Chapter 391 Death is not over
This terrifying mushroom storm lasted on Blue Star for more than an hour, and the empire's mushroom warehouse was finally completely emptied.

The corresponding large hairy mushroom warehouse has also been cleared by more than half.

Gaul's revenge on the Empire and the Hoopoe was no less severe, clearing half of the mushroom bank.

As for Baixiang and Daiying, their stocks have been cleared out long ago.

As a result, only the giant was left without firing a single bullet.

The vast majority of countries do not suffer from mushroom cultivation.

Shangdu where Li Tang was located was attacked by imperial bombers, and all the planes were shot down before they came into bombing range.

But the situation was not optimistic for Russia. The Covenant helped Russia defend against all intercontinental missiles fired at it, but failed to help it defend against Russia's fighter jets.

The Empire threw a batch of tactical mushrooms onto the battlefield to support Puguo and Ermao's F16s.

Damao suffered huge losses, and the emperor angrily planted mushrooms crazily for Ermao and Puguo.

When this crazy mushroom storm passed, the ones that suffered the most trauma were the guppies, hoopoes and empires.

After hearing Zero's report, Li Tang couldn't help but sneer, "Is this Bristol's plan to destroy both the good and the bad?
He really didn't cry until he saw the coffin. He shot himself in the foot and made several allies suffer.

By the way, their Starship Factory No. 8 and launch base were destroyed, right?"

Zero replied, “Yes, there is not a single intact city larger than the size of the Empire’s current territory.

We are currently closely monitoring the geological activities in Yellowstone Park to avoid the possible triggering of a super volcano in Yellowstone Park.

We intercepted and cleaned up the mushrooms that were shot towards this area, so the cities nearby are relatively well preserved.

Denver, Salt Lake City, Las Vegas, etc. are all still intact, and Yellowstone Park has no abnormalities for the time being. "

Li Tang nodded with satisfaction and said, "That's not bad. By the way, is the 'Experimental' aircraft carrier ready?"

Zero said: "Dean, all the equipment and weapon systems in the 'Experimental' aircraft carrier have been tested, and the various researchers you have assigned are also in place.

By the way, Director Su Yafei has returned from the vicinity of the East Japanese Islands, and her group of people have also been arranged to board the "Experimental" aircraft carrier. "

Li Tang said excitedly: "In that case, after the mushroom storm, I will take it for a test voyage and let the countries in the world know the benefits of following the Star Alliance."

"Yes, Dean, I will issue the order for the trial flight preparation. We are expected to be able to take off in about two hours."

"it is good."

The "Experimental" aerial carrier is Li Tang's product that was further enlarged and expanded based on the [Golden Chariot].

However, Li Tang did not participate too much in this aerial carrier, he just put forward ideas and requirements.

The design teams of Datang Shipbuilding and Datang Aerospace joined forces to come up with such a quasi-interstellar mothership.

It is called a quasi-interstellar mothership because most of its energy and power are used to support the anti-gravity suspension systems that support its operation in the atmosphere.

That’s why it’s named “Experiment”; this part of the suspension system is an experiment for future interstellar motherships.

When nuclear fusion energy is realized, it can be directly replaced to become a real interstellar mothership.

When Li Tang arrived at the launch site of Datang Aerospace, the huge body of "Experiment" was parked at the launch site.

It is 310 meters long, 45 meters wide, 30 meters high, and has a full load of 106232 tons.

The power system has four DTHN1500 nuclear reactors, three of which are used to supply the anti-gravity suspension system and one is used for the power and weapon system energy of the entire ship.

The DTHN1500 nuclear reactor is a model that is further optimized and expanded based on the DTHN1000.

A power source specifically designed for large interstellar bases, interstellar fortresses, and large space battleships.

This is an alternative plan prepared by Li Tang to fill the stage where there is no nuclear fusion energy but there is an urgent need to build large space battleships.

It was the timely launch of this nuclear reactor that led to the design of a [Xingtian-class] interstellar battleship based on the [Dijiang-class] interstellar cruiser.

Because of this nuclear reactor, this interstellar battleship can be equipped with a 1-meter-caliber laser cannon system and a super electromagnetic railgun with a range of 100 million kilometers.

With such an interstellar battleship in hand, Li Tang will have the confidence to face future invasions from different time and space.

However, he never expected that when he was busy preparing for the initial outline, his consciousness collided with Mizuhito Toshiko's and he once again crossed dimensions and saw the latest situation of the two major time and space.

Since the energy bridge has been disconnected and the collision countdown has become ∞, the possibility of invasion from another time and space should no longer exist.

