Datang: What's wrong with my fief being a billion points larger?

Chapter 293 Send out troops again and march westward!

Chapter 293 Send out troops again and march westward!

Cen Wenben, who had a serious expression on his face, was stunned when he heard that Li Yuanji was going to establish an academy of sciences.

"My Lord, what does this Academy of Sciences do?"

Cen Wenben was very confused. This was something he had never heard of before. Moreover, its status was on par with that of the Imperial College, which was too high.

Looking at Cen Wenben's puzzled face, Li Yuanji also smiled.

"This academy of sciences is the final destination for those who study engineering, including those who study mechanics, chemistry, mathematics, firearms, and other subjects.

Now there is an industrial college, which will become a scientific college in the future. At the same time, another college will be established to bring together all the people with potential in this area for unified teaching.

Those with stronger abilities will enter the Academy of Sciences for further studies.

The purpose of doing this is to cultivate more outstanding talents. Today, our industry and various factories, including the Firearms Bureau, Iron Bureau, Ship Bureau, and the previous steam engine technology principle team, all need corresponding professional talents.

There is no other way now, I have to set up the main hospital first. When the number of talents in various fields increases appropriately, I will also establish each discipline separately to cultivate the professional talents needed in each field.

You should be very clear about the role of these talents. Their importance is no less than that of the talents who govern a region."

Upon hearing this, Cen Wenben immediately understood what the academy was like. It gathered top talents, but it was different from the Imperial College.

Cen Wenben thought for a moment and agreed.

"Yes, Your Majesty. When I get down, I will have people start building the Academy of Sciences and set up other academies."

Cen Wenben was very clear in his mind how valuable these people were today. With the improvement of smelting technology, the establishment of various factories, and the new technology that Li Yuanji had come up with from somewhere, everyone attached great importance to the progress of these technologies after seeing those unique things.

The corresponding talents are even harder to find than the talents to govern a region. Now, except for the group of people who have been following the footsteps at the beginning, everyone else, no matter who they are, has to learn from the front and cannot participate directly.

As the matter was settled, Li Yuanji was in a good mood. There was no way to do it before, but now that he had the conditions for training, he would never let it go.

"Okay, then I'll leave this matter to you.

What are you here for this time? But what went wrong? "

After finishing what he needed to do, Li Yuanji also asked about Cen Wenben's original purpose. He did not forget that Cen Wenben came here on his own initiative, not because he called him.

Li Yuanji could guess that it was not a good thing since Cen Wenben came here on his own initiative and his face looked not so good at the beginning.

Upon hearing this, Cen Wenben's expression suddenly darkened.

“My lord, there are three things.

Regarding the matter of Lou Yan, I have already contacted the Kingdom of Pyu. He is indeed a native of Pyu and a minister of Pyu.

Because of this incident, I suggest that if it is necessary to use military force against the Pyu Kingdom, you can send troops directly.

We had no reason in the past, but now we have a legitimate reason. As a vassal state of the King, Pyu Kingdom secretly had very deep trade relations with the Harsha Dynasty and provided money and food to the Harsha Dynasty.

The Harsha Dynasty was the enemy of the King, and the Pyu Kingdom's move was no less than openly taking sides, and it should be punished.

If the king does not send troops against them, we can also use this to disintegrate the power of the Harsha Dynasty in Pyu, at the same time enhance our influence in Pyu, and make Pyu pay compensation.

I don’t know how to proceed with this matter, please let your Majesty decide.”

Li Yuanji immediately became interested. He had long wanted to eradicate the Pyu Kingdom, but had never had the chance. Now, this opportunity had finally come.

"Jingren, there's no need to leave this matter alone. Let Tan Dian send out the troops. Didn't he start preparing before?
Now is the perfect time to go there and send a message to Wei Yunqi, Yang Shu, and Yuwen Bao, asking them to assist Tan Dian and destroy the Pyu Kingdom as soon as possible.

From now on, the land of Pyu will be my fiefdom, and it will be renamed Myanmar Prefecture."

The Pyu Kingdom was blocking his way to India, both by sea and by land. Although he had leased the southern part of the Pyu Kingdom and the northern part of the Pyu Kingdom was also leased to connect to India, why should he lease it when it could become his own?
Li Yuanji looked at Cen Wenben and saw that Cen Wenben had a sad face. He was stunned for a moment.

"Jingren, you were always very excited when we talked about this in the past. Why do you look like this this time?"

Li Yuanji was really confused. The plan to attack the Pyu Kingdom had been discussed before and preparations had been made. Moreover, the fiefdom was expanded, so Cen Wenben should not be worried, but now he appeared.

