Datang: What's wrong with my fief being a billion points larger?

Chapter 199: 9 departments, 1 supervision, 1 bureau, a new leap forging technology!

Chapter 199: Nine departments, one prison and one bureau, a new leap forging technology!
After coming down, Cen Wenben immediately summoned all the merchants who were in Haikang. When Cen Wenben announced that all future transactions would use silver as the payment currency, everyone was shocked. Most of the overseas merchants were happy because they had obviously more silver reserves.

The people who came from the Tang Dynasty were shocked and then fell into deep thought, because copper coins were used in the Tang Dynasty now, not silver. During this period, there was almost no silver circulating in the Tang Dynasty. As a result, each family was in debt and had very little silver reserves.

Once they use silver to conduct transactions, they will face an unfavorable situation. Those who originally wanted to make more copper coins by buying with silver here and selling with copper coins in the Tang Dynasty with the silver that the Tang Dynasty did not use will not be happy.

Because Cen Wenben said that even if it is for sale, all transactions must be made with silver. In the future, anyone who needs to purchase goods from here can only use silver when selling here. Once copper coins are found to be used, the purchase price will be directly increased next time.

If the situation is serious, we will directly terminate the cooperation and you will no longer be able to purchase goods from here.

As for the subsidies that Li Yuanji mentioned, as well as the exchange of silver and copper coins, Cen Wenben also mentioned it, which made those who originally had opinions quiet down.

They are all people who have been doing business for many years. They all have their own ways on how to convert currency so that they can make more money. But now, some people don't want to just take advantage of this. They suddenly realize that Li Yuanji is seeking change. However, whether it will succeed depends on them.

Then some people raised the price and asked Cen Wenben to lower the price again.

"The Tang Dynasty uses copper coins, but the King of Qi wants us to use silver. Now that we have paid such a high price, we should be given more profits.

We use silver to trade, which is also considered to be helping the King of Qi. How about giving him another 10% profit?"

Someone was making a gun, and the rest of the people remained silent, all looking intently at Cen Wenben.

Cen Wenben laughed after hearing this.

"You are from the Taizhou Liu family, right? From now on, all transactions here will terminate cooperation with you. Anyone who purchases goods from here will not be allowed to cooperate with the Taizhou Liu family. Once discovered, the cooperation qualification will be directly revoked!"

"Come here, ask the people of Taizhou Liu family to go back. All the shops of Taizhou Liu family in the King of Qi's fiefdom will be closed!"

Cen Wenben's decisiveness shocked everyone, and the Liu representative was even more terrified. He knew that if he went back like this, he would definitely die, and his family would not be spared either, because the people in the family would not let him go.

"I was wrong. I, Liu, am willing to trade with silver. Yes, I am willing! Please give me another chance!"

Just as he was about to be dragged out, he was stopped by Cen Wenben.

“The new rules have just been issued, so we can let it go this time, but if anyone continues to argue about this issue in the future, our cooperation will be terminated!

There are so many merchants in the Tang Dynasty, and you are just a part of them. If you don't want to make money, you can only let others come. Moreover, the goods here can be sold not only from the Tang Dynasty.

Overseas countries, here, the King of Qi has the ability to sell goods to the other side of the ocean, and he does not lack a sales channel from the Tang Dynasty. I hope you can understand this.

Now the fiefdom of the King of Qi is getting bigger and bigger, with the addition of Xizhou Prefecture, Zhenzhou Prefecture, Wuzhou Prefecture, Taizhou Prefecture, Luzhou Prefecture, and Songzhou Prefecture. These places are Zhenla and the entire island of Luzon, which are now the fiefdom of the King of Qi.

Anyone who is on the cooperative business blacklist is not allowed to do business in any of the King of Qi's fiefdoms!"

When Cen Wenben finished speaking, everyone was shocked. Not only the people in the Tang Dynasty, but also the merchants from overseas countries were shocked. Zhenla and Luzon were destroyed by Li Yuanji? Did they all become Li Yuanji's fiefdom?
People in the Tang Dynasty were already thinking that they must pass this news back to the family as soon as possible. Li Yuanji's power was growing too fast. He gained two more territories so quickly. How big would the King of Qi's fiefdom be now?

Among overseas businessmen, most were just shocked, but a small number were already thinking about deeper cooperation with Li Yuanji. In their eyes, Li Yuanji, who possessed such strength, would become the second Tang Dynasty.

These people included merchants from Tuyuhun, Tubo, Dayangtong, Xiaoyangtong, and Persia, and they were all ready to pass the news back as soon as possible.

