Datang: What's wrong with my fief being a billion points larger?

Chapter 321: The Second Western Expedition Army, the Last Trust in the Royal Guards

For several days in a row, Li Yuanji was in a very good mood because the war with Liu Rengui was going really well.

Only ten days later, Liu Rengui sent another urgent military report, saying that Liu Rengui was personally leading a large army and was approaching the capital of Srivijaya.

"Very good, Liu Rengui is now quite good at fighting. He used the terrain to annihilate 80,000 enemy troops in one battle and completely wiped out the main force of Srivijaya.

The situation there is now completely worry-free. It all depends on how long Liu Rengui needs to quell the remaining resistance forces in Srivijaya."

Originally, this period of time would have been a heavy one for Li Yuanji as he had to deal with various affairs and make various preparations. However, he did not expect that Liu Rengui would send back good news one after another, which made Li Yuanji in a very good mood.

“Your Majesty, Liu Rengui’s leadership ability is outstanding, and the conquest of Srivijaya is inevitable.

But after Liu Rengui conquered Srivijaya, did he return to rest or head directly to the Bay of Bengal?"

After hearing this, Li Yuanji fell into deep thought. The next move of Liu Rengui's army was crucial, but also very tricky.

Because Liu Rengui's army has experienced a series of major battles. Although it is about to win, it must rest after the continuous fighting.

If it is a small battle going directly to the northeast of the Arabian Sea, it will not matter. But once the next major war starts, there will definitely be no rest for a year or two, and the army will become a tired army.

However, if they rest, they will not be able to join forces with Xie Shufang and Wei Yunqi's army to attack the Jie Ri Dynasty and the surrounding countries in time. And even if they rest, how to rest is very important.

Li Yuanji weighed the issue for a long time, and finally spoke slowly.

“Send an imperial edict to Liu Rengui, after conquering Srivijaya, leave 20,000 troops in Srivijaya to maintain order and wipe out the remaining forces in Srivijaya.

Liu Rengui led the rest of the army to rest on the spot. After a month's rest, he sent back some ships to join the West Sea Fleet where Yuwen Bao was, and escorted the army to the waters of Sindh, Metraka and Rata to eliminate all the naval forces around the sea.

Any navy operating in that sea area, no matter who it belongs to, must not be spared.

After clearing the navy, immediately choose a country to land and capture it.

At the same time, you will pass all the plans for this Western Expedition to Liu Rengui. He will decide how to fight next, but you must write back to me!"

"Jingren, you will select officials here and go to Srivijaya to preside over the development of Srivijaya.

Remember, you must be a man of iron and blood. The three Buddhas believe in Buddhism. If you can manage through this, then do so. If not, implement an iron and blood policy! "

Li Yuanji made the decision and acted decisively without any hesitation.

The Western Expedition was a must, and Liu Rengui's army had to rush there as soon as possible. When he personally led the army there, he would concentrate his forces to destroy the armies of the various countries over there, so as to achieve the goal of quickly ending the Western Expedition.

As for the governance of Srivijaya, Li Yuanji no longer has that much patience.

The battle with Li Er is imminent, and he doesn't want to take it slow as before. For those real aliens, either they obey or Li Yuanji will make them disappear completely.

Cen Wenben wrote down Li Yuanji's instructions one by one, and then said: "In this case, I will deliver a batch of supplies to Liu Rengui's army for subsequent operations."

Li Yuanji shook his head after hearing this.

"Just send some necessary supplies and firearms over. For other supplies, tell Liu Rengui to collect them directly from Srivijaya, Luoyue and other countries.

After reaching the Harsha Dynasty, the necessary supplies can also be directly seized from the surrounding countries."

Now that we have won the battle, it is time to divide the fruits of victory. All the money paid in these wars must be taken back from the defeated countries. Otherwise, wouldn't this war become a losing business?
As for the governance of these places, let's talk about it after all the wars are over. Now he doesn't have the time, energy, or financial resources to develop governance.

He has occupied other places for a long time and has already established foundations. If he tries to govern these new places now, if his war does not go smoothly or if it becomes a protracted war, all his current efforts will probably be wasted.

Cen Wenben agreed to all of them. In his heart, he also agreed to do so. The situation was different now and he could no longer make arrangements as before.

"By the way, have you expanded the factory that I asked you to expand before?"

Li Yuanji was also concerned about this matter. All the factories that were expanded this time were arsenals, just to enable the rapid production of rifles and artillery.