Li Tang was extremely surprised that a great enemy retreated in such a way. If Bristol had not suddenly launched the plan of destroying both sides and detonating the mushroom storm on the Blue Star, Li Tang would have been ready to go to Mars in person.

See for yourself there whether it is possible to reconnect the energy bridge.

That’s right, Li Tang still believes that the enemy retreated only because the energy bridge was broken. God knows whether it is possible to repair or rebuild it again.

If Li Tang did not have a definite conclusion, how could he stop the development of science and technology?
When Li Tang arrived at the command room of "Experiment", he saw Su Yafei.

"Li Tang, are you going to participate in the trial voyage this time?"

Li Tang stepped forward and said, "Well, you look thinner. Are you too busy to eat?"

Hearing Li Tang's question, Su Yafei's face turned slightly red. She glanced at the crew members on duty in the command room, and saw that no one was paying attention. She felt relaxed and sweet at the same time.

"It's okay. Zero supervised me while I ate."

Having said that, he immediately changed the subject and said, "By the way, we found that the consciousness energy collector here in the East Japanese Islands has exploded. It seems that the sudden death of a large number of people will really generate a huge amount of consciousness energy."

Li Tang thought for a while and said, "When you were studying the abnormalities of consciousness energy near the Pagan and Lusong battlefields, I had an idea."

"what idea?"

Li Tang's face turned serious, and he said, "Since ancient times, there have been battlefields where too many people died, and they all died in unnatural ways. The mixture of resentment and hostility is evil spirit.

Of course this is an ancient saying. Based on your research, I tend to believe that consciousness energy is the human soul.

After death, consciousness energy will naturally dissipate, but when many people suddenly die on the battlefield, this consciousness energy gathers together and the dissipation speed naturally becomes very slow.

In a battlefield area covered by a large amount of consciousness energy, when someone passes by, the concentrated consciousness energy is too large and will naturally hypnotize ordinary people passing by.

Some of the scattered consciousness memory images in this huge amount of consciousness energy may invade the consciousness of ordinary people.

This makes ordinary people hallucinate and feel that they are on a battlefield.

People who are timid or have heart problems might be frightened to death.

Thus, the legend spread that battlefield ruins were ominous places. "

Su Yafei nodded repeatedly and said: "That's right, from what we can do to purify the consciousness energy, in fact, it is to strip away those consciousness memory fragments, leaving only the final consciousness energy.

You once said that if our current technology could achieve perfect human cloning, human immortality would be achieved.

In Gu Tanzhi's laboratory in Mandu, the clones that were recently completed have been able to start their subsequent lives without any errors after being injected with memories.

This seamless connection has a certain success rate and may be tested on a small scale."

Li Tang nodded slightly and said, "Yes, I think that when humans die, only the body dies, and the consciousness should not disappear. Once it is preserved, it is possible to survive again.

This is what death means. It's a pity that previous technology was unable to preserve consciousness and memory, nor was it possible to clone the human body and then load it.

But now that our consciousness technology has developed, we are already at the final step. As long as the clones can be perfect, humans may be able to say goodbye to death from now on."

Su Yafei's eyes sparkled with excitement, and she said, "Li Tang, I didn't expect that we would get to this point."

Li Tang smiled and patted her hands, saying, "Yes, but the future is still long. Now we need to take the 'Experimental' to patrol various places to see if we can also collect a huge amount of consciousness energy."

Following Li Tang's order, the huge 128 particle jet engines of the "Experiment No." ejected a blue particle stream, slowly and firmly pushing the -ton behemoth "Experiment No." off the ground.

When the "Experiment" rose to an altitude of 2000 meters, the entire upper city below it entered the downward field of vision of the "Experiment".

At this time, the entire city was very peaceful, with no people or vehicles on the streets.

Because the mushroom storm has just passed, whether there will be a winter or what level of radiation content in the outside world will reach requires further testing and evaluation.

The residents who have already taken refuge in the Future Science and Technology City will not come out for the time being, and will only be released after it is confirmed that the Blue Planet is safe for survival again.

The "Experiment" first flew to the Empire. After crossing the vast Pacific Ocean and arriving in the Empire's airspace, it saw the devastation below.

"Li Tang, why didn't you think of intercepting the mushroom eggs that were shot at the empire? These people are innocent."

Li Tang said calmly: "Aren't those elites of the empire chosen by themselves? Of course they have to pay for their choices.

If we don't have the ability to intercept, our people will be the ones to die. Do you think our people will forgive these imperial people?"

(End of this chapter)

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