Datang: What's wrong with my fief being a billion points larger?

Chapter 169: Iron and Steel Smelting Technology Exchange, Laying the Foundation for Industry

Chapter 169: Iron and Steel Smelting Technology Exchange, Laying the Foundation for Industry
When Li Jiancheng returned to the Eastern Palace, he could no longer control his temper. In his opinion, Li Yuan was favoring Li Shimin. Even Li Yuanji benefited from it, but he did nothing and not only did he not get any benefit, but he had to pay so much.

Wang Gui and others were helpless. They wanted to launch an offensive, but Li Yuan actually suppressed the matter. They could only advise Li Jiancheng to be ready to deal with the Turkic invasion at any time.

However, just as they were talking about this, Feng Li hurried in.

"Prince, the governor of Daizhou, Lin Yu, was defeated in Xincheng. The Turkic Khan Jie Li is advancing with his army. Daizhou may also fall."

Upon hearing this, Li Jiancheng stood up immediately. At this moment, everyone, including Li Jiancheng, showed joy on their faces. Wei Zheng spoke immediately.

"Prince, you can prepare to enter the palace. The Saint will definitely send someone to invite you. Then you can ask the King of Qin to lead the troops!"

Li Jiancheng nodded.

"Okay, let's do this!"

After a while, Li Yuan really sent someone to invite Li Jiancheng into the palace to discuss matters. At the same time, Pei Ji and the ministers of war, and the ministry of civil affairs (after Li Shimin ascended the throne, the name was changed to the Ministry of Revenue to avoid the word "civil affairs", and it has been used ever since) all entered the palace together.

After Li Shimin returned to the Prince of Qin's Mansion, he explained Li Yuan's attitude to everyone. Fang Xuanling and Du Ruhui both breathed a sigh of relief. Then Wang Xun came quietly and told Li Shimin about Li Jiancheng's conspiracy. Li Shimin was shocked.

Li Shimin never imagined that Li Jiancheng would actually kill him for this matter, and do it so quickly.

At this moment, Yuchi Gong came hurriedly. When Li Shimin learned that Lin Yu was defeated, he was even more shocked.

Li Shimin immediately told Fang Xuanling and Du Ruhui about the matter, asked them to think of a solution, and then he entered the palace.

Li Shimin was filled with heavy feelings. He immediately realized that this meeting of Li Yuan was very crucial. Once Li Yuan asked him to lead the army to attack, he had to overturn the table before the troops went out.

However, as the meeting progressed, Li Yuan did not send Li Shimin to lead the army. Instead, he sent Zhang Jin to station troops in Shiling and Li Gao to station troops in Dagu. At the same time, he sent Li Jing to lead troops to Luzhou, Ren Gui to station troops in Taihang, Zhang Dezheng, the governor of Yunzhou, to lead troops northward, and Li Daozon to station troops in Guangwu.

Li Yuan had made up his mind, and the Tang Dynasty's war machine began to move immediately. Imperial edicts were continuously conveyed downwards, and the army began to assemble.

When Li Jiancheng learned about this, he was full of disbelief and wanted to continue to persuade Li Yuan to let Li Shimin lead the army, but Li Yuan did not accept his advice. Li Jiancheng had no choice but to start raising food and other supplies according to Li Yuan's will.

When Li Shimin knew the result, he felt relieved. At least the thing would not happen immediately, and he still had time to continue preparing.

After returning to the Prince of Qin's Palace, Li Shimin informed Fang Xuanling and Du Ruhui of the matter, and then ordered all preparations to be accelerated. He was really afraid that day would come soon.

In Lingnan, inside the Haikang Palace, Li Yuanji looked at the task on the system panel and saw that it had been completed. He was so happy that he didn't know what to do. It was not for anything else, but because this task directly brought him 2,000 contribution points. Now his contribution points had reached 4,415 points.

Li Yuanji was smiling foolishly, a smile that could be so pure. Then Li Yuanji looked at the new task.

New task: The population of Haikang reaches 500,000, and 5,000 contribution points will be awarded upon completion.

Li Yuanji became extremely excited when he saw the task. Five thousand contribution points, he only needed to reach a population of 500,000. Now the population of Haikang had reached 320,000, and there was only a difference of 180,000. In two or three months, he would get five thousand contribution points.

At this moment, Li Yuanji suddenly realized that the contribution points given by the previous tasks really fully reflected what "little" meant. They also took time, and he preferred this kind of large-scale tasks.

