Chapter 71 The Damned Puppet Tribe
It was the same female voice from before.

Li Tang couldn't help but ask: "Who are you?"

"Didn't your memory merge successfully?"

"I don't understand what you mean? What memory am I merging with?"

"It's broken. Is there something wrong with the program I executed? This shouldn't be possible!"

"You said that the people lying in these hibernation chambers are me. What's going on?"

"No way, you don't even know about clones?"

"Human cloning? When did the law allow human cloning? And when did the technology become available to clone humans?"

"It's broken, there must be something wrong with your memory, I'm sorry!"

As soon as the female voice finished saying this, Li Tang suddenly saw a beam of light coming towards him, and then he fell into darkness.

This time he didn't even feel any pain, and his consciousness returned to the endless darkness.

I don't know whether it is still or moving.

Darkness is boundless and time is traceless.

When a ray of light suddenly shone into his consciousness from the darkness, Li Tang suddenly knew that it was time to wake up from the dream.

The moment when consciousness regains awareness of the body.

Suddenly, a wave of memories flooded into my brain!

Li Tang suddenly roared in pain.

The arm swung out subconsciously!

With a loud bang, Li Tang suddenly opened his eyes.

He suddenly saw an arm covered with dark golden scales breaking through the wall!
The scales collided with the steel bars in the wall, producing a string of sparks.

Then, a sense of danger immediately arose in his heart.

Li Tang immediately put his hands on his head and bent down.

With a bang, an explosion louder than the previous one was heard.

Li Tang felt like he was flying out on the clouds!

When Li Tang fell to the ground and rolled a few times, he was blocked by a car on the other side of the green belt.

He was shocked to discover this at this moment.

I was actually blown out of the bedroom of my home on the sixth floor and fell into the green belt downstairs.

Li Tang stood up and found that he was totally unharmed!
No, I seemed to have seen dark golden scales just now, where are they now?

He looked himself up and down. He was wearing nothing but a vest and shorts. Even his feet were bare.

But, there is not a single scar!

He looked up at his home.

There were flames coming out of the broken windows!
Gas explosion?!
Li Tang understood instantly that this was not an accident!
At this time, the surrounding neighbors had already rushed out of their homes.

Some people called 110, some called 119, some called 120, and some asked for fire extinguishers...

Li Tang suddenly noticed a long rut connecting to a deep pit, which was obviously caused by the impact of his landing.

He looked around and saw a cleaner's truck not far away with a shovel in the truck bed.

Li Tang ran over quickly, got a shovel, and filled up the deep pit and ruts in a few strokes.

Just put the shovel back.

At this time, someone saw Li Tang.

"Oh, Professor Li, you're out! That's great!"

"Really? These people from the gas company kept saying they had checked it, but in the end..."

"Well, luckily Professor Li is fine, otherwise it would be a disaster!"

"Yes, yes!"

"Hurry up and check, is there any family that hasn't escaped yet?"

"Professor Sun is still at home, Old Tang, go and help..."


Li Tang listened to the neighbors' discussions while borrowing a cell phone from someone. He watched the fire on the sixth floor of his house grow bigger and bigger in the early spring night, and the phone call went through:

"Hello, Colonel Yue, I'm Li Tang, I was attacked at home..."

After hanging up, he called again.

"Hey, Xu Cheng, help me notify Zero to activate the A-level plan for the first-level response and dispatch three teams of Hunters to patrol and monitor the area centered on my home within a 5-kilometer radius."

Then, a third call was made.

"Hello, Director Xu, I'm Li Tang. I was attacked at home..."


"Professor Li, you are wearing too few clothes. Why don't you come to my house to warm up first?"

A neighbor living in the building next to him saw Li Tang and tried to persuade him.

"Oh, it's okay. I'm fine. I'm not cold. Is everyone in our building out?"

"Fortunately, everyone is out. Now only your house and the one next door are on fire. The windows of the houses in the two rows in front and behind us were all shattered by the shock wave of the explosion."

Residents in the community have begun to organize themselves spontaneously, and the property management has rushed to bring more fire extinguishers, but the fire was on the top floor and had already started burning.

From a distance, Li Tang could already hear the sirens and fire truck whistles.

I checked the time on the borrowed phone: 19:10.

Li Tang remembered clearly that he lay down at 18:12.

I am not sure how long I was in a daze before I entered the dream, but I am sure that this 15th dream lasted no more than half an hour.

The shortest nightmare I've ever had.

This time, he did not have any blackouts and he remembered the contents of the dream.

No, far more than that, he seemed to have recalled some memories gained in his 14th dream.

But at this moment Li Tang didn't have time to recall and organize his thoughts.

In the current gas explosion case, it is obvious that someone took advantage of the so-called gas safety inspection.

Not only did he accidentally send him into a dream with gas, he also sneaked into his house and set up a trap for an accidental gas leak and explosion.

It is enough to show that the other party is very aware of the surveillance loopholes in his residential area and has designed a targeted killing plan.

If I hadn't miraculously survived the fall, the other party would have succeeded.

No matter what, he was determined to find the murderer and uncover the mastermind behind the incident.

But he just couldn't understand why he could fall from the sixth floor without any injury, especially the sense of power he felt when he woke up from the dream, which left a deep impression on him.

The dreams became more and more interesting. Not only did they bring him technological knowledge far beyond his time, they also gave him some kind of power.

But Li Tang knew that this was not some supernatural power, it was just the power of biotechnology that transcended this era.


Li Tang muttered the name, and some related memories emerged from nowhere and remained in his brain.

"Damn puppet tribe, what kind of race is this? In the dream, the dragon people whose consciousness I entered seemed to have a strong hatred towards them..."

"Professor Li, how are you? Come on, Xiao Zheng, I have a blanket in my car, go get it and wrap Professor Li up. It's easy to catch a cold in this late spring!"

Director Xu noticed Li Tang's unique appearance from a distance and quickly told his driver to go back to the car and get a blanket.

"Director Xu, you're here?"

"Well, don't worry. Once the fire is out, I will immediately have the criminal police team take over and conduct an on-site investigation."

The two had just started talking when they heard the sound of a car suddenly stopping.

A group of fully armed soldiers in camouflage uniforms got off several military vehicles.

As soon as the soldiers arrived, they immediately set up a new cordon outside the cordon that the police had just established, and asked all the onlookers to move to a farther place.

Yue Guoqiang came to Li Tang with a serious face.

"Dean Li, you must move to a safe place now."

Director Xu quickly agreed, "Yes, yes, yes, leave this to us, the police. Professor Li, please leave immediately. Who knows if there are any potential enemies hiding in the dark, waiting for an opportunity to act again?"

Li Tang saw that the scene was indeed chaotic, with many people taking photos with their mobile phones from far outside the cordon. Today's incident would probably give the network management department another headache.

He nodded and said, "Colonel Yue, please take me to the company."

(End of this chapter)

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