Datang: What's wrong with my fief being a billion points larger?

Chapter 149 Feng Ang's determination, life and death are determined by Changsun Wuji

Chapter 149 Feng Ang's determination, life and death are determined by Changsun Wuji

Li Yuanji was relieved by Feng Ang's choice on this issue. He thought it was firm enough and he could trust Feng Ang more.

He also wanted to take action against Zhangsun Wuji, and now Feng Ang took the initiative to retaliate. Not only would he not stop him, he would also give his greatest support.

As for the letter sent by Li Shimin, a letter that almost made him lose his composure, it could not give Changsun Wuji a golden ticket to immunity from death. The only tricky thing now was Changsun Wuji's identity, the deputy envoy of the Angel Corps.

With this identity, he is not only Li Shimin's man, but also a member of the imperial court. To touch Changsun Wuji is to slap the face of the imperial court and Li Yuan. This identity is Changsun Wuji's real amulet.

But as for Changsun Wuji who wanted to kill him, even with this amulet, he was not going to let this man go. If he did not take action, it would seem that he, Li Yuanji, was easy to bully. Now that his mortal enemy had appeared, he could not tolerate it.

Li Shimin still looked at him with the same thoughts as before, thinking that this letter would make him stop, so he gave up the idea.

After listening to Li Yuanji's words, Feng Ang immediately spoke up. It was obvious that he had already thought about this issue a long time ago.

"My lord, this is easy. Weren't the people Feng Xuan sent to kill me bandits? Then isn't it normal for them to encounter bandits?

I have learned from books that I should give someone a taste of their own medicine. If I kill Changsun Wuji, even if the saint holds me accountable, the worst that can happen is a crime of dereliction of duty. Even if that happens, I don't want my current position anymore.

When the time comes, Your Majesty, please send someone to take over all my affairs and the army. Anyway, I have done nothing wrong, and I will not be able to swallow this humiliation if I don't avenge myself.

As for the King of Qin, I am not afraid of him, and there is nothing for me to be afraid of. Anyway, Changsun Wuji died at the hands of bandits, and the King of Qin has no influence here.

In this way, Your Majesty will not have any responsibility at that time, and I will bear all the responsibilities. As long as I can get revenge, I will have no regrets!"

Looking at Feng Ang's face full of hatred, Li Yuanji had a serious expression, but he smiled in his heart. He understood a little at this moment. He was waiting for Feng Ang's final decision. It seemed that Feng Ang was also testing him.

Every word Feng Ang said was to put the responsibility on himself. He never mentioned that it was because of him, but because Feng Ang wanted to take revenge on Changsun Wuji. However, Li Yuanji, as the king of Lingnan, did not take any responsibility at all. This was a test of his magnanimity.

If he really did this, Li Yuanji didn't dare to say anything else, but he dared to guarantee that Feng Ang would never follow him sincerely. Just as Feng Ang said, not only Li Shimin couldn't control this place, but Li Yuan also had a hard time. Lingnan was his fiefdom, and even if the court wanted to send troops, it had to get his, Li Yuanji's consent first.

After all, Changsun Wuji wanted his life, and Feng Ang's life was just a by-product. The real key to clearing the obstacles in Feng Xuan's way lies in himself.

After a while, Li Yuanji spoke slowly.

"Mingda, this thing can be done, but you can't bear this matter, so I will bear it. The person Zhangsun Wuji wanted to kill was me, and you avenged him for me, so why should I let you bear the responsibility for this matter.

You can ambush us as a bandit. I will teach you how to arrange it and you can start implementing it after you go back.

When you return, they must have already entered Guangzhou. If they are faster, they may even have reached Duanzhou. When you return, ask someone to contact Cen Wenben and separate him from Changsun Wuji temporarily.

Then you will dispatch two thousand soldiers to ambush and kill Changsun Wuji. Feng Xuan used two thousand soldiers at the beginning, so you should also use two thousand soldiers. You must evacuate within half an hour no matter what the final result is. Your army must arrive to rescue Changsun Wuji.

Remember, if you can kill Changsun Wuji, that's good, but if he doesn't get killed, you must not do it again. When he gets here, I will take action."

In half an hour, two thousand soldiers were facing five hundred soldiers, and they were ambushed and killed. In Li Yuanji's opinion, it was enough. If it took too long, it would be difficult for him to explain to Li Yuan. But in half an hour, it was easy to explain.

