Datang: What's wrong with my fief being a billion points larger?

Chapter 143 The pain of population problems, Lingnan border areas are threatened

Chapter 143 The pain of population problems, Lingnan border areas are threatened
Tan Dian stayed in Haikang for three days and then went back. He was accompanied by people sent by Li Yuanji to preside over the development and be responsible for training. When Tan Dian came this time, both Li Yuanji and Tan Dian were extremely excited about the current result.

Li Yuanji watched Tan Dian leave, and then started to return.

"Your Majesty, is this discussion really certain?"

Listening to Xie Shufang's words, Li Yuanji suddenly laughed.

"What do you think? Now the people have been sent out. Those who were sent to help him select and train the army have already set out. How can this be false? There should be about 20,000 to 30,000 people selected from the Tan Palace. As long as they are well trained and equipped with weapons, they can be considered a strong army."

Xie Shufang was sincerely happy after hearing this. Now their power is growing. In his eyes, Li Yuanji's power is much greater than that in Chang'an. Coming out is really a correct choice.

Ning Chun on the side also spoke.

"As long as General Xi can gain a firm foothold in Jiaozhou and then radiate to the surrounding areas, the king of Lingnan will be able to control the entire area. This is truly a happy event."

Li Yuanji just smiled and didn't answer. Actually controlling the entire Lingnan? It's still too early.

Half a month later, Pei Xuanyan's fleet set off and went to neighboring countries to trade. The development of Lingnan was also in full swing.

On this day, Li Yuanji finished his daily tasks and checked his current contribution points. It had reached 215. Li Yuanji was thinking about whether he should exchange them for some carrier pigeons first.

The transmission of news around Lingnan has always been relatively slow, and Li Yuanji is still very concerned about it. After thinking for a while, Li Yuanji exchanged four of them. Xi Junmai, Li Xiang, Tan Dian, and Feng Ang each had one, which made it convenient to transmit news.

One hundred and twenty contribution points were spent, and in the blink of an eye, only ninety-five points were left. Li Yuanji once again lamented that these contribution points were not durable, but there was nothing he could do.

In a blink of an eye, more than a month passed, and Li Yuanji suddenly discovered that the task on the system had been completed, and 500 contribution points had been credited to his account again. Now his contribution points had reached 820, and Li Yuanji was filled with joy.

Looking at the new task: How can there be development without population? When the population of Haikang City reaches 50,000, 300 contribution points will be rewarded.

Li Yuanji looked at the mission and was a little stunned for a moment. The population of Haikang is now nearly 90,000, and he still has to take on this mission?

Just as he was wondering, the mission changed again.

If the mission is completed, 300 contribution points will be awarded. For the new mission, the population of Haikang will reach 100,000, which will be awarded 500 contribution points.

Li Yuanji stared blankly at his contribution points reaching 1,120, and was immediately shocked. How could this task be possible? Doesn't that mean that as long as he develops fast enough, he can complete the tasks ahead of schedule?

Li Yuanji was really excited. He really didn't expect that he could complete the task and gain contribution points in this way. As for this new task, Haikang reached a population of 100,000? For now, it was too easy.

Just then, Ning Chun walked in.

"Your Majesty, the roads from the city to various places have been built. Should we start building roads to other places next?"

Li Yuanji, who had already known this, felt no longer disturbed when he heard what Ning Chun said.

"Okay, now that it's built, let's start building roads to Xuwen, Tieba, and Shenchuan. By the way, the name Tieba doesn't sound good, so we need to change it. Otherwise, if more people go there in the future, it will have a bad influence. So let's change it to Zhanjiang.

It's also close to the sea, and the river flows into the sea, so it's called Zhanjiang, which sounds nice. You can go down and make sure it's done."

Ning Chun didn't say anything about Li Yuanji's name change. Just change it. Although he didn't think there was anything wrong with Tie Pa, it didn't matter.

“Okay, I will go down and take care of it. By the way, my king, now that two new villages have been added as resettlement sites, the population in the city is also increasing. The city needs to be expanded. Now the population in the city has exceeded 90,000, reaching more than 95,000.

The population will only increase in the future. The people in the surrounding areas have already been naturalized, and the people in the distant places are constantly leaving the mountains. I estimate that the population will reach about 150,000 before it stops growing. The scale of the city must be increased."

Li Yuanji thought about his mission and agreed without saying anything.

"Then expand the city. Don't demolish the city walls that were built before. The current city will serve as the inner city, and we can extend it outwards. As for the planning drawings, wait and I'll give them to you later. You should arrange people to work on it now.

When will the port be completed? After it is completed, don't rush to build other ports. First expand the city. This is the most important thing. Don't bring people out and have no place to stay. "

Li Yuanji always felt that this task would still be completed. There were only 100,000 people in a city, which could only be considered a small city in the Tang Dynasty.