The transaction was discussed for more than an hour and was finally finalized. From now on, silver will become the direct payment currency for all transactions.

After the matter was settled and Cen Wenben dealt with other matters, he was about to go find Li Yuanji. At this time, the person in charge of the Yang and Wei families here walked in.

"Meet Mr. Cen."

Today, Cen Wenben is the governor of various offices and has many identities, but the identity of the governor-general is the greatest, so these people all call Cen Wenben that.

Cen Wenben saw the two and said with a smile, "You two are here, take a seat, what's going on?"

Cen Benwen felt a little tired for a moment. There were really too many things to do now. Li Yuanji's entire fiefdom and the Thirteen Prefectures were all on his shoulders. He was very tired.

Wei Lin and Yang Pin looked at each other. Knowing that Cen Wenben was busy with his work, they did not exchange any further greetings.

"General Cen, we want to know when the King of Qi conquered Zhenla and the entire island of Luzon?"

Cen Wenben glanced at the two of them and then said, "It's been more than a month. Because the military reports are transmitted slowly, it takes some time. The King of Qi just found out about it not long ago."

Wei Lin and Yang Pin came here mainly to confirm this matter, and then they talked about trade for a while before leaving.

Cen Wenben watched the two people go away and smiled. How could he not know what the two families were planning? Wasn't it just that they wanted to increase their investment in Lingnan as they saw Li Yuanji's power growing?

However, the people here don’t know what happened in Chang’an yet, and Cen Wenben is not very happy either. As long as the events in Chang’an break out completely, what will be important is what attitude these people will have at that time.

Cen Wenben then came to Li Yuanji.

"Your Majesty, everything has been arranged. Although some people had their own ideas, they all agreed in the end. Here is a detailed record."

After Li Yuanji opened it, his expression relaxed and he was filled with smiles.

"Okay, as long as these people agree, you can arrange the subsequent layout and complete it step by step."

Cen Wenben agreed, but then hesitated. Li Yuanji was also puzzled when he saw this.

"Jingren, if you have anything to say, just say it. Why are you hesitating so much? Just say it directly. There is no problem." Cen Wenben no longer hesitated: "Your Majesty, now everything in Guangzhou Prefecture is on the right track. Can you change someone and transfer Dahe back? There are more and more things to do here, and I am really a little overwhelmed.

Although there are people who can make arrangements, I have not found anyone I can trust. There are too many things to do and I am really overwhelmed. "

Li Yuanji was extremely serious at the moment. In fact, he had discovered this problem. It was fine before because there were not so many things to do and his subordinates were already very skilled. Although Cen Wenben was in charge of many things, as long as he assigned them, he basically didn't have to worry about anything.

But things are different now. With so many new prefectures and a lot of more affairs, many things need to be decided by Cen Wenben, and finally the decisions are summarized to him. There is no problem with Cen Wenben's ability, but he lacks second-level talents.

The lack of secondary talents has led to a shortage of available people under Cen Wenben. All matters, big and small, need to be decided by Cen Wenben. Li Yuanji even dares to say that if all the affairs of Lingnan are put together, the workload may be more than that of the Shangshu Pushe, or prime minister, of the Tang Dynasty.

Li Yuanji pondered for a while and looked at Cen Wenben seriously.

"Jingren, this matter really needs to be changed. Now that everything in Guangzhou Prefecture is on track, it can be transferred back, including Nanzhou Prefecture. Yang Zhixun should be transferred back as well. Nanzhou Prefecture is almost stable now, so other people can take over.

However, now it is not enough to just transfer them back, we must also start making changes internally.

In the future, six ministries and the Secretariat will be established here. In addition to the six ministries, the Ministry of Commerce, the Ministry of Agriculture, and the Ministry of Finance will be added. In addition, the Ironware Inspectorate and the Navigation Bureau will be added. I already have a preliminary idea of ​​these.

Give me a few days, I will sort all these out, then we can discuss them together, if there is no problem, we can implement them then.

As for Dahe and Yang Zhixun, let's ask them to come back first."

Li Yuanji actually hasn't perfected this system yet. He also knows that the affairs under him are complicated and the management is actually a bit chaotic. Now he has no choice but to separate these things first. Although it has not been fully perfected yet, he can only implement it first.

Another reason why Li Yuanji was hesitant to use it was that he had few talented people. Once so many departments and institutions were set up, there might be only a few people in one department, or even no one in some departments. Then he would be the one who would be embarrassed.

