Datang: What's wrong with my fief being a billion points larger?

Chapter 243: It was given out voluntarily, so how could there be no defense?

Chapter 243: It was given out voluntarily, so how could there be no defense?

Li Yuanji's eyes were burning with enthusiasm. The idea of ​​the newspaper had only just come up, and now he didn't care about the flaws that had not yet been fully perfected. He would try to get it started first, and then improve it slowly.

Li Yuanji was well aware of the importance of public opinion. In addition to public opinion, it facilitated the implementation of policies and established a strong sense of confidence.

This newspaper is not like the previous official reports which were only targeted at government offices at all levels, but is targeted at everyone in the world, allowing everyone in the world to know some major events happening in real time.

Before that, Dibao had always existed. Dibao was also called Chaobao, Tiaobao, and Zabao. It is said that Dibao was first implemented in the Western Han Dynasty, but there is no accurate conclusion as to whether it started in the Western Han Dynasty. In any case, researchers of the history of journalism have different opinions.

However, there is evidence to prove that official reports existed in the early Tang Dynasty, and there is clear evidence to support this.

Li Yuanji also knew that the Tang Dynasty had official gazettes. To be precise, this thing is not called official gazettes nowadays, but documents. The name "official gazettes" only appeared during the Song Dynasty.

Every prefecture in the Tang Dynasty had an office in Chang'an. Some decisions and policies were issued to local areas through the people in each prefecture's office in Chang'an. These were then transmitted back to the prefectures and announced to the various states and counties.

This court report, no, it is a document, which can be directly viewed by government offices at all levels. In addition to the issuance of policies, there are also changes in officials and some current events. Each office will choose to enter some of them and send them back to each province.

Today's documents have a foundation similar to that of newspapers, but they cannot be regarded as newspapers at all.

But what Li Yuanji proposed now is completely different, and the people it covers are completely different.

In order for newspapers to be put into use, in addition to printing technology, they also had to meet certain requirements for post roads.

Because newspapers are read by people all over the world, the base number must be extremely large, and the length of a newspaper is not small. If it were copied manually, Li Yuanji would have to have thousands or even tens of thousands of people to copy it.

Even with printing technology, there are still requirements for paper. For example, in the Tang Dynasty, only Xuan paper was suitable for printing. The leather paper and hemp paper used in the Tang Dynasty were simply not suitable for printing. Not to mention hemp paper, even the printings on leather paper were blurry.

As for using rice paper for printing, the manufacturing cost of rice paper is too high. Therefore, in the Tang Dynasty today, even if Li Yuanji has announced the printing technology to the world, it is impossible to apply it on a large scale.

This was also the important reason why he released the printing technology to increase his reputation without worrying about it. This printing technology could only be used by the imperial palace and those big families, and they had the capital to use it.

How could he not be on guard when he was willing to give out such good things?

The post roads were also particularly important. Once the newspapers were printed, they needed to be transported to various prefectures, states, and counties. If the post roads were built, the delivery time would be fast. If the roads were not good, for example, in those remote places, this year's newspapers would probably not be received by people in those places until next year.

The completion of the post road meant that fast horses could be used for transportation. In addition, he vigorously developed water transportation, which would also be a very good and relatively cost-effective form of transportation.

Now, Li Yuanji has been able to solve these two basic problems, and the basic conditions for the use of newspapers are in place.

Once newspapers are used, people all over the world will be able to know through newspapers what policies he implements, and it will undoubtedly be more difficult for those grassroots officials to deceive the people.

It can also urge local grassroots officials to implement policies, and there will be no situation where some places ignore the court's policies. Even if there are such cases, they will be greatly reduced, and the imperial power will truly be brought to the countryside.

Although Li Yuanji does not have imperial power now, he still has royal power. What is the difference between his power and imperial power within his fiefdom?
As long as the people know whether the government is acting in accordance with the policy, they can also report it to the higher authorities, or even report it directly to him.

Including the things that happened this time, I am afraid they will never happen again, especially the handling of these officials this time. When it is announced to the world, the people of the world will only be more happy and encouraged, and will recognize him more.