After hearing this, Feng Ang was silent for a while, and then he spoke firmly after a while.

"I will obey your orders! When I return, I will follow your instructions. Besides this matter, I have something else to discuss with you.

I have so many things to do now that I cannot take care of them all. I hope that the king can send someone to take over my current government affairs. At the same time, I know that the army under my command is not very strong, so I would like to ask the king to send some officers to join my army to lead and train the army. "

After Feng Ang finished speaking, Li Yuanji was completely excited. As expected, he was right. While he was testing Feng Ang, Feng Ang was also testing him. If he didn't want to take the risk regarding Changsun Wuji's matter, Feng Ang would never have said this.

By then he could think that Changsun Wuji would be absolutely fine. Although Feng Ang would take action, he would never kill him. After all, he was no longer prepared to surrender to him, so Feng Ang could only look for someone else.

Although he was happy in his heart, he looked extremely confused.

"Mingda, what are you doing? Get up quickly. You are governing well now, just keep doing it. As for the army needing people to guide the training, I will send a few people over, and your original people will continue to lead the army.

I completely believe in Mingda, there is no need to be like this, just do your best. "

Li Yuanji really wanted to agree directly, he really wanted to, but he couldn't be impatient about this matter. He couldn't eat hot tofu in a hurry. To prevent Feng Ang from thinking too much, he had to refuse it. He had to show this attitude to express his absolute trust in Feng Ang.

After hearing this, Feng Ang immediately continued speaking.

"My king, please be considerate of me and send someone to take over. I am a warrior and I really don't understand these things. In order not to delay your development plan, I will focus on leading the army and stabilizing the four directions for you!"

After some evasion and wrangling, Li Yuanji could no longer refuse and agreed. Just like talking in the palace, Li Yuanji immediately took over Feng Ang's twenty-one states. He also arranged for some people from Feng Ang's army to lead and train the army.

Li Yuanji looked at Feng Ang firmly.

"Mingda, I can promise you here that if you don't let me down, I will not let you down! You will still be in command of the 120,000 troops under your command, but the army must be reorganized and trained, and those who are unqualified must be eliminated.

Only 50,000 to 80,000 soldiers can be retained out of the 120,000 soldiers, because for each soldier, I have set up a monthly salary and pension, and what I need is a real fighting army, not a group of mobs.

The army's weapons are now being built at a intensive pace and will be replenished later. We are currently in a period of development with limited money and food, so what I need now are elite soldiers, not just quantity. You must be prepared in this regard.

Can you accept this?"

After this matter was decided, Li Yuanji started to plan directly. The population of Lingnan was so small now. Although the population of Feng Ang was much larger than that of other places, the number of troops must also be controlled. The young and strong men who were eliminated could just make up for the need to reclaim wasteland and cultivate crops, which would further speed up the development. Li Yuanji knew very well that the combat power of an elite army was the real key to victory.

Look at the middle period of the Tang Dynasty, which was also its peak period. Those truly elite soldiers, with only a few hundred or a few thousand men, dared to defeat those in the Western Regions with tens of thousands of men. Many battles were won by the fewest men. As long as they were formed, not only would their combat power be strong, but their logistics would also relieve a lot of pressure.

Although the Tang army was powerful and had the advantage of military equipment, the armor rate of the Tang army was really scary. Only when everyone was wearing armor could they create such combat power.

What Li Yuanji needed was just such a large army. If we compare the numbers of the troops, he estimated that there was basically no hope of surpassing the Tang Dynasty. After all, the population base was there, and they could only take the route of strengthening the army.

As for the weapons, he has already started working on them. As long as he can exchange them, the speed of manufacturing the weapons will be greatly improved.

After hearing this, Feng Ang also agreed. Now that he had thrown everything away, his position was very correct. He was now a general under Li Yuanji. All he had to do was to obey orders. The rest was Li Yuanji's business.

"I will take your orders. After I return, I will start working on this matter. I will definitely train a strong army that dares to fight and is good at fighting!"

Li Yuanji also smiled. Now that the most important thing in his mind was resolved, he could finally breathe a sigh of relief and then spoke.

"Okay, I'll let you do this. Now that these things have been resolved, let's get down to business.

This time I sent you an urgent letter to ask you to come, not because of these things, but because I had decided to use troops against the five tribes of Liaoren. In addition, after Liu Rengui ended his attack on Ryukyu, I would use troops against Linyi.