"Your Majesty, the factories have all been expanded. Leizhou Prefecture has added seven, Guangzhou Prefecture has added five, Nanzhou Prefecture has added five, Liuzhou Prefecture has added six, Jiaozhou Prefecture has added five, Yuezhou Prefecture has added five, Lüzhou Prefecture and Songzhou Prefecture have added two each, Yunzhou Prefecture has added two, Taizhou Prefecture, Xizhou Prefecture, Wuzhou Prefecture, and Zhenzhou Prefecture have added two each.

New factories in various places are under construction and are expected to be completed within a month. According to the schedule, it should be almost done. The seven new factories in Leizhou Prefecture have been completed.

But if we want to put it into use, we still need to wait because there are not enough machines. I have asked the Firearms Bureau and the Iron Bureau. Now, in order to produce newly developed firearms and artillery shells, we need the machine tools developed by the Scientific Research Institute.

Now the Iron Bureau is stepping up smelting. It is estimated that Leizhou Prefecture and Guangzhou Prefecture will be put into use within a month. The time in other places will be longer. It should take about five months at the latest to start production.

Not only the newly added factories, but also the previous ones, all need to be reinstalled, otherwise they will not be able to produce the current firearms and shells. "

Cen Wenben was very helpless. The research institute and the firearms bureau were progressing too fast. Now that so many factories had been suddenly expanded, the required machines could not be put in place at once.

The time he estimated now can only be achieved after the scale of the Iron Bureau is expanded again.

According to Li Yuanji's decision, the newly added ironware bureaus are also called steel mills, but these steel mills are under the ironware bureau.

Li Yuanji regarded these matters as so important and urgent. Cen Wenben was well aware of the importance of these factories, but although he knew it, he was really trying his best to add more of them.

He arranged the necessary money, materials, and manpower at the first opportunity. Not only did he set hard targets for each government office, he also sent inspectors to ensure that each government office implemented these matters as soon as possible.

The importance of firearms has been proven in previous wars. Now we need to create more advanced firearms. Cen Wenben is also anxious, but there is no point in being anxious.

Just as Cen Wenben thought, Li Yuanji also knew that no matter how urgent the matter was, there was really no way to solve it.

The preparation for industry was done step by step. In addition, he now has to upgrade various industries. How could he reach the peak in a short period of time?

But Li Yuanji knew it, but there were some things that could not wait.

"Jingren, you must personally keep an eye on this matter. In addition to ensuring that the population of the prefectures of those prefectures reaches 50,000 as soon as possible, this matter is the most important. Make sure to deliver those machines to the various factories as soon as possible. Once the improvement of firearms is completed, production must begin at full capacity.

This time, we must have those new firearms in order to end the expedition as soon as possible and prepare for the war with Li Er."

This was Li Yuanji's bottom line. Even if the army could not be equipped with firearms to end the war as soon as possible, even if the army could not be equipped with firearms before the Western Expedition.

According to Li Yuanji's idea, after returning from the Western Expedition, the factory's production capacity would be almost at its maximum, and the entire army would begin to be re-equipped when they return.

Before mature hot weapons were available, only cold weapons could be used. But now that mature hot weapons were available, Li Yuanji didn't want to play with cold weapons with Li Er.

Thinking of this, Li Yuanji suddenly remembered something and suddenly looked at Cen Wenben.

"All these factories will be guarded by soldiers, and entry and exit will be controlled. If any of these confidential technologies are leaked out again, I will really kill them all!"

Every failure is a learning experience. Li Yuanji doesn't want the same thing to happen again.

Although Li Er obtained these technologies, he still needed to lay the industrial foundation for production, otherwise the production capacity would not be able to keep up. It would take several years for Li Er to have people research them and prepare for industry. However, Li Yuanji would never allow the technology to be leaked again.

Because of the vast territory of the Tang Dynasty, its depth is too large. If the enemy attacks from time to time, this battle will take at least several years. By then, if Li Er really has to change his clothes, it will be really difficult to fight.

Li Yuanji didn't want to cause trouble for himself.

"Don't worry, Your Majesty. I have already made arrangements for this. Every factory is under strict control and we will never let the last incident happen again."

Cen Wenben could think of all these. After being tricked by Li Er once before, everyone was now on guard.

Li Yuanji nodded, and after Cen Wenben left, Li Yuanji called Yang Jianhe.

