Datang: What's wrong with my fief being a billion points larger?

Chapter 309: Li Jing's retreat from the current situation, Li 2's shock and helplessness

Chapter 309: Li Jing's retreat from the current situation, Li Er's shock and helplessness
Li Er was very unhappy, not happy at all, very unhappy, and very dissatisfied with Li Jing.

He had been very happy with Li Jing before. After the two countries were destroyed in succession, the border threat of the Tang Dynasty was completely eliminated, which allowed him to let go and deal with Li Yuanji next.

However, Li Jing was unwilling to continue leading the army to fight against Li Yuanji, and Li Er's dissatisfaction gradually reached its peak.

Upon hearing this, Li Jing stood up and bowed.

"Your Majesty, I am old, and especially after these two battles, I feel extremely powerless.

I am old and can no longer lead the army for Your Majesty. I want to retire and resign from all my positions. Please allow me to do so."

"Ha ha!"

Li Er laughed when he heard this. His laugh was very loud and sarcastic.

He saw that Li Jing just didn't want to fight Li Yuanji. All his excuses about being old, incapable, and unable to continue leading the troops in battle were lies.

Li Jing himself has made considerable contributions and can be regarded as a famous general of the time. Now he has first destroyed the Eastern Turks and then the Tuyuhun. His reputation has reached its peak. He wants to retreat while the tide is turning. He is even more unwilling to fight Li Yuanji for fear of disadvantage to himself.

Li Er knew very well what Li Jing was thinking. He was afraid that his reputation would be ruined in his later years, that his reputation would overshadow his, Li Er's, and that Li Er would not be able to tolerate Li Jing.

What else could Li Er say? Li Jing was not his confidant after all. Li Jing was loyal to the Tang Dynasty and whoever was the emperor he was loyal to. Now that Li Jing had no regrets and wanted to retire, what else could Li Er do?
This is also the reason why Li Er ridiculed Li Jing. He was unwilling to believe him. It was because he came to the position illegitimately. He couldn't bring himself to take action against Li Yuanji, the legitimate son of the Tang Dynasty's retired emperor.

Li Er looked at Li Jing and spoke slowly.

"Since the pharmacist is unwilling, I will not force him.

Don't talk about resigning anymore. I will reward you for your achievements in destroying the Eastern Turks and Tuyuhun when we return to Chang'an. I will hold a celebration banquet for you then!"

After Li Er finished speaking, he left.

He wanted to resign, but he was unwilling to do so, especially now that Li Jing had the merit of first destroying the Eastern Turks and then destroying Tuyuhun. If he really agreed, how would the people of the world and the civil and military officials in the court think of him? Was Li Er so intolerant?
Others had just solved the foreign threat for the Tang Dynasty, and he turned around and agreed to Li Jing's resignation. In the eyes of the world, it was not Li Jing who resigned voluntarily, but he, the emperor of the Tang Dynasty, was short-sighted and forced Li Jing to resign.

The topic of his illegitimate position will be brought up again, and he will be criticized by people all over the world.

Now that Li Jing used this method to force him, just because he didn't want to fight with Li Yuanji, Li Er generously satisfied him.

Li Er just didn't believe it. Without Li Jing, could he not defeat Li Yuanji by leading the army alone?
Without Li Jing, would the Tang Dynasty be unable to wage war against foreign enemies?

This time, he wanted to let the people of the world see that Li Jing had made such great contributions, and not only would he not be suspicious, but he would also bestow generous rewards on him. He also wanted to let Li Jing see that the Tang Dynasty did not need a famous general like him!
He, Li Er, is the most capable general in the Tang Dynasty!
After Li Er left, Li Jing sighed helplessly. He didn't want this to happen, but in his eyes, Li Er was pressing him step by step.

From a realistic perspective, Li Jing thought that his achievements were too great. He first destroyed the Eastern Turks and then destroyed Tuyuhun. Both times he was the leader and the commander. This was not just the achievement of destroying a country, but also the clearing of border threats for the Tang Dynasty.

He is almost overwhelmed by such a great achievement. The saying "his achievements are greater than his master's" is not just talk.

The greater Li Jing's authority and reputation in the army, the more rest assured Li Er would be. Even if Li Er promised him, Li Jing would not dare to believe it or take the risk.

Bet with the emperor that he won’t change?

Li Jing has experienced too much and has a thorough understanding of many things. It would be foolish for him to believe what Li Er said. If he does not retreat now, the lives of his entire family may be at stake.

The emperor's words are the least credible and the most fickle.

Precisely because of his great contributions, Li Jing made up his mind not to get involved in military power. No matter what Li Er said, he could not get involved and could get away with it.

