Chapter 52 The Birth of Neuro-like Materials

Of course, Li Tang didn't mean to give up on the cooperation with Long Wei.

"Longwei doesn't have sufficient funds right now. I think we should try another way to cooperate."

"What method?" Cheng Dong was a little nervous.

Li Tang explained: “We have established a subsidiary called Datang Software, which will provide customized services and software products in artificial intelligence.

For example, we can customize an intelligent core for the Hongmeng system, or provide customized intelligent support and functional expansion for some of your chip design software.

For example, we can provide your intelligent driving system with an intelligent computing application framework comparable to L5 level.

In short, no matter what kind of smart application your product needs, we can customize it and you just need to pay the purchase fee.

One hand pays the other hand delivers the goods, no one is cheated."

When Cheng Dong heard this, he felt a little anxious. Although this way of buying customized products and services was simpler, it was also more beneficial to him.

After all, we are Party A.

However, this is completely inconsistent with Ren Zong's judgment of Li Tang's value.

Just imagine, if Longwei can buy this kind of customized service or product, can friendly companies also buy it?

If this continues, won’t everyone’s competition become homogenized again?

On the contrary, it has invisibly created a transcendent status for the Future Science and Technology Research Institute, and every manufacturer has to beg them!
Isn’t this the goal that Longwei’s intelligent driving system wants to achieve in the field of new energy vehicles?

Even so, isn’t it also facing the challenge of a certain state-owned car manufacturer wanting to have its own soul?
Of course, Long Wei also wants his own artificial intelligence soul!

This brings us back to the starting point of the question. If Cheng Dong was not optimistic about Li Tang's research, would he come to seek cooperation?

But if you don’t buy the services of Future Technology, what’s the point of coming now?
"Professor Li, will your AI customization service sell so well that our downstream manufacturers' products will become highly homogenized?"

Cheng Dong still bravely asked about his concerns.

Li Tang smiled, "Boss Cheng, do you want an exclusive buyout?"

Cheng Dong felt a little embarrassed. After all, this seemed a little unkind.

"I understand Mr. Cheng's concerns, and I think there are solutions."

"Oh, I'd love to hear the details."

Li Tang said: "Datang Software will designate regions for certain customized services or products, and each region will be exclusively authorized or authorized to a maximum of two companies for application.

While ensuring healthy competition, it will not cause overly serious homogeneity problems.

For example, for the intelligent customization service of the intelligent driving system, we will grant Longwei exclusive authorization outside the Dalong region, and within the Dalong region, we will grant it to no more than two companies.”

After listening to this, Cheng Dong carefully considered the pros and cons.

In fact, he could tell from Li Tang's tone that Li Tang still had a certain preference towards Long Wei.

If the intelligent driving system really goes global with Longwei’s partner car companies, it will face competition not only from foreign car companies, but also from leading domestic car companies.

If Li Tang's smart service is really worth the money, then Long Wei will get a great deal.

By then, both domestic and foreign car companies may have to cooperate with Longwei to produce a certain model.

As for whether Li Tang's behavior was reasonable, that was not Cheng Dong's concern.

Isn’t it reasonable that people can sell their products and services to whomever they want and to as many companies as they want?

Li Tang saw Cheng Dong was thinking, so he didn't rush him.

He turned to look at Sun Yijun who was waiting beside him and said, "Director Sun, why don't you go to eat?"

When Sun Yijun heard Li Tang's voice, he quickly put away his phone and ran over:
"Oh, Professor Li, you don't know that the principal has urged me several times to arrange a meeting with you as soon as possible. I haven't communicated well with you, so how can I have the mood to eat?"

In fact, the reason why Sun Yijun was waiting for Li Tang.

It was entirely because, at the previous press conference, I was being witty and making full use of the language art of Dragon Language, but apart from the benefit of being a first-class professor, I didn't mention anything else.

He was afraid that Li Tang would misunderstand him, and that would backfire on him.

"Director Sun is so dedicated. You treated me to a meal last time, so today I am treating you back. Please enjoy your meal with peace of mind.

Also, please tell the president that I am also a student of Fudu University, so the time will be arranged by the school. Once it is decided, just notify me."

After hearing what Li Tang said, Sun Yijun suddenly became energetic. This was an opportunity for Li Tang to give him a chance to show off.

Alas, Professor Li is kind-hearted and nostalgic!

People still remember the meal I had with them.

"Okay, Professor Li, I won't delay you and President Cheng. Please wait for my call." Sun Yijun went to the restaurant happily.

Cheng Dong also thought it through at this time. In fact, the method proposed by Li Tang is indeed the most suitable one for Long Wei now.

There is no need to take too much risk, just develop one product at a time. If Li Tang and his team’s smart applications are really successful, it won’t be too late to roll them out across the board.

"Okay, I basically agree with Professor Li's proposal, but we should still sign a strategic cooperation agreement between our two companies. This will increase mutual trust between us."

"no problem."



In the afternoon, after seeing Cheng Dong off, Li Tang went to the materials laboratory.

Chen Xue and her team are conducting the first trial production of neural-like materials today, and have specially invited him to take charge.

"Watch the temperature."

“Don’t let the humidity exceed 65%!”


"The temperature has stabilized at the expected value!"

"Keep the humidity at 60%!"

"The pH value is 7.93, which is in compliance!"


After Li Tang checked each item one by one and reported one after another, the experiment officially began.

Chen Xue was quite nervous.

Of the three new materials, two have already been developed, leaving only the neural-like one.

Chen Xue understood that this was the material that Li Tang was most anxious about!
Although the preparations before the experiment have been reviewed over and over again, this is a material test after all, and various unexpected situations are inevitable.

Otherwise, how could it become one of the four major Tiankeng majors?
This experiment alone will cost 30 dragon coins.

Generally speaking, it is difficult to fix the preparation process of such new materials without dozens of experiments.

"God bless, I hope it will be as easy as the previous two new materials and I can pass it in one try!"

Chen Xue closed her eyes, muttered something, and secretly prayed for blessings from all the gods.

"Sister Xue, you might as well ask me for help instead of asking the gods for help!"

Chen Xue suddenly opened her eyes and saw Li Tang staring at her with a half-smile on his face.

Chen Xue's face flushed, and she replied, "How do you know I didn't ask you?"

"Yes, Dean, everyone on the school forum now calls you Lord Li. Of course, we will ask for your blessing before such an experiment."

"Yes, I just asked for it, but you didn't receive it?"

"Hey, it must be because you are not sincere!"


Several researchers in the materials laboratory joked with each other, and the waiting time passed quickly.

"Be prepared to receive the materials."

According to the process, the liquid material in the reactor will flow into the pre-selected mold, and after initial cooling and drawing, it will be refrigerated.

The final formed material is basically in a usable state and does not need to be drawn and shaped.

Human nerves are divided into sensory nerves, motor nerves and mixed nerves according to their fibers and functions.

This kind of neural material in space-time memory achieves universality. After all, it is only used to transmit human control signals to prosthetic limbs or eyes, and does not need to be as sophisticated as the original human ones.

Everyone looked at the new materials, some of which were transparent and some of which were elastic, and immediately began to conduct comprehensive tests to determine whether the material performance met the standards.

Li Tang was actually not as calm as he appeared to be. He was not very confident whether this thing could succeed in one go.

I waited for another hour.

Chen Xue came out of the testing room, looking tired and not seeming excited.

"It's okay. It didn't work this time. Let's find out the reason and try again!"

 At this critical moment of the recommendation period, I would like to ask book lovers to vote for me on monthly recommendation tickets!
(End of this chapter)

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