Datang: What's wrong with my fief being a billion points larger?

Chapter 211: Start climbing the technology! Li 2 Li Yuanji's army gathered in Japan!

Chapter 211: Start climbing the technological ladder! Li Er and Li Yuanji's army gathers in Japan!

In the palace of Prince Haikang in Lingnan, Li Yuanji has returned, leaving others to handle affairs in various places. Now his goal has been achieved, Li Shimin has gradually sent supplies, money, food and other supplies, and there is no need for him to stay there any longer.

"Your Majesty, there are now 600,000 people entering Lingnan, and there are hundreds of thousands of people on the way, as well as the 3 million people prepared by Li Shimin. I plan to place them mainly in Guangzhou Prefecture and Leizhou Prefecture, followed by Jiaozhou Prefecture, Luzhou Prefecture, and Songzhou Prefecture. What do you think?"

After listening to what Cen Wenben said, Li Yuanji agreed immediately.

"Let's start implementing what you said. Guangzhou Prefecture is the most convenient for development. It has a solid foundation, and its development will be faster as its population increases. However, the population absorption of Leizhou Prefecture cannot be left behind and must be given priority.

As for Jiaozhou Prefecture, Luzhou Prefecture and Songzhou Prefecture, Luzhou Prefecture and Songzhou Prefecture should be given priority. Those places have now shown that they can grow three seasons of rice. Such a good place must be developed as a priority, and Jiaozhou Prefecture will be the last.

The tens of thousands of people that Li Xiang relocated will stay in Liuzhou Prefecture and be resettled by Ning Changrong, while the tens of thousands of people who relocated from Yaozhou will be relocated to Yunzhou. "

This time, both Li Yuanji and Cen Wenben were extremely happy. Not only had the population been greatly improved, but the arrival of various money, grain and supplies would allow Lingnan to develop more rapidly.

Especially Li Yuanji, his task was completed a month ago, and 50,000 contribution points were directly credited to his account. However, the new task was still a population task. The population of Leizhou Prefecture had grown to 3.5 million, and the task reward was 80,000 contribution points.

Seeing this new task, Li Yuanji did not feel any pressure. Now he only hoped that the next few tasks would be population tasks, because the total population of Leizhou would exceed five million in a few months, and Haikang's population would have to reach three million.

Now Li Yuanji only hopes that the task of 100,000 contribution points that he had brushed off before will appear again. Haikang’s population has reached 3 million, and the reward is 100,000 contribution points. Li Yuanji is very excited just thinking about it.

Li Yuanji used all the contribution points he had earned to build an industrial foundation, and also established an industrial college to train talents in the industrial field.

The next thing Li Yuanji was going to do was to make a big move. It would require a full 200,000 contribution points to redeem it. He wanted to directly activate Lingnan's technology tree.

Li Yuanji felt a headache when thinking about the exchange of technology. Hybrid rice and hybrid corn, such amazing crops, were only worth tens of thousands of points. However, when it came to those scientific and technological technologies, the prices were more expensive than the last. Li Yuanji was helpless, but he could only gather contribution points to exchange.

Li Yuanji stopped thinking about it and spoke again.

"Pu State has now directly ceded the southern region to us. Let Yuwen Hu take it over and build a port terminal. As for the place that Pu State gave us, change its name to Xifuzhou. Now that Pu State has given it to us, it will be my fiefdom from now on!"

Li Yuanji had never expected that the king of Pyu would be so generous as to give him a large area of ​​land in the south. Now, Pyu, which was originally on the sea, has suddenly become a landlocked country. Li Yuanji felt a little embarrassed, so he had to absorb it quickly.

He cannot let down the kindness of the Pyu Kingdom.

Cen Wenben also smiled and said, "Oh, my king, I have already prepared the gifts for Gundam and Tubo. They are some commodities given free of charge. At the same time, I have prepared some weapons for Gundam. They are not free. I will give them to him at half the usual price. I have prepared 3,000 sets.

Pyu, Funan, and Tangming have all prepared some gifts for their kings, but I am undecided as to whether Wa should prepare any. Please let the king decide."

After hearing this, Li Yuanji spoke without thinking.

"Just give Gundam to him as it is. They have come so far and made such a great effort. As for Tubo, just prepare some small gifts for their king. Also, find out their purpose as soon as possible.

You come to help me for no reason, so you must have no good intention. Tubo and Dayangtong seem to have frequent conflicts, but Dayangtong is on good terms with the Tang Dynasty. Find out if Tubo is fighting because of this matter.

