Datang: What's wrong with my fief being a billion points larger?

Chapter 268 Wu Mei's 2 Brushes, Playground

Chapter 268: Wu Mei's Second Uncle's Two Brushes, Amusement Park

Wu Mei and Wu Shun were flying kites, and Li Yuanji was watching from the side with a smile on his face.

Only when the two were tired did he take them back to the cabin to rest.

From Xuwen to Yazhou, the landing place chosen was Yancheng, but on the second day, they were already close to the Yancheng port.

"Your Majesty, we will be there soon."

Listening to Wu Mei's words, Li Yuanji also smiled. The voyage was not far now, so it could be said that they were talking and laughing all the way.

When we go to places like Luzhou Prefecture and Songzhou Prefecture later, that section of the sea route will be a real test.

After getting off the dock and entering Yancheng, what we saw was not much different from what we saw in Xuwen. Yancheng is a dock close to Xuwen and Haikang, and there are also many caravans coming and going.

In addition to the unique business of rosewood and huanghuali wood, it is accurate to say that there are more caravans coming here than in Xuwen.

But because there are many ports, the caravans are divided and not as crowded as in Haikang.

After walking around the city, Li Yuanji, feeling bored, went outside the city to see the people farming.

However, with the idea of ​​finding fault, Li Yuanji never found any problems, so he set off for Shecheng.

"Go tell Wu Shiyi that I'm here, and don't tell anyone else. Let him get ready."

I didn’t find any problems in Yancheng, and I won’t find any other problems when I come to Shecheng.

Shecheng is the seat of the Nanzhou Prefecture government office. If Shecheng, which is the government office, has problems, then the problems in other places will only be bigger.

It took two days to arrive. What Li Yuanji saw along the way made him happy that the construction of the post road was indeed quite complete. The road from Yancheng to Shecheng was all cement road, and there were many merchants coming and going.

When we arrived at Shecheng, Wu Shiyi was already waiting for us outside the city in casual clothes.

"See you, Your Majesty."

Li Yuanji lifted the carriage curtain and said with a smile, "Get up quickly and go in."

After some hesitation, Wu Shiyi finally entered Li Yuanji's carriage. When he saw Wu Mei and Wu Shun inside, he was immediately shocked.

"Meet Second Uncle."

Wu Mei and Wu Shun spoke at the same time, and Wu Shiyi suddenly felt embarrassed, because at this moment, he didn't know how to deal with Wu Mei and Wu Shun.

He knew very well that Wu Mei and Wu Shun were definitely Li Yuanji's women, but they were still young and no one dared to call them that. After all, they were too young and it would be bad for Li Yuanji's reputation if it got out.

But if he calls her "maid", that is obviously not okay. If he calls her "niece", it will seem like he is talking about seniority in front of Li Yuanji. Does that mean Li Yuanji has to call him "second uncle" as well?
If it were an ordinary family, it would be true, but Li Yuanji was the King of Qi. Although he was the King of Qi, in places like Lingnan, Li Yuanji was the emperor, and there was no difference at all.

Wu Shiyi was silent. Wu Mei and Wu Shun also noticed this. After looking at Li Yuanji, Wu Mei spoke with a smile.

"Second uncle, now that you see your niece, you don't even want to talk."

Hearing Wu Mei's words, Wu Shiyi reacted immediately.

"No way, what nonsense! The king came suddenly and I felt a little awkward for a while, but now I'm fine."

"I'm sorry to make you laugh, Your Majesty."

Wu Mei's word "niece" let Wu Shiyi know that there was no need to avoid these relationships and they could just be treated normally.

This loss of composure made Wu Shiyi blush a little. Even though he had seen a lot of storms, he still felt a little overwhelmed.

Li Yuanji also smiled when he saw this.

"You, you are so old and have lived for so many years, but you are not as sensible as a little girl."

"Your Majesty is right in teaching me this lesson, and it is my fault."

What else could Wu Shiyi say? He could only agree. He himself was speechless about this matter.

However, he soon saw Wu Mei and Wu Shun were still covering their mouths and laughing, which almost broke his defense.

Li Yuanji laughed even louder, causing Wu Shiyi, who was already old, to blush.

After a moment, Li Yuanji stopped joking and spoke solemnly.

“I’m notifying you of two things this time.

