according to the grouping situation? "

Zhao Changhai sighed and said, "This is a dead end. The personnel are mobile. The personnel in the last group may no longer be in the same place."

Li Tang was also stunned when he heard this. Nowadays, the turnover of personnel is very high, which will indeed make some of the previous formations become useless.

“How about this? Let Zero lock the corresponding position according to each person’s smart assistant, automatically regroup them, and then notify them to go to the corresponding assembly point.

Even in rural areas, some elderly people who do not have smart assistants can be locked together with their families based on family relationships.

In addition, the army will be dispatched to check for deficiencies and fill gaps, and for those with special circumstances, they will be sent to the corresponding future science and technology city."

Zhao Changhai nodded and said, "Yes, I will convene an emergency committee to do some detailed work."

Li Tang added: "Mr. Zhao, the most important thing at this time is to save the people. Everything else can be put aside."

Zhao Changhai asked again: "If the Empire does not take any action, will our fussing cause them to get nervous and start a plan of destroying both sides in advance?
Or maybe the empire doesn't make any move and is playing the story of the boy crying wolf.

What if we don’t make emergency preparations and the wolf really comes?”

Li Tang thought for a few minutes and said, "Both situations are possible. I think we can do it in the name of a large-scale exercise.

Anyway, there are enough stored supplies now, so there is no need to worry about people not having food to eat if they don’t produce.

Just think of this as a preview of our entry into that beautiful social era."

Zhao Changhai couldn't help but smile and said, "Great, we are really eating out of a rich family."

The two were about to end the call when Zero's voice suddenly interrupted.

"Reporting to the dean, the latest situation. The Imperial nuclear submarine that was tracking our [Dragon Whale] was led into an underwater canyon near the coast of East Japan by a bait submarine.

The submarine detonated all the mushroom eggs on board at the last minute, and 190 nuclear explosions had been detected at this time.

The latest judgment is that the remaining nuclear bombs should be destroyed by these 190 nuclear explosions, and no new nuclear explosions will occur.

The biggest problem is that the single equivalent of these 190 nuclear explosions was 47.5 tons, and the cumulative effect was obvious. We monitored seismic waves of a magnitude 9 earthquake.

Since the nuclear explosion point is less than 1 km from the sea level, the seismic waves propagate very far, and even the magnitude 6 earthquake can be felt in the southern peninsula!
Because the magnitude of the earthquake waves transmitted this time is too high, it exceeds the bearing capacity of most buildings in East Japan, and the entire East Japan is now in ruins!
It is not possible to count the casualties at present. Satellite images show that only a small number of buildings in eastern Wo are intact, while most have been damaged to varying degrees.

The biggest problem is that since the explosion point is near the coast east of Narita Airport, the tsunami directly caused may be of a very large level.

It has been ten minutes since the explosion. According to the last 9.0-magnitude earthquake, the first tsunami occurred in about half an hour.

There is a high probability that the tsunami will hit the eastern Japanese Boso Peninsula in 20 minutes."

Along with Zero's report, Zero also simultaneously projected the satellite images of the entire East Japan at that time to the two of them. The picture was truly bleak.

Li Tang asked: "Where is our task force at this time?"

In fact, after Li Tang ordered the fleet to retreat, the Eastern Japanese side responded immediately.

The retreat of the Covenant task force was directly broadcast, and experts provided various interpretations.

On the [Mengying] platform, this news spread around the world at the speed of light.

Comments instantly flooded in like a tide, with all kinds of incredible exclamations popping up.

The people of Eastern Japan must be the happiest, and their comments are also the most sarcastic.

"Faced with the combined fleet of Japan and the Empire, the Star Alliance still dares not invade Japan."

"The Empire has a mushroom egg country, which shows the importance of this thing. We, Japan, must learn from the Northern Peninsula and complete the equipment of mushroom eggs under great pressure!"

"Doesn't the Covenant fleet have the sixth generation of carrier-based aircraft? They shouldn't retreat."

"The people above, don't you understand that before the fleet starts to attack, they will first distance themselves?"

"Haha, with the United Fleet off the coast of Tokyo Bay, does the Star Alliance dare to start a global war?"


At this moment, just off the coast of Tokyo Bay, Vice Admiral Carilan, commander of the Guam Squadron of the Imperial Seventh Fleet, was hearing his adjutant's horrified report.

"…Our sonar detected a huge explosion, very similar to a mushroom egg explosion, or many of them detonated at the same time.

We asked the headquarters, and 20 minutes ago, one of our Ohio-class submarines was there receiving the mushroom egg combat order from the headquarters!" Carilan was surprised and said, "Mushroom egg combat order? Is the headquarters crazy? Who are we going to fight the mushroom war with? Is it with the Star Alliance?
Damn it, we didn't fight when the Western Alliance was here, and now we're still at war among ourselves. The Western Alliance has already disintegrated, and then the headquarters issued the mushroom egg combat order?
Wait, even if the combat order was issued, shouldn't this submarine launch the Trident missiles?