Looking at the 4,415 contribution points in his hand, Li Yuanji immediately opened the item exchange column, and then couldn't help but click on the special exchange column. Looking at the longevity pill, his eyes were unable to move for a while.

Previously, due to limited contribution points, he had not been able to exchange for longevity pills to eat. After tasting just one pill, Li Yuanji was now very excited. He wanted immortality. Now that he was powerful, who wouldn't want immortality?

After looking for a while, Li Yuanji closed his eyes and smiled bitterly, looking very bitter.

He really wanted immortality. For ordinary people, this might be painful, but for powerful people, it was eternal happiness. But now, he needed contribution points everywhere to exchange things. More than 4,400 contribution points seemed like a lot, but it was actually not much.

Especially the one he was going to exchange, the blueprint and the detailed process would consume all 4,000 contribution points, and then there would be more than 400 left. How could he exchange it for the longevity pill?
Nowadays, the population here has increased, and the amount of arable land has increased, and the shortage of oxen has once again become apparent. Although there are curved plows, the effect would be better with oxen.

There are also carrier pigeons. Now that our territory is expanding, if there were no carrier pigeons, the transmission of messages would often have a time error of one to two months. How could we do this?
"When will I be able to freely contribute points? Every time a large amount of contribution points are credited to my account, I have to spend them. This is my dream of immortality~"

Li Yuanji was in great pain, and at this moment he was like wearing a mask of pain. If he didn't need to develop and didn't care about these things, his life span would probably have reached several hundred years, right?
But there is no other way. If he does not grow and develop, and does not increase his strength, even if he achieves immortality, he will still be trapped in a cage and may even face the risk of being killed. After all, this is immortality, it does not mean that he will not be killed.

Helpless Li Yuanji had to cheer up, reopen the item exchange column, and start exchanging. The four thousand contribution points were gone, leaving only four hundred. Then Li Yuanji exchanged five oxen and five carrier pigeons, and suddenly he had one hundred and fifteen points left.

Looking at the remaining contribution points, Li Yuanji felt like crying but had no tears. All capitalists would probably shake their heads after seeing this scene. Li Yuanji's happiness was gone in an instant. It ran away and flew away.

After a while, Li Yuanji had to cheer up. Now he could only urge Cen Wenben to migrate the population as soon as possible and complete the task. By then, with five thousand contribution points, wouldn't he be able to buy a lot of things?
"Shufang, go call Jingren."

Xie Shufang ran to call for help, and after a while, Cen Benwen arrived.

"See you, Your Majesty."

Li Yuanji looked at Cen Wenben and then took out the exchanged items.

"Jingren, this is the latest forging method used to forge steel. After you go down, let the blacksmith start immediately. At the same time, you should plan out a piece of land for building a steel forging factory." What Li Yuanji exchanged this time was the forging method. Nowadays, the production of steel is not only slow, but in his opinion, the craftsmanship is also not good. However, he did not understand these things, so he could only exchange them. The craftsmanship he exchanged for was from the Ming and Qing Dynasties.

There are also higher-level forging process systems, but the foundation is too difficult, and there is no industrial foundation here at all. Another problem is that he has no idea about the contribution points after taking a look at them. Even if the contribution points for the next task are given to him immediately, he cannot redeem them.

It can only be exchanged for the forging and smelting methods of the Ming and Qing Dynasties. It is called the Ming and Qing Dynasties, but in fact it is almost the Ming Dynasty, because the Qing Dynasty was unable to make major technological breakthroughs in the forging and smelting of the Ming Dynasty, and basically they were relying on the old foundation of the Ming Dynasty.

From the middle and late Tang Dynasty to the Song Dynasty, there were breakthroughs in smelting technology. At that time, blast furnace smelting technology was already mastered. Although there were also improvements in the Yuan Dynasty, it was not until the Ming Dynasty that a real breakthrough was achieved.

Because in the Ming Dynasty, the raw materials, that is, the ore smelting technology, that is, pig iron, were mastered. Today, wrought iron is used for forging. The difference between the two is huge, because the carbon content of pig iron and wrought iron is different, and the properties of the steel produced are also different.

Li Yuanji actually didn't understand these professional things, and he himself was not a professional in this field. Now he exchanged all of them, a whole stack of papers, all densely packed with drawings and explanations. Anyway, it made his forehead hurt after reading them.

With this forging and smelting technology, the scale of steel production can be larger and the quality better. And most importantly, the basic steel industry can finally be gradually expanded in the future.