When he first expanded his fiefdom, this person was very enthusiastic, even more enthusiastic than him. As long as there was enough money and food, he would be eager to expand his fiefdom even more.

Upon hearing this, Cen Wenben said bitterly, "Your Majesty, this involves another piece of news. Feng Li in Gaoda has sent news that they have been defeated, the Harsha Dynasty has won, and now they have captured eight cities in Gaoda."

Li Yuanji stood up directly. This time he was really shocked. The war in Gaoda Country was actually lost?
He remembered that Feng Li had brought an army of 10,000 soldiers with him. 10,000 Type A soldiers could at least defeat the other army of 20,000 or 30,000. But now he was told that he was defeated and King Harsha conquered eight cities in a row?

"Jingren, please tell me what Feng Li is doing? How did he suffer such a great defeat?"

Li Yuanji's face was gloomy. He really couldn't understand it. Feng Li was also a great general. He was trusted by Li Jiancheng and was given important tasks. His ability must be good.

Li Yuanji was also very clear about Feng Li's abilities. Even in Li Er's Qin Palace, Feng Li's abilities were ranked among the best.

Now that I tell him that Feng Li was defeated, how can he believe it?

He could still accept a small defeat, but a big defeat was a bit too abstract.

Cen Wenben had a helpless look on his face. When he heard the news, he found it hard to accept, let alone Li Yuanji.

"Your Majesty, after learning the news, I feel that Feng Li's defeat this time is understandable.

The Harsha Dynasty dispatched an army of 500,000, almost all of the country's strength, with more than 200,000 war elephants. Feng Li's 10,000 men were really stretched on the battlefield.

However, King Gundam did not give the command of the army to Feng Li. Feng Li led 10,000 men to fight against the 100,000-strong army of the Harsha Dynasty on the flank for nearly two months, killing more than 30,000 enemies.

However, the Gaoda Kingdom was defeated head-on and Feng Li's army was unable to retreat. The army of the Harsha Dynasty came to attack. On the way of retreat, Feng Li ambushed the enemy again and killed tens of thousands of enemies.

Although Feng Li won several battles, he had to retreat because the situation was not favorable. After the Harsha Kingdom suffered more than 30,000 casualties, it broke through the defense line of the Gundam Kingdom. After the defeat of the Gundam Kingdom, the King of the Gundam Kingdom and the other tribes all elected Feng Li to command the army. Feng Li then rearranged the defense line. Although he resisted the attack of the Harsha Kingdom, Feng Li wrote a letter saying that the fighting power of many tribes in the Gundam Kingdom was not as good as that of the Harsha Kingdom, and it might be difficult to hold out for a long time.

Feng Li wrote a letter saying that he would do his best to stop the Harsha Dynasty from advancing eastward, but also asked the king to be prepared.

This is Feng Lijun's report, please have a look, Your Majesty."

Li Yuanji took the military report and became angry after reading it.

"There were dozens of tribes in the Gundam Kingdom, plus the Gundam Kingdom's army of 200,000 people. In less than three months, they were defeated by the Harsha Dynasty.

That's 200,000 pigs. It would take more than this much time for the people of the Harsha Dynasty to catch them all over the mountains, right?

Feng Li led an army of 10,000 and only killed more than 50,000 enemies. However, the Kingdom of Gaoda had an army of 200,000 soldiers and it cost the Harsha Dynasty more than 30,000 men to defeat them directly on the front battlefield, with the loss of more than 80,000 men of its own.

How do these people fight? Do they know how to fight?

Feng Li on the flank faced an army ten times his size, but he continued to win victories, allowing the Harsha Dynasty to increase its troops by another 50,000.

The Gundam country had more than 200,000 people against an enemy of 350,000 people, even though their number was less than twice as many, yet they were defeated. They were simply idiots!
Calling them stupid pigs is complimenting them. They are worse than pigs!"

Li Yuanji was really angry. He originally thought that it was Feng Li's problem, but it turned out that Feng Li had no problem at all. Ten thousand men first fought against an army of 100,000, and the enemy added 50,000 troops. It was equivalent to Feng Li fighting against an enemy army of 150,000.

In this way, Feng Li's defense line not only did not collapse, but instead inflicted a great defeat on the enemy.

When they were evacuating, everyone else was running away, but Feng Li ambushed and counterattacked, and once again gained a lot of gains. If the Gaoda army had been a little more resilient, this would not have happened.

What made Li Yuanji most angry was that the disparity between 200,000 people and 350,000 people was not that big at all, but as a result, the Harsha Dynasty paid the price of more than 30,000 people and the defense line was directly broken.

