Chapter 82 [Tianwu] Exoskeleton
Although Li Tang knew that the enemies hiding in the dark would launch assassination attempts against him again and again, he had already handed the list to Mr. Zhao.

Then we have to believe that the relevant departments will make proper arrangements and catch all the people on the list in one fell swoop.

However, to set up such a large network properly without alerting the enemy, time is essential.

Therefore, even though he knew that Huang Jianping was also on the list, he never thought of arresting him himself.

For Li Tang, scientific research is his main job, and let professionals do the job of arresting people.

After being stimulated by Chen Biao's betrayal of the Flower-Growing Family, and then stimulated by the list, Li Tang obtained more fragments of time and space memory.

From some memory fragments, Li Tang actually discovered the detailed manufacturing process of the [Predator] UAV.

That was the process in which the Tianlong Warriors in the memory of time and space, under the guidance of the woman named Xiaoya, used a series of advanced equipment to personally create (hand-rub) the [Predator].

Although it is unclear why this kind of weapon is used by the dragon enemies, the Tianlong Warriors are able to understand it in detail and make it by hand.

The entire process, from the fuselage with a special streamlined design, the electromagnetic particle engine, the ducted quad-rotor, the dual-channel air intake electromagnetic compression equipment, the electromagnetic machine gun, the energy storage device and other parts.

With the help of advanced intelligent machine tools, they were completed one by one by the Tianlong warriors and finally assembled into shape.

Just going through these images in his mind made Li Tang want to try and see how long it would take him to build a [Predator] fighter plane with the help of Zero.

Although this took up most of his time, it did not prevent Li Tang from doing other things at the same time. He even had time to check out the work of the team led by Yuan Qicheng, a military technology giant.

Then, Yuan Qicheng pestered him with question after question.

"How can the frameless torque motor of this mechanical exoskeleton be so small and yet so powerful?"

“The original version couldn’t do this.”

Li Tang explained, "However, our Materials Research Institute has developed a new high-magnetic material that can be used as a strong magnet in the motor. The torque generated by the interaction with the coil magnetic field is far superior to similar products on the market."

Yuan Qicheng said calmly: "Oh, speaking of new materials, I see that in the robot plan you proposed, the entire body shell and frame are made of the same new aluminum-titanium-iron ternary alloy.

It is said that its bulletproof performance, toughness and wear resistance are excellent, and the key is that it is much lighter than ordinary titanium alloys. How did they achieve this? "

Yuan Qicheng led the team this time, originally intending to be mainly responsible for the combination of artificial intelligence and robots to ensure that the robots meet various military standards.

At the same time, it can be integrated with existing software systems within the military.

I didn’t expect that after only ten days here, I would see an active mechanical exoskeleton system, which made me envious.

Even though he was not an expert in mechanics, he heard praise from relevant professional members of the group.

In addition, he also saw some things that seemed insignificant but were actually leading the world, which made him feel dazzled.

For example, the measurement accuracy of a certain measuring instrument, such as the intelligent micro-casting, forging and milling 3D printer bed that is said to be leading the world in China, is actually higher than the accuracy of existing domestic technologies.

Therefore, while Li Tang is here today, he transforms himself into a hundred thousand whys.

“Yes, this material is also used as the shell of the Hunter, and live ammunition tests have been carried out on the East War side.

We have made improvements in the micro-casting and forging process for fusing three single elements, ensuring the ternary polycrystalline content, thereby greatly improving performance.

Of course, more importantly, its cost is low enough, and its usage in the future will definitely be large. I have arranged for the subordinate factories to start large-scale mass production. "

Li Tang pointed at the dark silver active mechanical exoskeleton:
"Commander Yuan..."

"Hey, I told you don't call me Chief, just call me Old Yuan." Yuan Qicheng interrupted.

Li Tang was helpless, “Our [Tianwu] mechanical exoskeleton has a maximum load-bearing capacity of 220 kilograms.

After soldiers put it on, they can easily carry the Hunter UAV transport box.

You can also bring other equipment with you, so that you can fully guarantee your physical strength when making long-distance raids."

Yuan Qicheng nodded and said, "I know, you prepared this specifically for Peng Jinghai and his special forces. But why is it called [Tianwu]?"

"Oh, this name comes from one of the twelve ancient witches in ancient legends, and it symbolizes bravery and strength. Mechanical exoskeletons can give soldiers extra strength, so we use it."

"Well, you are promoting traditional culture."

Yuan Qicheng smiled and asked again, "Is your mechanical exoskeleton powered and also uses lithium batteries? How long can it last?"

Li Tang said: "Well, it can be considered a new type of lithium battery. The battery is placed near the hips and serves as a bottom bracket.

It can support full-load operation for three days, which should be enough to fight a major war."

"Wait a minute, how long do you say it takes at full capacity?"

Li Tang was puzzled by Yuan Qicheng's surprise and replied, "Three days!"