How come it all exploded on the seafloor?"

Seeing his commander asking a series of soul-searching questions, the adjutant didn't know how to answer, so he asked in horror: "Sir, the problem now is that a mushroom egg explosion of this magnitude may trigger a huge tsunami. What should we do now..."

Karilan reacted immediately, "Shit, the Covenant fleet must have detected the explosion before us, so they retreated!
Damn, they beat us to the race by ten minutes!
Quick, the entire fleet will immediately head east at full speed, evacuate towards the ocean, the farther from the shore the better! "

The Guam Squadron of the Imperial Seventh Fleet suddenly changed course and headed east at full speed.

This situation was immediately noticed by the East Japanese Combined Fleet, which quickly sent a telegram to inquire.

The answer was, "A tsunami is about to hit, please get away from the coast as soon as possible!"

The commander of the Combined Fleet, Yamamoto Goki, was puzzled and asked his adjutant, "How did the Imperial Fleet know that a tsunami was coming?

Could it be that there was a major earthquake somewhere under the sea nearby, and they were the first to know about it?"

The adjutant shook his head and said, "I don't know, but you said that the Star Alliance fleet withdrew early. Did the Star Alliance know about it earlier?"

Yamamoto Goki's heart sank, and he said, "They have the most satellites, so maybe this is true. Order the entire fleet to catch up with the Imperial Fleet immediately, and we will leave here first."

The adjutant immediately went to pass on the message, and soon came back in a hurry and said, "Commander, I just received an urgent telegram from the Prime Minister's Office that a magnitude 9 earthquake occurred near the coast east of Tokyo Narita Airport.

Since the epicenter was only 1 kilometer deep, it became the most destructive earthquake in the history of Japan.

The tsunami caused by the earthquake is expected to arrive in ten minutes, please take care of yourselves, fleet."

Yamamoto Goki was shocked when he heard this. A magnitude 1 earthquake is not uncommon, but what is rare is that the epicenter is only kilometer away.

The destructive power of this earthquake wave is probably really amazing.

Ten minutes later, the first wave of the tsunami roared in.

The three fleets were originally in the open sea area. After receiving the news, they moved at full speed towards the ocean.

The destructive power of a tsunami is mainly reflected in the moment when the huge waves hit the coastline. In the ocean, these warships have experienced even the huge waves of a Category 12 typhoon.

The tsunami waves caused by a magnitude 9 earthquake will naturally pose less of a threat when they reach the middle of the ocean.

At this time, Duan Yang, commander of the Star Alliance Mixed Peacekeeping Fleet, was looking at the instructions on the tablet.

"We are ordered to patrol this area and wait for further instructions. This earthquake was a mushroom-shaped earthquake caused by the Imperial nuclear submarine, not a true magnitude 9 earthquake.

Although the destructive power is quite strong, there shouldn't be too many aftershocks.

Let's wait and see, maybe the East Japanese government will invite our fleet to enter its territory."

Duan Yang's old partner Lu Yimin said with a smile: "Old Duan, we came here because of the underground experiments conducted by the Eastern Japanese.

I didn't expect that the Empire would give us a big test, wow, it was nearly 10 million tons of TNT equivalent.

Do you really think there won't be too many aftershocks? I feel like the little island in East Japan that's hit by earthquakes every day might be shaken apart and slide into the ocean trench in the east."

"You, just hope for the best. Although we don't like the Eastern Japanese, it would be too unfriendly if so many of them just followed us into the sea!"

Not to mention the two of them were chatting here.

On the land to the west, the headquarters of future technology.

Li Tang and Zhao Changhai waited until the tsunami passed and did not affect the Covenant fleet before they felt relieved.

The two ended the call, and Zhao Changhai went to arrange the large-scale exercise as soon as possible.

Li Tang also had a video call with Liu Mingyu, who was stationed on the artificial island of the nuclear fusion project, to learn about the impact of the tsunami on the artificial island.

Fortunately, the notification was timely, and after being blocked by the East Japanese Islands and the Ryukyu Islands, the power of the tsunami was no longer that great.

The nuclear fusion project is now progressing smoothly and all difficulties have been overcome. However, it is, after all, an unprecedented large-scale project for mankind.

Many things are happening for the first time in the world, and they are interconnected and entangled at every turn. It is not easy to sort them out and do them steadily.

Fortunately, we now have artificial intelligence Zero, so there will be no mistakes in the coordination of all aspects.

Li Tang had just finished the video when Zero sent another reminder.

"Dean, the remote sensing satellite has detected some abnormalities in the East Japanese Archipelago."

Li Tang was surprised and asked, "Abnormal? What kind? Could this artificial earthquake cause the East Wo land to sink?"

(End of this chapter)

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