This time I will not go into the city. You should first tell me about the development here, and then take me to the place where red sandalwood and huanghuali wood are cut down.

Secondly, I have something else to tell you.”

Wu Shiyi agreed immediately, then went outside, told Yang Jianhe the direction, and returned to the carriage.

“My lord, all developments here are progressing steadily, but because there are so many jungles, the pace of progress is not fast.

The reclamation of wasteland has also been ongoing. Prime Minister Cen has told me before that Hainan is very good for growing rice and mulberry trees. The reclamation of wasteland is the most important thing. The development of trade depends on the reclamation of wasteland.

At the same time, we need to increase the population. These are my focus. We will use the development brought by commerce to provide additional subsidies to those who are willing to migrate here, especially the young and strong.

In addition to the king's support for Nanzhou Prefecture, people have been constantly relocating there. Now, there are more than 1.87 million people registered in the Nanzhou Prefecture.

The population requirement of two million set by Prime Minister Cen earlier can be achieved by next year at the latest.

Nowadays, rice cultivation here can basically be achieved for two seasons on any reclaimed arable land.

There are some black buffaloes here, which can also be used as draft oxen. They are more docile and most importantly, there are quite a few of them. Previously, there was one draft ox for every two households that were resettled, and later, three households shared one draft ox.

Combined with the king's curved plow, farming efficiency has been greatly improved compared to before."

Wu Shiyi paused for a moment, took a breath and then spoke again. "As for the reclamation of wasteland, I have added a new item from the previous one in three adult males, which is to encourage young and strong people in each family to participate in the reclamation of wasteland, and increase the subsidies. The number of young and strong people reclaiming wasteland has increased by more than 50,000 compared to before.

As the number of people reclaiming wasteland increased, I reduced the manpower investment in the construction of post roads. Because Nanzhou Prefecture was surrounded by the sea, I had people build ports and docks in various states.

As for the post roads, their main purpose was to open up the post roads within the states and between the counties.

For each state within Nanzhou Prefecture, if they wanted to build post roads to other states and counties, it would take too long and require too much manpower to take into account the reclamation of wasteland and the construction of river dams and farmland canals.

After my arrival, I stopped the construction of many post roads that were originally underway and switched to using sea routes to connect to various states.

As long as the various post roads in the state are complete, and the ports and docks are built, then both the common people and caravans can travel through the states by sea, and the time required will be much less than that of land routes. "

“In addition, I have also vigorously built salt fields. The salt produced in Nanzhou Prefecture has tripled compared to before, and will continue to increase in the future.

I intend to use salt, red sandalwood and huanghuali wood as the main sales targets, to increase trade, drive the development of various states, and attract more people to migrate here.

Moreover, I have discovered that although the summer in Nanzhou Prefecture is hot, it is warm in winter. For this reason, I plan to select an area in each state to build luxury houses and sell them to foreign merchants, mainly merchants from the Tang Dynasty.

In this way, during the cold winter, they can live in Nanzhou Prefecture without feeling the cold winter, which can further enhance the commercial trade capacity of Nanzhou Prefecture. "

"Finally, the king has ordered the promotion of industrial factories. I am also vigorously promoting this. I have selected locations in various states to build factories and improve the manufacturing of the industrial products that the king has mentioned so that they can be sold externally.

The initial preparations have been completed. The factories in Yazhou and Danzhou have been completed, and the staff have been added. In addition, if the production speed still cannot keep up, I have selected new places in the two states, so that construction can be started at any time. "

Li Yuanji listened quietly. He agreed with some of what Wu Shiyi said, but he was also dissatisfied with some of it. One of the issues was the land post roads between the various states and counties in Nanzhou Prefecture, which made him somewhat dissatisfied.

This dissatisfaction was not because there was something wrong with Wu Shiyi's decision. On the contrary, Li Yuanji believed that there was nothing wrong with this decision.

It does require a lot of manpower and material resources to open up the post roads between counties. In addition, the places are far apart, mainly along the east-west and north-south axes, and there are almost no county towns in between. It can be said that the construction can only be successful if it passes through deep mountains and forests.

It was quite correct for Wu Shiyi to focus on the reclamation of wasteland, and to solve the shortage of land post roads by sea route.