Now Tan Dian has led a large army to Jiaozhou, and I have also sent nearly 10,000 troops to Jiaozhou. Now all I need is you.

After you go back, after you have trained the army, you should immediately send out 10,000 troops to Yongzhou, to serve under Yu Minghe's command and attack the five tribes of Liao people.

Then send another 20,000 or 30,000 troops to join Liu Rengui's navy in attacking Linyi. You will lead the rest of the army to garrison Guangzhou.

The areas around Guangzhou are some of the best places in Lingnan. I feel uneasy without you stationed there. The stability over there is now entirely in your hands. If an emergency occurs, I will give you the power to make decisions on the spot, but you can report to me later.

Remember, no one is allowed to interfere in Lingnan. If anyone dares to put his hand in, he will be chopped off. Do you understand?"

Li Yuanji instructed Feng Ang just as he had instructed Tan Dian before, that there were some things he had to make clear to avoid any trouble at the critical moment.

Feng Ang kept these in mind and spoke after a moment.

"My lord, I know that I will not allow anyone to interfere in Lingnan's affairs!"

He could hear the hidden meaning behind Li Yuanji's words, and he did not hesitate at all. Now he had completely followed Li Yuanji and had no other way out.

As for Li Yuanji's plan to attack the five tribes of Ryukyu and Linyi, Feng Ang was both shocked and excited. He was shocked by Li Yuanji's grand move, expanding in three directions: Ryukyu, the five tribes of Ryukyu and Linyi at the same time.

He was also excited because of Li Yuanji's expansion. The greater Li Yuanji's power, the more benefits he would receive. The stronger he was, the more secure he would feel. The only pity was that he could not participate in these major battles. He was also very clear about the importance of those places in Guangzhou.

If Li Yuanji had not developed Haikang, the areas around Guangzhou would have been the richest places in Lingnan, with the largest population, and better development in all aspects than other places.

Now that Li Yuanji is developing water trade with the Tang Dynasty, the location of Guangzhou has become very important. Feng Ang also knows very well that those places must not be lost, and he must stay there.

Feng Ang sighed in his heart, there was nothing he could do. Although he felt a little regretful, he was also very aware of the burden on his shoulders.

After these things were settled, Li Yuanji gave Feng Ang the sugar and wine he had prepared, which amazed Feng Ang. Feng Ang stayed here for a day and then started to return. After returning to Panyu, Cen Wenben and others had already entered Guangzhou and arrived in Qingyuan.

Feng Ang arranged the training of the army without any hesitation, and then selected two thousand elite soldiers, ready to take action at any time. At the same time, he asked someone to contact Cen Wenben quietly.

Outside Qingyuan, a team of hundreds of people was marching towards Sihui.

"Why do you think Cen Wenben and his men are staying here? They even let us go first. Is there something shameful going on here?"

The person who spoke was Cheng Yaojin. He looked at Changsun Wuji in confusion. Upon hearing this, Changsun Wuji looked solemn. After a while, he slowly spoke.

"I think Cen Wenben must have something to discuss with Duke Ying, and he can't let us know.

Zhijie, you have people on alert. Although nothing has happened yet, we must not let our guard down."

Cheng Yaojin felt helpless when he heard this. He really couldn't understand why Changsun Wuji became like a frightened bird as soon as he entered Lingnan. Only Li Shimin knew that Changsun Wuji colluded with Feng Xuan to kill Li Yuanji. Cheng Yaojin and others were unaware of it.

It was precisely because of this that he really could not understand Li Shimin’s instructions and Changsun Wuji’s suspicion when they were in Chang’an.

After making all the arrangements, Cheng Yaojin came to Changsun Wuji again.

"This Lingnan is not like what was rumored. Along the way, so many people have flowed into Lingnan, and almost every place is organizing land reclamation. The name of the King of Qi can be heard here."

They came all the way from Shaozhou and saw many new things. People actually took the initiative to join the household registration, the government organized people to reclaim wasteland and distribute it to the people, and people from other states fled to Lingnan one after another, and they were all resettled after entering.

Now they have just entered Lingnan and are still far away from Leizhou Haikang where Li Yuanji is. However, here, in Feng Ang's territory, everyone is shouting Li Yuanji, and both of them feel heavy in their hearts.

Before they could think about it, something strange happened. Arrows came from the air and Cheng Yaojin and Changsun Wuji's pupils suddenly shrank.

"Enemy attack!"

(End of this chapter)

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