Datang: What's wrong with my fief being a billion points larger?

Chapter 231 Are they going to rebel against me?

Chapter 231 Are they going to rebel against me?

Li Yuanji frowned and thought. The papers used in the Tang Dynasty now include rice paper, parchment paper, and hemp paper.

Xuan paper is of the best quality and is the paper used by the imperial court today. It is equivalent to official paper. Ordinary wealthy families as well as powerful families all use Xuan paper.

However, because of the materials used in Xuan paper, not only is the output of Xuan paper low, but the price is also high. The two most important raw materials for making Xuan paper are the bark of the Chinese sumac and rice straw, and these two materials are limited.

In addition, the papermaking technology in the early Tang Dynasty was almost the same as that before the Sui Dynasty, and the production capacity could not keep up.

These are the reasons why Xuan paper is so expensive, but people have no choice but to use it because there is no better paper than Xuan paper.

Parchment paper was improved on the basis of Zuo Bo paper, which was originally developed by Zuo Bo, a native of Donglai, Qingzhou in the late Eastern Han Dynasty. It was a kind of paper made mainly from mulberry bark.

Today's parchment paper is improved on the basis of Zuo Bo paper. Although the production capacity has been improved a bit, the current technology is still unable to achieve large-scale supply, and the quality of parchment paper is not very high, but its overall uses are good.

Nowadays, parchment paper is the most widely used, because more people cannot buy rice paper, and even if they can buy it, the quantity is not much, so parchment paper has become a substitute, but because of its poor quality, many people do not like it.

The last one is hemp paper. The hemp paper in the early Tang Dynasty was improved based on Cai Hou paper.

Cai Hou paper was created in the late Eastern Han Dynasty and was made by Cai Lun. The raw material of the paper is mainly hemp skin, which can be said to be extremely convenient.

However, because the raw material is hemp skin, the quality of the paper is even worse. Although the improved hemp paper is much better now, the current papermaking technology still cannot be used for large-scale mass production.

The most critical thing is the quality of hemp paper. Because the papermaking technology is not up to standard, the quality is still relatively poor, even worse than parchment.

However, nowadays hemp paper is the most widely used paper in the world. Because the quantity is larger than the previous two and the price is low, it has become the most circulated paper.

The improvement of papermaking technology in the Tang Dynasty was in the Kaiyuan period and later. Today's papermaking technology is almost the same as that in the Sui Dynasty.

What Li Yuanji is thinking about now is to change the raw materials and improve the papermaking process. The most important thing is the papermaking process. With today's papermaking technology, even if he changes the raw materials to produce paper, the output will still be limited, and the quality will also be limited.

What Li Yuanji wanted was to combine bamboo paper, parchment paper, and rice and wheat straw paper. The technology of these three types of paper matured in the Song Dynasty, and it was not until the Ming and Qing Dynasties that the papermaking technology reached its peak.

The raw materials for these three types of paper are relatively easy to find, especially in the area of ​​his current fiefdom, where it can be said that there is no shortage of these materials.

The main raw material of bamboo paper is young bamboo. As for the improved parchment paper, the raw materials here are also extremely abundant. Rice and wheat straw paper was a popular paper in the Song Dynasty. It was suitable for people at the bottom of society and was cheap. However, the quality of the paper could not be compared with today's parchment paper and hemp paper.

As for the raw materials, it is even simpler. You can tell what materials are needed for this paper by the name. And he has no shortage of this material. Once hybrid rice becomes popular, will he lack this material?

Li Yuanji didn't give any consideration to those special papers. What he mainly wanted now was to be able to make paper that could be printed on and to be able to produce it on a large scale with qualified quality.

There will be no problem in using these three types of paper. If you want better paper, just spend more money to buy it. Anyway, the worst paper can meet daily needs.

With a direction, Li Yuanji began to think about the production process of the three types of paper. However, after frowning and thinking for a long time, Li Yuanji became helpless.

"I've seen the craftsmanship of these papers before, but now I can't remember them at all. It seems I can only exchange them."