However, the construction of this post road is related to the tasks of his system. Although such tasks have not been issued yet, there is no guarantee that they will not appear in the future.

If we rebuild it at that time, the manpower cost will be equally huge and it will take a very long time.

In the end, Li Yuanji didn't say anything. Although he was somewhat dissatisfied, the actual situation was there. What Wu Shiyi did could be said to be better than what Feng Zhixun had done before.

In other aspects, Li Yuanji had to admit that the various changes made after Wu Shiyi's arrival were indeed very good. He took advantage of his own commercial and trade advantages, increased subsidies for foreign immigrants, and further increased population migration.

While protecting arable land, we will also vigorously enhance business competitiveness. These are all very good ideas.

The guarantee of arable land can effectively guarantee grain output. Nowadays, the grain here must not only meet its own needs, but also shoulder the responsibility of foreign trade.

The world is short of food, not just in the Tang Dynasty or in one particular place. There are many places short of food, and not every place is rich in food.

In particular, Wu Shiyi, based on the seasonal characteristics of Nanzhou Prefecture, actually planned to develop an external residential area, build houses, and provide housing for those who came to do business. Li Yuanji could only say that this method was very clever.

Li Yuanji didn't have anything else to think about. When he asked Wu Shiyi to come to Nanzhou Prefecture, Li Yuanji did feel a different kind of surprise.

Despite his age, he not only quickly became familiar with the development model here, but also brought forth new ideas and made adjustments based on the actual conditions of Nanzhou Prefecture. Li Yuanji was very optimistic about this.

"Yes, you did a great job. I am very pleased. What you have done here can be implemented as you said. The development of Nanzhou Prefecture will definitely be better.

There is one thing I can add to you, that is, you plan to select an area to build houses for outsiders to live in. You can choose this place relatively close to the sea, and at the same time tidy up the surrounding areas.

This created area can be used for people to visit, which is equivalent to rebuilding a city.

At that time, the warm characteristics of the cold winter can be released to the outside world. I believe that many people are willing to come here to escape the cold winter.

At the same time, after it is built, people who come here to play will have a good time, which will only attract more people, and these people will definitely come again in the future.

By selling houses and other goods, this expenditure can be quickly recovered and even more can be earned.

And the best place is Yazhou, which has convenient sea routes and easy travel.

Finally, if you really plan to sell the house, you can raise the price a bit. People who can buy here must be rich. In addition, with the unique climate here and the development that has been done, there is no need to worry about no one buying it.

Of course, it is very difficult to do all this, you can do it according to the actual situation, you don’t have to listen to me all the time.”

What Li Yuanji said is equivalent to a scenic spot, but it is integrated with the city, not only to attract tourists, but also to attract wealthy people to buy houses and settle down here.

Even if those people are not here in the summer, the business brought in by the winter will be huge, and the profits brought by selling houses will also be huge.

By then, not only will the number of houses in this tourist city increase, but the number of houses in other places will also increase.

After all, there is a city where one can live normally, is prosperous, and can shelter from the cold. Which rich person wouldn’t want to come?
The coldness of winter is not ordinary cold. If people have a comfortable place and money in their hands, as long as they know that such a place exists, they will inevitably be tempted.

By then, this will be a huge boost to the economy of Nanzhou Prefecture.

The only problem is that the development of Nanzhou Prefecture is actually not as good as that of Leizhou Prefecture and Guangzhou Prefecture. If we choose to build a tourist city by the sea, it will not be so easy.

This is not just a problem of manpower, material and financial resources, but more of the difficulties brought by the mountains and jungles. It is not as simple as building a city. Simply building a city is not that difficult, but developing the surrounding areas is not that easy.

Wu Shiyi was also thinking about what Li Yuanji had said. Wu Shiyi knew very well how great the benefit would be to Nanzhou Prefecture, but the difficulties involved were also huge.

After thinking for a while, he looked at Li Yuanji.

“I agree with what the king said, but the difficulties are also not small. If we follow the current allocation of manpower, I am afraid that this amusement park will not be able to start for a while.

Hasn’t the king now conquered Japan and established Dongzhou Prefecture?
In addition to the captured Tang soldiers, could the king assign some of these prisoners to me? I will use these people as labor to start the construction of the tourist city.

As long as we have the labor, I am confident that we can complete it in about two years."

(End of this chapter)

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