Datang: What's wrong with my fief being a billion points larger?

Chapter 171: Playing with cotton, the end of palace fighting turns out to be loneliness?

Chapter 171: Playing with cotton, the end of palace fighting turns out to be loneliness?

Seeing Wei Ting's face full of emotion and admiration, Li Yuanji began to admire himself in his heart. Others felt that they had gained benefits and trust, and they also thought that he was a good person with an open mind. But who could know what was in his mind?
Just like Wei Ting now, he will only be grateful to him. Even if Li Jiancheng received Wei Ting's letter, he would have to accept his favor. Although it is not known whether Li Jiancheng will have the chance to repay him, his goal has been achieved.

After all, personal relationships are secondary. Now we have someone to take the blame, right?

Li Yuanji helped Wei Ting up with all sincerity, and this sincere feeling seemed to almost melt Wei Ting.

"Zhengping, what are you doing? I have created this printing technique by chance, and I am just making a contribution to the people of the world. As the crown prince, you should know. As for how to do it, it all depends on your opinion.

As for the problem of the aristocratic families, everyone can understand it. I am not the only one who sees it. I also hope that the Tang Dynasty can be better, surpass the past and present, and last for thousands of years."

Li Yuanji's innocent words made Wei Ting sigh. The two chatted as they walked, and after a while, Wei Ting went downstairs.

After Wei Ting left, Li Yuanji was no longer the same as before, and returned to the palace with a smile.

After returning, Wei Ting started writing letters and sending them back to Chang'an. Printing technology was so important that Wei Ting did not delay at all. He only breathed a sigh of relief after he finished writing and sent the letters. Thinking back to Li Yuanji's appearance and the words he said at that time, Wei Ting was full of emotion.

"The King of Qi is truly righteous. We have been overthinking it before. The King of Qi's heart is still with the Crown Prince. How can a mortal like me guess the King of Qi's god-like mind?

I owe you such a big favor this time, so I must do my job well. Not only do I have to take on the responsibility of teaching students in the academy, but I also have to find and fill in the gaps for King Qi.

The King of Qi's Lingnan has become more powerful, which is also a good thing for the Crown Prince. I can be considered to have returned the favor."

Wei Ting was talking to himself. Today's events had a great impact on him. Originally, something as magical as printing should have been kept extremely secret, but Li Yuanji had let him know about it. Especially the affectionate look on Li Yuanji's face, which made him believe it without a doubt.

Li Yuanji returned to the palace with his smile still on his face. He really didn't expect that he could fool Wei Ting in this way. It was a big profit for him.

At this time, Xie Shufang walked in again. Seeing Li Yuanji's smiling face, he smiled even more happily.

"Your Majesty, you seem to be in a good mood today. I just so happen to have some good news for you."

Li Yuanji gradually put away his smile and looked at Xie Shufang.

"If you have any good news, just tell me directly. Why are you keeping me in suspense? Tell me now."

Xie Shufang spoke immediately.

"My lord, the cotton you ordered to be planted has been harvested in various places and has been delivered and stored in the warehouse."

After hearing this, Li Yuanji suddenly became excited.

"Really? Come on, take me to see it."

Li Yuanji was really excited. With cotton, quilts and cotton clothes could finally be popularized. Once these things were sold, they would definitely be in great demand, and the price would definitely not be low.

After Li Yuanji came to the warehouse to check, he was even more delighted. However, after looking at the entire warehouse, Li Yuanji couldn't smile anymore, because there was really not much cotton, and it had not yet been compressed by a compressor, so it just looked a lot.

But even this kind of uncompressed cotton is not in large quantity. Li Yuanji also discovered that the yield of cotton grown in Lingnan is really not good. Of course, this is also a very important reason because it is the first time to grow cotton and the planting area is not large.

Li Yuanji was helpless. He had no choice but to plant here. He had no other place to plant. Even if the yield was low, he had to do it. The worst that could happen was that he could plant on a larger area this time. What else could he do?

The closest place to him that is suitable for growing cotton is Luzon Island, which is extremely suitable for growing rice and grain. Rice can be grown for at least two seasons. However, he is powerless now, and it is too difficult for the current ships to go there.