For example, Japan is now included in his fiefdom, and he has achieved a great victory over the Tang Dynasty, etc., which can all be written in the newspapers to let everyone know how powerful he is now and how his territory is expanding again.

There are many things that the newspaper can be used for, and Li Yuanji can think of countless things at once.

Cen Wenben fell into deep thought as he listened to what Li Yuanji said about newspapers. He did not think as much as Li Yuanji. Although he now had documents, he had never heard of this new thing called newspapers, and he could not think of any more ways to use it for the time being.

What Cen Wenben was thinking about were what Li Yuanji had already proposed.

Cen Wenben frowned and thought, but Li Yuanji did not disturb him. He was brainstorming at the moment and had no time to disturb Cen Wenben.

After a long time, Cen Wenben slowly came back to his senses and looked outside with fiery eyes.

"Commander Yang, please come into the hall and see me."

Hearing Cen Wenben's voice, Li Yuanji came back to his senses and looked at Cen Wenben with confusion. Why did he call Yang Jianhe in?
Soon Yang Jianhe walked in with a puzzled look on his face, and Cen Wenben immediately said, "Commander Yang, can you write down the conversation between me and the king later without missing a word?"

Yang Jianhe did not respond, but looked at Li Yuanji. Although Cen Wenben is now the most powerful person under Li Yuanji, Cen Wenben cannot transfer him.

At this time, Li Yuanji also knew what Cen Wenben wanted to do, and then looked at Yang Jianhe.

"Go and call Lin Xuan."

Yang Jianhe bowed and Li Yuanji immediately looked at Cen Wenben.

"Lin Xuan is an official of the royal palace. He is my confidant who came with me from Chang'an. Now he is the official in charge, so let him record it."

After a while, Lin Xuan arrived and Li Yuanji asked someone to bring paper, inkstone, pen and ink, which are the four treasures of the study.

Li Yuanji immediately signaled to Cen Wenben, and upon seeing this, Cen Wenben slowly spoke.

“Your Majesty, I don’t know exactly what this so-called newspaper is, but from what you said, I have a preliminary understanding.

First, it is used for the people of the world to read. I think it is just feasible. Now is the time to vigorously build colleges. The number of scholars among the people will inevitably increase greatly, and the knowledge learned by those students in the college can also be passed on to their families. With this newspaper, there is no need to worry too much that many people will not understand it. Moreover, there must be literate people in each county, township, and village. Writing about the important matters of the court on it can also let the people of the world know directly that the king attaches great importance to them.

Being informed of court affairs in a timely manner can help urge government offices at all levels to implement policies, which is a good thing for the court."

Cen Wenben paused for a moment when he reached this point, as if he was organizing his subsequent words. At this moment, Cen Wenben was no longer excited, but extremely steady.

"At the same time, by writing about the outstanding officials of various prefectures, states, and counties, other people can also learn how these outstanding officials did it. They can record the words of outstanding officials in newspapers to provide methods and ideas for others.

In this way, people with limited abilities can learn more from newspapers, which will be of great help in local governance.

In addition, rewards for outstanding officials can also be recorded together. When officials at all levels see them, not only can their names be spread throughout the world and remembered by people all over the world, but they can also be rewarded with titles of nobility. They will certainly work harder to govern an area, so that their names can be recorded in history.

The entry of this newspaper is reviewed and decided by the king himself. To be included in the newspaper means that one has entered the king's field of vision. In everyone's eyes, life will be smooth sailing and promising from then on. No one can refuse this practical benefit.

Those who are listed will surely cause a great sensation in the local area, and they will feel more proud. When they receive overwhelming praise from the people, which official would not be happy and excited, and would not feel that his busyness for a year is worth it?
These will enable them to invest in the following year. After all, having been featured in the newspaper this year, who wouldn’t want to continue to be featured in the newspaper in the future?

At the same time, after entering the king's sight, these people will only work harder, whether for the people or for their own future, they will do their best.

In this way, all the outstanding officials in the world will appear in the court and in the king's sight, which will be of great benefit for appointment and selection.

Those who fail to govern effectively will eventually be eliminated, which will improve the overall work style of officials.”

