Chapter 393 Terrifying Ability

The entire cylinder has a clear head and tail, with a sphere at the head and six sets of tail nozzles at the tail. It is obviously an object that can fly.

At this moment, it was upside down and pressed against the bottom of the hole with its head down and its tail up. Since the gap between the cylindrical aircraft and the hole was very small, the Hunter could not tell the length of the object.

After the video was transmitted, Yue Guoqiang and Qi Tian discussed and transmitted this part of the video back to the Blue Star headquarters.

At the same time, they tried to build a flying machine that could drag the alien creature out of the hole.

Today, the base near the crater has long been upgraded from Class C to Class A, becoming one of the three Class A bases on Mars.

A-level bases can have names. The three major bases on Mars have been named "Yaochi Palace", "Lingxiao Palace" and "Meteorite City" respectively.

Together with the "Guanghan Palace" on the moon, it is known as one of the four major cities outside the blue planet.

"Meteor City" is the base city in this meteorite crater. It has now become a giant city covering an area of ​​50 kilometers in radius.

This is due to three considerations.

First, there are suspicious holes here that need further exploration.

Secondly, there is a huge body of water more than 20 kilometers underground, which completely solves the water source problem.

Thirdly, a variety of mineral resources have been discovered within a radius of 500 kilometers, making this place a rare mining industrial base.

It is also because of the third point that the construction speed of the base can be so rapid, because all kinds of resources can be collected, smelted and processed on site.

It was precisely because of the strong production capacity that Yue Guoqiang and Qi Tian decided to immediately build a flying machine on the spot that could tow the alien creature.

Everyone was excited when they saw the cylindrical alien creation in the video.

Although they always knew that they were looking for the mysterious alien creation that could shoot down the Golden Chariot, they were still quite shocked and excited when it really appeared before their eyes.

This was the first time that humans had seen an alien creation directly.

"Director Yue, if this thing can fire a laser beam with a diameter of 1 meter, then why is it just stopping here and making no sound?"

Yue Guoqiang listened to Qi Tian's question and couldn't help but ask: "Are you worried that this thing has some conspiracy?"

"Yes, after all, it is our enemy, not our friend. After all, it once shot down our Golden Chariot. You said that it suddenly stayed there quietly, and I always felt uneasy."

Yue Guoqiang nodded slightly and said, "Indeed, there are many people stationed at the Meteorite City base. If it were to be hit hard by a sudden attack, it would be a huge loss."

Qi Tian thought for a moment and said, " about evacuating the people here first?"

"We can think of it this way. At the same time, we will further strengthen the five lines of defense around the hole and never let this alien creature run wild."

Qi Tian added: "Let's first send more Hunters to keep an eye on this thing. After the towing machine is manufactured, we can notify the people to withdraw, how about that?"

Yue Guoqiang said: "That's good, try not to delay things.

So, we find a place near the hole and use alloy and [snow mud] to build a fortress that can withstand a 1-meter laser attack.

Once that thing is pulled out of the hole, send it directly into this fortress."

Qi Tian smiled and said, "You are going to make a turtle shell to cover this thing. A special research room is really necessary.

I think it would be best to consult the dean to see if he has any special requirements for this laboratory.

Then, we set up all the research equipment and instruments.

Once we get that thing out and put it in this turtle shell, we can start a comprehensive study.”

Yue Guoqiang clapped his hands and said, "Yes, that's what I mean."

Qi Tian suddenly said: "No, there is still a problem with our towing machine. It needs to have diving capabilities so that..."

Yue Guoqiang waved his hand and said, "No need, Engineer Lin and his excavation team have already expanded the hole in Section A, which is large enough to put the Dragon Turtle in.

I see the size of that thing, it should be enough to put it into the [Dragon Turtle]. If the length is not enough, we can make a special [Dragon Turtle].

Used as a ferry in underground water, the aircraft can be towed to put that thing into the [Dragon Turtle].

[Dragon Turtle] transports them to the hole in Section A opposite the water body, drags the aircraft and then flies it out of the hole in Section A."

In order to distinguish the two holes, the first section of the hole discovered was named Section A, and the turning section where the water body extended later was named Section B.

After listening to Yue Guoqiang's words, Qi Tian agreed and said, "This is a good idea. When we get out of the hole, we can arrange an armed version of the [Golden Chariot] and a [Emperor Jiang Class] cruiser to guard the sky and space above the hole, and we will be safe."

Yue Guoqiang made the decision: "Let's get busy first. After the video is transmitted back, if the dean has any additions, we will make adjustments."