Yuan Qicheng's eyes widened, "You didn't say three hours, you said three days?"

"I don't need to lie to you, do I?"

"That's not right. How can a lithium battery last so long? How big and heavy would it be?"

Li Tang shook his head and said, "It's not heavy, only about 3.5 kilograms. The size we designed should be about the same as the bottom of an ordinary backpack.

People wearing the [Tianwu] exoskeleton won't feel anything at all." Yuan Qicheng feels that since he came to the Future Science and Technology Research Institute, there are new things impacting his nerves every day, making him feel like Liu Laolao.

"President Li, is this also a new type of lithium battery that you have researched?"

"Yes, the official name is lithium crystalline solid battery. In fact, this lithium crystalline solid material is the first material realized under my 'magnetic superconductivity' theory."

Yuan Qicheng swallowed his saliva and said, "Are you selling this kind of battery to the public?"

"Not yet. The production line is currently undergoing final debugging. For now, it is only being produced in small batches for use on the Hunter and the Tianwu."

"After the Hunter uses this battery, how many days can it last...?"

Yuan Qicheng carefully added the unit "day".

"It's the same size as the original lithium battery, so it should be 60 hours, or 2.5 days."

It turns out that the unit is days!

The Hunter UAV with such a long flight time is like a vulture in the sky, a knife hanging over the enemy's head on the battlefield.

Wait a minute, if this kind of battery is used in other electrical equipment, then wouldn't it be...

Yuan Qicheng couldn't sit still any longer. "President Li, this battery must be kept secret! I'll go back to Beidu and talk to Mr. Zhao about it."

Li Tang smiled, "Mr. Zhao should know that the standard samples have been sent to him by someone special.

In addition, the preparation method will definitely be kept secret, but we will sell the products in different grades.”

"Uh... that's great, I don't have to bring it anymore."

Yuan Qicheng is also a decisive person who will leave when he says he will.

Li Tang is very clear that lithium crystalline solid batteries are already a strategic-level invention, and the country will definitely introduce corresponding measures to promote its application.

Of course, developing it ourselves is not just for the purpose of making money.

In fact, ever since both the open and hidden funds began to reap profits from the Western financial markets, Li Tang has never been short of money.

For him, resources are the most important thing.

Without raw materials, no matter how good your designs and inventions are, you can’t make anything.

After being stimulated by the experience of Chen Biao's betrayal of the Flower Growers, those fragments of time and space memories would flash from time to time.

Li Tang felt that these memories should be the forgotten parts of the 14th dream.

It was a pity that they were too fragmented, so he could only try his best to tell Zero these fragments of memory in a disjointed manner.

By recording it, you may be able to slowly outline the whole picture.

These memories seemed to be a war between the two camps that lasted for many years, and in the end the dragon clan from the different time and space was defeated and perished.

The war between the two sides is fought for resources.

Anyway, in the fragments that Li Tang can recall now, in that different time and space era, currency has been replaced by tokens and has become a symbol.

Now that Li Tang is reaping profits from the Western financial markets through the Ming and An funds, he has seen even more clearly that the current Dao Le is unreliable and is simply a financial tool used by the ball tyrant to reap profits from the world.

In fact, everyone should understand if they just think about one question: how can the consumer market of the football giant with more than 300 million people be bigger than your consumer market of 1.4 billion people?
How much resources and materials do they actually consume (waste)?

This made Li Tang more certain that it would be better to save various raw materials than to save money.

From this moment on, Li Tang decided to set up a subsidiary, Daqin Mining, and planned to acquire various mineral resources around the world.

We also plan to increase storage efforts for some important strategic resources and build large storage bases in the country for storage.

On the other hand, as Li Tang tried hard to recall those fragmented memories of time and space, he could always think of some very uncomfortable memory fragments.

For example, the scene in another time and space where the Ansi or Puppet tribes killed the Dragon tribe, and then thought of himself being assassinated by the intelligence organization of the ball tyrant.

I am increasingly filled with disgust towards the West in the present time and space.

After all, in the memory fragments, those Anglo-Saxon people have the same skin color as the Westerners in reality, and even speak a language that is very similar to English.

Of course, what made him even more angry were the puppet tribesmen who served as lackeys for the Ansi tribe.

The puppet people are similar to the dragon people, with yellow skin and black hair, and the language they speak is surprisingly similar to the Eastern Japanese language.

This astonishing sense of déjà vu made Li Tang unable to help but think of the heinous crimes that the Eastern Japanese had committed against the Dragon Kingdom.

But the Eastern Japanese have never admitted it, and instead portrayed themselves as victims of the mushroom eggs.

This made Li Tang even more worried, as more and more things in his dreams reflected certain factors of the present time and space.

He couldn't help but regard that time and space as the real future.

But if this is true, how can he accept a Blue Star without Dragon Kingdom in the future?

How could he accept the fact that the dragon race was extinct but Blue Star still existed?
(End of this chapter)

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