Datang: What's wrong with my fief being a billion points larger?

Chapter 26 Li Yuanji's Status on the Road

Chapter 26 Li Yuanji's Status on the Road

On the Jiangnan Road of the Tang Dynasty, an army of tens of thousands of fully armored soldiers, mixed with tens of thousands of young and strong men, the old and the young, women and children, marched together. The speed of advancement was not fast. The road was full of mud after the rain. Even with the army's baggage, every step forward seemed very difficult, even with horses and mules pulling in front and unarmored soldiers pushing in the back.

Some of them used too much force and suddenly crashed into the slow-moving baggage vehicles in front of them.

But despite this, everyone showed no emotion. Instead, they worked together and moved forward. There were a few children who followed the adults and contributed their own strength.

Although what they did would not help much and would instead make the adults feel a little restrained, the pace of progress made the participating children happy. Some women brought water to the soldiers who had taken off their armor and handed them towels.

It was called a towel, but it was just silk used to make clothes. Yes, not coarse cloth, but silk. The woman was so distressed when she gave it to the soldier. The soldiers were very careful when wiping their sweat off it. After each use, the woman would wash it repeatedly, for fear that the fine silk would be dirty.

After handing over towels and hot water, the women began to grab the children and scold them, saying that they were making trouble. Even though some of the children were not their own children and even though they did not know each other more than three months ago, they now treated them as their own children.

How could the children who were being taught a lesson endure it? But seeing the women about to start a fight over a disagreement, the children had to say aggrievedly that they were there to help. The soldiers who had taken off their armor nearby all cheered and said that the children had put in a lot of effort.

What else could the women do? They could only say a few words and call it a day. Although they seemed to be talking to the children, the smile on their faces did not disappear at all.

At this time, a voice came over.

"What's going on? Can we leave now?"

Everyone was already very familiar with this voice.

"Manager Xi, it's ready now. We found some stones nearby to put underneath. The baggage behind us won't be affected. We can pass through normally."

This General Manager Xi is Xi Junmai, who was appointed as the General Manager of the Army by Li Yuanji. Yes, it was appointed by Li Yuanji, it was that simple and crude.

Xi Junmai came closer and found that it was originally a mud pit. After it was filled with stones, the carriage behind it no longer had to be stuck in the pit and unable to get out for a while.

"Okay, everyone, please work harder. The king has sent a message. We will have to walk for another half an hour. The camp has been prepared ahead. We can rest when we get there. Everyone, please work harder!"

After Xi Junmai finished speaking, everyone responded in unison, and everyone seemed very enthusiastic.

At this time, a woman came to Xi Junmai.

"General Manager Xi, please tell the king that this fine silk cannot be wasted like this. We just use some coarse cloth to wipe our sweat. We feel sorry for using this silk. If it is damaged, we will be guilty.

The king has been so kind to us, and we are not greedy people. In our hearts, we are grateful to the king, but the king is too kind to us, and we feel unworthy of it. "

The woman spoke with a guilty look on her face, and the other women also asked Xi Junmai to persuade their king, Li Yuanji.

When the soldiers heard these words, they were not surprised at all. Instead, they agreed with them. A large number of them, as long as they had family members, were called to follow the army. These women were the family members of the soldiers, doctors, and craftsmen. As for why they were so grateful to Li Yuanji, it was because along the way, they could see and feel Li Yuanji's concern for them, the poor people at the bottom, and his practice of treating them as relatives without any prejudice.

When someone was sick, Li Yuanji would come to visit them first. When a child had a high fever, there was nothing he could do, so Li Yuanji directly called the imperial physician he brought with him to see the patient. When he learned that they needed to rest, Li Yuanji directly ordered them to rest for a day before continuing on their journey.

From time to time, Li Yuanji would come over to chat with these poor people and eat with them. As the King of Qi of the Tang Dynasty, he not only ate the same food as them, but also sat with them and ate so happily without any trace of airs.

Moreover, when setting out, Li Yuanji prepared carriages for the elderly, children, women and children. If a carriage broke down on the road and it took time for the craftsmen to repair it, Li Yuanji would simply take out a carriage from the one that was carrying his family and give it to them.

No matter for the soldiers or the common people, everyone can see and feel every little thing Li Yuanji has done. It is precisely because of this that they are truly grateful to Li Yuanji.

They completely failed to see the long-held notions in Li Yuanji, and everyone was well aware of how good Li Yuanji was to them.

In particular, Li Yuanji promised that after arriving in Lingnan, each of their families would be allocated more land than in the Tang Dynasty. Everyone was extremely grateful.

In fact, the lives of the common people in the Tang Dynasty today were really difficult. The tyranny of the Sui Dynasty and the long period of war had made it difficult for the people to survive. Life could be measured by money, and some people were not even wanted for a penny.

Now they were brought together by Li Yuanji. In the beginning, everyone was actually very frightened, but after so much time, even if Li Yuanji did not give them land, each of them was still extremely grateful to Li Yuanji.

If it weren't for Li Yuanji, many of them might have starved to death or been oppressed to death.

However, here, although they were on the road, when they were hungry, Li Yuanji gave them food that could make them about 60% full. When they were sick, there were doctors to treat them, and even imperial doctors from the palace, who in their eyes only treated saints, to see them and prepare medicine for them.

When it was cold, they would be given clothes and straw (millet straw, here straw is used directly instead, because rice cultivation was not popular in the early Tang Dynasty, and almost all crops were millet. It was only later that the era of rice, millet and wheat as the three staple foods of the Tang Dynasty was formed).

At this time when human life is worthless and large numbers of people die of starvation, disease, freezing, and oppression every day, Li Yuanji gave them these. In their hearts, everyone remembers Li Yuanji's kindness to them.

Xi Junmai also laughed when he heard what these people said, and immediately said: "Since the king has given it to you, you should use it well and don't worry about it breaking. If it breaks, report it in time and we will give you a new one.

The king said that the journey to Lingnan is long and difficult, and everyone should trust the king. The king will never let anyone suffer any injustice.

The king even said that the most important thing in this trip to Lingnan is people. As long as they are in this team, no matter who they are, human life is the most important. As for these things, they are all external things. As long as everyone is safe and sound, they can be used.

The reason why silk was distributed was because everyone was usually very busy. Not only did they need to wipe sweat, but they also needed someone to scrub their backs when they took a shower. Silk did not hurt the skin, so it was the best choice.

We should all remember the king's painstaking efforts, and as long as we do not let the king down, that will be enough.

Okay, now let's work harder and get to the front camp to rest."

(End of this chapter)

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