Pyu, Funan and Tangming, do as you prepared. As for Wa, just let Zhengping encourage him a few words. Why prepare gifts for him? Wa will soon become my fiefdom.

By the way, has there been any news from Chang'an?"

Now that the matter is done, he has to express his gratitude to those small countries that followed him to send troops. However, his expression is really just a simple expression, and he has no intention of rewarding them generously.

If it wasn't for the sake of maintaining his face, he would not have wanted to give Tangming and Funan. These two countries sounded like countries, but in fact, the government and army of the two countries had been completely controlled by his people, and the kings of the two countries had become his subordinates.

In other words, Li Yuanji did not develop this area, otherwise there would be no difference between these two countries and his fiefdom.

Cen Wenben replied immediately: "I will go down and make arrangements later. As for the news from Chang'an, the Turks have withdrawn their troops. We still have no way of knowing what Li Shimin talked about with Jie Li. There is only one piece of news from Chang'an that Jie Li sent back a lot of looted people.

At the same time, Jie Li also left 3,000 war horses to Li Shimin, and would send cattle and sheep to the Tang Dynasty later. I really can't understand it. The 100,000-strong Turkic army arrived in Chang'an, and the troops around Chang'an were sent by Li Shimin to pacify various places. Li Shimin and Jie Li signed a humiliating treaty at Weishui, so why did Jie Li give so many horses instead.

I guess there must be something fishy going on. If Li Shimin wins, the Turks will not be able to escape unscathed. But I can't find any more information. I think the relevant information must have been blocked."

Li Yuanji sneered after hearing this. Did the Turks send looted people to Li Shimin, as well as war horses, cattle and sheep? This is indeed a true story, and it is indeed true in history, but Li Yuanji would never believe it would be so simple.

The Weishui Alliance was always considered a humiliation by Li Er. Throughout his life, when was he forced to sign such a peace treaty on the battlefield? When was he beaten to the gates of his own capital?
But he signed the agreement with the Turks, except now there was another Li Yuanji involved, and that was it.

Li Yuanji intuitively believed that it would not be that simple. The Turks withdrew their troops, which must have been because they had negotiated interests with Li Er. Otherwise, why would Jie Li run so far, withdraw his troops voluntarily, and give gifts to Li Shimin?
It was simply that Li Er had frightened Jie Li, and that he would take this opportunity to negotiate terms with Jie Li successfully, and only then would Jie Li retreat.

Although Li Yuanji thought about it, he still admired Li Er. With such a small number of people in Chang'an, they were able to scare Jie Li. Most people could not do that. Not to mention other things, just the courage. Not to mention the emperors throughout the ages, even including those of the Song, Yuan, Ming and Qing dynasties, how many could do what Li Er did?
Although he did not get along with Li Shimin, he admired Li Er, regardless of the conflict in their relationship.

As for what Li Er gave to the Turks, Li Yuanji actually didn't know. The key point was that there was no record in history. This was very obvious. The price that Li Er paid for not making records must have been high. The first thing Li Yuanji thought of was money and food.

The reason why Jie Li was able to retreat voluntarily and make concessions was not only because Li Er had frightened Jie Li, but also because Li Er had given him a lot.

Thinking of the commodity and grain prices in the early Zhenguan period, Li Yuanji understood clearly that the grain price in the early Zhenguan period had reached 100 coins at its peak. Although it was suppressed at the end of the second year of Zhenguan, the grain price was pushed back to the current price in the third year of Zhenguan. However, the fact that Li Shimin was unable to deal with the grain and commodity price issues for nearly a year showed how empty the court's treasury was.

During the Kaiyuan Period, the price of grain was between ten and twenty coins per dou (a dou), not a jin (a catty). In the 17th year of the Zhenguan Period, it was between twenty and thirty coins per dou. Li Yuanji could now understand why the price of grain and other commodities collapsed all of a sudden in the early Zhenguan period.

I used to be puzzled as to why the price of grain soared so high, but now I can understand it. The money and grain in the treasury have been emptied, and the only way is to mobilize money and grain from the treasuries of various states to replenish Chang'an and its surrounding areas. Not to mention the time it takes, there will also be a shortage of money and grain in the local areas.

Moreover, in order to curb the grain prices in Chang'an, more grain must be mobilized, otherwise how can the grain prices be suppressed from the control of the aristocratic families and grain merchants?

After thinking for a while, Li Yuanji stopped thinking about it. He didn't know anything else, but he knew that Li Shimin's loss this time would not be small either.

"Jingren, with your intelligence, you should have guessed it. Apart from money, food, and supplies, what else could there be?
You wait and see. Li Er gave the money and grain from the treasuries around Chang'an to the Turks. Let's see what he will do this year and next. During this period, the grain prices in Chang'an will definitely skyrocket. The people are really suffering now."

