Datang: What's wrong with my fief being a billion points larger?

Chapter 151 Cen Wenben and the crowd's amazement

Chapter 151 Cen Wenben and the crowd's amazement
The Haikang Palace is now more than half built and will be completed in two or three months. The palace now finally looks like what a prince should look like and it looks magnificent and majestic.

Inside the palace, Li Yuanji completed today's task. Seeing that his contribution points had reached 1,265, he was extremely excited.

"Shufang, have you received any news from Feng Ang? How is the matter going?"

Li Yuanji was eating the fruits and asked Xie Shufang leisurely, "These fruits were all transported by fast horses. Although the quantity is not large, it is at least enough for Li Yuanji to eat, and he can also give some as rewards to everyone."

Upon hearing this, Xie Shufang smiled bitterly.

"Your Majesty, there has been no news yet, but Liu Rengui has sent news that he has launched an attack on Ryukyu. The progress is going smoothly. He has successfully destroyed the Ryukyu navy and has begun landing on Ryukyu to fight."

The Ryukyu navy consists of only a few small boats. There are only one or two large ships, and they are very old and dilapidated. Calling them a navy is already an exaggeration.

Li Yuanji also sighed after hearing this. Now he really wanted to know whether Changsun Wuji was dead or alive. After all, whether he was dead or alive, he could make different preparations.

Then Li Yuanji stopped thinking about it and asked about other things.

"How are preparations for harvesting the crops going? Has Dahe made any arrangements?"

Now that the grain has finally been harvested, everyone is preparing for the autumn harvest. Ning Chun has become a busy man. Even if Li Yuanji wants to call him, he has to think about whether it is a serious matter, otherwise Ning Chun will simply ignore him.

Even if he ignored him, he would be attacked by Ning Chun. What's more, he couldn't fight back against Ning Chun's attack, which made him very uncomfortable.

When it comes to this topic, Xie Shufang's face is full of excitement.

"Your Majesty, everything has been arranged. Dahe said that we will start harvesting tomorrow while the weather is good. The crops in the fields are growing very well. Thanks to the waterwheel you made, many fields can be irrigated with water.

The water canals you built, and the previous heavy rains did not affect the harvest. Everyone is thanking you, the king, saying that without the waterwheel you built, the crops would not have grown so well. "

Li Yuanji was delighted to hear these. The recognition from the people made him very happy. Even though he had already been praised, he still felt a different kind of happiness every time he heard it.

"Okay, you should get ready too. We will go there tomorrow too. When the harvest comes, everyone will go to harvest the crops, and we can't just sit there."

Xie Shufang immediately went downstairs to start preparing. After all, when it came to harvesting crops, he couldn't go empty-handed, otherwise how could he harvest them?

However, after a while, Xie Shufang hurried back.

"My king, the letter has come back."

Li Yuanji was stunned, then he took the letter and began to read it. After reading a part of it, Li Yuanji didn't know whether he should laugh or worry for a moment. This letter was sent by Feng Ang, and the letter talked about the result of that incident.

Li Yuanji was speechless for a moment, and then he became solemn. He was speechless that this allowed Changsun Wuji to survive, and he was solemn because the 500 people from the Qin Palace brought by Cheng Yaojin were too powerful.

Feng Ang sent 2,000 men, but in the end, they couldn't even get past 500 men? Although there was a time limit, if there was no such limit, they would definitely win in the end, but in half an hour, they couldn't even get past 500 men.

He didn't know whether Li Shimin's royal soldiers were too strong or the people sent by Feng Ang were too weak. This only injured Changsun Wuji. Li Yuanji shook his head. Sure enough, the combat effectiveness of the army here, except for those he brought from Chang'an, was really too poor.

After continuing to read it, Li Yuanji's eyes lit up again and he smiled.

"Haha, this Mingda is really good at making trouble.

Shufang, Zhangsun Wuji and Cheng Yaojin are coming by boat, but the matter is not over yet. Please have someone pay attention to the dock. If Zhangsun Wuji and Cheng Yaojin appear at the dock, tell me immediately. If they do not appear within two months, then the matter will be concluded. "

Xie Shufang was full of doubts, but Li Yuanji did not explain. This was Feng Ang's later arrangement. He wanted to see whether Changsun Wuji was panicked or not. As for Cheng Yaojin, he was sorry because it was his fault for following him.