Li Yuanji didn't care how many cities the Harsha Dynasty captured. What Li Yuanji cared about was that the Gundam country and the tribes within it were really too weak.

Now facing Feng Li’s problem, Li Yuanji is also thinking whether he should keep the Gundam country.

Li Yuanji knew very well that King Harsha did not have many years left to live. Once he died, the Harsha Dynasty would collapse within a few years and India would once again become a place of chaos.

For this reason, Li Yuanji is now thinking about whether there is still a need to continue to assist the Gaoda Kingdom and whether it is necessary to penetrate into India in the next few years.

If he sticks to his original strategy, invades India, seizes the fertile land, and captures this granary, then he must now increase his troops.

Now, he has to prepare for a direct conflict with the Tang Dynasty next year or the year after, that is, a war. At the same time, Tubo and Dongyi Prefecture are both using troops, and he is about to use troops against Pyu Kingdom. If he sends an expeditionary force to Gaoda Kingdom without any gain, it will be a loss.

Even if the Gundam Kingdom was destroyed, the existence of the Harsha Dynasty was only a few years in total. After a few years, there was no unified dynasty in India.

Just as Li Yuanji was in deep thought, Cen Wenben's voice came again.

"Your Majesty, there is one more thing about the Harsha Dynasty. The Harsha Dynasty has already sent an envoy, who is coming here in a high-handed manner. According to the schedule, it should arrive in two months.

According to the news, the envoy sent by the Harsha Dynasty this time is probably to find the king and call him to task."

Li Yuanji, who was still in deep thought, turned to look at Cen Wenben when he heard this.

"Then King Harsha sent an envoy to call me to task?"

Li Yuanji was still unable to react for a moment. Could it be that King Harsha thought that he could defeat him just because he won a great victory in Gaoda? Was he coming to him to call him to task?

Seeing Cen Wenben nodding, Li Yuanji suddenly became angry.

"He thought he had won a series of great victories, and now he had defeated the Gundam Kingdom. The 10,000 troops I sent all failed, so he became so arrogant that he dared to come to me to call me to task, right?
Since he is seeking death, let him do it!
Pass on this king's order. Send twenty of the available artillery pieces over immediately, and five thousand muskets at the same time.

Immediately send 20,000 additional troops to Gaoda Kingdom. At the same time, issue an imperial edict to Wei Yunqi, ordering all the troops west of Yuezhou Prefecture to be under his command. After conquering Pyu Kingdom, immediately go to Gaoda Kingdom!
Tell Wei Yunqi what I said, beat him up as hard as you can, and let all the nations in the world see what happens to those who dare to provoke me!"

Li Yuanji was really pissed off by King Harsha this time. His influence in this area now can be said to be no less than that of the Tang Dynasty during its heyday. But now such a fool showed up to provoke him and he wanted to bring an army to bear on him?
How could Li Yuanji bear it? He was originally hesitating whether to continue fighting or wait for two years, but now, he suddenly understood.

If anyone dares to show off in front of him, he will beat him hard. He will not stop until the Harsha Dynasty is destroyed this time.

Even though the Harsha Dynasty will disappear in a few years, disappearing from within and being defeated by him are two completely different concepts.

The Harsha Dynasty dared to act so arrogantly this time. If he did not punish them, and those small countries followed suit, where would Li Yuanji put his face?

Even though this expedition would cost a huge amount of money and food, he couldn't care less. Everything had to be focused on the army first.

If he doesn't let out this anger, Li Yuanji will not be able to calm down.

King Harsha really thinks of himself as the Tang Dynasty during its heyday and regards others as small countries around it.

The consecutive victories made this guy go to his head, and this time he was going to make him sober up.

If Feng Li brings 10,000 men, they can defeat 100,000 men. This time, the forces concentrated have reached more than 50,000, with 20 guns and 5,000 muskets. With such luxurious armaments, he wants to see whether the Harsha Dynasty can still stand up.

Cen Wenben listened to Li Yuanji's angry words without any objection. As long as King Harsha did not send envoys to provoke Li Yuanji, he would have persuaded Li Yuanji even if he wanted to send troops. After all, they also needed development and money and food.

But King Harsha was determined to seek death, and even if Li Yuanji did not do so, he would have persuaded Li Yuanji to send troops.

Some things can be tolerated temporarily, but some things cannot be tolerated at all and must be fought back strongly.

"I will obey your order. I will make sure to allocate military equipment and supplies to meet the needs of the army!"

Li Yuanji nodded, and then looked at Cen Wenben seriously.

"Jingren, what do you think about me personally going over to supervise the battle?"

(End of this chapter)

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