Cen Wenben's heart sank when he heard this, but he could only sigh. They couldn't do anything about it, so what else could they do?

Li Yuanji shook his head and continued, "In the final analysis, the court was too confident. The Turkic invasions on the border have been commonplace for so many years. As for this time, the troops were attracted to Daizhou by Jie Li, and there was nothing they could do.

So, sometimes, these foreign races really cannot be underestimated, or they will fall into their traps if you are not careful. This time, Jie Li used the mobility of the cavalry to teach not only Li Er a lesson, but also a lesson to everyone in the world.

Let's not talk about this. Now that the crisis in Chang'an has been resolved, has Li Er intervened in Japan? Is there any news? "

Now that the incident is over, Li Yuanji does not want to continue to delve into the issue of the Turkic invasion. This time, Jie Li fought all the way from Jingzhou to Wugong and then to Weishui. If he continues to think about it, he will have to involve people like Liang Shidu and Princess Yicheng of the Sui Dynasty.

Cen Wenben looked worried as he listened to Li Yuanji's question.

"Your Majesty, there has been no news on this matter. Soga Hyuga seems to have disappeared, and Li Shimin has not taken any action. But I dare to guarantee that now that Li Shimin has suffered such a great loss from Your Majesty, he will definitely intervene in the affairs of Japan.

Although Li Shimin did not choose to directly conflict with the king for many reasons, but chose to be tolerant temporarily, he must have kept in mind that in the matter of Japan, he could test the king's army without deploying many troops.

It might even be possible to make the king lose in the battle with Japan and save his face.

In addition, there is another most important reason. Now that the king's fiefdom is known to the world, Li Shimin will not watch the king include Japan in his fiefdom. Once the king occupies Japan, he will extend his hand to the northeast and the north, which Li Shimin does not want to see. "

Li Yuanji stared at Cen Wenben until Cen Wenben blushed, and then Li Yuanji withdrew his gaze.

"Jingren, if you can talk, just say less."

Li Yuanji was very tired. What Cen Wenben said was complete nonsense. Didn't he know this? It was because he knew, because he believed that Li Shimin would intervene in the affairs of Japan, that he asked Cen Wenben whether there was any news from Chang'an that Li Shimin had begun to take action.

What he wanted to know now was whether Li Er had ended up like this, rather than wanting to know the many reasons why Li Shimin would definitely stop him.

Li Yuanji had a headache, and at this time Cen Wenben's voice came again.

"Your Majesty, although we don't know whether Li Shimin has launched any action yet, I think we can take action first. Now it has become inevitable that Li Shimin will intervene in the affairs of Japan. However, if Li Shimin wants to intervene, the army will definitely go over by sea. We only need to pay attention to this matter and we will know."

Li Yuanji's eyes suddenly lit up.

"Jingren, that's a good point. We can find out as long as we pay attention to the ships on the sea. Why are we thinking so much here?"

Li Yuanji was filled with excitement. Not only did Li Er want to test him with a fight, he also wanted to fight Li Er to try it out. Especially, the thought of forcing Japan to take over in front of Li Er made Li Yuanji excited.

"Pass on my king's order, ordering Su Dingfang and Xue Wanche to lead an army of 50,000 to Japan immediately!

Then he ordered Liu Rengui to dispatch the navy to monitor the sea at all times, and to report immediately if he spotted the Tang navy.

If Li Er's navy lands in Japan, then needless to say, we will just attack in the name of Mori Shi!
As for ground combat, tell Su Dingfang that with the powerful Japanese army in front, we should first severely deplete the Japanese, and then lead the army into the battlefield!"

Li Yuanji no longer wanted to wait for the people sent by Li Shimin to surface, so he directly sent out Su Dingfang, who had the best overall strength among them. Anyway, except for Li Jing, Li Yuanji thought that he could fight against anyone else, even Li Ji.

After the matter was settled, Li Yuanji's imperial decree was delivered to Su Dingfang, Xue Wanche, and Liu Rengui via carrier pigeons.

The three of them immediately began to organize their forces and started heading towards Japan.

Wei Ting in Japan also received Li Yuanji's letter and was ready to face Li Er's army.

And before that, in the camp outside Chang'an City.

"The Emperor of the Tang Dynasty issues an order! The Japanese country, Mori, dares to send troops to the Tang Dynasty and should be killed. I order Li Ji to lead an army of 50,000 and a navy of 80,000 to destroy Japan!"

(End of this chapter)

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