Datang: What's wrong with my fief being a billion points larger?

Chapter 246: Special Office for Economic Development, 1 County Litigated to the Royal Palace

Chapter 246: Special Office for Economic Development, a County Litigated to the Royal Palace
After Kong Yingda left, Li Yuanji began to ponder. After a while, he asked someone to bring the population registers of various prefectures and started to look at them.

After reading it, Li Yuanji fell into deep thought.

"This is difficult. Each prefecture needs a population of 2 million to complete the task, and there are too many people short."

Li Yuanji was very troubled at this time, not for any other reason, but because the population gap between Zhenzhou Prefecture, Xizhou Prefecture, Wuzhou Prefecture, Taizhou Prefecture, Luzhou Prefecture and Songzhou Prefecture was too big.

Originally, the population of Zhenla was almost concentrated in Xizhou Prefecture and Wuzhou Prefecture. Both prefectures had a population of over 1.5 million. Especially Xizhou Prefecture, which had a population of 1.9 million, very close to the 2 million mark. Wuzhou Prefecture also had a population of over 1.6 million.

However, Taizhou Prefecture only has more than 1.2 million people, and Zhenzhou Prefecture is even a little short of one million people. How can it be accomplished?

The situation in Luzhou Prefecture and Songzhou Prefecture was even worse. For example, the registered population of Luzhou Prefecture was only over 800,000, and that of Songzhou Prefecture was only over 500,000. If they wanted to achieve the population target of two million, the shortfall was not just a little bit.

Except for Leizhou Prefecture and Guangzhou Prefecture, other places more or less need to add some population before they can be completed, but where can he find so many people to fill them now?
In addition to these, there was a more serious problem facing him, that was Dongzhou Prefecture, which was Wa Country. According to his plan, he would divide the land of Wa Country into two to three prefectures.

Now that Japan has become his fiefdom and has been changed into a prefecture, he still has to meet the target population difference of two million.

But the key point is that his next actions will not allow Japan to retain such a large population.

This leads to the question of how to complete his task?

And it's not just Japan, there is also Tibet as well. Once Xie Shufang and Feng Zhixun officially change Tibet into a prefecture and incorporate it into his fiefdom, the population will also need to be replenished.

Li Yuanji felt a little scalp-tingling for a moment. He was now very conflicted about whether he should use contribution points to change the task. Otherwise, this task would take him at least several years. Even with 200,000 contribution points, it would still take too long.

After thinking for a long time, Li Yuanji suddenly thought of a problem, that is, the contribution points he obtained when his fiefdom was expanded. He remembered very clearly that only Yuezhou Prefecture, Liuzhou Prefecture, Luzhou Prefecture, and Songzhou Prefecture were included.

The question now is, if he only needs to increase the population of these prefectures to two million, can he accomplish the task?
We only need to complete the three prefectures in Lingnan and these prefectures, and the pressure will undoubtedly be much smaller. It will not take several years to relocate the remaining population of the Tang Dynasty to various places. There are still a large number of indigenous people in Luzhou Prefecture and Songzhou Prefecture, and we can basically complete it by relocating a part of the population there later.

Thinking of this, Li Yuanji no longer hesitated.

"Yang Jianhe, go call Cen Wenben."

Li Yuanji's confidence increased at this time. He knew that the system had a delay and was somewhat fixed. The tasks were not formulated based on his current development at all.

Just like the previous population tasks and land reclamation tasks, once issued by the system, they will be directly displayed as completed, which means that if they have not been approved by the system, the system will continue to issue tasks.

At that time, the Four Zhenla Prefectures and Yunzhou Prefecture were not recognized by the system, which made Li Yuanji more confident that now he needed to complete only these few prefectures.

Not long after, Cen Wenben arrived in a hurry.

"See you, Your Majesty."

Li Yuanji waved his hand and signaled to stand up.


"I've asked you to come here for something. You need to redefine the population targets for Liuzhou, Jiaozhou, Liuzhou, Yuezhou, Nanzhou, Lüzhou, and Songzhou. The population of these prefectures must reach two million as soon as possible.

Especially Luzhou Prefecture and Songzhou Prefecture, you have to pay more attention to it. The other prefectures are not far from the mark of two million people, but these two prefectures are very far apart. The population that will migrate from the Tang Dynasty in the future will be given priority to these two prefectures.

Population migration in other places will be put on hold, and priority will be given to completing the population targets of the prefectures just mentioned. Is that okay?"

Cen Wenben kept thinking, obviously thinking about the current population of each prefecture and the large number of people that could still migrate.