Li Yuanji was really helpless. Even if he asked his subordinates to make these three kinds of paper now, there was a chance that they could be made by spending time, but if the craftsmanship was not improved, even if they were made, the quality would not be good enough and the production capacity could not keep up. What was the point then?
This is equivalent to steelmaking. It is obviously steelmaking, but the processes are different, so the quality and production capacity will be different. It's the same principle.

And he couldn't make any suggestions in this regard. If he could make any suggestions, he would just start doing it directly. Why would he need to exchange anything?
Li Yuanji sighed. He had not expected to spend contribution points in this place.

Thinking about those things that can be mass-produced after printing, as well as those colleges and so on that can be set up directly, Li Yuanji felt depressed for a moment.

He is obviously a time traveler, and he has the system as a golden finger, so why is it that difficulties arise once he starts to put it into practice?
After being depressed for a while, Li Yuanji finally cheered up. The problem had already happened and there was a solution, so it must be solved properly, otherwise all the subsequent things would have to be put on hold.

He opened the system and found the papermaking process. It was not a big deal, but he suddenly felt a headache when he saw it. It was not for any other reason, but because the three processes combined required 6,000 contribution points, but his current contribution points were only more than 5,000, 5,635 points.

Looking at this contribution point, Li Yuanji was really speechless. He was only three hundred and sixty-five contribution points away, and then he was stuck.

Li Yuanji held his forehead with his hand. Bamboo paper required three thousand contribution points, leather paper required two thousand contribution points, and rice and wheat straw paper required one thousand contribution points. Then he looked back and forth among the three kinds of paper and finally chose bamboo paper and leather paper.

After all, rice straw paper is too similar to hemp paper. The most important thing now is to meet the needs of the college. Moreover, with more advanced production technology, he doesn't believe that the quality of hemp paper can't be improved a little?

Anyway, as long as it can be used, the rest will be done when the time comes. He doesn't believe that these technologies will not make any progress in the future. As long as there is progress, it means saving contribution points.

Li Yuanji no longer hesitated and directly exchanged the mature bamboo paper and parchment paper craftsmanship and drawings.

The moment he got it, Li Yuanji didn't bother to check how many contribution points were left. There wouldn't be many left anyway, so what was there to see?

What Li Yuanji is curious about now is whether these two mature papermaking techniques overlap and whether he has wasted his contribution points in vain.

After watching for a while, Li Yuanji was speechless, not for any other reason, but because the two papermaking techniques actually have many similarities, but also some differences. The differences are only a few in the manufacturing process, and the biggest difference is in the raw material processing, which is the most different.

Li Yuanji was speechless because he didn't know for a moment whether he had been wronged or not. If they were different, many of them were the same. If they were the same, some of them were different.

However, no matter what, Li Yuanji felt a little empty in his heart after reading it, because his contribution points were gone again. The contribution points that he had held on to for a long time were successfully emptied out.

"Kong Yingda, Kong Yingda, you are just a big mouth, and you have used up all my contribution points."

Li Yuanji was filled with melancholy, and just as he was sighing, Cen Wenben hurried in. "Your Majesty, Your Majesty!"

Hearing Cen Wenben's voice, Li Yuanji suddenly woke up and sat up straight. Looking at Cen Wenben's extremely flustered look, Li Yuanji became extremely serious. He had a premonition that the matter that could make Cen Wenben like this was definitely not a trivial matter, and something big must have happened.

Seeing Cen Wenben approaching, Li Yuanji said solemnly: "Jingren, don't be anxious, talk slowly, I will hold up the sky even if it falls, why are you panicking?"

Li Yuanji's words seemed to give Cen Wenben great confidence. He became much calmer. After a while, he was as wise as usual and looked like he possessed great wisdom.

Cen Wenben adjusted his breathing, bowed, and said, "Your Majesty, thousands of people have gathered in the city, all gathered in front of the statue of Your Majesty, kneeling devoutly, and there are more people gathering in the direction of the statue of Your Majesty.

After hearing this, I did not dare to delay and immediately came to report to the king while sending someone to find out the situation.

I have already sent the city defense and city officials to the streets to maintain order to prevent anyone from taking advantage of the opportunity to cause trouble or injure anyone."

Li Yuanji was stunned when he heard Cen Wenben's words. Thousands of people gathered in front of his statue and knelt down devoutly? And more people were gathering towards his statue?