"Send out all the Jinyiwei, and every factory should have Jinyiwei guarding it.

At the same time, don’t keep Li Er’s Hundred Cavalry Division here any longer, arrest all of them.

In addition, you should take my token and go to the Customs Bureau and ask them to cooperate with your Royal Guards to conduct strict inspections on all entry and exit of the country.

All border areas, as well as post stations, inns, restaurants and other places where outsiders often go, are also subject to strict inspections.

For those outsiders, once the Jinyiwei finds a suspicious person but has no substantial evidence, I will give you the privilege this time to arrest and interrogate him first.

But after the shop is caught, it must be reported and archived.

This time, I believe in the ability of the Jinyiwei, but you can't let me down. If this matter can't be handled well, I will find someone else to lead the Jinyiwei!"

This time, Li Yuanji gave a death order to Yang Jianhe, and it was also the time to comprehensively test the capabilities of the Jinyiwei. If the Jinyiwei, who had been trained with so much money, still could not make Li Yuanji trust them, then there was no need for these Jinyiwei to exist.

Yang Jianhe's heart was heavy, he also knew that this was the last trust Li Yuanji gave to him and the Jinyiwei. If he failed to do well, he would only die, and the Jinyiwei would even cease to exist.

This was something Yang Jianhe did not want to see. He was not afraid of his own death, but the formation of the Jinyiwei was entirely his own responsibility, even though the core team of the Jinyiwei was composed of Li Yuanji's personal troops and Li Yuanji had told him a lot about it.

Yang Jianhe didn't want the Jinyiwei to disappear just like that. Almost all his efforts were put into the Jinyiwei.

"Please rest assured, Your Majesty. The Royal Guards will not let you down! If the Royal Guards fail in their duties, I will bring my head to see Your Majesty!"

Yang Jianhe raised his hands, bowed and took the token from Li Yuanji, expressing his determination.

Looking at Yang Jianhe's departing back, Li Yuanji also smiled. He was very clear about the capabilities of the Jinyiwei. In fact, it was now very complete and very strong.

The last incident was also because he was not in Haikang. At that time, the Jinyiwei was not yet well-established, and the focus was on him, which allowed Li Er and Li Yuan's people to take advantage of the opportunity.

Now here, which is the home ground of the Jinyiwei, he believes that Yang Jianhe can do it.

What I just said to Yang Jianhe was just to put pressure on Yang Jianhe. It depends on whether Yang Jianhe can lead the Jinyiwei to withstand this pressure.

A few more days passed, and Li Yuanji opened the system. The tasks on the system were finally shown as completed, and his contribution points had now reached a huge number of 360,000.

Li Yuanji's face was full of smiles, and then he looked at the new task: How can one develop a fiefdom without a leading city? He needed to build five large cities, with a population of 200,000 and an economy of 2 million taels of silver. Upon completion, he would receive 500,000 contribution points.

Li Yuanji looked at the task and fell into deep thought. Five cities with a population of 200,000 were needed. Currently, only Haikang and Panyu could meet this requirement.

As for the other requirement, the economy, that is, the GDP, must reach two million taels. Hikvision and Panyu have already achieved it.

No matter which other city it is, it is much worse.

Thinking about these two conditions, Li Yuanji pondered where to choose the other three cities.

In his opinion, this task was difficult, but not that difficult. After all, Hikang and Panyu had already achieved it. It was nothing more than picking three more cities, spending money, and concentrating various trades.

Moreover, once this task is completed, it will be 500,000 contribution points. This is the first time Li Yuanji has seen a single task reach 500,000 contribution points. He will not let it go no matter what.

To complete this task, how to select the remaining three cities becomes the key, and these three cities almost have to be selected from the original five prefectures of Lingnan and Yuezhou Prefecture.

Because only these six prefectures have a natural foundation.

Among these six prefectures, Li Yuanji did not even consider Liuzhou Prefecture. Although roads have been built, water transportation is being dredged and canals are being dug, some roads have not yet been opened.

The key point is that Liuzhou Prefecture is not near the sea, so it has no advantage in maritime trade.

Li Yuanji asked someone to bring a map and looked at it carefully. He had to be cautious with these three places because these three places must have certain advantages so that he could operate them to not only increase the population but also the economy to meet the requirements.

Li Yuanji looked for a long time and finally decided on these three places. (End of this chapter)

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