Li Yuanji listened quietly, glancing at Cen Wenben from time to time. Li Yuanji was a little surprised that he himself had not considered what Cen Wenben said.

By publishing the outstanding officials in the newspaper, he did intend to set an example for others to follow. However, after Cen Wenben said this, Li Yuanji suddenly realized that doing so seemed to make the already somewhat arrogant officials even more arrogant.

At that time, it doesn't matter if you don't compete, unless you don't want to be promoted and don't have the desire for fame and fortune. As long as you have the desire for fame and fortune, you will inevitably join this grand internal competition, leading to even more competition overall.

Li Yuanji's mouth twitched. Actually, he hated involution, but he suddenly felt an inexplicable excitement in his heart when he could make these people expand. Could this be the awakening of his genes as a boss?
Li Yuanji put himself in the shoes of the officials and recalled what Cen Wenben said. It seemed that as long as one pursued fame and fortune, one could not escape this internal circulation. As long as one was featured in the newspaper, one would gain both fame and fortune. As long as one did not make any mistakes and worked hard, promotion seemed to be a sure thing.

And even if you really meet that one in a million person who is not after fame or fortune but only cares about the people, there is no need to worry that such a person will remain unknown. People who care about the people and have abilities will also be discovered and gradually reused.

As for those who really care about the people but lack the ability, all we can do is to bury them.

While Li Yuanji was in deep thought, Cen Wenben's voice continued to be heard.

"As for what the king said about the treatment of corrupt officials, I strongly agree. These people are so corrupt and they deserve to be despised by the people of the world. Let the people of the world poke their spines.

This is a good opportunity for all officials to take a good look at this. Such people will not only die, but will also be disgraced. They will be despised not only by people all over the world, but also by future generations.

If someone is not executed along with his entire clan, the descendants of such a person will be nailed to the pillar of shame.

This way, it can serve as a better warning to the world, and it has absolutely significant significance.”

Li Yuanji agreed with what Cen Wenben said. He also thought so, otherwise he would not have brought up this matter. In the past, when dealing with officials, it was difficult to convey the matter to local officials except those in the court, and many people did not feel the same way.

Only by having newspapers and letting everyone know the consequences of doing so can we deter some people.

Some people would rather die for their reputation, and the emergence of this newspaper will not only fail to make these people get what they want, but will ruin their reputation.

Sometimes, it is very troublesome to have some pedantic people die for their advice, because they think what they say is right and just die for their advice. Even if they die, they still have the reputation of being iron-willed.

But with newspapers, things are different. The change of public opinion depends entirely on him. It can be said that no one can overwhelm him in public opinion.

But Cen Wenben's words still did not stop.

"Finally, what the king said about interesting things in each prefecture, state, and county is also feasible for me. We can select some of the people's words and publish them in the newspapers, and describe the changes before and after development, especially in some remote places.

These are to let the people of the world know what the king has done for them, and to remind them all the time who has brought them the life they have today and everything they have now.

It will make the people of the world more loyal to the king and at the same time, enhance the king's reputation again."

The last point mentioned by Cen Wenben is to infinitely consolidate Li Yuanji's position. By doing so, not only Li Yuanji, but also Li Yuanji's successors will receive the same blessing. With these blessings, the probability of rebellion will be greatly reduced.

Li Yuanji also knew what Cen Wenben meant by saying this. It was for his own good, and his future heirs would all be able to benefit from it.

To put it more bluntly, if there is a civil uprising in a certain place and the government is forced to do so, he can then report it in the newspaper and divert the people's anger to the instigator. As a leader, he can then calm public opinion in this way.

When Cen Wenben said this, he suddenly looked up at Li Yuanji.

“But, Your Majesty, in this case, the distribution of the newspaper must be in the palace and under the control of Your Majesty personally.

But if the newspaper is distributed in the royal palace, then transportation to various prefectures, states, counties, townships and villages becomes particularly important. Not only water transportation, but also post roads are needed. It must be completed as quickly as possible between prefectures, states and counties.

At the same time, we must supervise government offices at all levels to ensure that these newspapers eventually reach the hands of the people, so that they can truly play a role.”

(End of this chapter)

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