This is also the reason why he wants to exchange this. When this technology is gradually mastered and applied, if there is no breakthrough progress, he will exchange it for newer forging and smelting technology, as long as he can get contribution points at that time.

However, that time is still a long way off, and Li Yuanji doesn't think too much about it. As long as he fully understands these things now, he can be ahead by several centuries. By then, the technology of the Tang Dynasty will not be able to match his.

Li Yuanji couldn't help but think that as time went by, the orthodoxy of the Tang Dynasty might be in Lingnan, not in Chang'an.

Cen Wenben was stunned when he saw Li Yuanji taking out a large stack of papers. Then he picked one up and looked at it. Wow, after looking at it for a while, Cen Wenben found that he couldn't understand it either. These sophisticated drawings and the craftsmanship in the text showed their professionalism.

Cen Wenben read it patiently for a while. Although he didn't know the details, these drawings and explanations still had a great impact on him. These drawings were too precise. Especially what Li Yuanji said was a new smelting technology. Cen Wenben was also excited.

This is what is most lacking here. If the smelting technology is improved and the output of steel increases, it will be able to solve many of the needs not only in the military but also in people's livelihood.

Cen Wenben looked at Li Yuanji excitedly.

"Your Majesty is truly unpredictable. You were able to create such a smelting technology. With so many pieces, I believe your Majesty must have worked hard for a long time to create them. On behalf of the people of the world, I thank your Majesty.

However, please take care of your health, Your Majesty. Lingnan, or even the whole world, cannot afford to lose you. I will go down and arrange this matter. Your Majesty, please take a good rest."

Cen Benwen was deeply moved. He could imagine the workload Li Yuanji had to put in to produce such precise drawings and such a thick stack of papers. It must have taken countless nights of hard work. At this moment, Cen Benwen really admired Li Yuanji. This was their king, the king who could lead them to develop Lingnan.

As for the authenticity of the new smelting technology, Cen Wenben had no doubts. If Li Yuanji said yes, then it must be. This must be the new steel smelting technology. Think about the miracles Li Yuanji had created before. Now even if Li Yuanji told them that people could fly, they would believe it.

Li Yuanji looked at Cen Wenben who looked worried about him, and the corner of his mouth twitched. He knew that this matter was a misunderstanding, but the key point was that he had not explained it yet. Could he say that this thing was exchanged from the system?

There was no way he could say those words. He would not tell anyone about the system. As for these people's misunderstanding, let it be a misunderstanding. These were all caused by him, Li Yuanji, and he admitted it openly.

Anyway, everything exchanged from the system is comprehensive, so there is no need to worry about anyone having questions, because as long as you read it carefully, there will be no questions. The explanations above are very comprehensive and clear, otherwise why is it so expensive?

Both process details and drawings are expensive. Without process details, you can't get started. Without drawings, you can't get started either. You have to explore first. The two complement each other.

Li Yuanji then spoke slowly.

"Jingren, I don't mind being a little tired or a little hard, but I am very concerned about the development of Lingnan. You must continue to increase the population here and increase the efforts to reclaim wasteland. There are still too few people here now.

Are you sure we can increase the number of people here to 500,000 within two or three months?"

Cen Wenben's face was full of admiration. He found that he really needed to learn from Li Yuanji's ideas. As for the population, Cen Wenben pondered for a while before looking at Li Yuanji firmly.

"Your Majesty, I will intensify the migration of the population, and it should be possible within three months. However, Your Majesty, the population has increased too much, and the growth of arable land may not keep up. Now we must reserve food from other places.

The food we grow next will probably only be able to barely meet the needs of the growing population, and we won’t be able to store more food.”

Li Yuanji also frowned and began to think.

"You should do this first. First, increase the population here to 500,000. Then you can draw food from Xuwen, Zhanjiang, Shenchuan and other places. As for the other food, I will also find a way to solve it, but the population growth cannot stop, and the land reclamation cannot stop.

These two items are the necessary foundations for development. You have to distribute the next population that arrives and make sure they don't cause unrest. You can appropriately organize some of the original people to maintain order.

There are certainly difficulties during the development period, but we must overcome them. As long as we get through the current difficulties, things will get better. "

After listening to Li Yuanji's chicken soup, Cen Wenben was full of confidence. Now Li Yuanji's words were the most inspiring. Almost everyone here believed in whatever Li Yuanji said.

Li Yuanji doesn't dare to be mentioned in other places, but in Leizhou and Haikang, he is the god here, the kind that everyone admires.

(End of this chapter)

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