After a moment, Cen Wenben said solemnly: "Your Majesty, if we satisfy these few prefectures first, then the population migration from other prefectures must be temporarily stopped, and the remaining population migrating from the Tang Dynasty must all be added to Luzhou Prefecture and Songzhou Prefecture.

Liuzhou Prefecture, Yuezhou Prefecture, Jiaozhou Prefecture, and Liuzhou Prefecture absorbed population from the surrounding areas. Liuzhou Prefecture absorbed population from Qianzhong, while Liuzhou Prefecture absorbed population from the Tang Dynasty through Quanzhou Prefecture, and Jiaozhou Prefecture absorbed population from Shuzhong.

Yuezhou Prefecture already has a large population, not far from two million, and it can absorb population from Tangming and Funan.

In addition to relocating this group of people, Luzhou Prefecture and Songzhou Prefecture can also increase their efforts to allow local people to become naturalized citizens, which will help achieve the goal faster.

The population of Nanzhou Prefecture can be appropriately relocated from Guangzhou Prefecture. Combined with the current growth rate of Nanzhou Prefecture, this can be completed within a few months.

But if this happens, the population development in other states will inevitably stagnate and their development progress will be relatively backward.

The population gathering in these places will cause the population of other prefectures to decrease to varying degrees, so Your Majesty should be prepared."

Cen Wenben was very serious. It was not difficult to achieve the goal mentioned by Li Yuanji, but in this way, the focus of development would inevitably shift. The rich in these prefectures would become richer, and the poor in other prefectures would become poorer. This was an inevitable trend.

Li Yuanji was also very clear about what Cen Wenben said. The total population was limited. If he wanted to concentrate the population in one area, other areas would inevitably be affected. This was an indisputable fact.

It would be very difficult to increase the population of the entire fiefdom without ten or twenty years.

Nowadays, he has almost exploited all the population of the Tang Dynasty. The number of people migrating from the Tang Dynasty is getting smaller and smaller. Most of the people from the surrounding areas have migrated here, and it is more difficult to migrate from farther away.

Li Yuanji had no choice but to do this first, and then looked at Cen Wenben.

"Jingren, don't be reluctant. The plan of one development center and four secondary centers that we formulated at the beginning must be kept in mind. The plan of the four secondary centers must be implemented. These prefectures are the foundation of everything we have and our foundation.

As for Luzhou Prefecture and Songzhou Prefecture, they are our granaries. Grain, cotton, etc. must be planted in Luzhou Prefecture and Songzhou Prefecture to have a bigger harvest. Such two good prefectures must be vigorously supported and developed.

As for Yuezhou Prefecture, it is an important channel connecting shipping to the West and maintaining contact with other prefectures on the west side, so of course it also needs to be developed.

Now our population is limited, so we need to concentrate this limited population and focus on developing several more important prefectures. Only in this way can we develop better.

Once these places are developed, we will then free up our hands to develop the remaining prefectures.

It is obviously unrealistic to develop all the prefectures at once, so we must choose the right focus.

There are gains and losses. When you cannot take both into account, you must give up some to achieve better results.

I hope you can understand this principle." Li Yuanji looked at Cen Wenben deeply. He hadn't thought about these things at first, but as he spoke, he found that he was getting smoother and smoother. His original purpose was to complete the task, but after saying this, he realized that he was only concerned about the development of his fiefdom.

What completes the task?
That's slander!

He did this for the people of the entire fiefdom, for better development.

At this moment, Li Yuanji agreed very much with what he said. Isn't that the truth?
These provinces are all special economic development provinces, and each has its own natural advantages and status.

Liuzhou Prefecture has fruits, Jiaozhou Prefecture has mines, Yuezhou Prefecture is an important port channel for voyages to the West, and it is connected to the prefectures on the west. Nanzhou Prefecture not only has timber, but also has arable land suitable for growing grain, making it an important transit point at sea.

There is no need to talk about Luzhou Prefecture and Songzhou Prefecture, their importance is self-evident. They are rare places in his fiefdom where cotton can be grown, and rice can be grown for three seasons. How can they not be important?
As for Liuzhou Prefecture?
You can skip Liuzhou Prefecture for now, as it must be developed anyway.

As the king here, Li Yuanji formulated development policies according to the importance of each prefecture. He was dedicated to the public and had no selfish motives at all.

Looking at Cen Wenben's admiring eyes, Li Yuanji knew that he was absolutely right and Cen Wenben agreed with him.

Li Yuanji now realizes that even though Cen Wenben is talented, he is limited by some concepts and ideas, and there are many things he cannot think of. Because there is no precedent to verify, he touches on the blind spot and naturally will not continue thinking in the direction of the blind spot.

No one can escape from his or her comfort zone, and it is difficult to imagine anything beyond one's own knowledge.