As for sending troops to Li Yuanji, Li Jing didn't think much about it. Now Li Yuanji had not been defined as a rebel. In fact, they knew all those things, but they just didn't say it out loud.

He was not Li Er's confidant. In his eyes, the war with Li Yuanji was a civil war in the Tang Dynasty and a dispute over the throne. Li Jing did not want to get involved in such a thing.

He did not choose to take sides between Li Jiancheng and Li Er, and he would not choose to take sides between Li Er and Li Yuanji now.

Moreover, Li Yuanji has destroyed many countries. It is precisely because of Li Yuanji that the small countries outside are now gradually beginning to use the Tang people's name when calling them.

The name "Tang people" is the most convincing recognition of the Tang Dynasty, which is why those outsiders call it that. This represents that in the eyes of those small countries outside, the Tang Dynasty has gradually surpassed the Han Dynasty. The Tang Dynasty's momentum is too great.

All of these were achieved by Li Yuanji through his hard work in Lingnan for the Tang Dynasty.

Li Er and Li Yuanji, as well as their respective confidants, were separated from each other and not seen squarely together, but in Li Jing's heart, both sides were people of the Tang Dynasty and belonged to the Tang Dynasty.

The reputation of the Tang Dynasty now spread far and wide, and it was all won by Li Yuanji. Now they have destroyed the Eastern Turks and Tuyuhun. Li Yuanji and Li Er, one in the south and one in the north, are perfect in Li Jing's mind.

But Li Er could not tolerate Li Yuanji. He could not let Li Yuanji live and threaten his position. It was all for that position.

Li Jing sighed for a while and stopped thinking about it. Now he just wanted to retire and didn't want to care about anything else. Let it be whatever happens. Anyway, the Tang Dynasty will not perish.

Regardless of whether Li Er or Li Yuanji wins, it will still be the Tang Dynasty. On the contrary, after the two decide the winner, the territory of the Tang Dynasty will undergo a comprehensive change. Li Yuanji's fiefdom is so large that it is almost catching up with the territory of the Tang Dynasty. Once merged, the Tang Dynasty will expand rapidly.

Li Jing also admired Li Yuanji very much. When Li Yuanji was in Chang'an, he really didn't know that Li Yuanji had such ability. Especially when Li Yuanji first went to Lingnan, everyone was not optimistic about him and thought that Li Yuanji and Li Jiancheng were plotting something.

But as time passed, Li Yuanji developed better and better. Until now, Li Jing couldn't believe that all this was done by Li Yuanji. It was unbelievable to think about it.

Not only him, everyone was shocked by Li Yuanji. In just a few years, Lingnan was developed into what it is today. No one has ever achieved this from ancient times to the present.

But Li Yuanji did it. This was also a fight between Li Er and Li Yuanji, and there were actually not many people involved.

Except for Li Er's original confidants and those he conquered later, most people were actually just waiting and watching.

Having seen so many miracles in Li Yuanji, they really couldn't believe that Li Er could pacify Li Yuanji.

Li Er came out of Li Jing angrily and immediately called Li Ji and others together.

"The army has rested for two months, which is enough. Now you go down and prepare. The army will set out in ten days and head south!"

Li Er didn't say anything extra and directly ordered the army to start moving.

When the time came to two days before the camp was to be broken, Li Er looked at the map, thinking about how to launch the attack.

Now the marching route and supply route have been determined, but there is still a lot to do later.

Just as Li Er frowned and thought, Li Junxian walked in with a panicked look on his face. "Your Majesty, something terrible has happened!"

Li Er's sharp eyes immediately looked over and examined Li Junxian.

"what's up?"

Li Er was very solemn. He had expected that it must be no trivial matter, as Li Junxian was like this.

Combined with the current situation here, the only problem is with Wei Qingzhi and Niu Jinda, and it is a big problem.

"Your Majesty, Wei Qingzhi and Niu Jinda died in battle!
Wei Qingzhi was beheaded by King of Qi Li Yuanji, and Niu Jinda was beheaded by Su Dingfang!
Nearly 200,000 troops were defeated in one battle, tens of thousands were killed, and more than 100,000 were captured.

In this battle, the King of Qi used unprecedented firearms that could fly across the sky, be launched from places invisible to the naked eye, fly into the air, and then explode among the army.

In addition, the King of Qi’s cannon is also different from ours. It has a longer range, at least more than twice the range of our artillery, and its power is far greater than our existing artillery.

At the same time, the firearms in the Qi Wang army are also very different from ours. Not only are they different in appearance, but they have a longer range, are more accurate, and can reload faster than ours!"

After listening to this, Li Er's eyes gradually widened and he looked at Li Junxian in shock.