Not to mention that the two of them are finalizing a plan to discover alien creations here.

At this moment, Li Tang was at the headquarters on the distant blue planet and had already watched the entire video.

It was a time of excitement. Since the last time his consciousness crossed the dimension, Li Tang's mentality had changed.

There is currently no possibility of a collision or fusion between the two space-time star clusters, and the sword of Damocles that once hung over our heads is no longer there.

For a moment, Li Tang breathed a sigh of relief but was puzzled at the same time.

What exactly caused the energy bridge to break?
From the wreckage of the sub-consciousness communicator that had fallen on Blue Star, we obtained the sub-consciousness memory fragments. It seems that this energy bridge was built by the Mars gods.

If this is the case, the broken energy bridge will eventually be repaired.

The war between myself and the other time and space will still break out.

If the information obtained from this memory fragment is biased, and the energy bridge was not built by the Mars clan, then perhaps the two space-time star clusters will never be able to reconnect.

Thinking that he has never been able to enter the dream of another time and space again, this confirms from another perspective that the two time and space star clusters have lost contact.

Otherwise, why couldn't he enter that dream again despite trying his best?

At this moment, after the mushroom storm on Blue Star, the overall situation has been decided.

The Star Alliance, which he led with the support of the giants, is now fully capable of effectively governing the world. All member states are closely united around the giants and are supported by core member states. The new system will gradually permeate all member states of the Star Alliance, and a unified blue planet has already emerged.

As for some elites from the Empire and other countries hiding underground, the first thing they did after the Star Alliance summit was to attack these guys who committed crimes against humanity.

The Covenant now has plenty of weapons to deal with those hiding in underground nuclear bunkers.

The large-caliber electromagnetic railgun on the Dijiang-class cruiser can fire a single shot several kilometers deep into the ground.

Not to mention, there is also the powerful [Explosive Rat] Corps. The Covenant has intelligence on the locations of all these bunkers, so it would be easy for them to blow them up directly.

I believe that after killing the chicken to scare the monkeys, these rats hiding underground will come out and surrender obediently.

What is a bit difficult is the issue of radiation pollution control after the mushroom storm.

Although the entire mushroom storm occurred, most parts of the world were not affected by the mushroom attack due to the protection of the Star Alliance.

However, the radiation contamination problem is more serious in areas attacked by mushrooms, such as Empire, Daiying, and White Elephant.

After those large coastal cities were attacked by mushrooms, the radioactively contaminated water flowed into the sea, and the radiation indicators in the sea were also exceeding the standard.

Fortunately, some volcanoes were not shaken to erupt, so the winter that experts and scholars have been scaring people about is not going to come for the time being.

However, the problem of radiation pollution must be dealt with as soon as possible to avoid affecting the ecological environment of the entire blue planet.

In this regard, the Institute of Nuclear Physics under Li Tang's Future Science and Technology Research Institute has already had a team conducting research and has certain disposal methods.

The effect may not be immediate, but it will benefit you in the long run.

The approach taken by the Star Alliance is to classify places such as the Empire where radiation exceeds the standard into restricted areas according to radiation values, and prohibit people from entering.

In any case, technology is still developing rapidly, and there will be more and more ways to deal with radiation pollution problems, and the future of mankind will always get better and better.

Just at this time, the communicator of the sub-consciousness of the Mars clan from another time and space was finally found.

As long as this problem is solved, the last obstacle to human development will no longer exist.

When Li Tang saw the disposal plans sent back by Yue Guoqiang and Qi Tian, ​​he admired them but also felt a little worried.

There is no artificial intelligence in the sub-consciousness communicator, but there are sub-consciousnesses operating it.

With Li Tang's current level of consciousness technology, he fully understands the true power of sub-consciousness.

Therefore, Li Tang quickly sent a call back.

There are only two requirements: First, from now on, all non-combat personnel in "Meteor City" must be evacuated immediately.

The combat personnel also only retained five lines of defense and personnel responsible for the "Meteor City" defense system.

In a word, non-essential personnel should evacuate as much as possible.

Secondly, before taking the sub-consciousness body communicator out of the water, be sure to wait for your arrival.

That’s right, Li Tang plans to go to Mars in person.

As the person with the highest level of consciousness currently among humans, only he himself can face the possible consciousness invasion of sub-consciousness bodies.

When the intensity of consciousness exceeded one million, Li Tang directly developed a new consciousness instinct.

That is, as long as he wants, he can use his powerful consciousness to directly invade the consciousness of others, obtain all their memories, and directly construct new memories.

This ability is simply terrifying!
(End of this chapter)

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