Chapter 388 Energy Bridge Broken
When the sun rose, its rays still could not penetrate the dark clouds covering the sky over the East Japanese Islands.

The entire sky was like a thick block of lead with a hole in the middle.

Countless waters fell from the sky and washed down.

Just like in prehistoric myths, the water of the Milky Way comes from the sky, washing away the sins of the world.

But this time, the people on the East Japanese Islands were not informed in advance to prepare the ark.

Decades and even thousands of years later, people regarded that night as the Night of Atonement.

There are even more devout believers who believe that there really is divine punishment in this world!
The first to discover the abnormal situation in the East Japanese Islands were not satellites or astronauts on the space station.

But those international flights to East Wokaier!

Under the thick leaden clouds, large passenger planes had nowhere to land in the heavy rain.

Like a lost bird, unable to find its way home.

Under the wing was supposed to be Narita Airport, where Kaier was heading.

However, there is now a vast white sea!
There are countless floating islands formed by all kinds of debris and garbage floating in the sea. They are clustered in the east and west, as if telling the horrific scene of last night.

In the distance on the horizon, the sacred mountain that was supposed to be seen was now only a few reefs sticking out of the sea.

The radio waves spread across the globe at the speed of light, shocking the entire world.

An island where a nation had lived for thousands of years was reduced to nothing but small reefs that occasionally appeared on the sea overnight.

Such a horrific island sinking disaster had no signs at all.

No, there was a magnitude 9 earthquake seven days ago!

Since the empire did not reveal the inside story and Li Tang did not reveal the truth, most people believed that a magnitude 9 earthquake had occurred naturally.

When such a horrific disaster occurred, a country that ranks third in the world's economy and fifth in military power did not even send out an accurate message for help and simply disappeared.

An entire nation perished overnight in such a natural disaster.

Perhaps in some country on the other side of the ocean, there are still one or two million descendants to reproduce.

Warships and aircraft from surrounding countries all flew towards the former location of the East Japanese Islands.

Many well-known geological experts also formed a group and rented a boat to go there urgently. Such a tragic and rapid island sinking is worth their lifelong research.

Li Tang was woken up by Zero at 4 a.m. in his sleep.

When he had just woken up and was in a daze, he suddenly heard the news of the sinking of the Eastern Japanese Islands, which took him a long time to come back to his senses.

"Did the Eastern Wo disappear overnight?"

Zero corrected, "Dean, the East Japanese Islands did not disappear completely, but instead changed from the original huge islands to countless small islands and reefs.

Among the entire East Japanese Archipelago, only Hokkaido Island has a larger portion remaining, which is roughly equivalent to the size of Hainan Island. The largest of the other islands is no larger than Jeju Island.

This sea area has become a country of thousands of islands, and the specific situation needs to wait for the weather to clear up."

Li Tang finally sobered up a little and asked in surprise: "With such a big commotion, we didn't even detect it?"

Zero said: "Since midnight last night, we have monitored as many as 1379 earthquakes and 7 volcanic eruptions.

Due to the heavy thunderstorm layer over the East Japanese Islands, the images taken by the StarNet satellite were greatly affected, and the real-time comparison results here are very inaccurate.

That is why the notification is delayed until the results are available, but by that time you have just fallen asleep.

During this period, you have been working on the first wall material and have not slept for three consecutive days and nights, so..."

Li Tang sighed and said, "That is to say, the entire archipelago began to move at midnight. Can you confirm when the archipelago sank?"

Zero said: "At 2:37:46 in the morning, that was the first time that the islands could not be detected from the blurry images.

Later, remote sensing satellite images showed that the archipelago had turned into countless islands in the sea.

At 3:19 a.m., a Predator was dispatched to fly over the archipelago and finally confirmed that the archipelago no longer existed.

Li Tang looked at the latest projection map of the archipelago and felt an indescribable feeling in his heart.

Deep down in his heart, Li Tang had a deep hatred for the Dongwo people.

But hundreds of millions of people suddenly died in the sea overnight, without even having time to call for help.

This situation still made Li Tang feel inexplicably sad.

"Dean, Director Su of the Biological Research Institute has already taken the 'Life' to the waters of the East Japanese Archipelago."

Li Tang was stunned when he heard this, then he said with relief: "The sudden death of so many people is indeed worthy of her research."

"Dean, the latest report from the security room is that they discovered traces of the Symbiosis Society while monitoring some core members of the Southern Alliance of the Empire."

Li Tang pondered for a moment and said, "Well, I thought before that the Symbiosis Association would not bet on one side, but now it seems that there are people from both the Donkey Party and the Elephant Party.

Tell them to keep a close eye on it and try to dig out more people this time."

"Yes, Dean."



The sinking of Eastern Japan overnight shocked the whole world.

The Star Alliance issued a statement that there are signs that the cause of the sinking of East Japan is related to underground testing. For this reason, the Star Alliance called for a complete cessation of underground testing.

If any country conducts underground tests again, the Star Alliance will take comprehensive sanctions.

Such human tragedies must never happen again on Blue Planet.

A few days later, in that valley near the Arctic Circle, in that mountain villa.