After resting for a while, Yang Qingwan came back. Li Yuanji talked about harvesting grain tomorrow, and Yang Qingwan readily agreed. Just as the two were being affectionate, Xie Shufang walked in with his head held high. Seeing this, Yang Qingwan returned to the room.

Li Yuanji looked at Xie Shufang unhappily.

"Shu Fang, you are getting bolder and bolder. Tell me what happened."

Xie Shufang had no choice but to speak.

"Your Majesty, the angel is coming soon. The ship they are on has already entered the port and will soon dock."

Li Yuanji suddenly became serious. Cen Wenben is here? He has to entertain him well. After all, Cen Wenben is not a member of either Li Jiancheng or Li Shimin. He feels that he can also fight for it.

After thinking for a moment, he looked at Xie Shufang.

"Go call Dahe now. The two of you go to greet the angels. I won't go. You should take them for a good walk first and see the changes here. They must be tired and hungry after walking around like this.

Then you have someone kill a pig and give them a good meal afterwards so they can get a feel for what this place is like now.”

Li Yuanji probably knew the purpose of their coming. Wasn't it just to see? Then he would take a good look and let them know how much Lingnan has changed now. This would show how different it is. Then he would have the bargaining chip to win over Cen Wenben.

After all, if such a person has no ability, why should others follow him? There is more than one King of Qi in the Tang Dynasty.

At the dock, the large ship carrying Cen Wenben and others had begun to dock. A group of people came out of the ship and looked at the dock. They were all a little surprised. After the dock was expanded, it now looked quite magnificent. Compared with what they had seen in Panyu, the dock here was obviously beyond their understanding.

"The wharf built by the King of Qi is really big. Nowadays, the roads in Lingnan are difficult to travel, but the King of Qi has found another way. This wharf must handle a lot of cargo, and the ships coming and going are a considerable income."

As soon as Cen Wenben finished speaking, Wei Ting on the side immediately took over the conversation.

"Yes, who would have thought that there would be such a big change here? I'm afraid there is no such a prosperous dock in the Tang Dynasty."

For a moment, the curiosity of several people about Lingnan grew more and more. When the boat stopped, everyone couldn't wait to get off.

The few people were not so comfortable on this waterway. The time on the boat was boring, and they were seasick. They were tortured in the first few days. Although it was near the coast, the wind and waves were bigger and more turbulent than on the river. Cen Wenben was fine. He had experienced it before in Jingzhou. Although it was more shaky, he quickly adapted to it. The others were miserable. They vomited for several days until they adapted to it and recovered.

When a few people came down, Xie Shufang and Ning Chun were already waiting here.

"My name is Ning Chun/Xie Shufang. Nice to meet the angel. The king knows that the angel is coming, so he ordered the two of us to welcome him and take him to understand the changes here."

Cen Wenben smiled and immediately helped the two men up.

"Then I'll trouble you two."

After talking with Cen Wenben, Wei Ting and Xue Wanche came to Xie Shufang.

"Shufang, you are becoming more calm now. Is the King of Qi doing well here?"

"Haha, Shufang, I haven't seen you for such a long time. You seem to be stronger now. How about you? Can you still help the king manage the army? Do you want me to help you?"

Wei Ting was fine, but Xue Wanche simply put his hand on Xie Shufang's shoulder and hammered his chest.

Because Li Jiancheng and Li Yuanji had a very good relationship at the beginning, Xie Shufang and Xue Wanche also had a very good relationship, and they all worked together in the Prince of Qi's Palace. The army of the Prince of Qi's Palace was managed by the two of them. No matter whether it was ability or martial arts, the two recognized each other.

Xie Shufang looked at the two of them and was also very happy.

"I heard that Zhengping has returned to the capital. That's great. He finally doesn't have to live that hard life anymore. Zhengping, you have to thank the prince."

After talking to Wei Ting, he looked at Xue Wanche beside him.

"You kid, you still have the nerve to say that to me. It's been such a long time since we last met, and yet you're still like this. The king has already asked people to prepare a banquet. We'll have a good drink later. I tell you, the wine brewed by the king is delicious. I guarantee you've never tasted it before. You'll be in for a treat."

Xie Shufang had already come up with a bad idea. He knew very well that if he was not careful when drinking the wine brewed by Li Yuanji for the first time, not only would he not be able to drink much, but he would also become disabled. At this moment, Xie Shufang obviously had a good idea.