Then Li Yuanji reacted with a gloomy face. He really didn't expect that there was someone in his fiefdom who could incite the people like this. According to Cen Wenben, there were tens of thousands of people!

However, now that everyone has gathered around his statue, Li Yuanji simply doesn't believe that this matter was not organized by anyone.

But who organized it?

Li Yuanji couldn't understand who had such a high influence in the territory he had run for so long?
I'm afraid he is the only one who has such influence.

What made Li Yuanji even more angry was that these people, tens of thousands of them, actually believed the words of the mastermind. He had paid a lot for these people.

He paid a huge amount of money and grain to develop this place. Li Yuanji dared to say that he could pat his chest and say that he had not let anyone down.

Looking at the lives of these people now, and comparing it to when he first arrived, there have been complete earth-shaking changes. It is much better than before. They went from being beggars and not having enough food to now being able to afford food and not having to worry about going hungry.

Everyone now has a better home than before, including taxes. There was no tax in the first two years, and he only started collecting taxes in the third year. However, even if he did collect taxes, they were lower than those collected by the Tang Dynasty because he also had military farms.

And most importantly, the money for his palace and the entire fiefdom was mainly obtained through business. He made great changes in commercial taxes in order to collect less agricultural taxes.

He knew very well that food was the most important thing for the people. If he collected less, the people would live a better life. He also firmly believed that the people would repay him.

This has been the case for more than three years.

However, today, at this moment, Li Yuanji was really angry. He had done so much for these people, but this was how they repaid him?
Do these people think that he has been too good to these people and let them eat too much, so they are so unscrupulous?

Li Yuanji suppressed his anger and looked at Cen Wenben with a gloomy face.

"I don't care what method you use, just find out the mastermind as soon as possible!
Inciting the people and organizing such a large-scale event without any reporting, what is the purpose of this?
Are they going to rebel against me?

This time, all those involved will not be let off, no matter who they are, they will all be arrested, and anyone who resists arrest will be killed!

This king gives you the highest authority, let this king thoroughly investigate!"

It was difficult for Li Yuanji to remain calm at this time. As a superior, even though he did not know the specific situation, such a large-scale activity and such a large gathering of people must be severely punished by Li Yuanji no matter who organized it or what his intentions were.

If anyone wanted to give him any advice or if there was anything they needed to say to him, they could just come outside the palace to seek a meeting. It was not like he had not met ordinary people in the palace before. When Haikang was being built, which of the people here didn't know him?
His statue is in the inner city of Haikang, and since these people gathered there in such a large scale, most of them must be old people from the past who have seen him and know him.

However, in Li Yuanji's eyes, this is a betrayal and a naked provocation.

Because there were many people here, some customs needed to be carried out, and he was infinitely tolerant. When necessary, he only needed to report to the government and register the specific activities, number of people, location, and time. After the government approved it, it could be held.

This time, without any warning, tens of thousands of people gathered, or even more. How could Li Yuanji not be angry?

Cen Wenben could hear Li Yuanji's anger, and from the way Li Yuanji described himself, Cen Wenben knew that this was a big deal.

Cen Wenben knew in his heart that this matter was not a small matter. He hurried to find Li Yuanji for this reason. If it were within the Tang Dynasty, if tens of thousands of people or even more gathered for no reason, it could have been treated as a rebellion.

It was precisely because this matter happened too suddenly that Cen Wenben was extremely panicked for a moment.

"Your Majesty, I will go down and find out the cause as soon as possible. I will definitely track down the mastermind!"

In Cen Wenben's mind, the mastermind of this incident has been sentenced to death. No matter what the reason, he must die because he possesses such organizational skills, misleads the people in this way, and quietly mobilizes tens of thousands or even more people.

Li Yuanji's position here will never be challenged by anyone, no one can!

After Cen Wenben left, Li Yuanji also fell into deep thought. With so many people gathered and all knelt devoutly under his statue, it was obvious that this time the people had something to ask of him.

This is also the reason why Li Yuanji did not directly mobilize the army. If these people dared to riot, he would send a large army to suppress them directly.

However, Li Yuanji thought about it for a long time but still had no clue as to the specific reason.

(End of this chapter)

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