The middle-aged man looked at his men who were packing their luggage and said to the woman beside him, "I've already told that crazy guy Takehisa Nobuda that there's no need to make mushroom eggs.

Now, this guy has ruined the entire East Japan and destroyed our two bases. He has also disturbed the earthquake belts of the Blue Planet, and even here we are not safe."

The woman said, “Don’t be angry, if you continue to scold him, Nobuda Takehisa will die.

Our hypnosis skills still have great limitations, otherwise why would the cloning success rate fluctuate?

This makes it impossible for people like Takehisa Nobuda to completely brainwash and control them.

Since he cannot have complete control, it is not surprising that he has his own ambitions since he sits in that position.

Although this base is not located in an earthquake zone, it is near an active volcano.

We are also worried that if the volcano here is activated and suddenly erupts, the base will be severely damaged."

The middle-aged man nodded and said, "I understand. We chose this place as our base because it is remote and there are many hot springs caused by active volcanoes.

The base is presented in the form of a hot spring resort, which ensures both remoteness and quietness while enabling the rational transportation of personnel and materials.

Okay, you don't have to comfort me, let's hurry up and leave.

The successful landing of Starship 7 on Mars means that our schedule for migrating to Mars is getting closer.

This incident in East Japan has made me even more determined to evacuate Blue Star.

Just think about it, it only takes a mushroom egg with an equivalent of tens of millions of tons to explode a few kilometers underground to trigger a magnitude 9 earthquake.

If the Empire and the Star Alliance really start the S3 season, who knows what will happen to Blue Planet."

The woman agreed, "Yes, our intelligence personnel sent back information that Li Tang is conducting a large-scale exercise to move all personnel to the shelter.

I feel like they might really be going to take action. By the way, the Empire is also conducting exercises on a group of elites.

Perhaps Bristol's plan to burn himself together is about to start."

"What do you think? Do we need to go directly with the first group of people to land on Mars? Oh, and bring some necessary scientists with us, and we will go there as the first group."

The woman was surprised and asked, "Aren't you afraid of failure the first time? After all, this is a space exploration starship. Failure is normal, and success is abnormal."

The middle-aged man said, "I think it's worth a gamble. Tell Firwin that we will lead a group of people to become the first group of passengers to land on Mars."

Seeing that he was so determined, the woman could not persuade him anymore, so she said, "Then I will notify them and make full preparations. The first batch of core personnel will go there."

"Let's go."

The long convoy quickly drove out of the valley and sped towards the south, but had not yet completely left the mountain area.

In a valley, the entire convoy was stunned by a sudden series of explosions.

Gunshots and explosions rang out instantly.

The middle-aged man saw at a glance that as many as six [Predators] were slaughtering the convoy indiscriminately in the air, and one vehicle after another was turned into fireballs.

Someone in the convoy fought back, but the bullets had no effect on the [Predators] and the shooter was killed before the rocket was even fired.

What really made the middle-aged man lose his will to fight was the large number of [Hunters] that flew out from the [Predators].

The presence of hundreds of these tactical intelligent drones means that the entire convoy has no chance of escape.

"If Li Tang can lock us, it means we have lost. Let's surrender."

The middle-aged man sighed.



Under the Pacific Ocean, Base 56.

In a laboratory somewhere.

Li Tang looked at Shui Xiuminzi in front of him, and immediately recalled a scene that happened in the past.

The leader of the Symbiosis Society was captured, and this person was confirmed to be the real Shen Ye and Shui Xiu Minzi. After Shui Xiu Minzi's consciousness intensity was tested, it reached 10693.

Apart from Li Tang and Yue Guoqiang, this is the only one whose consciousness intensity value exceeds ten thousand.

He is also a subject that Li Tang is willing to perform strong hypnosis on. With the strength of Li Tang's consciousness, he can hypnotize anyone.

But Yue Guoqiang is his own man, so it is not easy for him to perform such hypnosis.

But Shui Xiu Minzi is different. She doesn't have to worry about any bad problems after hypnosis.

When Shui Xiuminzi saw Li Tang appear, a look of vigilance appeared on her face, and her pair of bright black eyes looked very deep.

The two didn't speak, just looked at each other.

Suddenly, Li Tang seemed to fall into the depth of darkness.

Li Tang's consciousness seemed to be traveling at high speed in the darkness, just like a dream he had once had.

However, it was completely different from the silence of any previous dream. His consciousness seemed to be able to hear some kind of cosmic sound.

Rumbling, like a galloping train.

Li Tang's consciousness seemed to be rushing towards the source of the sound.

There seemed to be a lot of darkness ahead, but Li Tang's consciousness actually tore open that darkness directly!
He saw the empty universe again. The huge star cluster that once extended its tentacles to where his consciousness was was now somewhat far away.

What shocked him even more was the energy bridge that once connected the two space-time star clusters like a tentacle.

At this moment, it was actually broken!
The distance of the fracture is at least several astronomical units.

At this moment, a symbol flashed in my consciousness.

A flash of enlightenment instantly awakened Li Tang's consciousness.

"There is an alien consciousness invading!"

(End of this chapter)

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