Xue Wanche and Wei Ting were very curious about what kind of wine it was. They had never drunk it before, but now was not the time to chat for a long time, so they did not ask more questions.

Xie Shufang looked at Cen Wenben and Wu Shigui.

"Angel, Duke Ying, please follow me."

Cen Wenben and Wu Shigui smiled, then followed Xie Shufang and Ning Chun. Ning Chun then began to explain from the dock.

Cen Wenben was shocked when he heard Ning Chun's introduction. The people were the ones who responded to Li Yuanji's call to build this wharf? And they refused to accept the money even though they were given it? Only after Li Yuanji's repeated persuasion did the people accept it?

Cen Wenben was very surprised and unwilling to believe it. It was fine when the imperial court was prosperous, but now, when the imperial court starts a project, it needs a lot of corvée labor. Every time it conscripts corvée labor, it is extremely troublesome. But the people here are willing to do it? They don't even want to be paid?
Cen Wenben didn't believe it in his heart, but he didn't say it out loud. He had already made up his mind. Now he had eyes and ears, and no matter what questions there were, he would not say anything and would ask them later.

As a group of people walked out, the cement road gradually appeared in front of everyone. Cen Wenben and his group were surprised again. Several people walked on it and felt the smoothness of the ground. They were more and more surprised. They had never seen this cement road before.

Cen Wenben didn't say anything, but Wei Ting couldn't help it. He had a good relationship with Xie Shufang and they didn't have so many taboos.

"Shu Fang, what's going on with this road surface? Can you explain it to me?"

Xie Shufang didn't say anything, but Ning Chun spoke with a smile.

"This is a cement road, made of cement invented by the king. Even on rainy days, there will be no mud on the road, and it will not be slippery. It is still very smooth.

This road goes directly from the city to the dock. With this road, it is more convenient to transport goods and saves a lot of time. "

It would have been better if Ning Chun had not said this. After he said this, Cen Benwen and others immediately became interested in the cement, especially Li Yuanji. They were more shocked. There was no such road in Chang'an, but they saw it in this remote and poor place, the place of exile in their eyes.

As for such a cement road, several people can think of other uses, that is, troop mobilization. With such a road, the army can be mobilized faster and in a shorter time. If the main road is built into a cement road, the army will be able to reach the battlefield faster in the future, including the army's logistics and transportation will also be more convenient.

Wei Ting seemed to know what Cen Wenben was thinking and immediately asked Ning Chun.

"Mr. Ning, could you take us to see this cement? We are really curious. Is it convenient?"

Ning Chun is not only the governor of Leizhou, but also the clerk of the Prince of Qi's Palace. Wei Ting calls him that because the clerk has a higher status.

Ning Chun smiled even more after hearing this.

"No problem. If the angel is interested, I will take him there later."

A group of people continued to move forward, and when they arrived at Haikang City, Cen Benwen and the others were full of disbelief. It was indeed that although Haikang City was not very big, it was extremely prosperous. If it was near Chang'an or a big city in the Tang Dynasty, they would not be surprised, but this was Lingnan.

Leizhou can be said to be the Lingnan among Lingnan, but what they see now is beyond their cognition. You know, Li Yuanji has only been here for more than a year.

Several people followed Ning Chun into the city, looking at the houses along the way, the clean cement roads on the streets, and the pedestrians coming and going. Some of them were even greeting Ning Chun. Cen Wenben had a feeling that he had not come to Lingnan, but to a very warm place.

This kind of feeling does not exist even in Chang'an. Every citizen here has a smile on his face, and they don't seem to be worried at all.

Even their clothing is no worse than that of the people in Chang'an. They are even more energetic than the people in Chang'an.

Ning Chun responded to the people who greeted him one by one. Sometimes when he saw some children playing naughty on the street, Ning Chun would give them a lesson. As a result, these children would run away to other places and continue playing with laughter. When they left, they would make faces at Ning Chun, and run away with a smile after greeting him.

These scenes all shocked the hearts of Cen Wenben, Wei Ting and others. They couldn't help but wonder, aren't these people afraid of the government officials? Especially with soldiers following them on both sides, aren't these people afraid?

Several people were stunned for a moment.

(End of this chapter)

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