Chapter 109 Unique Protective Rights

Li Yuanji stopped thinking about it. He was afraid that if he continued to think about it, he would not let Yang Cheng do the job.

Now he let Yang Cheng be in charge of this matter because he saw that Yang Cheng was shameless. Sometimes you have to be a bit shabby when doing business. If you are too honest, you will easily suffer losses when you go out.

Which of those noble families and merchants outside is not an old fox? It is easy to suffer losses if you are too concerned about your reputation. Once a merchant suffers a loss, it means losing money. Although it is unlikely to lose money with the goods here, as long as you make less profit, it is a loss in Li Yuanji's eyes.

Yang Cheng's personality is more suitable. He is open-minded, has ideas, and is eloquent. Most importantly, he has channels. If he can't find buyers in the Tang Dynasty, he can just go directly to the Yang and Wei families and sell them out immediately.

Exchange it for other things needed here and pull it back. With the size of Yang and Wei, there is no need to worry that these two families will not be able to come up with the money. Moreover, the price given to him, Yang Cheng is undoubtedly aware that it is a low price. He can still earn more and spend less money, which is a profit in Li Yuanji's view.

When the Yang and Wei families made money in Chang'an, would the other families still be able to hold back? Would they have to get the news and then quickly come to Lingnan to discuss business with him?

Someone comes here and discovers the changes and business opportunities. Then, trade comes. Trade drives the development here, and he can get more money through taxation. Isn't a virtuous cycle created all of a sudden?

Looking at Yang Cheng in front of him, Li Yuanji didn't plan to say too much. He was afraid that this man was too confident. Even now, he looked a little inflated.

"Okay, let me tell you first, if you don't do this well, you'll spend the rest of your life lying in bed. But don't worry, I'll have someone take good care of you."

Li Yuanji threatened fiercely, Yang Cheng trembled and suddenly came to his senses.

"Brother-in-law, don't worry, there will be no problem. I can definitely do it. Just wait and see.

Then I will go down first. I will learn in detail what we are selling now. I will definitely sell it for a good price when the time comes. I will leave first, brother-in-law."

After Yang Cheng finished speaking, he ran out in a hurry, rushing all the way. Li Yuanji could only sigh that young people are really energetic.

Li Yuanji lay on the chair again. It was afternoon and Yang Qingwan walked in with an unhappy look on her face. Li Yuanji looked at Yang Qingwan's melancholy expression and was suddenly surprised. Why was she still so sad after going to Yifang?

"Madam, what's wrong with you? Tell me, which bastard offended you? I'll go and chop him up."

Yang Qingwan was delighted to hear this.

"It's okay. I'm the princess. Who dares to mess with me? It's just that I feel a little uncomfortable. Didn't I go to the textile factory early in the morning?
In fact, everything is going well. Ning Chun has made good arrangements and the place is not small. The dye vats have been prepared and we can start work in a few days once the dyes are ready.

My husband, didn’t you say that when you hire someone to do work, you have to pay them, just like the people in the palace, who all receive monthly wages? I told them that the monthly wage was 100 coins, which is not a small amount, but they all disagreed.

At first I thought the pay was too low, so I increased it to two hundred coins, but they still disagreed. Later they told me that they didn’t want any pay. They said that they had such a good life now because of you, their husband. If it weren’t for you, they would still be living the same life of hunger and could die at any time.

They said that now that I am the princess, I asked them to help, and this was already an honor for them, so they did not want to accept the wages. They also said that if they accepted the wages, their husbands would not want them after they returned, and they would be despised by their children, and they would not be able to live with their conscience.

They all don't want a penny, they work for nothing, I feel like my heart is blocked, if I don't pay them, I will feel both anxious and uncomfortable, if I pay them, they won't want it, what do you think I should do about this, my husband?"

Li Yuanji was moved and relieved when he heard this. What he did here was recognized. As long as it was his job, everyone was willing to work for him for free without asking for any wages. Although this was a good thing, Li Yuanji did not approve of this approach.

Wages are related to reality. It is not obvious now, but when each family cultivates their own land and deviates from the current common development model, money will become particularly important. The labor force of each household is limited, and the gap between households will gradually begin to emerge.

This salary must be paid. Although this normal mode is abnormal now, it will become extremely normal later. Li Yuanji immediately spoke.

"Madam, let me take care of this matter. Wages must be paid. People come to work for us and put in effort, so they should be paid accordingly.

You should have a good rest. We will resume production as normal later. I will go and deal with this matter first."

Yang Qingwan smiled and nodded.

"Okay, then I'll prepare the meal and wait for my husband to come back."

Although there were servants in the palace, most of Li Yuanji's food was prepared by Yang Qingwan, mainly because Li Yuanji liked to eat it.

Li Yuanji laughed immediately.

"Okay, I'll be back as soon as possible."

When they got outside, Li Yuanji looked at Xie Shufang.

"Go find Dahe."

Xie Shufang went downstairs, and after a while, Ning Chun came hurriedly.

"My king, what is the matter?"

Li Yuanji motioned Ning Chun to sit down, poured him a glass of water, and then slowly told him about Yifang's matter.

"Dahe, this matter must be handled properly. It is only natural to receive due compensation for doing odd jobs for others. Go and call the family members of all the employees of Yifang to Yifang now. I will tell them that you should also pay attention to this matter.

Especially later on, if someone comes here to do business and wants to hire laborers, they have to check whether there are wages and how much the wages are, and adjust the wages based on the prices here.

In the Tang Dynasty, you can hire a laborer as long as you provide food, but it is not the case here. This incident also reminds us that if it happens, we must think about it carefully and make up for the ones that have not yet appeared. "

Ning Chun took notes after listening to it. Although this was a trivial matter, Ning Chun felt that what Li Yuanji said made sense. The smaller the matter, the easier it was to neglect it, which would have a significant impact.

"Your Majesty, I will remember this. I will formulate the standards later. I will go and gather the families of the cloth weavers first."

Ning Chun went down, and Li Yuanji was thinking about whether there was anything else to add on this matter. The standard he set was actually equivalent to a guarantee for the people. A minimum salary standard was also to ensure the rights and interests of the people here.

After all, the people here are his people, so he must be kind to them.

Afterwards, they arrived at Yifang, and Li Yuanji immediately organized a conversation, which lasted for more than half an hour before finally settling on this matter.

(End of this chapter)

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