There are about 150,000 people in Leizhou. Although it was re-estimated later, there are nearly 200,000 people, but this is the population of a state. When he first came, there were only more than 70,000 registered people, and the total number of people here is only about 250,000. Now there are so many people in Haikang, most of them are people he brought from Chang'an, otherwise there would probably be only about 50,000 people here.

That is to say, the population of the entire Leizhou is about 300,000. As the absolute center, Haikang must have a population of about 200,000. However, even a city of 200,000 people is not enough in the Tang Dynasty.

However, in this period of declining people's livelihood, it can actually be considered a big city in the Tang Dynasty. It is only in the peaceful and prosperous times of later generations that it is really not good enough.

Li Yuanji felt a headache when he thought about these things. There were really too few people, and he didn't know how the matter of absorbing population from the Tang Dynasty was going.

Ning Chun thought for a moment before speaking.

"Your Majesty, the expansion of the port will be completed in about a month. I will start to work on the expansion of the city. I need your Majesty to provide me with the planning drawings. I really have no experience in larger-scale cities.

The expansion project can be started by arranging personnel, but the specific construction requires an overall blueprint so that the people below can start work.

There is one more thing. The grain will be harvested in about a month. Thanks to the waterwheel made by the king, the grain is growing very well. This year should be a bumper year. I have also had a number of granaries built, so I think they should be able to store the grain."

Li Yuanji smiled after hearing this. The harvest was finally coming. It had been extremely difficult for him to wait.

"Okay, don't worry about the blueprints. I'll give them to you in the next two days. A good grain harvest is good news. You must do a good job of harvesting first. This is the top priority. You should personally monitor these matters. That's it for now.

In addition, we need to fill the city with 100,000 people as soon as possible. This must also be done as soon as possible."

Ning Chun agreed to all of them and then went down to work. Ning Chun had a lot of things to do now and had almost no time on weekdays.

After Ning Chun went down, Li Yuanji frowned and began to ponder the blueprint for the city expansion. Now he didn't have any city planners here, and he couldn't rely on those craftsmen, so he had to do it himself.

However, the urban planning and layout really touched his blind spot. Even if it was to be built according to the appearance of Chang'an that he was familiar with, he still couldn't understand the details.

Finally, he had no choice but to turn his attention to the system, clicked on the item exchange column, found the construction column, and looked through the city construction drawings on it. Li Yuanji directly filtered out the city buildings of later generations. He couldn't even look at them, and they couldn't be built at all now.

After searching for a long time, Li Yuanji found that none of these were cheap. Finally, he found a blueprint of Chang'an from the Tang Dynasty. When he saw the price, it was five hundred contribution points, which was relatively cheap compared to the others. Li Yuanji exchanged it immediately.

"Chang'an has not expanded yet. From now on, it will not be me who imitates Chang'an, but Chang'an's buildings that imitate my Hikvision."

Li Yuanji thought shamelessly that although the population in Haikang was not large, he could reduce it according to this ratio, and he believed that the population would definitely increase in the future.

When the time comes, people from outside will come to Haikang and probably think they have come to Chang'an, especially since he figured it out first. If Li Jiancheng or Li Shimin finds out about it, will they be so angry that they die?

The capital of the great Tang Dynasty was actually built in imitation of Haikang. Li Yuanji laughed out loud at the thought.

But when he saw the remaining 620 contribution points, Li Yuanji suddenly became unhappy. Contribution points were really not worth using.

Li Yuanji discovered that his thousands of contribution points would only last for a short while before falling below a thousand. They were all used up. Thinking that he would have to exchange for a good thing next, a total of three thousand contribution points, Li Yuanji was filled with worry for a while.

After sighing for a while, Xie Shufang hurried in.

"Your Majesty, Xi Junmai has sent a military report."

Li Yuanji looked over immediately and saw a piece of paper. He immediately understood that this was a message delivered by a carrier pigeon.

After opening it, Li Yuanji's expression instantly became solemn. The letter was short, but the matter was not trivial. First of all, the Liaozi tribe and the Heman tribe often invaded Tianzhou, Yongzhou, Longzhou, and the surrounding states of Jiaozhou. Secondly, Linyi had no intention of withdrawing its troops and was ready to make a move in the border area of ​​Aizhou.

Now that Xi Jun has received the letter, he is asking for war, wanting to send troops to the Liaozi tribe and other Liao people to curb the problems of these Liao people's frequent intrusions.

Li Yuanji then handed the letter to Xie Shufang, who was immediately filled with anger after reading it.

"My king, send out the troops! These provocateurs are really abominable. And Linyi actually dared to make moves against Aizhou. They should be eliminated!"

As a military general, Xie Shufang really didn't want to endure it at all at this moment. The situation in Lingnan was different now, and they had not fought much since they arrived. Now it was time to flex their muscles.

(End of this chapter)

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