Moreover, in the past, it would inevitably mean conquest and sending troops. He really couldn't use today's ships to risk the lives of tens of thousands of soldiers. He could only start this matter after the sailboats were made.

Li Yuanji took a look around and then called the warehouse manager.

"These cottons must be carefully managed and placed in a cool place. There must be no open flames around them. Cotton is flammable and the high temperature from direct sunlight can even cause the cotton to catch fire. Once the cotton catches fire, it cannot be extinguished immediately.

Not only will all the cotton be burned, but all the surrounding warehouses will not survive. You must bring this to my attention. If anything goes wrong, I will hold you responsible!"

Li Yuanji had to give some instructions because cotton was too flammable and would easily cause problems under high temperatures. It could even spontaneously combust under direct sunlight. Once it started burning, everything would be scrapped in the blink of an eye.

Especially now that they are piled up in the warehouse, it is packed full. If they catch fire, these warehouses will easily catch fire and affect the surrounding areas. Li Yuanji dare not even think about how great the loss will be.

As for saving it? Just think about it. Even if the cotton is burned in the future, it may not be saved. Under the current conditions, there is no need to think about it. It is almost impossible to save it.

After giving some instructions, Li Yuanji returned to the palace and asked Xie Shufang to find craftsmen. The next thing he had to do was to explain the bed and craftsmanship used for cotton fluffing to the craftsmen. Purely handmade cotton fluffing has become a scarce craft in later generations. It was only seen before the 90s, or to be precise, before the 95s, and in childhood. At that time, it was relatively rare, and it was almost impossible to see it afterwards, as machines gradually replaced manual labor.

Only those born in the 1980s and before have seen how cotton is fluffed by hand, because almost every household has seen others do it. The ready-made ones are very expensive, while the freshly fluffed ones are cheaper.

After the craftsman came, Li Yuanji began to explain carefully. The first thing was the materials, the wooden hammer, white mesh gauze, the wooden plate, the bottom plate, the strings, etc. The strings were easy to get, as they were already available in the army, and the strings for strong bows would suffice, because the bow depended entirely on this thing to play.

When fluffing cotton, the most important thing is to fluff it. Without this step, it won't work.

Then Li Yuanji explained in detail how to do each step. After a long time, Li Yuanji finished speaking. Looking at the stunned looks of these craftsmen, Li Yuanji was also stunned, and then looked up at the sky in silence.

Li Yuanji was helpless. He had spoken so much earnestly, but in the end he saw confusion in these people's eyes. Li Yuanji was really helpless.

Then Li Yuanji stopped talking and asked them to prepare the materials. He also got the strings from the army and some cotton and started to teach them how to make it. At first, Li Yuanji was in a trance and was in a hurry. Sometimes he even forgot the steps. It was almost dark when he finally made the first quilt. Li Yuanji felt the quality. Although it was still lacking and there was still a certain gap with those made by real craftsmen, it was a good warming artifact nowadays.

The craftsman next to him watched the whole process and helped. Only after Li Yuanji confirmed again and again that everyone had mastered it did Li Yuanji leave.

Li Yuanji walked out, covered in dust, and kept waving his arms. It was because he had been doing that for so long that his arms were a little sore.

"Uncle Fang, let me tell you, this thing really kills your hands, and you're still laughing here. Next time I'll let you try it, and you'll know how painful it is if you keep playing it."

Because the string was from a strong military bow, and he had been pulling the string for a long time, his arms were really strained.

Xie Shufang stopped laughing when he heard this, for he knew very well the strength of the string of the Military Merit Bow. It would be strange if nothing happened after pulling the string like he did just now.

"Your Majesty, you have wrongly blamed me. I was admiring your amazing strength, especially this cotton, which can be bounced like this. Now everyone in the world is blessed. With a quilt, they will no longer be afraid of freezing."

Li Yuanji sneered at Xie Shufang. Didn't he know that this was Xie Shufang's brainless praise? The cotton quilt was indeed surprising, but it was not a blessing for the people of the world. Before cotton could be widely promoted for planting, it was a blessing for the people of the world. There was no blessing at all. Ordinary people still couldn't afford it.