Now he has no other choice. The fact that Cen Wenben said he couldn't handle it anymore shows that there are too many and too complicated things, and they all fall on Cen Wenben alone. He feels a little embarrassed because compared to Cen Wenben, he can be said to be very free.

Although Cen Wenben was shocked, the shock was not that great. There were already positions corresponding to the six ministries in the palace, but Li Yuanji just wanted to name them after the six ministries. They would have to confront the imperial court anyway, so it didn't matter anymore.

What Cen Wenben was really concerned about was the Ministry of Commerce, Ministry of Agriculture, and Ministry of Finance mentioned by Li Yuanji later. Although each of the supervisory offices and bureaus was fine, the size and status of the supervisory offices and bureaus were destined to be not comparable to those of the ministries.

What he really cared about were these three ministries. With the addition of three ministries, there would no longer be six ministries, but nine ministries. These three ministries had never existed before, and for a moment he didn't know whether the establishment of these three ministries was good or bad.

In addition to the fact that he had no reference because he had no previous experience, he also had no idea about the responsibilities and contents of these three parts. Although he could guess based on the words, what he could think of was really limited.

After finally listening to Li Yuanji's arrangement, he discussed it first and then implemented it, and he felt relieved. After he understood it clearly, he had a better idea.

These people are extremely cautious about unknown things. In Cen Wenben's eyes, these emerging policies are tantamount to initiating a revolution.

"Your Majesty, I understand. When you have sorted it out, I will certainly help you with your worries and make plans."

Li Yuanji also smiled. He knew Cen Wenben's concerns, and he also needed someone to discuss with him. Although he had his own considerations, whether it was suitable for the current situation or not, Cen Wenben's advice at that time would be very important.

After settling the matter, Cen Wenben went back. Li Yuanji did not start to sort things out immediately. He called Wu Shigui and told him about what happened in Chang'an. Wu Shigui finally had no choice but to accept the reality and completely followed Li Yuanji and stayed in Lingnan.

After returning to the harem, he called Yang Qingwan and Wei Gui and told them what happened in Chang'an.

"That's how it is. I was originally hesitant about whether to tell you or not, but after thinking about it, I decided to tell you. Don't worry too much. It will be the same as usual. Don't worry about it.

What I can tell you is that even if Li Er takes over, he will not pose any threat to us, you just need to carry on as usual."

After talking with the two women for a while, Li Yuanji left. He still had to sort out these things as soon as possible in the department. Now it was a rare time to work overtime.

After Li Yuanji left, Yang Qingwan and Wei Gui looked extremely serious. The two women talked for a while and each wrote a letter and returned to the clan.

Early in the morning, Li Yuanji completed his daily tasks and opened the system to check it. Although he had worked overtime last night, it did not affect his energy today at all.

When Li Yuanji opened the system and saw the contribution points, his pupils shrank. He then looked at the task, only to see that it had been completed. Li Yuanji immediately became excited. With this task, his contribution points directly reached more than 170,000. This was really a huge sum of money.

After the excitement, they turned their attention to the new task: Hikvision's population must reach two million, and completing it will earn 50,000 contribution points.

Looking at this task, Li Yuanji's eyes lit up. The population here has now reached 1.8 million, and it won't take much time to reach the goal of 2 million. The only pity is that the contribution points are only 50,000. If it could be 100,000, wouldn't he be able to take off?
Li Yuanji stopped thinking about it. There was basically no difficulty in completing the new task. At most, he just had to wait for a while.

He then opened the exchange column and found what he wanted to exchange. Li Yuanji exchanged it directly without any hesitation, and 150,000 contribution points disappeared instantly.

Li Yuanji felt a pain in his heart, but when he looked at the exchanged craftsmanship and drawings, he also smiled.

"With this, basic industries will surely be able to follow suit."

What Li Yuanji exchanged was the crucible steelmaking method, which was supposed to appear in 1742, but now it has matured and appeared today.

What Li Yuanji originally wanted to exchange was actually another steelmaking process, which only appeared during the First Industrial Revolution: the Bessemer converter steelmaking process.

This steelmaking method truly and thoroughly marked the end of the era of copper and iron and the arrival of the era of steel.

This steelmaking method is the basis of modern steelmaking method. This super-time-transcending thing has resulted in an extremely high exchange price, extremely expensive.

Li Yuanji took a look and never looked at it again, because he felt that even if he was given two years, he might not be able to save enough contribution points to exchange it.

(End of this chapter)

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