At this time, Cen Wenben really admired Li Yuanji. He was originally worried that the development of other prefectures would lag behind. Now, after listening to what Li Yuanji said, isn't that the case?

There are only so many people in total. If we want to develop them all at once and develop them with balanced support from all aspects, it will only lead to a decrease in the development speed of each government.

If we do as Li Yuanji said, develop the important prefectures first and provide absolute support, the development speed will be extremely fast. After these prefectures are developed, we will then focus support on developing other prefectures, and other prefectures will also be able to develop rapidly.

Compared with the original model, it can even save a lot of time, manpower, material resources and financial resources.

Just like the development of Leizhou Prefecture, originally Leizhou Prefecture was actually not as good as other prefectures, and Guangzhou Prefecture was far ahead. However, because the status of Leizhou Prefecture was higher than that of Guangzhou Prefecture, everything started with Leizhou Prefecture first. Now Leizhou Prefecture has far surpassed Guangzhou Prefecture. This is a good example.

Cen Wenben said immediately: "Your Majesty is right. I am a little short-sighted. After your guidance, it is like seeing the moon after the clouds have been cleared.

I will now start to reorganize and formulate corresponding development indicators to ensure that the important development status of each prefecture is implemented. "

Li Yuanji nodded. Although he was pleased with Cen Wenben's praise, it was not enough to excite him. Today, he has been exposed to so much, learned so much, and knows a lot. Modern people would probably understand this principle, so he naturally has nothing much to be proud of.

Just then, Yang Jianhe hurried in.

"Your Majesty, the magistrate of Zhanjiang County, Zhong Kui, is seeking an audience with you. He has something to say about the livelihood of all the people in the prefectures.

Now this person is outside the palace, and he said that even if he dies, he will never leave and must see the king. "

Li Yuanji was stunned for a moment, then looked at Cen Wenben.

"Did something happen in Zhanjiang?"

Li Yuanji was very confused. If something happened in Zhanjiang, according to normal procedures, it should be reported to Leizhou Prefecture first. The people of Leizhou Prefecture would handle it. If they could not handle it, it would be submitted to Cen Wenben.

Even if it can be handled, as long as the matter is serious, it will be explained to Cen Wenben.

Now the headquarters is in the royal palace, and the government office of Leizhou Prefecture is in Zhanjiang. Zhong Kui should not have known to come here for help.

And now that they are here, it means that something has gone wrong in Leizhou Prefecture and something big has happened in Zhanjiang.

Cen Wenben frowned and thought, and after a moment he looked at Li Yuanji heavily.

"Your Majesty, I have not received any information about Zhanjiang recently, and I don't know what the Zhanjiang County Magistrate is."

Li Yuanji then looked at Yang Jianhe and said solemnly, "Go in person and bring Zhong Kui in immediately!"

Li Yuanji felt heavy-hearted. How long had it been since the people of Leizhou, Guangzhou, and Nanzhou went overseas to do business, and how long had it been since the flood in Aizhou? And had Zhanjiang, the seat of Leizhou, run into problems again?
Li Yuanji was really helpless. When his fiefdom was still small, there were almost no major events. But now that his fiefdom has grown, all kinds of problems have begun to be exposed.

Li Yuanji sat above and waited quietly, while Cen Wenben was below, saying nothing. At this time, Cen Wenben was still frowning, wondering what had happened in Zhanjiang.

After a while, Yang Jianhe and Zhong Kui walked in.

"Your Highness, I, Zhong Kui, the magistrate of Zhanjiang County, come to see you, Your Majes

Zhong Kui quickly came to Li Yuanji's side and saluted immediately.

Li Yuanji looked at Zhong Kui, who was dusty and looked haggard, and it was obvious that he had walked in a hurry.

The neat yet slightly dirty clothes showed that he had tidied himself up before arriving at the palace, but that was all he could do.


"You are the magistrate of Zhanjiang County. You should stay in Zhanjiang to govern the area. Even if something happens, you can report it to the government office. Why do you come to the palace? You should know the consequences of coming here."

Generally speaking, reporting to a higher level is not recommended. Nowadays, communication is not fast enough. If every county magistrate comes to the palace to report in person, for places far away, it will take several months to go back and forth. Will the local governance still be taken care of?

Unless it is really an extremely urgent and important matter, it is not allowed.

Zhong Kui did not stand up and still maintained the posture of saluting.

"Your Majesty, I have reported this to the government office, but they didn't take it seriously and advised me not to care about it. I have no choice but to come to Your Majesty.

What is this? The currency created by the king has a huge loophole. If it is not revised, it will endanger all the people! "

(End of this chapter)

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