Even if he didn't make a penny and gave away these cotton textiles, the common people would not be able to get them, because the quantity of cotton was limited and it was impossible to produce so much that could satisfy the needs of the people of the world.

However, ordinary people should be able to use clothes with less cotton in the future. By then, the cotton production must have increased.

Li Yuanji then spoke helplessly.

"Okay, stop talking about these useless things. You're exhausted after a busy day. Go back and have a meal and rest."

When Li Yuanji returned to the palace, Yang Qingwan and Wei Gui had already prepared the meal.

"My husband is back, come and have dinner."

Li Yuanji looked at himself covered in dust and did not take a seat.

"Let someone prepare some water first. I'm a little dirty. These craftsmen are too stupid. If I tell them, they won't remember. I can only demonstrate it to them. You will know the details in two days, and you can use it for your clothes by then."

Yang Qingwan and Wei Gui were both curious. Li Yuanji went straight down to take a shower. When he came back, the two girls kept asking questions. Seeing that Li Yuanji refused to say anything, they had no choice but to stop asking.

A night passed, and the next day Li Yuanji came to Yang Qingwan and Wei Gui with the fluffed cotton.

"Look, this is the good stuff I told you about yesterday."

The two girls looked at the cotton that Li Yuanji took out suspiciously, and then looked shocked.

"Husband, is this cotton?"

There was cotton in the Tang Dynasty, but it was very scarce. Both of them came from large families, and not only had they seen cotton, they had also worn cotton clothing before.

What shocked the two was that there was cotton here? And the cotton that Li Yuanji took out was obviously processed. They both could feel that it would keep them warmer.

Li Yuanji smiled even more brightly after hearing this.

“Yes, this is cotton. I had people plant it specially before. However, because there are not many seeds, not many were planted, and the yield here is not very good, so it is relatively small. But by next year, there will be more cotton.

Even if the output is small, as long as the planting area is larger, the total amount will increase. However, the planting area will not be too large. After all, arable land is mainly used to grow food. Later, I will give you some of this cotton, and you can use it to weave clothes.

In addition, I have developed a set of cotton processing technology. You will take over when the time comes. In the future, all these cotton textiles will be handed over to you. I will only keep a part for the military."

Yang Qingwan and Wei Gui were both delighted when they heard this. Now that they had cotton here, they would have no trouble selling the clothes they made.

"My husband is really amazing, sister Gui, don't you think so? He can grow cotton here and has the processing technology. I'm afraid there is no one in the world who is smarter than him."

Yang Qingwan was looking at Li Yuanji, but was talking to Wei Gui. Upon hearing that, Wei Gui looked at Li Yuanji with a smile on his face, and then looked at Yang Qingwan.

"Sister is right. Our husband is the most intelligent man in the world. He can create so many magical objects. How can he not be very wise?"

Yang Qingwan and Wei Gui praised Li Yuanji one by one. After hearing them, Li Yuanji's face was filled with a bright smile. Then he handed the cotton to the two people. After a while, the two people went downstairs, leaving Li Yuanji alone.

Looking at the two women's receding backs, Li Yuanji's mouth twitched. Well, these two people are just praising with words but not taking any practical actions. Moreover, they just left without saying a few more words of praise.

Li Yuanji then began to think of things to kill time. Although they now had each other's company, they were still a little bored most of the time. They didn't have to keep an eye on things like clothing, spinning, rouge and powder, which would inevitably become boring after staying there for too long.

At this time, Li Yuanji also understood why there were palace fights. In addition to competing for favor, power and influence, in Li Yuanji's view, there was also the problem of idleness. If a person has nothing to do, can he sit there all day?
When a person has some free time, doesn't he want to find something to do?

But what else can one do in the harem? It can only be palace fighting. It is so interesting to fight, and you will no longer be lonely and bored. Once you win the palace fight, you can also gain power and be favored, which is really killing two birds with one stone.

Such a good thing, unless you are someone who is content with loneliness, you probably can't help but want to participate. Instead of dying alone, it is better to give it a try. No matter who wins or loses, at least you have fun. If you win, you will have everything.

Li Yuanji sighed for a moment and stopped thinking about it. Although he felt that his thoughts were ridiculous, it was just for fun and there was nothing wrong in thinking about it.

(End of this chapter)

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