Wei Qingzhi and Niu Jinda died? An army of nearly 200,000 men was defeated in one battle? All of them were gone?

However, before he could recover from all this, Li Er was terrified when he heard the last part. Firearms flying in the sky? The range of the cannon was twice as long as his current one? And the power was even greater? Did the musket also change?
At this moment, even Li Er was still a little dazed. The impact of this news on him was too great.

Li Er really couldn't imagine how all this happened. How long had it been? How long had it taken him to destroy Tuyuhun?
Wei Qingzhi and Niu Jinda have nearly 200,000 troops. Can't they hold out for even a few months?
Li Er had never thought that he would be defeated so badly by Li Yuanji and be unable to fight back.

Even in Dongzhou Prefecture and Andong Prefecture, the situation was not like the current one. At that time, Li Yuanji's army had the advantage in numbers. Now, his army has an absolute advantage in numbers.

Li Er was stunned. The impact of this news on him was really too great.

After a while, Li Er gradually came to his senses, filled with anger. He did not care about the deaths of Wei Qingzhi and Niu Jinda. Now he just wanted to know how this battle was fought and why it turned out like this.

"Go, find out the details of this battle for me! Go quickly!"

Li Junxian walked out immediately, and Li Er began to vent his anger alone. He was well-mannered and would not get angry easily. Even if he was defeated, he could accept it, but he really could not accept such a defeat.

"Wei Qingzhi, Niu Jinda, I trust you so much, is this how you repay me?

200,000 troops, Li Yuanji only has a little over 100,000 troops, and you were able to destroy 200,000 troops in one battle, it is really a great shame!"

After a moment of anger, Li Er thought about the firearms that Li Junxian mentioned, and Li Er's heart became even heavier.

He had just obtained the firearms technology from Li Yuanji through Li Yuan, but now he was told that what he obtained was only what Li Yuanji had already eliminated? Li Yuanji had so many firearms that were better than his?

Li Er was very upset at the moment. He suddenly realized that he seemed to have been set up by Li Yuanji!

He did obtain the firearms technology, but it was all what Li Yuanji no longer wanted. What was the price he paid?
All the hidden pieces that Li Yuan had arranged before and what he had obtained at a price were gone. In order to steal this technology, all those people were exposed.

All the secret points of the Hundred Cavalry Division that he had arranged in Lingnan were arrested without exception. All the Jinyiwei under Li Yuanji were arrested. His arrangements in Lingnan for nearly two years were all turned into nothing.

It seems that he has gained a lot, but he has also paid a lot. The casualties of the Hundred Cavalry Division and Li Yuan's hidden players have left Li Yuanji with no one he can mobilize.

But now it seems that what we got in return is nothing but ships?

Now Li Yuanji has the latest one, which he doesn’t know about, and it completely crushes what he already has in all aspects.


Whether it is hybrid rice or corn, cultivation takes time. If Li Er wants to develop those two things throughout the Tang Dynasty, he has calculated that it will take more than ten years, so forget it.

What Li Er is worried about now is Li Yuanji's firearms. How long has it been since he made a new one?

You have to know that these firearms were unknown to those people before, which means that Li Yuanji made these firearms after that incident.

Li Er couldn't believe it, but now he had to believe it.

While Li Er was worried, two days passed and Li Er still led his army to move south.

Even though Li Yuanji now had new firearms, Li Er knew very well that after such a great battle, Li Yuanji would certainly suffer heavy losses.

Moreover, he didn't believe that the ammunition for firearms would not be exhausted in a war of that scale. Even if there was any surplus, it would definitely not be much.

This time he wanted to see with his own eyes what Li Yuanji had become now.

If he had the chance, he would destroy Li Yuanji in Tubo with lightning speed.

If there is no chance, the worst that can happen is that we can fight again later.

He just didn't believe it. What Li Yuanji had now, and the large population of the Tang Dynasty, couldn't he get it done?

During the march, Hou Junji arrived hurriedly.

The moment Li Er looked at Hou Junji, he already knew the result.

"Your Majesty, I am incompetent. I was defeated outside the city of Pibo, and more than half of my troops were killed."

Li Er understood in his heart that it was just as he expected.

Li Er was tired at the moment. An army of 200,000 had been defeated in a battle before him. Li Er suddenly could accept the defeat at the hands of Hou Junji.

However, after understanding clearly how he was defeated, Li Er's heart began to waver again.

In this battle, neither side used firearms. It was the Tuyuhun army led by Hou Junji that was defeated head-on by Li Yuanji's army.

Li Er was very melancholy. He didn't know whether he should praise Li Yuanji's army for being too powerful or the Tuyuhun army for being too weak.

(End of this chapter)

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